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Cheng Xiaoyu Author of this article: Zhihui 2022-01-26 11:58:34
The heat of the Metaverse continues to ferment,How cultural and tourism enterprises can catch the express train?
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The debate over the Metaverse continues.

Opponents believe that the virtual world represented by the Metaverse will become a substitute for the cultural tourism industry,Hindering consumers’ enthusiasm for travel。Supporters believe that the Metaverse can become a supplement to tourism products now,Helping the cultural tourism industry upgrade and iterate,Make the travel experience more interactive and immersive。

Continuously fermenting with the heat,More and more cultural tourism companies choose to ride on“Yuanverse”Express,Disney accelerates its layout in the VR field;Songcheng Performing Arts announced an organization to explore and develop the application of Metaverse in theme parks and live performances;Marriott International announces collaboration with emerging digital artists,Officially enter the metaverse, etc.。

Can see,Metaverse as a long-term goal,Although it is still in the conceptual stage,But when it really has a certain form and feasibility,Cultural tourism consumption may undergo major changes as a result。To this,How should the cultural tourism industry respond?

Recently, founder of Lushu Technology&CEO、Cheng Xiaoyu, partner of Shiji Cultural Tourism, shared the theme of "How the Cultural Tourism Industry Uses Metaverse Technology to Iteratively Upgrade Experience" in the online open class of Zhihui Cultural Tourism Research House,A more comprehensive analysis of the development stages and application scenarios of the Metaverse world,And the opportunities in the cultural tourism industry。


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Hello friends,I am very happy to receive the invitation tonight,Let’s discuss a topic that has attracted much attention recently——Metaverse。I think many people may have done some research on this topic,Today I want to pass a batch of practical projects related to the Metaverse,And some thoughts and experiences during the implementation process,Let’s discuss with you。



Why is it said that this year is“The first year of the Yuan Universe”?I think you may have seen some of the equipment in these pictures,These hardware devices have been updated very quickly in the past few years。The Metaverse is booming this year,But actually,The brewing and fermentation of technology has actually gone through many years of accumulation。We can use some technical media,For example, head-mounted display device,To achieve some virtual reality experience,By creating a holographic projection environment in the real world,Brings people a very deep sense of immersion,Experience the contents from a first-person perspective。



Except for the head-mounted display just mentioned、Immersive holographic projection hardware,In the past two years, we 188bet online sports betting have been working on brain-computer interface and other technologies,The technology industry is also discussing a lot of technology iterations and updates。Future,The five senses we have in the real world,All can be transplanted into the virtual world。In the world of the ideal metaverse,The generation of these interactive content is instant,It can be said that content is generated almost in real time,This also has very high requirements for our content production technology。


When we talk about iteration and update of technology,We will often mention web 1.0、web 2.0、web 3.0 Such a definition。What is the biggest difference between these Internet eras?Actually, it depends on some of our organizational methods,How content is produced,included in interactive mode,Because of some changes brought about by the iteration of technology。

For example, we are on web 1.At the time of era 0,web 1.0 brings us great convenience,That is, we can read a large amount of information on the Internet at low cost。In the past, Google’s positioning was to allow us to read any information in the corner of the world,This was also a very big mission of Google。That’s on web 1.0 era,The infrastructure we use to access the Internet,Basically an interactive method based on PC-based Internet,And to web 2.At the time of era 0,Our interaction method becomes data stored in the cloud,Interaction is more carried out on the mobile terminal,The content we care about at this time is also more interactive,And more real-time information。

That’s web 3.0 time,I think from the perspective of technological development,There are more and more things that can be done in the virtual world,Then the content is extremely rich,There are many such incomparable magnifications of human imagination,web 3.Inside the world of 0,It is something that is difficult for us to do in the physical world,On the one hand, it gives possibility,On the other hand it may greatly speed up the verification of some of our imaginations。

The concept of the metaverse we see now,I prefer to understand it as a mixture of virtuality and reality,And an existence that transcends the physical world,In such a world,Human beings can realize unlimited imagination at a very low cost。



Why is the metaverse a world that allows us to realize our imagination at a very low cost?Teacher Xing Jie’s point of view is one that I agree with,He mentioned the relationship between the Metaverse and our real world,In fact, it is divided into three stages,The first stage is the virtual world,In this metaverse virtual world,We can break through many limitations of the physical world,For example, the limitation of gravity。Such a virtual world,It is more about creating a lot of interactive entertainment experiences and enriching lifestyles in our future lives,So this is the first world I think,It may bring us more room for imagination in application。

The second world is the digital twin’s extremely fast version of the real world,Put our existing physical reality into the world,Almost identically copied into the digital virtual world。We often hear a word in the past two years,It is digital twin and digital native,Digital twin is in this virtual world、A physical object extended from the digital economic world。

The third world is a 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino high-energy version of the real world,Real and virtual content and scene layers are overlaid,Then a new high-energy version of the world was formed。For example, when we look at a house,Maybe this house is a rough house,But after superimposing the high-energy virtual scene of the metaverse,We can see how this house looks in different styles,Even in different time periods,For example, morning and evening,Or in different seasons,Its status can be displayed。

Talking about the applications and scenarios of the Metaverse,Everyone’s first reaction may be some of the game-level applications in the news we have seen,For example,We see that Facebook is already launching these Metaverse games,Including news seen before,Someone will auction art from the metaverse online,These are all applications of the metaverse。

The applications of the Metaverse can be divided into three types of applications,The first type is consumer goods。Because in any world we live in, there will be a demand basis for this kind of consumer goods,Some needs are to meet our basic living needs,For example, what kind of clothes do I want to wear,What kind of items do I want to collect,These consumer goods need to be created in the metaverse。Creation of these contents,For content and creative companies,I think there will be a chance。

Second type,It is the content that can be consumed in the metaverse,This kind of content can be in the form of games,It can also be other content,For example, we are in the real world,What content will we organize?A travel agency will organize a tour,For example, customize an itinerary to a Michelin restaurant in Japan,Such content,Will also be needed in the Metaverse,Because we just mentioned,In the real physical world,All of our needs,In the Metaverse,There will also be needs。

In the Metaverse,The construction of scenes is also in demand。Many people mentioned that you can have your own profession in the metaverse,Because in the metaverse,He is an ecosystem,Also an economic system。Maybe in the future metaverse,We can easily earn money by working in the metaverse,Then buy other items,Such a transaction is very convenient。Future,For example, when doing education,How do we build such a scene?For example, when we are talking about how you will survive on Mars,You can build a survival scene on Mars in the metaverse,And let people go in and experience it。

These are the metaverse we are talking about based on the first year of the metaverse,Some observations and thoughts on what we saw。Next,Want to talk about the combination of metaverse and culture and tourism。Let me start with the case of immersive experience,These cases,Some may have applied the concept of the Metaverse,Some may just use some acoustic and optical technologies,Or some immersive technology。


You may be familiar with the projects in the picture,Like Teamlab,Now there are exhibitions in Shanghai and Beijing,We can find one of Monet’s gardens,Then you can have a cup of afternoon tea in his garden,This is actually achieved using immersive sound and light technology。Dunhuang tour exhibition across the country,Also uses sound and light technology to tell a story that transcends the times、A story spanning 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino history。Including Disney, they are also crazy about building various immersive themed parks,There is another case below,It’s about Disney’s metaverse。

Only Henan in terms of immersive experience,It is actually a highlight among mainland cultural tourism projects this year,Using a storytelling technique,Let everyone understand the history of Henan、Culture。In a concentrated time and area,You can travel to different theaters to experience the lives of different people,To be moved by different things,So I also put it in this immersive experience case,Only Henan prefers this kind of large-scale open performing arts world,Contrasting,It’s "Sleepless Night" in Shanghai,It has been operating in Shanghai for six years。

The first time I went to Sleepless Night,It still gave me a very big impact,Because sleepless nights are a pantomime,It has no borders,All its performances are carried by the actors’ body language and expressions,When we see Sleepless Night’s work that breaks the boundaries between moviegoers and actors,In fact, we followed this plot,This kind of experience,Used in the theater industry,We call it immersive drama,If used in travel,Such a story-based tour,I think we have already explored many scenic spots。



Speaking of story-based scenic spots,There is a case to share with you,It is a product about Moganshan red tourism,called the past of Moganshan,A feature of this product,It is for all tourists who come to the Yucun Square area of ​​​​Moganshan,Let them become a character who traveled to 1937,Each of them is in this era,For some reasons and purposes,Arrived at Mogan Mountain,Then I witnessed some of the events that happened at that time,And participated in this event,Then it brought about a small disturbance in history,Such an experience。

This is an immersive experience application,A scene in the cultural tourism industry,We know that the construction period of cultural tourism projects will be relatively long,Like a cultural and tourist town,Plan from the early stage,Then land,Then start operations,This stage may take several years,In fact, this is the plot destination we just mentioned,Or story-based tourism,Can well undertake the function of deactivating this asset。


The next case,is a new poi in Las Vegas。When looking at the first picture,I think few people can guess what kind of place this is。Because there is a cave-like place inside here,There is also a zip line,Like an adventure park,Including the control room above,There are also strange cars、Sculpture,This seems to be a weird place,What business does it operate?I think everyone’s first reaction is that it is difficult to think that this is a supermarket。

This is a very unique fusion supermarket opening in Las Vegas in October 2021,Everyone sees the second picture,You can see that they are really imaginative,For example, the shape of corn is an electric drill,Their special drink,The source of inspiration is laundry detergent。So,These are all things that break through our conventional cognition,Superimposed some elements together。I think it brings me a feeling,First is immersive,It makes me feel very immersed,Then boundless,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino It crosses so many borders,You said it is a commercial project,But it incorporates a lot of entertainment and experience,For example, you can make your own flavor,It also has some technological elements,There are many tourism elements,You are in Vegas,As a tourist, I will definitely check in,Not because you need to buy a corn,Maybe it’s because you want such an experience。If you talk about the integration of culture, business and tourism,I think this is a very good case。


Next is Disney’s Avengers camp,Avengers camp,There is a setting in this camp,That’s every tourist who comes here,Everyone can become a hero,And all the experiences of heroes,You can also have it here。For example,Can become a Spider-Man,Then move through the spider web,In the real world,It’s hard for you to swing in the air,Then use spider webs to attack or escape,But in Disney’s camp,You can use VR devices,Then learn skills from Spider-Man,Such a feeling。


In fact, some people may be wondering why the immersive market is so popular this year?How big is this market?Where is the ceiling?No particularly new data found online,I found a data for 2019,The entire market size of immersion now,Has exceeded the box office size of the film industry。So this industry,I think its development,Not just a trendy experience for us now,The future may be one where everything can be immersed,Just saying that the level of immersion may be high or low。Now we see immersive cat masturbation on short video platforms,Immersive makeup,Maybe it looks a little funny,But actually,Everyone just saw the evolution of the Internet,Many people may not want to read large paragraphs of text,When I can choose to watch a video,Many people will choose to watch videos。When users have the choice of immersive experience,Many people will choose immersive experience。I myself am very optimistic about the development of immersion in cultural tourism,Our one or two years after the epidemic,Also did a lot of exploration on immersive cultural tourism。



Matterport is a technology solution provider for panoramic photography,They launched a virtual travel project to Egypt during the epidemic,In this project,After you go in,You can bring this virtual device,Entering the Pyramids of Egypt,Then enter some ancient temples,Then you can learn about these stories inside。This experience may be relatively elementary,We can only say that it is actually a virtual experience,It may not reach the low latency of the Metaverse、Immediacy。But if we follow this idea,When you want to travel,What experience do we want?

If we consider the experience during travel,Satisfaction of the five senses、Understanding the local culture、Including making friends with locals, etc.,If we have a way to provide such an experience in the metaverse。It will better restore our sense of reality,And some levels of psychological experience we want to satisfy during travel,I think there is such a possibility in the future。



Let’s look at another case,This is one of our own projects,This project is in Shanghai,This is a future world IP we will launch in 2021,called Mita City,When this IP was launched,In fact, it is a product of our imagination of the world of the metaverse and culture 188bet sports betting app download and tourism。The IP of Mita City,We started planning in the middle of the year,The first offline space was launched in July and August,We chose 1933 in Shanghai,This is a building built in 1933,It is also a national key cultural relics protection unit,Its predecessor was the largest slaughterhouse in the Far East,In such a space,You can feel it is very cyberpunk。

We are also studying,In a physical space like 1933,For such a sci-fi ruin-like building,By injecting content、Creative Ways,Including ways to inject technology,How do we activate it?This space is used as a cultural tourism project,The biggest difficulty is that the entire space structure is very strange,Because it was originally an industrial building,So the internal space has a very strong structural complexity,In fact, we can see it from the picture,If it is regarded as an ordinary commercial space,Utilization rate is very low,And it is difficult to generate traffic flow。



Our method is when this IP is launched,First relate the story content to the location,In the IP of the future world,Mita City is the epitome of an ideal city,In our settings,The earth’s resources are exhausted,Humanity has to move towards the era of interstellar civilization,Start looking for the second Earth,An ideal city model proposed in the process of searching for a home that can continue human civilization。To a certain extent,It is the utopia in human ideals。Combined with 1933,That’s when humans found the 1933rd planet,Some humans choose to immigrate here to develop human civilization,The story that happened here。

In this project,We creatively set up two methods that no one has played before。The first is the player’s personal growth,Inside this project,We actually used mmorpg,It’s an open world,But there are many characters at the same time,The character is a person,Some different copies will be refreshed every time you enter。Second point,We have set that the world is also evolving,The whole world,From the beginning of human immigration,The technological changes it has undergone,Then structural changes in energy,Including some new conflicts brought about by changes in energy technology and the evolution of the new world,All players will witness together、Participate in promotion。

So,Our story is not static,It is constantly evolving。We are designing content,Let personal growth be closely related to the evolution of the world。It is a project integrating culture, business and tourism,So we will introduce some business here,Including lifestyle co-branding,Create content with us。


When Lushu was founded in 2014,We said something——Make travel full of imagination,Now we consider the various possibilities brought by the metaverse,Our goals for the next ten years,That is to make every imagination possible。

The above is my sharing,I hope every imagination can be realized。Thank you everyone for listening。Looking forward to more exchanges with everyone。

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