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5A Scenic Area Author of this article: Liu Qiao 2021-11-06 11:33:58
Is today’s Qiao Family Courtyard a golden sign or a hot potato?
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Qiao Family Courtyard,Regarded as“The shining pearl in the history of northern residential architecture”,Carrying the myth of the wealth of Shanxi merchants that has been passed down for hundreds of years。Under the great reputation,This golden sign of Shanxi tourism,But it has been in a precarious situation for many years。

Hundreds of employees petitioned after the first restructuring,To“Selling oneself”The coal boss is privately controlled;Flash delisting only half a year after being listed on the New Third Board,After being selected as a 5A scenic spot, it was delisted within five years……The Qiao Family Courtyard was once the local government、Private capital、Village workers、The whirlpool of games between cultural relics protection units and other parties,Changed owners several times in more than ten years,Continuous turmoil、Controversial。

August this year,At the signing ceremony of the Qixian comprehensive tourism project in Jinzhong City,The Qiao Family Courtyard welcomes a new successor——Shanxi Cultural Tourism Group and Shanxi Qiaojia Courtyard Tourism Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Qiaolv Shares”)、Shanxi Zhilv Boxiang Tourism Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Zhilv Boxiang”) signed equity transfer agreement respectively。From this,Shanxi Cultural Tourism Group has acquired a major scenic spot in the province。

However,Today’s Qiao Family Courtyard has long lost its 5A halo,It is still unknown when trading will resume。

Under the dual influence of the epidemic and word-of-mouth,Qiao Family Courtyard will receive 128 tourists throughout 2020.50,000 people,Only reached 60% of the number of tourists in 2017 (2018 has not yet been retrieved in public channels、2019 tourist data)。Meanwhile,The ticket business on which Qiao Travel Company’s revenue is highly dependent,The price gradually dropped from the highest point of 138 yuan/person to 115 yuan/person。There have been high-profile launches around the scenic area、Thousand-acre business and tourism cultural project with a total investment of 3 billion yuan,Also no news in the two years after delisting。

The Qiao Family Courtyard that fell to the altar overnight,For Shanxi Cultural Tourism Group, it is “香饽饽”Still“Hot potato”?Regarded as&ldquo by the outside world;Radical”'s new provincial tourism group,Can we save this traditional scenic spot that is eager to resume operations?

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If you want to trace back to the earliest batch of domestic enjoyment“Film and television IP + traffic bonus”’s scenic spots,The Qiao Family Courtyard may be considered one。

"Raise the Red Lantern" directed by Zhang Yimou in 1991,And the 2006 CCTV TV series' ratings champion "Qiao Family Courtyard",Make this nearly 300-year-old Qing Dynasty residence quickly famous overseas,Qiao Family Courtyard has become the first generation of Internet celebrity attractions。

The ensuing tourist flow and scenic area income。2006“May Day”Golden Week,Qiao Family 188bet app Courtyard received a total of 38 tourists.80,000 people。This year,Qi County, where the Qiao Family Courtyard is located, has an annual fiscal revenue of about 2.900 million yuan,The annual income of the Qiao Family Courtyard Scenic Spot is close to 30 million yuan。

As a county without mineral resources in Shanxi Province,The biggest sign for attracting investment in Qi County at that time,It is the cultural tourism industry focusing on the Qiao Family Courtyard Scenic Area。Price the right to operate the scenic spot into shares、Ideas of using restructuring to attract investment,It was put on the agenda by the county government as early as 2002,But was immediately stopped by the Shanxi Cultural Relics Department。

Until 2007, the old story was mentioned again.

The then Magistrate of Qi County、Li Dingfu, Chairman of Qixian Yuanda Investment Company,Plan and Shanghai Shengfu Investment、Chongqing Zhonghao Investment signs letter of intent,Co-invest in the development, construction and operation of the Qiao Family Courtyard Scenic Spot project,The government and two other companies hold 25% of the shares respectively、50% and 25%。

The Qiao family courtyard was“Discount sale”’s message,It caused an uproar as soon as it was spread。

The government naturally hopes to attract investment,Villagers also support commercial development,Dan Qiao Family Courtyard Folk Museum’s hundreds of employees,Worried about the possible wave of layoffs after the transfer,Fierce opposition and even petitions at various levels,Alarmed the Shanxi Provincial Government and Cultural Relics Bureau。Shanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau thinks,The main body of the Qiao Family Courtyard (i.e. the central hall where the Folklore Museum is located),The operating rights shall belong to Shanxi Provincial Cultural Relics Bureau。Government、Capital、Village、Employee、Cultural Relics Unit,It is difficult to balance the interests of all parties。

final,This dispute was announced by the provincial government“The intention to transfer the management rights of Qiao Family Courtyard violates the "Cultural Relics Protection Law"”,At the same time, the legal representative qualification of Li Dingfu Yuanda Investment is cancelled。

The county government’s intention to attract investment does not end here。June 2008,The first restructuring work of Qiao Family Courtyard started,With the consent of Qi County State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission,Shanxi Qiaojiayuan Tourism Co., Ltd. was established:

where,Private capital Shanghai Shengfu Investment was originally the 70% controlling shareholder,But when replenishing the subscribed capital in April 2009, due to ";Unable to pay actual capital contribution”,Shareholding ratio reduced to 2.5%;

Qixian State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission’s investment method is in kind,That is, the &ldquo in the scenic area except the central hall;Three halls and one garden”(Dexing Hall、Ning Shoutang、Baoyuantang、Qiaojia Garden)”Renovation and expansion project;

In addition,Qixian Qiaojiabao Tourist Attractions Development Co., Ltd. holds 20% shares。

Compared to the first establishment of a joint-stock company,What really caused controversy in the Qiao Family Courtyard was the second restructuring。

Approved by Qi County Government in 2016,The local State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission transferred 45% of Qiaolv shares,Bid 188bet sports betting app download by Shanxi Jingshi Henghua for 52.2 million yuan,State-owned shares reduced to 32.5%。After a capital increase,The shares held by Qixian State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission dropped to 13%,Shanxi Jingshi Henghua acquires controlling stake。

After the second restructuring,The 260-year-old Qiao Family Courtyard has changed from a state-owned scenic spot to a private scenic spot,And ushered in a 27-year-old young actual controller Tang Kai。 

After Shanxi Jingshi Henghua took over,Qiaolv Company was listed on the New OTC Market in 2017,Became the first cultural tourism brand in Shanxi Province to be listed on the New OTC Market。But what follows,is“Qiao Family Courtyard”Trademark use rights failed、Qiao Lv Company was terminated less than one year after its listing、Qiao Family Courtyard was delisted as a 5A-level scenic spot and other turmoil。

When Shanxi Cultural Tourism Group takes over、The scenic spot changes hands for the third time,Qiao Family Courtyard“Leader of traditional houses”’s fame is still there。But due to years of accumulated shortcomings,The Qiao Family Courtyard is no longer the stable and reliable golden sign of the past。

Depend on the sky, fall off the altar

“Royal View of the Forbidden City,Look at Qiao’s house in a private house。”

As a scenic spot with ancient architecture and local culture as its core attractions,The Qiao Family Courtyard has almost all the advantages of innate and acquired resources。It not only retains the unique style of residential architecture and the history of Shanxi merchants,It was also selected as the Qixian Folk Museum in 1985,Chen Zhan displays more than 5,000 precious cultural relics。Added the publicity effect of many popular film and television dramas,Qiao Family Courtyard is of historical value、Artistic value、Both scientific research value and high visibility。

2002,Qiao Family Courtyard was rated as a 4A tourist attraction;2014,It has been selected as the fifth national 5A tourist attraction in Shanxi。

From the perspective of scenic spots,5A is the highest level in the traditional evaluation system,Represents dual quality certification of tourism resources and service facilities,Destination brand effect、Cognition level、The role played by passenger flow revenue and other aspects is self-evident。And for cities,5A scenic spots can not only bring tourism consumption and industry honors,Can also jointly develop more cultural tourism projects,Even create a“City business card”,Help destinations strive for greater investment attraction。This is enough to get a glimpse of the relationship between Qiao Family Courtyard and Qixian County、The significance of Jinzhong and even Shanxi Province。

And falling from the altar only happened overnight.

August 2019,The Ministry of Culture and Tourism complies with the national standards and relevant regulations of "Classification and Assessment of Quality Grades of Tourist Attractions",The quality level of the Qiao Family Courtyard Scenic Spot will be cancelled。At this time, it is less than five years since it was selected as a 5A scenic spot。

According to the undercover investigation report released by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism,Six major problems existed when Qiao Family Courtyard was delisted: single type of tourism product、Excessive commercialization、There are deficiencies in transportation and sightseeing、Insufficient investment in safety and health、The comprehensive management of scenic spots needs to be improved、Resource protection defective。

The fatal reasons focus on the first two points:

188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino First, the product type is single,Not updated in time。The Qiao Family Courtyard still mainly features static architectural displays and indoor themed displays,Especially in the indoor display part,Content presentation method、It is difficult to update and maintain to the 5A level standard。

The second problem is excessive commercialization,Seriously affecting the quality and reputation of the scenic spot。There were many shopping places in the Qiao Family Courtyard Scenic Area before delisting、Large area,Advertisements are everywhere in the hospital,It is difficult to maintain business order and regulations,There are even unclear prices、False sales and other incidents。2018,When a large number of state-owned scenic spots promote ticket price reductions,The ticket price of Qiao Family Courtyard bucked the trend and rose to 138 yuan/person。

Tourists are most sensitive to quality and price。There are many courtyards of Shanxi merchants in Shanxi Province,Just take the Wang Family Courtyard, a 4A-level scenic spot also in Jinzhong City, as an example,It covers an area 11 times that of the Qiao Family Courtyard,The ticket price of 55 yuan is less than half of the latter。If things continue like this,The reputation of Qiao Family Courtyard is accelerating its decline amid constant comparisons。

Problems with the Qiao Family Courtyard,This is also the confusion facing the transformation of most traditional scenic spots。

A long-established 5A scenic spot focusing on sightseeing products,Have used rating policies to build brand awareness,Tourists flock here,Ticket revenue has become the main revenue pillar of scenic spots。Take the Qiao Family Courtyard as an example,In 2015, its ticket revenue accounted for 99% of its annual revenue.37%,In 2016, the number was 98.04%。And prices are too high、False sales and other phenomena,Also do "doing" in most scenic spots;One-time business”Difficult to eradicate in the context of 16368_16377。

The era of leisure travel,More and more tourists tend to be sightseeing、A destination that combines comfort and experience,The market’s evaluation standards for scenic spots are constantly updated。At the same time,With the new model of destination marketing、The rise of new channels,And the improvement of transparency of consumer reviews,Provides tourists with more reference dimensions for measuring scenic spots。Especially now that epidemic prevention and control is becoming normalized,High frequency、Short distance、Low unit price tourism consumption has become a trend,One-time buying and selling is no longer the way to make money,The attraction of scenic spots that mainly focus on sightseeing products seems to be fading。

Looking back at the second restructuring,The Qiao Family Courtyard was once ridiculed as ";Selling oneself”Coal Boss。According to the Beijing News report,Tang Yinlong, the father of Tang Kai, the actual controller of Qiaolv Shares at that time,Once transformed a collective coal mine on the verge of bankruptcy into a standardized mine with an annual production capacity of 300,000 tons。

However, the above-mentioned restructuring experience cannot be replicated across industries to Qiao Family Courtyard。Coal Enterprise“Depend on the sky”’s business ideas,It is impossible to operate and manage a 5A scenic spot。

“Top 5A”Is it easy to be a receiver??

For the Qiao Family Courtyard,“National Team”Taken over by Shanxi Cultural 188bet app download Tourism Group,Maybe it means a“Rebirth”。

Shanxi Cultural Tourism Group was established in August 2017,is integrating Shanxi Economic and Trade Group、Shanxi Investment Group、Jinneng Group and Shanxi Energy Transportation Group cultural tourism assets,And a large provincial state-owned cultural tourism enterprise established on the basis of relevant operating assets of Shanxi Provincial units。Since its establishment,To build the provincial cultural tourism industry“Flagship”for target,Form “Scenic Spot Operation、Hotel Management、Smart Tourism、Health care industry、Comprehensive energy、Overseas Park、Integration of industry and finance、Asset Management”Eight major industrial sectors。As of the end of 2020,Total assets have reached 601.400 million yuan。

Compared to private capital parties that only focus on ticket income cash flow,The advantages of Shanxi Cultural Tourism Group are obvious,Integration of global tourism resources and cultural line、Travel line、Industrial Line、Concatenation of capital lines,And many large-scale scenic spot operation and management experience, etc.,It seems that they can protect the improvement and upgrading of the Qiao Family Courtyard。

Meanwhile,The demand for Qiao Family Courtyard to create a 5A scenic spot again,It’s also really urgent。

Public information display,After the Qiao Family Courtyard was delisted,A deputy inspector of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism once served as the executive deputy leader of the 5A work leading group for rectification and improvement of scenic spots,Conduct one-year guidance in the county。

Even after one year of delisting,The Qiao Family Courtyard is still in 2020“Eleven”During Golden Week,With 8.020,000 guests and 828.Taxed for third place in the province in ticket revenue of 420,000 yuan。In addition,Specially mentioned in the "Master Plan of Shanxi Qixian Economic Development Zone (2020-2035)",Combined with the relevant tourism resources of the Qiao Family Courtyard Scenic Area to develop a comprehensive leisure and cultural tourism industry with rich formats,Create collective culture、Travel、Casual、Entertainment-integrated industrial park。

The importance of Qiao Family Courtyard to the local area and the urgency of its resumption,It can be seen。So for Shanxi Cultural Tourism Group,The role of the receiver,Is it good??

Only from the product types of scenic spots,Qiao Family Courtyard has been quickly undergoing rectification after being delisted,Most commercial shops in the scenic area have been demolished,Changed into a cultural and creative exhibition area、Intangible cultural heritage exhibition area or rest area。But it may be limited by the planning and area of ​​the scenic spot,Not much innovation has been done in the leisure experience format。

It’s not like Qiao Family Courtyard has never thought about upgrading。As“Go down the mountain”Huangshan’s second venture,Qiao Family Courtyard has also tried to create incremental products and services outside the scenic area,And hold a grand&ldquo in October 2018;Global Premiere Ceremony”,Declare the Qiao Family Courtyard·Dream Langhuan (hereinafter referred to as “Dream Land”) The Qianmu Business Travel cultural work named after was officially released。

According to the official website of Jinzhong Municipal Government,This project is Qiao Family Courtyard“An important starting 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino point for resource integration and comprehensive development”,The planned area is about 715 acres,Total investment 3 billion yuan,Inscribed in the provincial government’s key tourism projects in the infrastructure field in January 2017,Listed as a key project of the municipal government in 2018。Mengjing Langhuan plans to build a tea source outside the original scenic area、Top Ten Attractions including Huhe Market,Supporting historical commercial district、Parking lot、Visitor Center and other service areas,Built as“The first-class comprehensive cultural and tourism town in China”。

But since May 2019,Relevant progress of this project in public channels will no longer be updated。A real estate transaction information platform,The first phase of the Mengjing Langhuan project had planned to sell shops with 40-year ownership rights,Real estate attributes are still obvious。In terms of creating new scenic spots and business formats,We may still face a series of difficulties such as investment promotion and operation in the future。

In addition,The Qiao Family Courtyard initially became popular through a series of film and television dramas。With the destination marketing model、Updated iteration of information acquisition methods,And the rise of a new generation of mainstream consumer groups,Raise your voice among young customers,Find the traffic password after "Raise the Red Lantern" and "Qiao Family Courtyard",Equally important to the Qiao Family Courtyard。

Win the former 5A scenic spot、Shanxi Province’s tourism signs are certainly good。But Shanxi Culture and Tourism Group’s revenue of 30 billion yuan is the “Radical”Under Vision,How to balance the development costs of Qiao Family Courtyard、Commercial income and tourist experience,How to integrate more cultural and tourism resources,How to restore the brand recognition of Qiao Family Courtyard、Market reputation and the most important 5A halo,These will be questions that Shanxi Cultural Tourism Group needs to answer after taking over the business。

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