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20 things that may happen in the cultural tourism industry in 2021,A new era is coming

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Yan Xiangjun2020-12-31

We have to face it, are you ready?
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2020 COVID-19 Epidemic,Suddenly cut off the development process of tourism,In this historical gap,We all realize,For the tourism industry,A new era is coming。

2021,“How far is it?"Becoming an industry question and a question of the century,Becoming blurry and heavy。

2021,We still have to pay attention to the distance,Focus on those who will、Possibly、What may have happened。

How far is it?

In November 2020, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and other ten ministries and commissions "Opinions on Deepening "Internet + Tourism" to Promote the High-Quality Development of the Tourism Industry",The expression is: "By 2022,The total number of tourist receptions and tourism consumption nationwide will return to pre-COVID-19 levels...by 2025,The total number of tourists received nationwide and the scale of tourism consumption have increased significantly,The attraction and influence on overseas tourists have been significantly enhanced。”

This is the latest and clearest official judgment on the prospects of the tourism industry,Domestic tourism market will fully recover by 2022;The inbound tourism market will not be fully revitalized until 2025,That is five years later!

Under estimation at this important time node,The macro trend prediction of China’s tourism industry in 2021 may become apparent,Especially in the context of the reconstruction or even rebirth of the tourism industry,Prediction at the technical level may be more realistic,Perhaps refer to the guidelines in the "Opinions on Deepening "Internet + Tourism" to Promote High-Quality Development of the Tourism Industry",You can imagine what will or may happen in 2021。

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"Develop and issue guidelines and related requirements for the construction of smart tourist attractions,Clear online appointment booking、Reservation tour by time period、Traffic Monitoring、Scientific guidance diversion、Contactless service、Construction specifications for intelligent tour guides,Implement “limited quantity”、Reservation、Peak shifting” requirement。All state-owned tourist attractions should provide online reservation services before the end of 2021。”

This is the only tourism industry policy ever implemented in less than a year,Keep adding more money,Fast advance,This is the reservation system for scenic spot tickets。Almost certainly,Under its leadership,The era of China’s travel reservations in 2021 is rapidly approaching。

September 2020,Taishan Scenic Area and Meituan signed a cooperation agreement,The core is "taking ticket reservation as the basis for cooperation",Taishan Scenic Area hands over ticket reservation and traffic entrance to Meituan。

The scenic spot information market with ticket reservation as the core will expand rapidly in 2021,The informatization of scenic spots reaches its peak。Scenic spot reservation channel revenue management and application of big data and other technical means to monitor crowd gatherings in small areas may become a hot topic in technology applications。The battle for formal scenic spot gates and invisible reservation channels has further intensified。Will pull the museum、Cultural Center、Art museums and other public cultural facilities simultaneously implement online reservation services。With scenic spots、Mainly tickets for cultural facilities and other facilities,Building a huge base of destination products online,Provides prerequisites and possibilities for online destination product organization。Further differentiated combinations of scenic area product channels,Do not rule out the creation of new business models and market opportunities。

The second thing that will happen,The formation of middle-aged and elderly customers in online tourism

“On the basis of reserving offline services for special groups such as the elderly,Support the development of specialized applications and interfaces for tourism public service platforms,Optimize user experience。”

 "As of June 2020,The number of Internet users in my country is 9.4 billion,Internet penetration rate reaches 67.0%。

As of June 2020,20-29 years old、The proportion of Internet users aged 30-39 is 19.9%、20.4%,Higher than other age groups;The proportion of Internet users aged 40-49 is 18.7%;The proportion of Internet users aged 50 and above increased from 16 in March 2020.9% increased to 22.8%,The Internet further penetrates into middle-aged and elderly people。”——The 46th “Statistical Report on China’s Internet Development”。

“March to June 2020,The number of middle-aged and elderly Internet users nationwide increased by 61 million,The total number of people increased to 2.1.4 billion。Just three months,Achieved the age gap that could not be achieved in the first ten years。

“Epidemic、Health Code、Home online shopping,For middle-aged and elderly people who were not keen on online life in the past,Forced to join the Internet army,The Internet claims to be a new infrastructure,Unprepared for this。”——Wu Xiaobo Channel “Surge of 61 million middle-aged and elderly Internet users in 3 months,The Internet is also confused》。

On the one hand, we must provide offline convenience for the elderly,Bridging the digital divide;On the other hand,More to see,Although it is "forced by the situation",People over fifty can also book travel products online by themselves,Instead of children doing it for you。Only three months,This group of people increased by 61 million!

2021,People based on ticket reservation,The middle-aged and elderly customer base for online travel is rapidly expanding。Middle-aged and elderly customers in traditional travel agency offline stores may be diverted。OTA and travel agencies with online travel advantages should launch product categories targeting middle-aged and elderly people,Especially the combination of tickets and other products,Including "ticket reservation" service。

The third thing that will happen is that stimulating consumption is the main theme of tourism

“…using “Internet+” as a means,On the basis of adhering to normalized epidemic prevention and control,Promote tourism production methods、Service method、Management model innovation,Enrich tourism product formats,Expand tourism consumption space,Cultivation of core competitiveness that adapts to the new characteristics of mass tourism consumption,Promote the high-quality development of my country’s tourism industry。”

September 2020,Shandong Province launches policy: Jinan citizens can apply for Mount Taishan annual tourist pass for 100 yuan per person;Citizens 188bet app of 8 cities in the province enjoy the same-city treatment of Jinan Park Annual Pass。

December 2020,Guangzhou City distributes free 3 items to foreign tourists coming to Guangzhou.50,000 24-hour cards "Guangzhou City Travel Card"。“Guangzhou City Travel Card” integrates and optimizes public transportation、Scenic Area、Hotel、Travel agency、Catering、Multiple resources such as shopping venues facilitate tourists to travel freely。"Guangzhou City Travel Card (24-hour Card)" allows unlimited rides on the Guangzhou city subway within 24 hours from the first activation,And take Guangzhou bus 10 times,Card holders can enjoy travel discounts。

2021,The main theme of cultural tourism institutions at all levels in various places to revitalize the tourism market is to stimulate consumption。Discount on tickets for scenic spots in Yiyi、After the implementation of the first wave of policies, price reduction or even free of charge,Most of the second wave of measures and strategies will focus on organizing discounts for tourism products, especially cross-border products,For example, destination travel card。The development and design of destination product organizations such as destination travel cards will become a hot topic。Promotion and operation of regional destination products, especially those with the background of government stimulation of consumption, will create market space。from this,2019 may become the ceiling year for ticket prices in China’s tourist attractions,Ticket prices enter the downward channel from here,It even became the starting point for the era of ticket-based income in destinations。

The fourth thing that will happen is the fragmentation of the travel agency industry

"By 2025,The integration of "Internet + tourism" is deeper,Information technology represented by the Internet has become an important driving force for the development of tourism。Customized travel products and services relying on online platforms are becoming more popular。”

Although the documents of the ten ministries and commissions did not predict the recovery time of the outbound tourism market,However, according to the World Tourism Organization’s estimate that it will take two and a half to four years for the global tourism industry to return to pre-epidemic levels,It still makes people feel chilly。

Traditional travel agencies are the tourism enterprises most affected by the new coronavirus epidemic in the tourism industry,Under the weight of disaster,Almost no one is spared。in the country、When outbound and inbound business cannot be carried out,Travel agencies have begun to furlough employees、Divert employees by dismissal and other methods,A large number of operators have left travel agency companies and even left the tourism industry,Trying to stay employed instead of resigning,Leave a backdoor and hope for businesses to return to business after the epidemic。Just think carefully,Wait until two years or even four years later,Can these businesses come back??Return to the original travel agency business?Return to the original travel agency business?

2021 and beyond,The travel agency industry may become “fragmented”。The scale of travel agencies has shrunk after the epidemic,And it is impossible for a large number of businesses to return in the short term;The development of online tourism provides a display and marketing platform for the tourism products of small and micro travel agencies, especially self-employed individuals,This was already a small scale before the epidemic;A large number of individual operators who are independent of travel agencies may become the organizers of destination tourism products in the future、Servers and providers,For example, providing destination vehicle driver and tour guide services for tourists、Destination travel photography plus scenic spot explanation services and providing tourists with Airbnb online "Learn to Make Beijing Zhajiang Noodles" destination experience products, etc.。These individual entrepreneurs can be called tourism product managers,It is a travel agency plan、Team leader、A mixture of tour guides, travel customizers and other professions。Lack of operating qualifications is the biggest problem facing this group,In the future, travel agencies and online travel companies can explore implementation models。

Also,A “membership-based” travel agency may be created,Through membership,Provide travel services for specific groups of people;May evolve into a regional research institution,Mainly provides study tour services for school students in the region;May become a product agent or marketing agent for scenic spots or regional destinations,For example, becoming an operator of “tourist cards” for regional destinations and a marketing agent for scenic spots;May become a team activity service provider,For example, for the annual meeting of the organization、Team building、Providing services for team activities such as training。

The above are possible,Driven by information technology,In the future, by 2025, an ecosystem will be formed in which "customized tourism products and services relying on online platforms will become more popular"。

The fifth thing that will happen,Destination experience products become mainstream

“Guide tourist attractions to develop digital experience products and popularize electronic maps of scenic spots、Line recommendation、Smart services such as audio guide。Build a number of world-class tourist attractions and resorts,Establish a model for smart tourist attractions。Promote the digital construction of rural tourism resources and products,Create a number of national smart tourism demonstration villages and towns。Support tourist attractions in using digital technology to fully display their distinctive cultural connotations,Actively build a digital museum、Digital exhibition hall, etc.,Improve travel experience。”

Technology can become a tourist attraction,Can also be used as a destination experience product。

A company called "Fengyan Technology" developed a mobile application called Clew,Visitors open the app at the destination: "Read stories while reading",The location via mobile map,Follow the storyline,Explore the offline scenes where the story takes place along the route。A complete user experience is like entering a time-travel drama with your mobile phone,The story is integrated with the space in which it is located。Future,Background music、Ambient lighting、The intervention of professional actors will make this experience richer and more real。”The most important thing is: the background story of the tour route can be “edited” in the background,That is, the story can be modified and updated,Even,Design a scene at the destination,Make "Guan Gong and Qin Qiong" a reality。

Coincidentally,Almost similar idea,Familiar taste,A grand online and offline interactive experience cultural tourism project - Wonderful Night Detian,Also appeared quietly at the Detian Waterfall Scenic Area on the China-Vietnam 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino border,As a specimen, you can observe it in depth。

The focus of these technology applications is experience,Create destination experience products。Traditional sound and light,Can dazzle tourists,Modern technology allows tourists to “immerse themselves”。If you expand your vision to a wider range:

Changsha super literary friends turn restaurants into scenic spots;

Guangzhou Zhengjia turns shopping malls into scenic spots;

Hangzhou Kaiyuan Senbo Resort turns the hotel into a scenic spot...

These phenomena of cross-border integration of tourism elements can be called destinationization。

2021,Destination experience products will become the mainstream of products,And destinationization and technology application will become the main paths for developing experience products。

The sixth thing that will happen,Peripheral travel is still an important part of the tourism market

“Carry out digital cultural tourism business cooperation promotion action,Promote the deep integration of online and offline tourism。”

Cultural venues are places for local residents,Tourism products are products for foreign tourists,Commercial facilities are facilities for local residents,Put these three together,Then it is aimed at “surrounding tours”。

Surrounding travel will still be an important part of the tourism market in 2021。

Product organization of peripheral travel、Operation method、The marketing model is very different from long-term tourism。

2021,There will be different competition patterns in the peripheral tourism market。

Meituan relies on the advantages of local life,Being in a relatively advantageous position in market competition,Will compete closely with Ctrip and other platforms in the peripheral travel combination products with scenic spot tickets as the core,Intensified competition。

Lianlian peripheral tour、Cost-friendly travel、Yunkezan and other peripheral travel platforms are quietly expanding,And the development model of opening branches and establishing urban sub-stations、The business models of social e-commerce sharing and proliferation all have the characteristics of peripheral tourism formats,That is, peripheral tourism is the peripheral tourism of local people,In terms of product form, cultural and tourism merchants also come together。2021,The destination should pay attention to the development of this force。

The surrounding tourism market is an important entry point for destination tourism groups,Whether the geographical advantages of the destination are used,It also depends on the mode and team。

Peripheral tour business is “tasteless” for travel agencies,The reason is simple element combination products with low added value such as hotels plus scenic spots。2021,Destination-specific experience products in peripheral tours and destination one-day tour products may become the direction of travel agency products。

The seventh thing that will happen,Few people mention "Ding Zhen" anymore

“Increase online tourism marketing efforts。Coordinate online and offline activities,Strengthen brand leadership,Implementing the National Tourism Promotion Quality Construction Project。Effectively integrate offline resources through the Internet,Summary and promotion of all-region tourism development experience model,Promote the construction of a number of world-class tourist cities。Develop the Great Wall、Grand Canal、Long March、Yellow River and other national cultural parks,As well as online promotion actions for important themed tourism such as the Silk Road,Create a number of world-class tourist routes。”

November 2020,Kamba man Ding Zhen “accidentally” became popular on the Internet,The destination pond is on fire。Like other travel internet celebrities in recent years,The destination agency and even the parties involved had the same reaction: Unexpected or unexpected。At the same time,Fujian Provincial Culture and Tourism Organization invited film and television star Yao Chen to "deliberately" create the tourism promotional video "Blessed to Meet", grandly launched,After causing ripples in the circle of friends,Return to peace。Compare the two,An “unintentional”,An "intentional"。

2020,What is popular in destination marketing is often unintentional,Instead of planting flowers with intention,The root cause is still a problem with the destination marketing system。

2021,We must “increase online tourism marketing efforts”,An intuitive indicator is the proportion of online marketing funds,At present, there may not be a province or city destination that exceeds 30%,More funds are still offline!Under the premise of tight financial funds in 2021,The proportion of online marketing funds may increase slightly。

2021,The premise of "Implementing the National Tourism Promotion Quality Construction Project" is the construction of the destination marketing system,Organization that wants to solve regional destination marketing、Mechanism、Team、Content and channels,There is a long way to go。

2021,To “effectively integrate offline resources through the Internet”,Instead of “continuing offline thinking and integrating the Internet”,For example, you can spend hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands to conduct offline promotional activities with OTA,But I can’t think of a marketing model to cooperate with OTA。2021,The way of thinking will be difficult to adjust。

2021,We hope to make a start in “creating a number of world-class tourist routes”,But it is extremely difficult。China’s inbound tourism development has been cut off,Inbound tourism promotion and marketing process、Mechanism、Channels and other channels have suffered great damage。2021,Rebuilding the inbound tourism marketing mechanism and structure is the foundation。

The eighth thing that will happen,The list of Internet service platforms will be lengthened

"Encourage tourist attractions、Tourist Hotel、Museums, etc. cooperate with Internet service platforms to build online flagship stores,Realize online ticket booking、Travel information display、Member Management、Coupon group purchase、Cultural and tourism creative product sales and other functions。”

2020,Except for the old flying pig、Outside of Ctrip,This kind of “Internet service platform” adds Douyin、Xiaohongshu, etc.。

2021,The list of Internet service platforms may be lengthened,You can follow WeChat store、Peripheral travel platforms, etc.。

2021,Cultural tourism companies should explore product organization and traffic sharing relationships between flagship stores,For example, between scenic spots and museums,Between the scenic spot and the hotel。Tourist hotels can consider cooperation with ticket reservations for scenic spots and museums that serve as traffic entrances。

The ninth thing that will happen,The online model of travel products is worth looking forward to

“Encourage e-commerce platforms to expand the 188bet online sports betting functions of “tourism + geographical indication products + Internet + modern logistics”,Expand online sales。Encourage the use of webcasting、Website special column、Online marketing methods such as mini programs,Recommending key villages and towns in rural tourism across the country、China’s beautiful leisure villages and rural leisure tourism boutique attractions routes。”

Hospitality of tourist destination Shandong,Also called “Onion Province” on the Internet,This is a tourism + geographical indication product。Tourism products should highlight the characteristics of the destination,Geographic indication products should highlight the characteristics of their origin,Most of the time the two overlap。A considerable part of tourism products in tourism shopping are geographical indication products。

The live broadcast activity sweeping the country,Especially the live streaming activities launched by government agencies,Most of the goods they carry are geographical indication products,Speaking of geographical indication products,Describe the destination,That is, the process of tourism promotion。Nowadays, large and small “agricultural products live broadcast centers” have appeared in various places、“E-commerce Center” and other institutional brands and teams,2021,These “centers” may also become tourism marketing channels。

However,There has never been a correct online operation model in the field of tourism products,And live broadcast activities focusing on geographical indication products and destinations,In fact, the online testing ground for "tourism + geographical indication products (tourism commodities)" has been opened。

2021,The biggest profit potential of rural tourism is tourism products (geographical indication products),The most direct manifestation of the poverty alleviation effect of tourism is tourism products (geographical indication products)。The online operation model of tourism products including geographical indication products is worth looking forward to,But a simple "+" will definitely not work。

The tenth thing that will happen,A third-party tourism marketing evaluation agency appears

“Support regions to establish scientific evaluation mechanisms for tourism marketing,Improve tourism marketing effectiveness。”

As the new coronavirus epidemic passes,Cultural and tourism management departments at all levels revitalize the tourism market,There is increasing pressure to stimulate tourism consumption,More and more attention is paid to destination promotion and marketing, especially the effectiveness of promotion and marketing。At the same time,Financial agencies at all levels are becoming more and more strict in their performance assessment of financial funds, especially tourism marketing financial funds that cannot be seen in kind。

Tik Tok short videos in the stage of stimulating travel motivation or “planting grass”,How to prove that tourists are attracted by videos,Proof that tourists spent a lot of money at the destination,Instead of taking a photo, punching in and leaving。

Ctrip in the travel product booking stage,How to prove that tourists are attracted to the destination by platform products,Instead of tourists who originally planned to come,I just booked tickets on Ctrip。

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite,Both of them describe the destination agency in the same way: because of marketing work,How much has the number of tourists received in a certain city increased。

2021,One possibility is the emergence of a third-party tourism marketing evaluation agency。

The eleventh thing that will happen,Destination tourism group’s digital operations reveal hidden dangers

“Adhere to market dominance。Respect the people’s pioneering spirit,Give full play to the decisive role of the market in resource allocation。Better play the role of the government,Strengthen top-level design,Innovation policy supply,Improve the supporting system,Optimizing the “Internet + Tourism” business environment。”

“China Tourism Group、OCT Group、Capital Tourism Group、Meituan、Caesar Group、Hebei Tourism Group、Shanxi Cultural Tourism Group、Dalian Haichang Group、Jinjiang Group、Ctrip Group、Fosun Tourism Group、Chunqiu Group、Jingyu Lvmama Group、Nanjing Tourism Group、Tongcheng Travel Group、Zhejiang Tourism Investment Group、Hangzhou Business Travel Group、Kaiyuan Tourism Group、Huangshan Tourism Group、Xiangyuan Group、Fujian Tourism Group、Shandong Guoxin Cultural Tourism、Jiangxi Tourism Group、Jianye Group、E Tourism Investment Group、Lingnan Group、Zhuhai Jiuzhou Holdings、Shaanxi Tourism Group。”——China Tourism Academy’s “2020 Top 20 China Tourism Group List”。

8 out of 20 eggs are "double yolk",That is, there are 28 group companies in the top 20 tourism groups,Among them, there are at least 14 provincial and municipal destination tourism groups,Half of the total。

2021,Destination state-owned tourism groups should become the main force in stimulating consumption,Under the rigid constraints of ticket prices for state-owned scenic spots,State-owned tourism groups may face revenue pressure from "tourism business"。The rapid accumulation of tourism resources in destinations does not mean an increase in tourism business income,In many cases it is even the opposite。

2021,The kitchen is ready,The raw materials are available,The seasoning is ready,There are even golden signs (such as the top 20),The next step is to cook delicious food,Sell to make money。State-owned scenic spots integrated by tourism groups and a large number of resorts opened in recent years、Cultural Tourism Town、The market operations of theme parks and other major tourism projects will face tests,Especially encountered obstacles in online tourism and digital operations,The focus is where to find professional operation team members,That is, where to find professional chefs。

2021,The lack of professional operation team in the era of gathering resources may be just a hidden danger,“Internet + Tourism” is the era of professional and sophisticated operations,Hidden dangers may become obstacles。

2021,Travel agencies are still in great difficulties,The brain drain, especially outside the tourism industry, continues。A realistic strategy that can be considered is that destination tourism groups should pay attention to and absorb excellent travel agency operators,They are in the tourism product organization、Has strong business and technical advantages in product promotion, marketing and even digital operations。

The twelfth thing that will happen,5G travel application has made a breakthrough

“Accelerate the improvement of the national all-region tourism demonstration area、National 5A tourist attraction、5G network coverage level in various key tourist areas such as national tourist resorts。”

If you rank the “staircase sound” of information technology applications in the tourism industry, 5G may be the first one,So far, there is no “hard-core” application that is needed in the 188bet online sports betting tourism industry,Only the sound of the stairs,No one came down。The so-called "hard core",It’s just that without 5G, we can’t do this job or expand into new fields,Like autonomous driving in the transportation field。

For example,Some people think that high-definition video live streaming in scenic spots is a 5G application,Even directly called "cloud tourism",But if “cloud tourism” really happens,Don’t come to the scenic spot,The scenic spot will definitely not be used!Then high-definition live broadcast is a promotional and marketing method,If so,Compared with high-definition promotional videos or even high-definition pictures, its advantages are not big。

Improving 5G network coverage level is a process,2021 is just the beginning。

2021,The application of 5G in the tourism industry may lead to breakthroughs in the creation of online and offline integrated experience products。

The thirteenth thing that will happen,A new political and business model emerges in “one-machine travel”

"Clarity the boundaries between government public services and market tourism information services,Encourage all regions to adopt a tourism public service platform operation model that combines government and market,Improve platform service performance,Achieve sustainable operation and development。”

In recent years, “one-machine travel” has become synonymous with destination informatization construction,Somewhat replacing the "smart tourism platform" posture。“One-stop travel” is old wine in new bottles,The earliest tourist destination information system can be traced back to the last century,Later developed into a tourist destination marketing system,If “smart tourism” becomes popular, will it become a smart tourism platform,In order to emphasize the characteristics of mobile Internet, it is also called "one-machine travel",However, it is more appropriate to call it a destination digital system or a tourism public service platform。

2021,Under the document requirements of “encouraging various regions to adopt a tourism public service platform operation model that combines government and market”,There may be more destination tourism groups participating in or operating tourism public service platforms,To "clarify the boundaries between government public services and market tourism information services",Of course it is also possible at the destination government agency、Destination Tourism Group、OTA and tourism companies are more entangled with each other。

A technical link that can be referred to is: under the rigid requirement of reservation system in state-owned scenic spots,You can jump to scenic spots in the region through the reservation system of the tourism public service platform、Official mobile website for cultural facilities and other facilities、Application、Mini programs, etc.,Reserve or book tickets,This is a typical government public service function。

If the reservation system of the tourism public service platform is directly connected to the only OTA platform reservation system or directly operates a market-oriented reservation system,This is using a public platform to cross the line and interfere in market operations;If the reservation function is completed through the reservation system of the tourism public platform,Also adopt universal principles to link to various online travel platforms and other booking channels,It can be regarded as “clarifying the boundaries between government public services and market tourism information services。”

2021,Tourism public services and market operations should not be used in the same pot,A new legal and compliant model should emerge。

The fourteenth thing that will happen, there is the second Qingcheng Mountain

"Push the parking lot、Tourism Distribution and Consultation Center、Visitor Service Center、Digital and intelligent transformation and upgrading of special tourist roads and internal guidance signage systems in scenic spots。Promote the construction of IoT sensing facilities,Strengthening tourism resources、Real-time monitoring and management of facilities, equipment and related human resources,Promote unmanned operations、Popularization and application of contactless infrastructure。”

“Regions should further expand tourism public service information collection channels,Effectively integrate culture and tourism、Public Security、Transportation、Related data information from meteorological and other departments,Comprehensive use of big data、Cloud computing and other technologies,Publish the real-time number of tourists to tourist attractions on the platform in a timely manner、Road travel、Weather warning and other information,Guide the optimal allocation of tourism resources。Promote the sharing of relevant data resources between the government and enterprises in accordance with laws and regulations。”

October 2020,Qingcheng Mountain-Dujiangyan Scenic Spot Official Weibo Name,Tourists using Amap to navigate to Qingcheng Mountain Scenic Area have incorrect positioning,Guide tourists to Qingcheng Qianshan to an area that has been closed for many years,Causing serious traffic congestion,Causing great trouble to tourists and scenic area management。Amap quickly replied,Because of poor communication in the past,Now optimized and fixed。

The Qingcheng Mountain Gaode navigation incident reflects the deep-seated problems of tourism public service information。The arrival of mobile Internet,The construction of the public service information system of China's tourism industry will soon surpass the era of foreign tourism consultation centers and tourism public service telephones,Quickly enter the era of network information services。But what comes with it,The emergence of tourism public information service system、Personnel、Mechanism、Information collection channels、Disconnection issues such as communication methods,Unable to cover the information needs of tourists throughout the process of leaving their place of residence and arriving at their destination,During this period, tourists were unable to identify an authoritative and unified consultation object,The originally envisioned national tourism consultation hotline 12301 has become a single complaint hotline,Municipal telephone number 12345 in various places cannot bear the tourism consultation function。

Amap is only responsible for the traffic information service function,Municipal telephone number 12345 in various places cannot bear the tourism consultation function。And "further broaden the channels for collecting tourism public service information,Effectively integrate culture and tourism、Public Security、Transportation、Relevant data information from meteorological and other departments” is a long way to go。

2021,Technologies and solutions for timely collection and release of real-time tourist numbers in tourist attractions are mature and widely used。

The fifteenth thing that will happen,Travel big data application stares at the health code

“Further standardize the construction of tourism big data centers in various regions,Establish a unified provincial data 188bet app standard and gradually promote it to the whole country,Realizing travel-related data integration and sharing,Leverage data comprehensive services and application performance。”

Talking about the application of tourism big data,Especially for applications in regional destinations,What is more difficult is the application of mobile communication big data in monitoring the number of tourists and source data,Other big data applications are mostly under exploration、Trial phase。

The emergence of the new coronavirus epidemic,Rapidly promote the application of big data in population flow monitoring,The target is accurate to the individual,Achieved in a few months a goal that the tourism industry could not achieve in several years。For population movement monitoring,The epidemic and tourism data needs are two sides of the coin,Tourism still only needs group data。

2021,No one is sure,Health codes based on big data applications can achieve unified standards for all provinces across the country。Then,I’m afraid the work on unified standards for tourism big data has just started。

2021,We hope to achieve breakthroughs in the application of health code big data in the tourism industry。

The sixteenth thing that will happen,Online travel platform is feasible and cherished

"Adhere to safety and order。Strengthen bottom-line thinking,Establish safety awareness,Strengthen the supervision of Internet tourism service platforms in accordance with laws and regulations,Building a secure line of defense for the integrated development of the Internet and tourism。Adhere to inclusive and prudent supervision,Relying on Internet technology to comprehensively improve tourism supervision and service levels,Promote the healthy and orderly development of the tourism market。”

December 2020,The Central Economic Work Conference pointed out: Anti-monopoly、Anti-unfair competition,Is to improve the socialist market economic system、Intrinsic requirements for promoting high-quality development。The state supports the innovative development of platform enterprises、Enhance international competitiveness,Support the common development of the public and non-public economies,At the same time, development must be regulated in accordance with the law,Sound number rules。It is necessary to improve the monopoly identification of platform companies、Data collection and use management、Legal regulations on consumer rights protection and other aspects。Regulations must be strengthened,Improve supervision capabilities,Resolutely oppose monopoly and unfair competition。

Interim Provisions on the Management of Online Tourism Operation Services promulgated and implemented in 2020: Article 15 Online tourism operators shall not abuse big data analysis and other technical means,Based on tourist consumption records、Travel preferences and other settings set unfair trading conditions,Infringement of tourists’ legitimate rights and interests。

2021,Internet travel service platforms will usher in a period of strengthened supervision in history,Unprecedented。

2021,Internet travel platforms may run into the regulatory muzzle in terms of abusing big data and monopoly,It is more likely to trigger public controversy,For online travel platforms during the recovery period of the tourism market,The damage is big enough。

2021,The greater the responsibility,The greater the responsibility,Do it and cherish it。

The seventeenth thing that will happen,Control unreasonable and low-priced tourism through technical means

“Encourage all regions to build a tourism market economic operation monitoring system based on big data,Real-time monitoring of regional tourism consumption trends,Establish a data-oriented policy adjustment mechanism。”

The latest case about unreasonable low-price travel is: November 2020,An internet celebrity on a short video platform sells a “6-day, 5-night Yunnan luxury tour for two people” for 299 yuan in the live broadcast room,Product suspected of unreasonable low price。

When these allegedly unreasonable low-priced gaming products are posted on Douyin、Today’s headlines、WeChat Moments、When Baidu search etc. appear,It’s too late to wait for tourists to complain,It is also very difficult for provincial and municipal cultural tourism law enforcement and supervision agencies to perform their duties across regions。

Online violations and violations,Information technology means should be used to supervise law enforcement。

2021,Tourism market monitoring and supervision based on big data is worth looking forward to,This should be the most urgently needed tourism big data application。

The eighteenth thing that will happen,Tourism statistics will still be controversial

“Innovative Tourism Statistics Application,Improve the timeliness of tourism statistics、Scientific and accurate。”

In the past few years,The “treatment” suffered by tourism statistics,Probably unique in the tourism industry,Statistics are questioned and tortured every three to five days,Especially after the Golden Week and the release of annual provincial data。After these doubts attracted attention and caused commotion in WeChat Moments,It will stop soon,The cycle will start again next time。And under normal circumstances,Relevant provincial and municipal cultural and tourism management agencies and the China Tourism Academy often remain silent,Just post a few more posts on the WeChat public account to popularize tourism statistics knowledge。

On the one hand,Many doubters do not have a deep understanding of the detailed operating specifications and processes of statistics at the national, especially provincial and municipal levels,I haven’t even read the “Tourism Statistics Survey System” carefully,Questioning is a bit blind。Never eaten pork,Didn’t even see a pig running,It is always bad to talk about things with sheep。On the other hand,The domestic tourism statistics work system is led by research institutions,Reach down to the provincial cultural and tourism management agencies,It is easy to run into the two-track road,Everyone minding his own business,Everyone speaks his own words。

2021,Tourism statistics, especially tourism market recovery data and loss data affected by the epidemic, may still be questioned。

2021,Big data application is the development direction of tourism statistics,Need more down-to-earth,Don’t rush for success and quick success。

2021,Just in time for the recovery of the tourism market after the epidemic,It may become the most appropriate time window for tourism statistics reform,The psychological cost and internal barriers are relatively small。

The nineteenth thing that will happen,The key area for the application of information technology in the tourism industry may be the Internet of Things、Big data、Cloud computing

“Adhere to technological empowerment。Promote 5G、Big data、Cloud computing、Internet of Things、Artificial 188bet online sports betting Intelligence、Virtual Reality、Augmented Reality、Popular application of revolutionary achievements of information technology such as blockchain,In-depth promotion of digitalization in the tourism field、Network、Intelligent transformation and upgrading,Cultivation and development of new business formats and new models,Promote the quality of tourism development、Efficiency and Power Transformation。”

Tourism is an industry based on interactive communication of information,Destination consumption characteristics of tourism products,The entire process of determining tourists’ travel activities relies on information interaction,Especially the information interaction between tourists and the destination tourism environment。

China’s tourism informatization development process does not strictly follow digitalization、Network、Intelligent and progressive,Quite a number of grassroots tourism enterprises and institutions and industry chain links have not yet completed the basic informatization process,The penetration rate of online tourism is still at a low level,At this stage,Calling slogans to develop artificial intelligence、Blockchain、5G etc.,A bit too ambitious。

2021,Technology that is closer to the nature of tourism information interaction at the current stage,Should have more application prospects。

2021,The application of information technology in tourism industry focuses on information,Content is the most important thing,rather than the technology itself。

The twentieth thing that will happen,Reform and upgrade of tourism vocational education major

"Guide tourism enterprises、Universities and colleges、Scientific research institutions establish an industry-university-research cooperation mechanism,Actively carry out application research and development supported by technological innovation,By holding various innovative and creative competitions at all levels,Improve the conversion rate of innovation results,Promote a number of excellent application cases and industry solutions。”

"Promote the construction of "Internet + Tourism" talent team,Accelerate the upgrading and digital transformation of relevant majors,Innovative training training model,Improving the incentive mechanism。”

“It is said that the former Soviet leader Khrushchev especially liked to comment on art,And I also like to give microscopic guidance to artists’ creations。A subordinate once tactfully advised him not to express his professional views in the field of art,To avoid “making a fool of yourself”。Khrushchev replied: "When I was an ordinary citizen,You say I don’t understand art;When I was governor,You still say I don’t understand art;I am now the Chairman of the Joint Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union,Don’t you understand art yet??”——Extracted from the Internet。

There seems to be no business “threshold” for tourism,There seems to be smooth sailing between the tourism industry branches,You can also use your mobile phone to wander back and forth between "travel" and "Internet"。Around tourism,There are many Khrushchev-style "understanding people"。

2021,I hope the tourism industry will have less Khrushchev complex。

2021,What is most important in tourism?It’s a talent!“Internet + tourism” requires a huge new industrial army!

Domestic tourism higher education is not an ivory tower,But like a peach blossom garden,Very "I don't know how many people there are",No matter the taste of Wei and Jin。

2020,In the draft for comments on the adjustment of the professional catalog of tourism vocational colleges,The hotel management major is adjusted to the hotel management and digital operation major,The catering management major is adjusted to the catering intelligent management major,Newly added smart tourism technology application major。“Internet + Tourism” is coming,The door is open。

Before,“Internet + Tourism” has opened two windows in domestic tourism vocational education。One is "tourism e-commerce direction",In terms of course settings,Either speaking about electronics (technology);Either we are talking about e-commerce (physical e-commerce),Including warehousing and logistics、Online store maintenance course;Or add some basic tourism courses,There are very few courses on tourism e-commerce integration and tourism information,For example, tourism information dissemination、Travel information editor、Tourism product organization, etc.,The overall impression of the course is that tourism e-commerce = opening an online store。

The other is "Big Data Technology and Application Major",It is to change the brand of electronic technology vocational education-related majors,Basically nothing to do with tourism。

2021,The cultivation of tourism vocational and technical talents, especially "Internet + tourism" talents, should focus on the application and content sides,Should focus on the tourism information itself。The embodiment of "Internet + tourism" in vocational education is not "Internet courses + tourism courses",That’s simple and crude,Straight-line thinking。

2021,Major in Tourism Vocational Education、The reform process of curriculum and training model will be accelerated,Tourism industry for new careers、New technology、The demand for new talents will increase,“Internet + Tourism” promotes changes in tourism vocational education。

Original title: "2021,How far is the distance - year-end special article》,Zhihui slightly edited the article。Author: Yan Xiangjun,Dean of Shandong Tourism Vocational College。More author opinions and articles,Please follow the WeChat public account "Weituo Yichu" (ID: cn12301)。

The source of this article is Zhihui, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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