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Rural Tourism Author of this article: Zhang Lin 2022-01-28 12:22:33
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Even if it is approaching the Spring Festival holiday,But the B&B residents are not too happy,“The fun is theirs,I have nothing。”Become their most authentic portrayal。actually,The B&B industry has not been popular for a long time。

In the memories of many B&B residents,The last time this industry caused heated discussion,Still the end of August 2021。According to reports at that time,August 23,Tongzhou District, Beijing organizes urban network information、Public Security、The housing construction and other departments jointly held a deployment meeting to standardize the operation and management of short-term rental housing,For Tujia、Airbnb、Where to go、Little Pig B&B、Tongcheng Yilong、Ctrip、Meituan、Wooden Bird、A total of 9 short-term rental housing platforms in Fliggy have carried out policy promotion,Non-compliant properties will be removed from the shelves within 7 days。

Ran Finance in the article "Building a B&B next to Universal Studios,I lost all my money" once wrote,As of early September 2021,On all major OTA platforms,There are no traditional B&B products in Beijing anymore。

For Beijing B&B,This is undoubtedly a big test,However, looking at the entire homestay industry,The big exam continues。

“Thought things would get better after 2020,I didn’t expect that 2021 would be more difficult。”Close to the Spring Festival,Shopkeeper Wang from September Huizhou B&B in the ancient city of Huizhou, Anhui Province stayed in the store early in the morning,Previous years,Although it is not crowded,But there are still many guests coming to the ancient city of Huizhou。“Some of them come to Huizhou ancient city to enjoy the scenery,After all, this is an ancient cultural city。”

But the one who accompanies her the most now,There are only two internet celebrity Garfield cats in the store。“This is in line with what many media reported before‘Lulu Cat Planting Flowers B&B,Make millions a year’,But I only answered the first half of the sentence。”

Four years ago,Investors with hot money who want to cooperate almost crossed the threshold of Huizhou in September。Now,Shopkeeper Wang is calculating how long the funds on hand can last。“Give yourself another year,Three years ago,I really can’t afford it。”

And Mark really can’t afford it。Second half of 2021,He reluctantly closed the B&B that he had worked hard for two years。“After two years of operation, even the cost has not been recovered,Net profit in the first half of the year is 5,000 yuan,Not enough to pay the rent。”So,32-year-old Mark had to return to the workplace,“Wait for a better industry environment,Maybe I will come back。”

Pull the time back ten years ago to 2011,It’s a different story。Zizaike、Tujia、Local brands such as Ant Short-term Rental have been established one after another,The industry then entered a development period in 2012。2015 "Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development 188bet app download of Life Service Industry and Promoting the Upgrading of Consumption Structure" was issued,B&B has officially entered a period of rapid development in our country。

Promoted by the Internet platform,It also makes this industry more popular。In addition to traditional OTA (Ctrip、Tuniu、Elong),New Fourth Army (Tujia in the vertical segmentation of B&Bs)、Airbnb、Xiaozhu Short-term Rental、Outside of Meituan B&B,WeChat、Tik Tok、Xiaohongshu Internet social platform has also become a marketing position for homestays。

Wang Miao, a veteran in the homestay industry, told Ran Finance,An industry wants to thrive,There must be complete rules and corresponding regulatory restrictions,Otherwise it will be difficult to avoid brutal expansion,leading to frequent chaos。As Wang Miao said,When some B&Bs fall into ";Internet celebrity filter incident”When it causes a crisis of consumer trust,Negative news about the safety and privacy of B&Bs has also been frequently exposed。

“The current B&B is a bit like Didi Taxi a few years ago,Great market demand,From the perspective of the B&B host,Hope to be formalized。”Wang Miao said。

Yu Boliang, the owner of Beijing Tuolai B&B, expressed the same view。Yu Boliangcheng,B&B as an emerging industry in China,After rapid development, standardization is the inevitable direction of market development,It is also the process of washing the sand in big waves。But at the same time,Yu Boliang said,Still optimistic about the future development of homestays,Looking forward to the country issuing more practical guiding policies。

Wang Siyuan, who is optimistic about the homestay industry together with Yu Boliang,Optimistic about the development of country B&Bs, he chose to enter the game at the beginning of 2021,And build your own homestay brand“Dongtai Tangyuan”Driving to the edge of Xiangshui Lake in Huairou District, Beijing。In his opinion,Now is a good time to buy country B&Bs at bargain prices。

“The epidemic has made the tourism industry the first example of internal circulation,Some of my friends who run homestays in the suburbs of Beijing have made money in the past few years,I also believe that the homestay market will be better after the epidemic。”

Someone left sadly,Someone is still insisting,Some people are going against the wind,This may be the current state of the homestay industry, which is accelerating its reshuffle。

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Shopkeeper Wang is from She County, Huangshan, Anhui Province,Before entering the homestay industry,Was a professional tour guide,Has experience as an international tour guide,Have a certain understanding of the development pattern of foreign homestays。2014,She saw the rise of homestays in Yunnan,At that time, there was no B&B in the ancient city of Shexian County,So she came up with the idea of ​​returning to her hometown to open a B&B。

“For a B&B,Site selection is the key to life and death,I don’t want to make a lot of money,I just want to show everyone the real life of Huizhou people through my B&B。”

Different from many boutique B&Bs,Shopkeeper Wang’s way of doing business is ";Grounding”,From architecture to ornaments,Huizhou in September shows the imprint of Huizhou culture。Share food with guests for free、Personally drive guests to travel、Spread Huizhou culture……

Also in those two years,The homestay industry is experiencing rapid development。Not only has it changed from a niche industry to a hot spot,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino At the same time as the crazy influx of capital,Various concepts and hype are also emerging in endlessly。The "2017 Homestay Industry Development Research Report" released by the China Tourism Association shows,The number of B&Bs in my country has grown from more than 50,000 in 2016 to 200,000 at the end of 2017,300% year-on-year increase。

In 2017,Investors visit frequently,Almost broke the threshold of Huizhou Inn in September。“A well-known travel agency invited me to join、Some require direct name recognition,Some people invite me to authorize listings in other places。Although in different ways,But they all said they don’t need a penny from me,As long as authorization and simple guidance,I can just lie down and make money。”Recalling the crazy period of B&B development,Shopkeeper Wang talks endlessly。

“But finally,I rejected them all。”Shopkeeper Wang said,“In my cognitive category,B&B is really not a business to make quick money,It is also not suitable to take the chain road。It reflects more of the B&B owner’s perception of life,It’s really not possible to join the Clippers who got rich。”

Feeling the popularity of B&Bs with Shopkeeper Wang and the "ldquo" at that time;Beipiao”Mark,With Yu Boliang, the boss of the public relations company。

“Girls born in the 1990s become housewives,Earn hundreds of thousands a year”、“Renovate your old house into a B&B,One million a year”、Also“Resigned with an annual salary of one million,Open a B&B to achieve financial freedom”etc. report,Let the time“Beipiao”'s Mark is eager to make a move in this industry。

So,Mark, who was tired of wandering, decided to resign and return to his hometown to start a business,With all his savings of more than 300,000 yuan, he lives in his hometown Danba County, Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province,Opened a B&B。

The difference from Mark is,Before entering the homestay industry,Yu Boliang already owns a public relations company,“The reason why I entered the homestay industry in 2017,Mainly because I helped a friend studying in the United States book a B&B in Beijing,It turned out that it was hard to find a room。”So,Yu Boliang began to study the homestay market,Discover that city B&Bs are in hot season,“B&B can solve the remaining production capacity,A long-lasting and stable industry that promotes the sharing economy。”

That’s it,Yu Boliang founded Tuolai B&B in Beijing,And successfully turned it into a side job。

Yu Boliang’s comments on Ran Finance,2017 to 2019 is the best period for the development of the homestay industry,The company was once in Sanlitun、We have acquired 120 houses in the core business districts of Beijing such as Guomao and Wangjing,The investment cost has also increased from the initial 7.8 million yuan to more than 6 million yuan。“The consumer group of B&Bs tends to be younger,There are actually relatively few people born in the 1980s,Post-90s、Mostly born after 1995,Then there are overseas people。”

Meanwhile,With TikTok、The rapid popularity of short video platforms represented by Kuaishou,On the one hand, it has become a tool for tourists to spontaneously spread local scenery and folk customs,On the other hand,Also successfully started a wave of grass planting、The new craze of punching in。Relying on previous work experience in advertising companies and grasp of Internet product forms,188bet sports betting app download Mark also promoted these Internet social platforms in B&Bs,Accumulate fans on Douyin and Xiaohongshu by shooting short videos,And brought the first batch of customers to his B&B。

The exit and chaos after the madness

But just when the entrants thought they had found a way to get rich,The sudden epidemic has dealt a huge blow to the tourism industry,The homestay industry, which relies heavily on tourism for survival, has also pressed the pause button。

Xiaoxiao is from Xi’an, Shaanxi,Take advantage of Xi'an to become "";Internet celebrity city”的东风,Enter the city B&B,With an investment of less than 100,000 yuan, I achieved my own ";Charterer”’s dream。

“The first set paid for itself within half a year,The house at the back will pay for itself in about 3 months,Business was the best in 2017 and 2018,On average, each house can earn a net profit of about 5,000 yuan per month。”However,First half of 2020,All the B&B rooms owned by Xiaoxiao are basically closed,In desperation,She had no choice but to choose long-term rent to stop losses。

“Second half of 2020,Retaliatory consumption in the tourism industry,The business situation of the B&B is a little better,But the whole year of 2021 will fluctuate due to the epidemic,Consumption is obviously weak,Now we can only barely maintain a balance of payments。”Talking about the current situation of B&Bs,Xiaoxiao is quite helpless。

Shopkeeper Wang’s feelings are basically the same as Xiaoxiao’s。Once overcrowded,It has become hard to find customers now。Shopkeeper Wang told Rancaijing,I often receive greeting messages from previous guests,I also occasionally look through everyone’s guestbook in the store,“A guest and a friend,Their encouragement is also the motivation that supports me to persist。”

In order to maintain the operation of the B&B,Shopkeeper Wang sells souvenirs in the inn。“Buying a B&B is a relatively heavy asset investment,Although leasing is an option、Close、Entrust a hotel management company or sell it to the next one,But the decoration and hardware equipment will be in vain。Now,Monthly rent and maintenance costs are a big expense,Only‘PINJIADI’Holding on with gritted teeth,Just get over it。”

Mark couldn’t survive it。Second half of 2021,Mark closed the B&B,Find a job related to short videos in Chengdu,Returned to the workplace。

But actually,Not just the impact of the epidemic,The endless industry chaos has actually appeared for a long time,Seriously restricting the development of the industry。

Long before the epidemic,The user reputation of the B&B has begun to collapse。More and more capital is entering the market with hot money,Some B&Bs have taken the high-end boutique route,Some are still walking“Wild luxury”Route,Change the environment“野”&ldquo with experience;Luxury”Merge together,The price is close to 4 digits,But the service is not directly proportional to the price。

Shopkeeper Wang’s remarks to Ran Finance,With the help of capital and self-media,When hot money meets boundless creativity,Designer B&Bs and wild luxury B&Bs have become mainstream,Explosive modification、Hermès toiletries、Second sale of butler service in five-star hotels、Light luxury style has become the new selling point of B&Bs,It cannot be matched even if the room rate is less than 4 digits。“A B&B originally born from the grassroots,188bet app download Forced into wearing high-end clothing,There must be something wrong。”

"2018 China Online B&B Development Report" shows,The online platform is providing feedback on problems existing in the homestay industry,The most concentrated thing is service。Among them,56.1% of the negative reviews are dissatisfaction with the B&B’s service。The host maliciously canceled the reservation、Poor service attitude、Difficulties in refunding fees have become the focus of complaints from tourists,There are even cases where landlords and service staff harass tenants。

Except Services,Safety is also a pain point in the B&B industry。On the one hand,Resident information,Landlord、The operator and the short-term rental network platform do not understand it,Hidden dangers affecting social security。On the other hand,The black-hearted B&B with privately installed pinhole cameras has also been repeatedly exposed。

Under supervision, you may be reborn

“The industry is expanding too fast,But consumers’ awareness has not yet been formed。”In Shopkeeper Wang’s opinion,Under the Internet celebrity filter,The goods are out of order at the B&B,And the price and service do not match, etc.,This creates misunderstanding among consumers,“Consumers have a greatly reduced impression of the entire homestay industry,This is very detrimental to the development of the industry。”

“When the industry itself cannot maintain a healthy development direction,Regulatory intervention is needed。”As shopkeeper Wang said,A series of policies introduced by relevant departments for the homestay market,Promoted the compliance operation and development of B&Bs to a great extent。

Starting from the end of 2020,Relevant departments have strengthened the supervision of B&Bs。According to incomplete statistics from Ran Finance,November 2020,The national standard "Rural B&B Service Quality Specification" is officially released and implemented,Filling the gap in rural B&B service and management standards。March 2021,The Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued the No. 1 amendment to the tourism industry standard "Basic Requirements and Evaluation of Tourist Homestays",Specifies the levels and signs of tourist B&Bs、Basic requirements、Classification conditions、Grading method。April,Documents issued by the State Council,Proposed“Encourage all regions to appropriately relax market access for tourism homestays,Promote the implementation of tourism homestay industry standards”。June,The National Tourism Standardization Technical Committee issued the "National Tourism B&B Rating Evaluation and Review Expert Management Measures"。

Outside of national policies,All localities are also constantly following up and improving。September 2021,Relevant departments in Beijing issued the "Notice on Regulating the Management of Short-term Rental Housing",The notice determines that the platform needs to verify six materials submitted by short-term rental housing operators when publishing short-term rental housing information,In the industry, it is called“Six certificate requirements”,Including the community management agreement or owners committee、Property Management Committee、Materials agreed in writing by other owners in this building。

Zhou Libo, general manager of Zhangjiajie Jianwai Qijing Holiday Inn, told Ran Finance,In the trend of strong supervision and the epidemic“188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Baptism”in multiple contexts,current,B&B practitioners are also constantly cultivating internal skills to improve their management level,Simultaneous talent training,Welcoming the comprehensive recovery of the industry in the future。

As Zhou Libo said,The analysis of the "2021 National Homestay Industry Development Research Report" points out,B&Bs across the country have been greatly affected by the epidemic,Suburban B&B in some areas、Resort B&B、Rural B&Bs are developing well。

"Tujia B&B 2021 Spring Festival B&B Travel Data Report" shows,During the Spring Festival in 2021,The overall advance booking volume of homestays nationwide has recovered to 60% of the same period in 2020;The search volume for popular B&Bs in first-tier and new first-tier cities exceeds 400%,The unit price of B&Bs in the suburbs of some cities has increased by more than 35%。

Wang Siyuan observed this data,Select“Breaking Bed and Breakfast”。“The epidemic has promoted the internal circulation of the domestic tourism market,Traveling across provinces or cities,High risk of virus transmission,But it is similar to rural tourism such as outings in Beijing,The risk is much more controllable。”2021,After many inspections,Wang Siyuan finally invested more than 600,000 yuan,The B&B is located next to Xiangshui Lake in Huairou District, Beijing, which has complete supporting facilities such as eating, drinking and entertainment。

In Wang Siyuan’s opinion,Features are always the vitality of a B&B,So in the early stages of B&B construction,He decided on the Tang style design style and added a hot spring。“I rented a house at the beginning of 2021,The rent for 11 years is only 200,000 yuan,The average is less than 20,000 yuan a year,But starting from March 2021,The prices of surrounding houses have begun to rise。The slightly larger house next door,The asking price has increased to 40,000-50,000 yuan a year。”

Wang Siyuan’s remarks to Ran Finance,Very optimistic about the future development prospects of homestays,Profit is only a matter of time。“I don’t intend to make quick money,As ​​long as you can get your money back in five years。Promoting the construction of beautiful countryside is a national policy,Opening a B&B can satisfy my personal interests,It can also contribute to rural construction。”

Zhou Libo thinks,Benefiting from the rapid development of my country’s tourism industry,Under the dual drive of sentiment and investment and the improvement of the national policy on homestays,The B&B industry will move towards greater numbers、The development of capital in a more diversified direction。“With the changes in tourism patterns,B&Bs are becoming more and more popular,There will be high investment growth in the future、Market high growth trend。”

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This article comes from Ranciyuan, and the copyright belongs to the original author. Original title:B&B people: Hot money keeps coming during times of crisis,Half-year profit 5000 during cold season
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