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Wooden Bird Short-term Rental Author of this article: Si Xi 2016-03-28 08:11:53
This article is Zhihui’s exclusive interview with Huang Yue, founder and CEO of MuNiao Short-term Rental,There are huge opportunities in the short-term rental market,The challenge is not small。How to gain a sense of security from strangers?How to give strangers a sense of security?In addition, in 2016, with the two sessions’ re-promotion of the sharing economy,A large number of companies will surely flood into the market again,Competition of new forces、Competition with traditional enterprises,These are all challenges that current sharing economy companies must face。
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Entrepreneurship is really a process that requires extremely high physical and mental demands on individuals,The hardship and tiredness can only be truly realized by starting a business,So if you are not prepared,Or maybe it’s not ready yet,It is not recommended to start a business hastily。

Scenario revolution in the short-term rental market,It means in scene mode,A house is actually an entrance。You rent a house,The owner of the house sometimes shares his free time and resources。

If the market advances faster,Then the integration and mergers and acquisitions of the short-term rental market will definitely accelerate in 2016,Estimated at the end of 2016,Or early 2017。

Spring is coming in Beijing,The weather is still cold,You can see a steady stream of vehicles and pedestrians with similar faces along the road from Chaoyang to Haidian,Only patches of greenery and lively blooming flowers are hard to see,Just like the capital winter of 2015。

Evening,After traveling through most of Beijing, I arrived near the Dazhong Temple,The first feeling when walking into Mudiao Short-term Rental is "so quiet"。

Yes,Large office area,A group of people are busy,Quiet and orderly。The person in charge of the public relations department explained: Mr. Huang is still meeting guests,Please wait a moment。

Ten minutes later,I met Huang Yue, the founder and CEO of MuNiao Short-term Rental in the reception room。He pushed the door open in a suit,Sit with the wind,The smile on his face is exactly the same as in the photo,Energetic and confident。

Speaking and listening: people and people, skills and books

When it comes to Huang Yue, I want to mention another person first - Wu Sheng.

I’ve been following Luo Ji Thinking for about two years now,So when I learned that Huang Yue regarded "Scene Revolution" by Wu Sheng, co-founder of Luoji Thinking, as a treasure,I realize that the person I am about to interview may be a very critical and forward-thinking person。

But a conversation,Huang Yue overturned my guess。There is no supremacy of books,There is no sophistry,He seems to be used to being an interview subject,Always maintain a talkative attitude,Present a wise and smooth feeling。

So I asked the first question I was curious about: the scene revolution he understood?And the scene revolution in the short-term rental market?

Facing my problem,He did not talk directly,But try to lead me to understand by giving examples。

He said: In recent years,Many people are talking about consumption upgrades,Maybe it’s really not like the way we used to consume now,We will find that young people take money more and more lightly,Will pay more attention 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino to the current consumption situation。You can observe the consumption situation of people around you。Previously,We see products that can be bought or not bought,Generally I don’t buy it。But now,If you can buy it or not,Most of us will choose to buy。So the scene will promote your purchasing desire and purchasing power。

In traditional travel scene,Platform guide is the entrance。The simplest example,I went to Japan last week,Follow the guide to find special foods。The guide says there is a restaurant that is particularly good at eating crabs,So I went。But when we got to that store,I just discovered that most of them are Chinese who also followed the guide。But the owner of the B&B where I stayed told me,This place is not the best local crab shop,At this time you will find that many strategies are for commercial purposes。

The scene revolution in the short-term rental market,It means in scene mode,A house is actually an entrance。You rent a house,The owner of the house sometimes shares his free time and resources,For example, we will recommend you real local characteristics,Because he is originally a local,So the recommended local characteristics must be special。So the scene is the most realistic human-centered experience detail,is a connection method,It is the expression of value exchange method and new lifestyle。Its composition is comparable to the five elements of news: time、Location、Character、Event、Connection method。

Reporter’s Notes

Borrowing a passage from "Scene Revolution": In the era of mobile Internet,“Scene” is not a simple noun,It is about reconstructing the connection between people and business。New experience,With the creation of new scenes;New popular,With new insights;New lifestyle,That is, the popular way of new scenes。After the super platform,The PC era has come,When IoT (Internet of Everything) rises,What exactly is the new entrance?A series of subversions have made us face up to the category creation methods in the mobile Internet era,A long-gestating scene revolution is taking place。

"Scene Revolution" describes for us the ongoing business revolution and the four major elements that support the scene,The “Four That’s” methodology of constructing scenarios,Shows the application value of scenarios in business。The future life map will be defined by scenarios,The future business ecosystem is also built by scenarios,The future is a dividend period for high-margin products to flourish based on new scenarios。

The "sharing economy" that was hot in 2015 was once again pushed to the forefront of the new business wave during the two sessions,Becomes the hottest topic in my country’s emerging economic field in 2016。The scenario revolution of the short-term rental market under the sharing economy will become the decisive point in a new round of market competition。

Scenario revolution in the short-term rental market,In fact, it is a subversion of the traditional way of traveling。At this time,Short-term rental houses will become a new entrance to the tourism scene,People become the leaders of the scene,The owner of the house is the creator of the scene,Visitors are scene sharers。Visitors enter through this entrance,And complete your own trip through the recommendation and guidance of the house owner。

Talk and see: rivals and opponents, advantages and disadvantages

Before the interview begins,Muniao PR repeatedly confirmed with me: Please be sure to end the interview within the specified time,Mr. Huang will drive out to meet people in the afternoon,He is very pressed for time,Very full schedule。

So the questions and answers between Huang Yue and I have always been fast,Quick question,Waiting for answer。But when I asked about the short-term rental market or the mergers 188bet app download and acquisitions that will occur in 2016,Huang Yue’s answer is very clear,But seems a little cautious。

He said: If the market advances faster,Then the integration and mergers and acquisitions of the short-term rental market will definitely accelerate in 2016,Estimated at the end of 2016,Or early 2017。Like climbing a hill,Someone climbed from the south slope to the top of the mountain,Someone climbed from the north slope to the top of the mountain,We will meet again on the top of the mountain one day,Competing for first place,Showdown。That is to say, when the development speed of several short-term rental companies currently on the market is accelerating,And began to expand outward,Interpenetration,Then the integration and merger of the short-term rental market is the inevitable result,Wars between enterprises are also inevitable。But currently everyone is immersed in their own world,Stick to your original business model,So there is no big competition。

Questions about integrating merger and acquisition opponents,He said it repeatedly,I really haven’t considered this aspect yet,Because the most important thing is that each company has a deep field。But if there must be the possibility of integration and merger,We prefer companies that are complementary,Differentiation,Complementary business,Companies each with unique business volume and threshold in the market,This will be beneficial to future development。

After caution,Huang Yue faces "competitor Aribnb"、Xiaozhu Short-term Rental、Ant Short-term Rental、When analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of Tujia and others” question,He smiled,also gradually relaxed。

He said: In fact, whether it is Aribnb、Little Pig short-term rental or Ant short-term rental、Tujia,Munniao Short-term Rental actually has no competitive relationship with them。First of all, the market is big enough,Enough for each of us to get a piece of cake;Secondly, the business models of these companies are different,And there are differences;Lastly, in fact, everyone is paying more attention to themselves,Try to build your own barriers higher。

For example Aribnb in the United States,In fact, its competitor is not Homeway,But the hotel industry。In New York,A room in the hotel industry is reduced by 30-40 US dollars,Only then can I snatch back a room on Aribnb,But if this is the case,The hotel industry has actually lost money,So the hotel has complained to Aribnb many times。

So our competitors are actually traditional hotels,We are trying to change users’ accommodation habits,So we are competing for users in the hotel industry。Currently market education has not reached a certain height,Although some people will choose non-standard accommodation,But market education still has a long way to go。

Reporter’s Notes

If the traditional economic model is the industrial economy,It is innovation 1.Source exclusive type in era 0,Then the sharing economy is the information economy,It is innovation 2.Stock development and supply type in the 0 era,It is a subversion and upgrade of the traditional economic model。

Wu Jihong, former director of the Center for Sino-US Strategy at the University of California, defined the so-called disruptive model as: 1、Technology and business models that change the way we live and work;2、Technology and business models that expand the attributes of human society;3、Can use extended social network,Enterprise model developed through community;4、Model of cross-border integration of business ecosystem;5、A model for creating human-machine 188bet online sports betting intelligent network solutions。

For tourist accommodation,The product short-term rental platform of the sharing economy is to maximize the benefits of idle products,Meet new consumer needs to a greater extent,And will be quality、Diversity、Socialization and humanization are integrated into product offerings and services,Promote the rational allocation of idle social resources,Mobilizing domestic demand。

But it is worth noting,The current level of education in the short-term rental market is still very limited,Market demand has not been fully met。So whether the integration and mergers and acquisitions between short-term rental companies are conducive to promoting the rapid growth of the market?This is worth looking forward to。How do short-term rental companies that are deeply involved in each other achieve linkage、Jointly promoting the safety and professionalism of the market is also worth pondering。After all, the purpose of an enterprise is to meet market demand,Develop user habits,Promote market activity。

Also,With the advent of the new consumption era and mass tourism era,How to grasp new consumer trends,Satisfaction is becoming more and more social、Diversified social needs are also challenges that non-standard accommodation companies must face。

Say and do: yourself and the wooden bird, plan and pace

About Huang Yue,Too many exclusive interviews basically tell his story in a vague way。Graduated from China Europe International Business School,Served as a senior executive in two Fortune 500 technology companies,Has 13 years of experience in Internet operation management;Have started a business twice,Has founded Leletao Gift Network and Qitianhui Hotel Reservation Network。

A trip to the United States,Let the restless man start his third business - May 2012,The birth of wooden bird short-term rental。Muniao short-term rental features special B&Bs,By integrating many idle personal listings,Optimize social resource allocation,Implementation platform、Landlord、Tenants benefit in many ways,Let travelers feel at home wherever they go。MuNiao short-term rental since its establishment and development to date,Has received two rounds of financing,Housing covers 396 cities across the country,Has more than 300,000 properties。

However, no matter how impressive the resume is,In front of the two words "entrepreneurship", they are all things of the past,Maybe it can give you a better start,But you have to walk your own path after all。Because starting a business is something that requires great courage and perseverance,It needs a passionate start,What is more needed is a mind that persists in a certain belief。The long time and space will exhaust your initial passion,The real test is when your blood is exhausted,Your physical strength、心力、Frustration after all kinds of vanity experienced by financial resources。

Therefore, Huang Yue suggested very seriously: Entrepreneurship is really a process that requires extremely high physical and mental requirements on individuals,The hardship and tiredness can only be truly realized by starting a business,So if you are not prepared,Or maybe it’s not ready yet,It is not recommended to start a business hastily。

But about the difficulties and hardships of starting your own business,Huang Yue is optimistic and calm,He said: I basically don’t rest until 1:30 or 2 o’clock every night,Because there are various emails、WeChat、A lot of work to be done,I get up early and start working at almost seven o'clock in the morning。I will also be very tired,But my heart is not tired,I enjoy the process of starting a business,Enjoy the growth of your company’s business,Enjoy improved levels of customer service,Enjoy the pride and experience the entire team brings to me。So I am saying that there is bitterness, tiredness, 188bet app download sweetness and happiness,Entrepreneurship is such a mental journey。

A lot happened in 2013,The first "Tourism Law" is promulgated and implemented,The tourism industry is undergoing transformation and upgrading;Phoenix Ancient City starts collecting tickets,Triggering a discussion on the economics of scenic spot tickets;The cruise market is booming,China enters the “Cruise Age”;At the same time,The "sharing economy" across the ocean is also ushering in its initial development climax in China。

However, the biggest impact on the short-term rental market in 2013 was the closure of Airizu, a short-term rental platform under the sharing economy, due to a break in the capital chain,Become a pioneer in the online short-term rental industry。

As a product of China’s sharing economy,Airizu is the earliest platform to enter the online short-term rental field,In its glory days, it gave out tens of millions of promotion orders,Also received acquisition invitations from Homeaway and eLong。However, after it fell,The overwhelming negative news has caused capital to be cautious,Most people are starting to look down on this industry。That year,MuNiao Short-term Rental is preparing for Series A financing,Because angel round self-financing is obviously not enough to support a large amount of market development needs。In fact, an investment institution had already negotiated at that time,But the collapse of Airizu made the capital side express the need to reconsider。

When I mentioned the disadvantages of Woodbird in terms of the current market,Huang Yue brought up the financing incident again,Because the angel round of MuNiao short-term rental is self-financing,So it was not announced to the public。The A round experienced the Airizu incident again,So it gives the outside world the impression that the development of Muniao is slow。Actually,The current main source of income from MuNiao short-term rental is 10% commission,And without much publicity,Performance in 2015 quadrupled compared to 2014。

Talk about the future development of MuNiao short-term rental,I mentioned VR、The technological changes of AR,and international trends。Huang Yue laughed: We are very open-minded,Particularly willing to try to use new technologies to change the user experience。For example, with VR、AR technology,When future users book a house on the MuNiao short-term rental platform,You can learn about the condition of the house,The comfort of the sofa,The growth status of green plants,The scenery outside the window, etc.。

About the issue of internationalization,Huang Yue joked: We have plans to go international in the future,But it was not designed by us,But after the user needs are raised,We feel we can be satisfied,So we will gradually move towards internationalization in a controlled manner。In the future, Wooden Bird will start from Southeast Asia and gradually extend to all parts of the world,Provide special accommodation for Chinese people all over the world。

Huang Yue always emphasized one thing during the interview: user needs。In his opinion,User demand is one of the necessary reasons why MuNiao Short-term Rental has achieved today,This is also the future development direction of MuNiao short-term rental。He said: Our market trend will definitely emphasize user experience more and more,Diversified and characteristic products must be the needs of users。

Just like the country’s liberalization of the second-child policy and the “2” that has been mentioned recently.5 days holiday”,This is the people’s demand point,After these 188bet app needs are met,It will inevitably trigger a series of new user needs。For example, after the two-child policy,When traveling as a family, you must choose an accommodation environment that can meet the needs of the family。There are "2.5 days holiday”,If this policy can be implemented,The number of weekend trips will definitely increase,This will also drive traffic、Accommodation、Changes in demand in catering and other industries。

Because of time,Huang Yue after accepting an exclusive interview,I didn’t even have time to take a sip of water before I got up and left,On the way to the next client。Muniao Public Relations explained: Mr. Huang is particularly busy this year,The schedule is always full。So if it is not at the client,On the way to meet a client;Not on the plane or in the car,Just during the meeting。

Watching Huang Yue stand up neatly、After simply handing over the public relations information, he turned around with a smile and disappeared outside the glass door,I have a vague illusion: the talkative and cheerful person behind the seat,Did you always feel anxious and tired during the conversation you just had??Ready to get up and rush to the next venue at any time。

I don’t know because I don’t feel it.

Reporter’s Notes

In 2015, China’s sharing economy market exceeded 1 trillion yuan (accounting for less than 1% of GDP.6%),The non-financial sector accounts for less than 10%,The total volume of the US sharing economy has exceeded 3 trillion yuan (accounting for 3% of US GDP),And the non-financial category accounts for more than 90%。Informatization Research Department of National Information Center、Estimated in the "China Sharing Economy Development Report 2016" jointly released by the Sharing Economy Working Committee of the Internet Society of China on February 28,The average annual growth rate of my country’s sharing economy in the next five years will be around 40%,By 2020, the scale of the sharing economy will account for more than 10% of GDP。

Among the many companies involved in the sharing economy in my country,The field of short-term rental accommodation that keeps pace with the transportation industry and occupies the forefront of the "sharing economy"。With the growth of national income level,Consumers’ travel consumption has also been upgraded,Tourists’ demand for personalized accommodation has grown significantly,Online short-term rental products are increasingly favored by consumers。

However, the safety and professionalism of the short-term rental market are also questioned,How to gain a sense of security from strangers?How to give strangers a sense of security?This is a seemingly simple but very difficult trust issue,Because there are interests of all parties,Including administrative deficiencies、The gray area of ​​policy mechanism、Safety Guarantee、Industry structure and market cognitive limitations and other issues are challenges that need to be faced。In addition, in 2016, with the two sessions’ re-promotion of the sharing economy,A large number of companies will surely flood into the market again,Competition of new forces、Competition with traditional enterprises,These are all challenges that current sharing economy companies must face。

*Author of this article: Si Xi,Zhihui travel expert author,Personal WeChat ID: sixi7890,Thank you for your support!

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