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Analysis on the development of marine tourism resources in island destinations and research on the integrated development strategy of culture and tourism

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Experiential tourism products are mainly maritime leisure and sports tourism,Not enough depth and experience in cultural excavation。
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The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed “Marine Power Strategy”,Point out the development of the ocean、Utilization and protection are economic development、An important part of opening up to the outside world and ecological construction。Marine tourism is an effective way to develop the marine economy,Is a powerful engine that drives the development of China’s national economy,China’s total marine product as a proportion of GDP in 2019 9.0%,2020,Although the proportion of the marine economy has declined due to the impact of the new crown epidemic,But the main part of the marine industry is still in coastal tourism,The gross marine product of the southern marine economic circle accounts for 38% of the national gross marine product.7%。

The South China Sea region as a window to the world,Hainan Province is the &ldquo for building marine economy and marine tourism.;Vanguard”,Hainan Province“14th Five-Year Plan”The plan proposes that the province’s total marine product value will reach 300 billion yuan in 2025。Marine tourism plays a driving role in marine economic growth,By expansion、Transforming the space of marine tourism resources can promote local economic growth。


Figure 1 Composition of added value of major marine industries in 2020 Image source: China Marine Economy Statistical Bulletin of the Ministry of Natural Resources in 2020

After the merger of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism,Entered a strong period in promoting the integrated development of culture and tourism。Sanya West Island is also constantly exploring the path of tourism transformation and upgrading,Strong efforts in exploring local culture。West Island also has marine tourism、Island Ecology、Folk culture、Red culture and traditional houses, etc.,Although West Island is committed to expanding tourism functions and space,Strive to build a 5A-level scenic spot,And for sightseeing、Casual、Featuring fishing village,However, marine tourism resources have not been fully developed and utilized,And the development and protection of marine tourism resources are not yet in place。

Item 14 of the Sustainable Development Goals (abbreviation SDGs) set by the United Nations proposes: Protect and sustainably use the oceans and marine resources to promote sustainable development,Indicates that the protection, development and effective utilization of marine resources are 188bet app download the path to promote sustainable development。Xidao is the longest bay among the five famous bays in Sanya——An inhabited island in Sanya Bay that can develop tourism。Research on the protection and development of marine tourism resources,Will contribute to the integration of marine culture and marine tourism industry、Ecological and environmental protection、Improve the ability of sustainable development by improving the living environment of fishing villages and other aspects。

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Sanya West Island,In ancient times, it was called West Tortoiseshell Island,It is the largest aboriginal tourist island in Hainan with a history of more than 400 years,It is also a coral island with a long history in the coral reef area,Is the second largest island off the coast of Hainan,2.Traditional fishermen live on the 8 square kilometers of island。In 1990, the State Council approved the establishment of Hainan Sanya National Coral Reef Nature Reserve,West Island is located in the district,It is one of the recognized diving resorts in the world。West Island was originally a place where troops were stationed,Because“West Island Female Militia”Famous。1990s,Part of the West Island has been developed into a scenic spot,A wall separates the scenic spot and fishing village。Sanya West Island Marine Cultural Tourism Zone has been open to the public since 2001,Based on the flat terrain in the northern part of the West Island,South of fishing village,With flat beaches and high-quality seawater,Passed the national 4A level scenic spot assessment in 2011。

Although the development part of the West Island Scenic Area is only 7.2 hectares,Except for the originally developed tourism projects,Since 2018, a large amount of money has been invested in the all-round development of West Island,Strive to create a national 5A tourist area,After the scenic area was upgraded from 4A to 5A, a winter tourism center with a marine dream style was built、Central Square、Landscape avenues connecting scenic spots and Niuwang Island, etc.。After the opening of the fishing village at the end of 2017,Gradually build the West Island Female Militia Exhibition Hall、Xidao Yard and Special B&B、Sea Study Room、Old Fishing Village Alley and West Island Cultural and Creative Center,Combining the traditional culture and tourism of Xidao fishing village,Create a culturally rich “Sea Paradise”。


Figure 2 Schematic diagram of the location of West Island scenic spots and fishing villages

View through public information,The West Island Scenic Spot received less than 10,000 people during the May Day holidays from 2017 to 2019,Post-epidemic tourism recovery in 2021 exceeded 20,000 people。National Day Golden Week showed a decline from 2017 to 2019,The National Day in 2020 is also affected by the epidemic,“Revengeful”Travel,West Island tourism reception exceeds 1.50,000 people。West Island’s tourism popularity and number of tourist receptions are at the bottom among 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino major scenic spots in Sanya,Tourism urgently needs transformation and upgrading。


Figure 3 The number of tourists received by the West Island Scenic Area during May Day and National Day over the years (unit: 10,000 people) Source: Tourism holiday data statistics from the official website of Sanya Tourism, Culture, Radio, Television and Sports Bureau

Situation of marine tourism resources in West Island

(1) Types of marine tourism resources

Jia Yueqian、Li Ping (2005) divided marine tourism resources into two levels according to the attributes of the resources themselves and the attributes of tourism activities,The attributes of the resource itself are divided into natural、Humanities,Tourist activity attributes are divided into coastal zones、Island、Far Sea、Deep Sea、Five forms of marine tourism activities。Yin Zesheng et al. (2006) defined tourism resources as: tourism resources are anything that can attract tourists,Can be developed and utilized for tourism,And can produce economic benefits、Various things and factors of social benefits and environmental benefits。Zeng Xianjin (2013) believes that marine tourism resources include climate conditions、Coast type、Island scenery、Underwater World and Marine Culture。Hou Jinghuai (2020) pointed out that marine tourism resources refer to the collective name of natural resources such as COSCO Sea that have a certain appeal to tourists,Including developed resources and undeveloped resources,Natural marine tourism resources and marine cultural tourism resources。Qiu Ping et al. (2010) divided the types of marine tourism resources into natural marine tourism resources and humanistic marine tourism resources,And from the sea、Place、empty and building、Products and activities are divided into 8 subcategories。

(2) Types of marine tourism resources in West Island

Refer to "Tourism Resource Classification、Survey and Evaluation》(GBT18972-2017),Combined with Jia Yueqian、Li Ping、Zeng Xianjin、Hou Jinghuai、Qiu Ping and other scholars’ classification of marine tourism resource types,Classify the marine tourism resources of the West Island,Mainly include the following types,As shown in Table 1。


(3) Current status of development of marine tourism resources in West Island

The traditional tourism projects developed in the West Island Scenic Area are mainly sightseeing and entertainment。The earliest West Island maritime entertainment is a new direction of Hainan’s marine tourism development,Attracting attention once,But with the continuous development of other islands in Hainan,Xidao’s maritime entertainment business is gradually dimming。Xidao is the second largest island along the coast of Hainan,Its tourism development status and tourism development situation are not ideal。According to official information of West Island,The development method of West Island’s marine tourism resources is mainly around coastal tourism resources、Marine tourism resources and undersea tourism resources,The main type is natural leisure tourism、Marine entertainment sports and underwater tourism,As shown in Table 2。


188bet sports betting app download (4) Issues concerning the development of marine tourism resources in West Island

1. The overall development level of the scenic spot is insufficient and in urgent need of transformation and upgrading

Xidao is the second largest island along the coast of Hainan,The largest one is Dazhou Island located in Wanning,In raw, undeveloped state,Few tourists,Wuzhizhou Island and Bianjiezhou Island of the same type are both national 5A-level scenic spots。West Island has undergone renovation and construction from 4A to 5A,Working with West Island Fishing Village to explore marine culture,Create tourism products integrating culture and tourism,However, there is insufficient development and construction of recreational projects and infrastructure on the island,The overall appearance is small and not refined,Transformation and upgrading are imperative。

2. Insufficient development of island land resources

The development scope of West Island is not large due to the overall terrain,In the early stage, the development of land resources was further restricted due to conflicts between fishing villages and tourism development。The coastal landscape avenue mainly goes to Niuwang Island,No one has set foot in the southern part of the island。The West Island is building an aerial plank road around the island,It is expected to create a richer tourist landscape in the future。

3. Cultural activity experience items are thin

Currently, the West Island cultural and tourism integrated tourism product construction includes the West Island Cultural and Creative Center、Sea Bookstore and West Island Female Militia Exhibition Hall,Mainly for sightseeing,Experiential tourism products are mainly maritime leisure and sports tourism,Not enough depth and experience in cultural excavation。


Ocean Bookstore Source: Sanya Tourism Development Bureau

4. The development of night tourism lags behind

Night tourism in island scenic spots is cultural,And can adjust the time structure of tourism resources and enhance tourism competitiveness。The main way for tourists to travel to West Island is to take a speedboat from Xiaoqigang Pier to West Island,Return to Sanya after playing,There was almost no hotel accommodation before the opening of the fishing village,Tourists cannot stay on the island。With the opening of fishing villages, they are integrated into tourism construction,Hotels on the island、B&Bs etc. have been revealed,But created in the night landscape、Performing activities、Night tourism activities are slightly underdeveloped in terms of night tourism supporting facilities and other aspects。

5. Insufficient marine ecological protection

Tourism development of the ocean,It will cause damage to the marine ecological environment to a large extent,Plus the life of residents on the West Island、The entry and life of tourists reduce the environmental endurance。Due to ocean development、Diving activities will cause damage to the coral reef ecosystem,Hainan Province promulgated the "Hainan Province Coral Reef and Tridacna Protection Regulations" and "Sanya City Compensation Methods for Coral Reef Ecological Loss in Diving Activities" in 2017,But the actual 188bet sports betting app download application protection policy is not in place,Some companies pay too much attention to economic benefits,The public’s awareness of marine protection is insufficient。

nullWest Island Courtyard Source: Feite Modern Travel

Analysis of the advantages of developing marine tourism resources in West Island

(1) Political advantages

The 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed the strategy of maritime power,The state supports the construction of marine economy。Hainan builds a free trade port,Vigorously develop marine tourism to promote the development of marine economy,Plans to support the construction of marine tourism have been introduced、Policy,Provided policy support for the further development of marine tourism in West Island,As shown in Table 3。


(2) Economic advantages

The gross marine product value of Hainan Province in 2019 was 171.7 billion yuan,Coastal tourism accounts for 47% of the main marine industry.65%,Realized added value of 33.4 billion yuan。Sanya received approximately 23 million tourists in 2019,Total tourism revenue 58.1 billion yuan;Although affected by the new crown epidemic in 2020,The annual number of tourists reaches 17 million,Tourism revenue 42.4 billion yuan。Sanya attracts tens of millions of tourists from all over the world every year,Brings tens of billions of tourism revenue,The huge tourism economic market and consumption power bring economic advantages to the development of marine tourism in West Island。

(3) Social advantages

Xidao is the second largest island in Hainan,The largest island in Sanya,Has unique marine tourism resources and cultural tourism resources,400 years of fishing village culture,The red culture of the West Island female militia has brought advantages to the development of tourism in the West Island。And located in the Coral Reef Natural Ecological Reserve,The Institute of Oceanography and Coral Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences provide technical support in the surrounding area,Conducive to the development of marine ranching、Marine fishery leisure tourism。


Xidao Female Soldiers Exhibition Hall Source: Sanya Tourism Development Bureau

Sanya West Island Marine Tourism Resources

Strategies for deepening the integrated development of culture and tourism

Ocean development will make an increasing contribution in alleviating the needs of economic and social development,On the one hand, the protection and development of marine resources should pay attention to the exploration of cultural connotations,Especially if there are residents、An island with history,On the other hand, we should also avoid“Developed by someone,No one to protect”’s dilemma arises。

(1) Government-led、Expand the development space of marine culture,Enrich the supply of tourism products

Because West Island is an inhabited island,In terms of marine cultural tourism resources, it has richer marine cultural tourism resources than Wuzhizhou Island,Under further tourism development,Rich marine culture、Traditional fisherman culture、The connotation of red culture,Highlight the cultural style that is different from other places,Beyond the "homogeneous development of island tourism"";Strange Circle”。Not only must we explore maritime history and culture,We must also pay attention 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino to the culture of the ocean age。Tell the story of West Island,Replace the &ldquo in the story;turtle”“仙”Elemental refining,Carry out cultural and creative development,Further enrich the supply of marine tourism products,Improve the tourism industry chain of West Island,Promote the transformation and upgrading of West Island tourism through the integration of culture and tourism。

(2) Give full play to the advantages of marine tourism resources,Develop yacht tourism,Building Yacht Travel Club

Make full use of the advantages of marine tourism resources,Develop yacht tourism,Construction of Xiaoqi Port Sanya Bay Yacht Base,Building West Island Yacht Travel Club,On the one hand, it provides yacht tourism services and transportation to scenic spots,On the other hand, it also provides private yacht services for high-star hotel guests in the Sanya Bay area。

(3) Develop recreational fishing experience and enrich marine tourism activities

As an inhabited island with a history of 400 years,The residents of West Island Fishing Village have made a living by fishing for generations,Local residents can be hired to provide recreational fishing guidance,Combining tourism and fishing、Fishermen’s life experience、Combined watching fishing culture performances and eating and drinking,Enriching West Island marine tourism activities。


Xidao Fishing Village  Source: Sanya West Island Ocean Culture Tourism Zone

(4) Carry out scientific research and popularization activities and build a maritime museum

West Island is located in the Sanya Coral Reef National Nature Reserve,With beautiful underwater scenery,In addition to developing underwater tourism,It can also enhance awareness of the protection of the marine environment,Building a maritime museum in West Island,Carry out marine life、Marine environment、Coral science popularization and protection and study tourism,Through tangible ocean displays,Promote ecological protection awareness of marine tourism。


400 years of wind and rain in West Island,The economic benefits brought by 20 years of scenic tourism development are obvious to all,But the future development of marine tourism cannot be achieved overnight,Facing limited marine tourism resources and the environment that island residents rely on for survival,Xidao should fully explore the connotation of marine culture,Focus on the development of marine cultural tourism resources。Promote the revitalization of West Island scenic spots through marine tourism、Fishing Village Revitalization,Promote the harmonious and sustainable development of marine tourism and marine economy。

The source of this article is Zhihui, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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