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IP Author of this article: Zhihui 2021-11-07 11:42:12
When international IP enters China, how to reconstruct cognition through immersion?
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at“Experience Economy”Bonus Next,The immersive entertainment industry welcomes a period of development opportunities。According to "Illusion·2020 China Immersive Industry Development White Paper" Statistics,China’s immersive industry has entered a stage of rapid development since 2016,The total output value of China’s immersive industry has reached 48 in 2019.200 million yuan。“Immersive+”It has also become a catalyst for new business formats、Important ways to improve project experience。

Detailed into different business types,With the improvement of cultural level and consumption concept,Art exhibitions are becoming a common way of leisure for people。Meanwhile,Many works of art are obscure and difficult to understand、Single exhibition form,Also raises the threshold of appreciation,Increasing the distance between ordinary people and art。How to make works of art more vivid?The immersive experience exhibition proposes new problem-solving ideas。

Recent,Zhihui“Cultural Tourism Study House”Online open class invites new media art curator Zhao Minqiang,Shared with the theme of "Talk about the birth of international IP Da Vinci"。For“Da Vinci”This super IP,Answer how to use cutting-edge interactive technology,Create an immersive exhibition experience,At the same time, it will push the construction of new cultural tourism scenes and user experience to a new level。In addition,Zhao Minqiang also shared the wider scope of Da Vinci IP in derivatives and industrial layout、Deeper practice。


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I am very happy to share and communicate with you today,Let me introduce myself first,I am Zhao Minqiang,is a veteran who has been immersed in the exhibition industry for many years。With the new carrier of digital new media technology,I think we have found a new exhibition language,That’s why I want to be called a curator of new media art。There are several titles on my poster,Let me introduce each one to you。

The first one is called“Initiator of China Light and Shadow Museum Project”,This thing is very interesting,“China Light and Shadow Museum Project”We initiated a great vision,There is a traditional museum in the city of the future,corresponds to a light and shadow museum。Traditional museums display cultural relics,Or mainly chronological history,The General History in the Light and Shadow Museum,is fully immersive、Full scene,Even a fully interactive display method。Because of local needs,With government support,There are also resources,includes land、Construction and operation of venues,So we define it as“New entrance to traffic”,The main target is this group of people in the new era,The new 188bet app download track of cultural tourism is a new market opportunity。

The second one is called“Bird’s Nest Reconstruction Plan”,It’s the National Stadium Bird’s Nest。Ten years since the 2008 Olympics,Bird’s Nest as an IP,Overall popularity decreases,Need to re-empower,In addition, it is also to welcome the Winter Olympics,So we redesigned and planned the entire second floor corridor,Created in the form of digital new media,Then put some typical ones、Some representative exhibition items、Sports events,Re-demonstrated。

The third“Tribute to Leonardo da Vinci”,This is the IP exhibition that we will focus on today。These two years,I think the market has returned to a relatively rational state。In the past few years, there have been many such IP exhibitions that have become popular in the market,At that time we went to cooperate with the Leonardo da Vinci Museum in Italy,A tribute to Leonardo da Vinci’s global light and shadow art tour。From a company perspective,First of all, I am the founder of Great Wonders Culture,Great Wonder Culture is focused on being the world’s best IP comprehensive operation。Then the second identity,is a partner and CBO of Site Technology。Site Technology also focuses on digital new media technology,Now it’s time to empower various industries,Divided into six major business segments,Children’s Entertainment、Children’s Education、Cultural Tourism、Night Tour、Exhibition Hall、Exhibition Hall。

This video is about“Tribute to Leonardo da Vinci”14411_14418。May 2, 1519,In the town of Amboise, France,Leonardo, the unique genius in human history·Da·Finch stopped breathing,Since then, God has never been able to create another Leonardo da Vinci。2019 is the 500th anniversary of his death,In memory of this genius,Global commemorative activities initiated by the Leonardo da Vinci Museum in Italy,Many places including the Louvre are participating,Our tribute to Leonardo da Vinci global light and shadow art tour is an important part of it。

We were invited to Italy in 2017,Inside a church in Florence,Mr. Feng Yubin, a partner of Grand Wonders, and I saw the image of Leonardo da Vinci for the first time,Very shocking,Because of the solemnity of the church itself,Plus the combination of Da Vinci images,Be integrated with the building,Then it brings a very strong visual impact。So I just talked about 2018、2019 is also the peak period of popularity for domestic IP exhibitions,So we decided to bring it to China。The first stop is in Beijing in 2018,Later went to Shanghai、Chengdu、Changsha,Then Hangzhou Station will be closed soon。

The exhibition is officially authorized by the Leonardo da Vinci Museum in Italy,This is also the only official Leonardo da Vinci museum in the world,Because of some of Leonardo da Vinci’s paintings,Including his manuscripts scattered around the world,A museum without a complete physical display。Also,The Italian licensee only has the image part,This is the immersive viewing hall,Other parts,Like the painting manuscript in the display content、actual object,Including the construction of some scenes,It’s all a spectacle team combined 188bet app download with the domestic audience’s understanding of Leonardo da Vinci,Re-curated curation。


The unit you are seeing now is the oil painting exhibition area,This is an exhibition area carefully designed by us。There are very few oil paintings by Leonardo da Vinci,This kind of manuscript he left in his life,Only 17 pictures have been certified so far,And scattered all over the world,So the Leonardo da Vinci Museum in Italy provides us with high-definition images,We use micro-jet technology for restoration,But I feel that simple restoration is not suitable for the current exhibition,Or the demands of young viewers。So we redesigned it again,Create this feeling of light and shadow——People are swimming in the painting。Not only can you appreciate Da Vinci’s masterpieces,At the same time, you can also enter the inner world of Leonardo da Vinci。

This scene uses a luminous structure,Hang the painting for display,Mirrors all around,It extends infinitely in this space。In fact, expressed from the perspective of curatorial concept,Because there are very few works of Leonardo da Vinci,But every picture is a masterpiece,Every painting is a classic,We hope as many Leonardo da Vinci paintings as possible,So when you enter this space,Reflection through mirrors,Presenting very, very many paintings,So this also expresses a wish of the curator。Without a doubt,This is definitely the audience’s favorite area,Especially when young girls come in and take pictures、Punch in,It can be refracted by mirrors,Integrate people completely into this space。


Da Vinci created more than 13,000 manuscripts in his life,In fact, the so-called manuscript is his draft,He has a lot of creative ideas but has not put them into practice,Left in his notebook,We call it manuscript。There are probably more than 6,000 pictures that have been preserved to this day,Also scattered around the world,We gathered in a manuscript exhibition area,Made some models on the manuscript by craftsmen,Especially some military inventions,Restore using model。I just introduced that many of the inventions and creative ideas in Leonardo da Vinci’s manuscripts have almost never been put into practice,Because the objective conditions at the time did not allow it,In addition, it is also relatively advanced,More avant-garde。


The above two pictures are our VR exhibition area and 5D theater respectively。VR built Da Vinci’s work scene,Including some of his ideas in military and water conservancy,Built with 3D model,Viewers can experience it through VR glasses。5D is a short film about Leonardo da Vinci’s creation of the Mona Lisa,This one has a story line,His paintbrush transformed into an elf,Take him through various scenes。Actually, if you look closely, all the scenes in the film were restored from Leonardo da Vinci’s manuscripts,Finally he found the inspiration to create the Mona Lisa。


This unit needs to be introduced to everyone——Immersive exhibition area,The height of the entire screen is about seven meters high,The entire space is ten meters tall,This is a fully immersive space,Shows some of Leonardo da Vinci’s most classic creations through about 25 minutes of images,Except 188bet app download for his oil paintings,Also built a lot of models。In immersive space,Leading the audience into the paintings of a world-class master,Can bring people a very shocking experience。

But some feedback is interspersed here,Because the actual video is 50 minutes,It takes a long time,We cut to more than 20 minutes。In fact, the original version of the immersive hall in Italy is 45 minutes,Equivalent to half a movie,Then we cut it into 25 minutes,But there are still many viewers who find it difficult to last for 25 minutes,Because it has a weak storyline。About this matter,When we communicated with the Italian team, we also discussed whether to add subtitles,I insisted not to add subtitles,Because subtitles represent opinions,We do not wish to express our opinions。Especially when culture is exported in the future,Once the artistic transfer is done through light and shadow,Just strip away this ideology,I think this is his greatest attribute,So I strongly insist on not adding subtitles,To immerse yourself in it,Benefits are in the eyes of the beholder。


This picture is from 2018 7、A Saturday or Sunday in August,I took a photo with my mobile phone,There were at least three to four thousand people when we entered the scene,The highest record is more than 6,000 people,The actual site area is 1,500 square meters。Beijing、Shanghai、Chengdu、The cumulative number of spectators in Changsha is more than 600,000,There are probably more than 100,000 fans on our own platform,There are 7 left now、80,000,They are all very high-quality fans。


The Da Vinci exhibition is the first To C exhibition we operate,We used to do To B,Exhibition design planning,Including construction is the first time for C-side。Built a piping system for us,The overall operating system is also on this picture,Can intuitively reflect the aspects involved in the operation of an IP。

I only discovered it when I was actually doing operations,In fact, every section is very challenging。Although exhibition systems are our main business,But because the venue of each station is different,Like Beijing, we built it ourselves,It’s an art museum in Shanghai,We have rebuilt it in Chengdu,Later, I came to Changsha and cooperated with a commercial complex,Hangzhou is now at Powerlong Art Center,Every venue is different,And the size and space conversion of the venue,The requirements for exhibitions are also very high。

Regional differences also bring great challenges to our operations,I just talked about regional differences,I can give you a few examples,For example, peripheral products,The best-selling model in Shanghai is the Leonardo da Vinci model,The approximate selling price is between 160 and more than 200,The best-selling items in Chengdu are refrigerator magnets that cost a few yuan each,The second is the replica oil painting,The price is probably between 1500 and 3000,The middle section with more than 100 to 200 does not sell well,So this can also reflect regional differences。

In IP + aesthetic education,We have developed our own sub-brand、Sub IP,It’s little Leonardo da Vinci。Little Leonardo da Vinci Children’s Painting Competition held at the same time,From Shanghai to Chengdu,188bet app To Changsha,Including current Hangzhou,Everywhere we go, we are welcomed by parents and children。We have also collected a lot of excellent works,Children are watching the exhibition in the exhibition area,Then inspire to create。We divide into different themes,Includes different age groups,Prize the collected works,You can also sign a contract with Little Leonardo da Vinci,Then apply some paintings to the development of our peripheral products。On the one hand, it forms a complete sub-IP,At the same time, it also provides traffic for our main exhibition。


In terms of IP + public welfare,We first cooperated with Yanran Angel Fund when we were in Beijing Station,A dedicated area has been created within our exhibition area,Provide display of drawings for children、Charity Sale,I think this is the social responsibility of a company。Later, we jointly carried out a series of activities with many public welfare organizations,Including art poverty alleviation that has been suspended due to the epidemic,Let children in mountainous areas see what world-class art is like。

The unit I will share with you below is called IP+ communication。In fact, overall,We spend very little on dissemination,Because we know that the self-propagation of IP itself is the biggest propagation。Because the current media costs are very high,And the conversion rate cannot be guaranteed。So we don’t have much budget for this so-called communication,So we try every means to cooperate with resources from different industries。


First of all, Mobai cooperates with the whole city to find Mona Lisa,In 2018,Many Mobike cars sprouted wings overnight,Wings are an iconic device of Leonardo da Vinci,There are also some linkages on the APP。Luckin Coffee also opened its Chengdu station in 2019,All Luckin Coffee cup covers in key stores were replaced by DaVinci overnight,This is a resource replacement we made,Including Luckin developed a special page for us on the APP,Includes some coupon redemption,The effect is very good。

The module I will share with you next is IP + e-commerce platform。The platform is actually our self-media account,We call it spectacle art。The function of Wonder Art is Art Mall,Includes online ticket sales,There are also audio guides, etc.。National marketing is this mechanism of distribution,Then what I want to focus on in this part is the retention of fans,As mentioned in the previous chapters, we have about hundreds of thousands of fans saved on our self-media account,This is a very big asset,We also used a lot of fan-drawing activities at that time,For example, we send small badges、Follow the public account,Including the 5D theater entrance, you need to scan the code to enter,Although there is no charge,But we do such a transformation,Very effective in attracting fans to our self-media account。

The last module to share with you is IP + industrialization layout。IP’s exhibition is a light and shadow art exhibition that everyone is familiar with,Then it has huge rewards,Except box office,Including sedimentation of flow、Cooperation with commercial brands,Long-term and good relationship with media,Including outside our operating system,We have also put a lot of 188bet sports betting app download thought into the industrial layout of a single IP。Of course it has been put on hold due to the epidemic,But I think this aspect of layout industrialization is still very valuable。

In addition to the light and shadow art exhibition,We were preparing to open a Leonardo da Vinci China Light and Shadow Museum in Beijing,It is equivalent to settling the assets of our touring exhibition,Do a long-term exhibition,It was put on hold due to the impact of the epidemic,A Leonardo da Vinci Chinese Light and Shadow Museum will definitely be opened in China in the future。Then there is the Da Vinci-themed cultural tourism town,Because Leonardo da Vinci had a lot of fantastic ideas,His inventions and devices in military water conservancy are very imaginative,So we communicated with Huayi’s team for several rounds about themed cultural tourism,Then create a modular unit of a cultural tourism town completely with a Leonardo da Vinci theme。

There are more wonderful ideas to follow,Our future planning for the art store of peripheral products is to separate it,Put it online for continuous sales。In addition, we have just introduced the children’s painting competition of Little Leonardo da Vinci,We may also break away from this exhibition and organize a national exhibition,Including exchange exhibition,There is also a micro exhibition about Leonardo da Vinci,Including Meichen,This is also the direction of our research。

Finally, let’s summarize that the imagination of IP has formed this closed loop of industrialization,With the help of Leonardo da Vinci’s IP,At the same time, we also develop our own IP of traditional Chinese cultural elements,Then through the form of light and shadow,Use operational pipeline to bring to market。It is IP authorization,We cooperate with many commercial brands,This is a very important source of income for this segment。There are also IP cultural creation,In fact, cultural and creative products are not just some of the products we see now,The chain of cultural and creative industries is relatively long,It can carry out a series of joint names,This development includes serialization。The other is the intervention of IP space,We cooperate with Tencent’s Binhai Tower,Implant some of Leonardo da Vinci’s IP elements into this space,A certain five-star hotel in Chengdu is also communicating with us,Build a theme hotel。Cultural tourism also mentioned just now including aesthetic education, charity, etc.,Form a complete closed loop。

As a global excellent IP operator,Our mission is to let more people enjoy the beauty of light and shadow art,Our future mission is to tell Chinese stories with light and shadow,Then the above is my sharing,Thank you again for listening,Thanks again to Mr. Liu for the invitation,Thank you for the support of the Zhihui team,Thank you everyone。

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