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Tourism Author of this article: Jin Chao 2022-02-06 11:22:14
If an industrial ecosystem wants to gain a competitive advantage,The key is that the more participants entering the ecosystem, the better。
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“Chinese Studies”’s continuous rise can be said to be a major cultural phenomenon in recent years。Confucianism shines with the wisdom of Chinese culture、The light of Taoism and Buddhism,Whether it is Confucius's ";Rites, Music, Benevolence and Love”、Mencius's“The debate between justice and benefit”、Still I“Tao follows nature”、Zhuangzi“Qiwuxiaoyao”、And Buddhism“Benefiting all living beings,Be compassionate”’s ideological realm,Both have extraordinary fusion power and spirit of communication,Eclectic,organically connect all aspects of nature, society and life。The traditional Chinese culture has been passed down to this day,It is no longer just a knowledge system,It is a world view of innovative thinking and a methodology for solving problems。

In the information age we live in,The Internet and mobile Internet have completely changed the way of life and production。Social production is no longer subject to the limitations of physical time and space,Split into isolated and broken fragments,But as an organic whole with all things interconnected,Each production factor and production link are mutually conditioned,Intersecting influence,Coordinated linkage,Iterative innovation,Relatively independent industrial ecosystems have been formed,Ecosystems also interact with each other,Mutual integration,Ultimately forming a global integrated industrial ecosystem。

This is especially true for the tourism industry。In the Internet era,The former National Tourism Administration promptly proposed the concept of global tourism,Take tourism + and + tourism as the path,Promote and evolve the traditional tourism industry into a global tourism industry ecosystem guided by the tourism industry。

How to understand the tourism industry in the Internet era?How to position and grasp such an industrial ecosystem?How to manage and develop such an industrial ecosystem?The author is not presumptuous,Trying to combine traditional Chinese wisdom with Internet thinking,Try these questions。

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2013,When I was still working at Mianyang Tourism Bureau,The director arranges a task,Ask me to take the lead in the construction of smart tourism in Mianyang。After taking on the task,I realized this is really a tough nut,The biggest problem is,At that time,Those involved in the tourism industry basically don’t understand informatization,People who engage in informatization basically don’t understand the tourism industry,The same goes for me and my partner team。But Mianyang is the only science and technology city in China,To smart tourism,High leadership requirements,Industry expectations are huge,I want to deal with it,It is absolutely impossible。So I had to lean down,In-depth research。When communicating with the cooperation team,I gradually realized,Smart tourism is the development trend of the tourism industry,Belongs to“The general trend of the world,Haohaotangtang,188bet app download If you follow the rules, you will prosper,If you go against it, you will perish”’s trend。At the same time, I gradually realized that,Smart tourism is not just an intelligent technical means,It must contain a higher level of connotation,Creative team in need of wisdom、Open industrial system、Open industrial system,In order to meet the development of the tourism industry and the changing needs of the market and tourists。In the final analysis,Smart tourism is a new realm of tourism industry development,One can be more timely、Industrial service system that more accurately meets the needs of tourists。

So I tried to use the traditional culture I am familiar with to understand smart tourism,Through repeated conversations with the collaborative team,In-depth research,Continuous innovation,Building a bridge that combines traditional Chinese wisdom with Internet thinking,Formed a set of effective theoretical methods to think,And successfully implemented the Mianyang smart tourism project as the first batch of smart tourism model projects in Sichuan Province,Become a model for cities and states to learn from。

Combining traditional Chinese culture with modern technology,It is an old method in China’s modernization process。This is an overused method,So it has a bad reputation。Actually,This kind of combination can have four levels: one is attachment,The second is the meaning,The third is explanation,The fourth is integration。The attachment is basically a misunderstanding of the literal meaning。Geyi is to use a familiar knowledge system to understand a completely unfamiliar knowledge system,For example, when Buddhism was first introduced to China,Most intellectuals at that time understood Buddhism using the way of thinking and knowledge system of Taoism and Taoism。Interpretation is a deeper conversation,Stand on your own side,Try to communicate and understand from the other party’s perspective。Integration is an ideal state,Hope for equal dialogue between different cultures,In-depth communication,Finally realize that I am among you,You are among me,Become one。The depth of the combination of traditional Chinese wisdom and Internet thinking achieved in this article,Maybe it’s the level of transition from attachment to Geyi。

“Yin Yang”Integrated industries“O2O”

In 2012, CCTV had a smash hit documentary "Internet Era",It shocks every viewer to realize,Everyone of us is inevitably in the Internet age。So we have to ask: What kind of era is the Internet era??

Experts must have countless definitions,But for me: the Internet era is an era of yin and yang fusion。Nothing more,Traditional fusion of yin and yang,It is the fusion of the world of gods and ghosts and the daily world,“There is a god three feet above your head”;Today’s fusion of yin and yang,More integration of the virtual world of the Internet and the real life world。This is completely consistent with the world view of "The Book of Changes"。The Book of Changes says: “One yin and one yang are called Tao,Whatever follows is good,The nature of those who achieve success。”Our daily life now,Wake up during the day,Just turn on the phone and check WeChat,Countless alternations of various online and offline activities,After reading the last post in Moments at night,Turn out the lights and fall asleep,Entering dreamland,Entering another form of yin and yang fusion。This is the Internet era we are in now。

The Book of Changes says: “Yin within Yang,Not in Yang pair。”Yin and Yang fusion,It 188bet sports betting app download is goodness。The way of fusion,There are three dimensions of heaven, earth and man: the way of heaven、Authentic、Humanity。The way of heaven is the dimension of time,It deals with the relationship between preservation and innovation。No innovation,Conservation is rigidity;Not keeping track,Innovation becomes void。Authenticity is the dimension of space dimension,It deals with the relationship between coping and stimulation。Excitement but not response,Sluggish and trapped;There is no way to act blindly,Collapse。Humanity solves the human dimension,It deals with the relationship between resources and organizations。Life in the world,Everyone is in a large system,Outside, individual life, social organization and natural environment are a system,Internally, the body, mind and soul are also a system,Each is a resource for each other,Intersecting organization。

O2O tourism industry integrating yin and yang,Taking the physical tourism industry as the yang,Taking network information services as negative,Carry out top-level design of smart tourism based on the needs of the tourism industry system,Gradually realize the entire industry chain of modern information technology service tourism,Break the gap between network information services and tourism industry needs,Thus promoting the structural adjustment of the tourism industry,Ultimately, we need to build a yin and yang interaction,A tourism industry ecosystem as transparent and harmonious as a Tai Chi ball。

For traditional tourism,The emergence of the Internet is like the destroyer of old rules and the creator of new order,Is bringing about profound changes in the tourism industry pattern。O2O tourism industry integrating yin and yang,Not just“Online To Offline”,ie“Online Transaction”To“Offline experience” ’s business model,Not just “Offline To Online”,From“Offline activities”To“Online interaction” ’s communication and sharing,It is a brand new tourism industry operating system,A satisfying smart management、Smart Service、Smart Marketing、An open and developed tourism industry ecosystem that integrates and interacts with the four major functions of smart experience tourism + and + tourism。

“Everything is fine”’s industrial ecology

020 tourism industry ecosystem as mentioned above,What kind of system is it?,What is its ideal operating state??

The theory of the Four Dharma Realms of the Huayan Sect of Buddhism gives a good explanation。Huayan Sect believes,Everything exists in four different ways,That is: the legal world、Legal Circle、Directors do not interfere with the legal realm、Nothing will hinder the Dharma Realm。The so-called legal world,It is a way of existence that is limited to a specific given state,It’s like living in a world of standard answers,Everything is arranged and specified,Being firmly trapped in it。People who are in the legal world,No longer meets the established living status,Started to pursue and discovered the reality behind the world,There is a truth and law that is different and higher than daily life。But it has not yet been able to integrate the real world with the principles and laws behind it,Instead, treat them as two completely different existences,Neither can understand the relationship between the two,Cannot apply principles and laws to real life。Directors do not interfere with the legal realm,It is a more advanced existence。People in it,Opened up the legal world and the legal world,Be able to combine principles and laws with the real world,It can be regarded as combining theory with practice。

188bet app download It’s hard enough to combine theory with practice,But this is not the highest state of Huayan Sect,The highest state of Huayan Sect is to do everything without hindering the Dharma Realm。What does it mean that everything does not hinder the Dharma Realm?It’s hard to tell。To give a vivid analogy,In a world where everything does not interfere with the Dharma,Just like Sun Wukong in "Journey to the West",But from a monkey to a fish and a bird in an instant,It can also turn from one into thousands。But that’s a myth,Not very convincing。But Master Xianshou, the founder of Huayan Sect, must be convincing,Because he is telling this truth to Wu Zetian, the only female emperor in Chinese history,If you don’t understand, it’s the crime of deceiving the emperor。Therefore,Master Xianshou made an analogy: “Palace of the King of Trayashali Heaven,Zhang net covered, Hanging net decoration hall。The nets are all made of orbs,Hanging beads per eye,Bright and brilliant,Lighting the candle brightly。Infinite Pearls,Get arithmetic table。Netzhu Lingling,Each one shows his shadow。In one bead,The shadows of beads appear。Infinite expansion,Mutual shadows。Palace Net Beads,Such a reflection,Reappearance of multiple shadows,Hidden reflection and mutual benefit,Endless layers。”Between Orbs,Mutual mapping,Infinite expansion,Form a giant network;Each orb,Photographing the entire network of light and shadow;All network light and shadow,Internally captured in a jewel。One is ten thousand,Ten thousand is one,Everything is connected,Everything is fine。What kind of giant network is this!The name of this website is“Indra's Net”——“IN-TER-NET”。Indra Net is the Internet,Each orb is a node of every Internet (ten thousand equals one);Enter from any node,Can master all the information on the Internet (one is ten thousand)。

This is the essence of the tourism industry ecosystem in the Internet era: links create value。No Internet support,Links can also create value,But the link efficiency is too low,Link cost is too high,Therefore it is not enough to become the operating basis of the industrial ecosystem。But the Internet links everything,Changed everything。The tourism industry ecology in the Internet era has wide coverage,From the traditional“Food、Live、row、游、Purchase、Entertainment”Six elements of tourism to“Businessman、raise、Study、Idle、odd、情”New six elements,From the tourism + tourism industry to attract traffic to all walks of life to the + tourism industry to empower the tourism industry,They are all integral parts of the tourism industry。Construction of tourism industry system and operation model in the Internet era,Is trying to focus on tourists’ needs,Open up online and offline tourism administrative management、Tourism Industry Management、Every link in the operation of the tourism industry such as 188bet online sports betting the construction of the tourism industry chain and the operation of tourism enterprises,Build a“Everything is fine”’s industrial ecosystem。

“Dayi Tianshi”’s system organization

The tourism industry ecosystem in the Internet era,Is an open and growing ecosystem,Involving all aspects of social life。Building any relatively independent tourism industry ecosystem cannot be established by any one team alone,It is useless even if an executive order is held to hold a meeting and issue documents。It 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino requires numerous relevant government agencies、Tourism information service provider、Collaboration between tourism companies and other related teams,And,Over time,There will be more and more participating teams。Divide these into various fields,Everyone has their own interests and demands,Even competing teams are integrated together,Let them use their respective strengths,Serving a certain tourism industry ecosystem,Requires special wisdom。This wisdom,From "Book of Changes"。

Everyone knows,The Book of Changes is composed of sixty-four hexagrams,Six lines per hexagram,Except for the two pure yang and pure yin hexagrams of Qian and Kun,Each hexagram is composed of two lines of yin and yang。The two basic elements of Yin and Yang,In a specific time and space,Form a specific combination,Showing specific hexagrams,Contains specific meaning。This combination,And organizational units in the Internet era——The principle of community combination is very same。According to the organizational principles of Zhouyi,Can build an industrial ecosystem and organizational management system that are highly compatible with the Internet era。When many teams work together for a common cause,The biggest problem is to take into account our respective interests and demands on the basis of pursuing a common cause,Maximize the value of the system on the basis of playing their best role,Achieving the galloping of thousands of horses under the leadership of several horses competing for the lead。Zhouyi's view of heaven and earth provides Eastern teamwork wisdom that is different from Western management models to solve this problem。

Dayi Tianshi’s teamwork,The core is that there is no fixed organizational structure,No fixed team boundaries,No fixed project core,No fixed business model,Yes,Only based on the mutually recognized system model and development direction,A specific aggregation of a specific item at a specific moment。Easy,Change,And not easy。The key is to seize the opportunity,Consider things with God,Immediate realization,Make a prompt decision。When we are building the Mianyang smart tourism system,We have organized many teamwork with this way of thinking,Including communication between different resource holders,Another in-depth discussion with the expert team,There are also brainstorming sessions for multiple teams on specific projects,All achieved good results。

Practical experience in system construction

The wisdom of Chinese studies and the construction of an industrial ecosystem in the Internet era introduced in this article,This is not the author’s theoretical conception,It is a summary of my practice in the tourism industry for more than 20 years。In 2003, when the Internet was basically not used in the tourism industry,The author uses “Links create value”’s concept successfully planned“Imperial Tea Leijin,Sacrifice to Xuanyuan”Activity,Creatively combining tea from Mengding Mountain in Ya'an with silk handwoven by Leizu, the symbol of the Yellow Emperor's Yuanfei, from Mianyang Yanting,Pass“Tea and Brocade”Ritual,Linking Ya’an’s tea culture with Mianyang’s Leizu culture,They also jointly adopted the method of offering sacrifices to Huangling,To connect the two with the ancestor of humanities, Huangdi,Achieved multiple value improvements,It also contributed to the formation of "Yanting County and Huangling County";couple”Friendly County。

Entering the Internet Era,In addition to leading 188bet online sports betting the construction of the Mianyang smart tourism project, the author gradually formed the combination of traditional Chinese wisdom and Internet thinking introduced in this article and used it to guide industrial practice,He also consciously used this way of thinking to guide Chengdu“Western self-driving hub”Project implementation,Directly contributed to Aijia Media using National Highway 318 as its core IP to carry out a series of continuous cultural and tourism activities。Also,In the 6th Sichuan Province Tourism Product Design Competition、“A good voice sings a good life—Beautiful China,Fule Mianyang”Large-scale concert、Mianyang Jiangyou Qinglian International Poetry Town European Courtyard Project Creativity、Changhong points mobile phone research and development、Pingwu Zen Tea Town planning and construction and other cultural tourism industry work in practice,The author applies this way of thinking,Made important contributions to the creative development and integration promotion of the project。

final,Let me end this article with a jingle: “Industrial ecology competes for life and death,All parties involved benefit,Every link adds value,During data analysis practice。”Competition in modern economy,It is no longer just a competition between one enterprise and another enterprise,It is not just a competition between one group and another group,It is the competition between one industrial ecosystem and another industrial ecosystem。If an industrial ecosystem wants to gain a competitive advantage,The key is that the more participants entering the ecosystem, the better。To bring more participants into your ecosystem,The core is to benefit all parties involved,The key to benefiting all parties involved is that every link adds value。So-called value-added,It is the process of satisfying needs and potential needs,So the key lies in how to discover and meet needs and potential needs。Today's era,There are two ways to discover needs and potential needs,One is the scientific way,One is the traditional way。The scientific way,Previously based on mathematical statistics,Now based on big data analysis。Traditional way,It all depends on practice,Cultivation of Chinese traditional wisdom by studying classics,Cultivate practical wisdom through practical operation of the tourism industry。The accumulation and interpretation of traditional Chinese wisdom and practical wisdom,“How to use it,One heart”,Information,Universe,The human brain is the most complex big data processor!

(Jin Chao,Ph.D. of Bashu Culture from Sichuan University、Dean of the Rural Tourism Research Institute of Sichuan Tourism University。Twenty years in the tourism industry,Former lecturer in the Chinese Department of Mianyang Normal University、Marketing Section Chief of Mianyang Tourism Bureau、Industrial Section Chief、Secretary-General、Deputy Magistrate of Pingwu County,Deputed as deputy director of the Industry Department of Chengdu Tourism Bureau,Concurrently serves as the executive vice president of Mianyang Tourism Association、Secretary-General,Vice President of the Hot Spring Branch of Sichuan Tourism Association、Secretary-General,In Tourism Marketing、Scenic spot management、Travel planning、Rural Tourism、Has rich experience in hot spring tourism and smart tourism fields。)

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