2022CTCAS Summit,Watching and new opportunities for China’s cultural 188bet sports betting industry

Activity Author of 188bet sports betting article: Zhihui 2022-05-31
The cultural 188bet sports betting industry is still full of vulnerabilities,This vulnerability comes from uncertainty,The cultural 188bet sports betting industry is highly dependent on liquidity。

May 31,immersed in the metaverse丨2022 The 6th China Cultural 188bet sports betting Consumption Annual Summit and“Dragon Bird Award”The awards ceremony was grandly unveiled in Longque Open World,Well-known experts and scholars from the fields of culture and 188bet sports betting across the country、Industry association leaders and leading corporate executives and other cultural and 188bet sports betting figures gathered around “Super scene、Unlimited links”Topic,Aggregation“Yuanverse Conference + Digital Collection Awards + Cloud Expo + Special Matchmaking Meeting”Different sections,Gathering the power of the entire cultural and 188bet sports betting industry chain,Discuss new ways to deal with difficult situations。Liu Zhaohui, founder and chairman of Zhihui Group, attended this conference and published "2022,Watching and new opportunities for China’s cultural 188bet sports betting industry?》Keynote Speech。

Liu Zhaohui said,The cultural 188bet sports betting industry is still full of vulnerabilities,This vulnerability comes from uncertainty,The cultural 188bet sports betting industry is highly dependent on liquidity。Once liquidity is cut off,will be very fatally affected。Natural disaster、Like a flood、Typhoon、Earthquake、Epidemic, etc.,Man-made disaster、War、Political unrest、Protests and demonstrations have a great impact on the cultural 188bet sports betting industry。Also,Vacation、Casual、Entertainment and other cultural and 188bet sports betting consumption are non-rigid needs,This vulnerability is even more significant。Once a shutdown is ordered,Scenic Area、Travel agency、Hotel、Catering will suffer heavy losses。

In terms of antifragility,Liu Zhaohui believes that two major trends should be noted,First,The new middle class and Generation Z have risen,The superposition of these two groups means that the new consumer group composed of them as the main body has become the mainstream consumption of the largest group in the world,They not only dominate the mainstream consumption of this society,It also determines the development trend of China’s economy to a large extent,Their quality of cultural 188bet sports betting、Health、Safety、The consumer trend of demand for experiential products has become a major trend。Second,Changes in production factors,The demographic dividend is fading,The resource-driven development model will gradually give way to innovation、Technology、Culture-driven high-quality development,Both the national economic structure and the cultural 188bet sports betting industry structure will undergo tremendous changes,Post-epidemic city destinations,Short distance、Periphery、Self-driving、Micro vacation、Light leisure、Cross-border composite products will be the mainstream in the future,Cultural and 188bet sports betting consumer products、Supply and demand adjust in the time dimension,Composite in space,And innovation after the superposition of time and space will be the main line of cultural 188bet sports betting development during the 14th Five-Year Plan。

Liu Zhaohui also said,There are four most obvious starting points for anti-fragility in cultural 188bet sports betting。The first step is digital breakthrough,Under the pressure of this epidemic,Utilizing antifragile mechanism,Breaking through the original stage of digitalization in the cultural 188bet sports betting scene,The long-standing management shortcomings and inefficient operation of business ideas must be reconstructed through digitalization。At the same time,On the demand side,The contactless economy spawned by the epidemic,Let more and more middle-aged and elderly people migrate from offline to online,They started using online travel APP。On the supply side,The entire 188bet sports betting industry will increase investment in digitalization,Accelerate the transformation of the original inefficient offline 188bet sports betting industry chain。Secondly,Antifragility can also look for opportunities from the sinking market,Live streaming and pre-sales are also important means to combat the vulnerability of cultural 188bet sports betting。

The following is the full text of Liu Zhaohui’s speech:

(188bet sports betting article is compiled based on the speech transcript,Zhi Hui slightly edited):

Dear leaders、Dear guests、Dear cultural and 188bet sports betting colleagues,Hello everyone!Everyone is welcome to participate in this unique way hosted by Zhihui with ";Super scene、Unlimited links”The 2022 Sixth China Cultural 188bet sports betting Consumption Annual Summit and“Dragon Bird Award”Digital Collection Release Ceremony" series of activities。This is also the first time in the history of the cultural 188bet sports betting industry to hold a conference in the form of the metaverse,The first time to award awards in the form of digital collection,2022,Let’s create history together、Witness history!

2022 can be said to be the most difficult year in the history of China’s cultural 188bet sports betting industry,An epidemic that lasted for nearly three years,Inbound and outbound travel has almost been cleared,Most of the discounts on domestic travel,Still struggling to survive;The cultural 188bet sports betting project that has been in preparation for many years cannot be opened due to the epidemic,A well-operated scenic spot、Resort、Theme Park、Pastoral Complex、B&B clusters had to be closed due to the epidemic,The cultural 188bet sports betting industry is encountering unprecedented difficulties and challenges,The entire industry is silent,I know everyone is gritting their teeth and insisting、Forbearance、Gathering momentum,It’s really not easy!

Today we are in an era of violent shock and change,Great changes unseen in a century,China-US trade friction to Russia-Ukraine conflict,Then the new coronavirus epidemic sweeps the world,This era is full of variability、Uncertainty、Complexity、Ambiguity。The periodic law 188bet sports betting times is the general trend that we must first see clearly。Rui·, founder of Bridgewater Investments in 2022;Dalio published "Principle 2: Coping with the Changing World Order",After visiting the United States、China、UK、Netherlands、Germany、France、Russia、Japan、After nearly 500 years of history in India and other countries,Draw the conclusion 188bet sports betting big cycle。


In Jared·Diamond "Guns、Germs and Steel" clearly conveys several 188bet sports betting biggest influencing factors on the human economic cycle:";Guns、Germs and Steel”,The Eurasian continent has more advanced weapons than the non-American and Australian indigenous people、Germs that the indigenous people have never been exposed to,This means no immunity,And advanced steel tools。Especially the aborigines killed by the germs when they conquered non-American Australia,Far more powerful than millions of soldiers。The impact 188bet sports betting epidemic on the world is huge,Today,The historical cycle repeats itself again,As 188bet sports betting day before yesterday,The global new crown epidemic has caused nearly 5.300 million infections,Cumulative deaths are nearly 6.3 million。And 100 years ago“Spanish Flu”,Nearly 1 billion people are infected,Over 40 million people died,Affected many countries around the world,Almost no one is spared,At that time,The global population is only 1.7 billion。



Despite the war、Epidemic、Social unrest,Within each country、Disasters such as conflicts between countries have repeatedly affected global destiny and development cycles,But overall the world is still making progress,More importantly: China’s national destiny is still on the rise,The competitive and cooperative relationship between the world and major powers will exist for a considerable period of time,Superposition of epidemics,Increases the complexity 188bet sports betting situation,But we still have to have faith。



In Education、Innovation and Technology、Competitiveness、Military strength、188bet sports betting trade share、Economic Output、Strength of Financial Center、Among the 8 key factors that determine the rise and fall of a country, including reserve currency status,China still maintains strong competitiveness。


Churchill said,Churchill said: Never waste a crisis,Even 188bet sports betting darkest hour,There are still opportunities to hide it,"Tao Te Ching" says ";Misfortune depends on blessing,Blessings come with disasters”It’s the same reason。Many great companies were born under adversity:


For example, General Electric,Founded in 1892,Suffered a serious recession in 1893。In 16 months,U.S. business activity dropped nearly 40%。However, GE did not fall,Keep moving forward instead,One 188bet sports betting original 12 companies included in the Dow Jones Industrial Index in 1896。More than a century later,GE has encountered multiple crises including two world wars,But they all seized the opportunity to grow against the trend,Currently it is still one 188bet sports betting top 500 companies in the world。

Let’s look at Disney, the giant in the cultural 188bet sports betting industry。1928,Walt and Roy·The Disney brothers (Roy Disney) introduced their most classic image to the world, Mickey Mouse, through the animated short film "Steamboat Willie"。One year later, 1929,The outbreak of the Great Depression that lasted nearly 4 years。Walter·Disney Productions produced many inspiring animations during this period,The challenge of helping people survive the recession。And shortly after the end of the Great Depression,They released Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,Production capabilities upgraded again。Disney in the following decades,Created numerous cultural industry operation models,Including theme parks,IP-based operation, etc.,Always at the forefront of the industry。Under the background of the epidemic, Disney has increased its efforts to promote the Disney+ streaming service,Finding a way out from crisis after crisis。

Anyway,The cultural 188bet sports betting industry is still full of vulnerabilities,This vulnerability comes from uncertainty,The cultural 188bet sports betting industry is highly dependent on liquidity。Once liquidity is cut off,will be very fatally affected。Natural disaster、Like a flood、Typhoon、Earthquake、Epidemic, etc.,Man-made disaster、War、Political unrest、Protests and demonstrations have a great impact on the cultural 188bet sports betting industry。Also,Vacation、Casual、Entertainment and other cultural and 188bet sports betting consumption are non-rigid needs,This vulnerability is even more significant。Once a shutdown is ordered,Scenic Area、Travel agency、Hotel、Catering will suffer heavy losses。

Then how to be antifragile?Naseem·Nicholas·Taleb proposed three states in his book "Antifragility": Fragile state (the glass is very hard,But it 188bet sports betting break easily if dropped to the ground);Strong state (plastic cups are easily deformed,But it is usually intact after being dropped on the ground);Antifragile state (imagine a cup made of a material,When it falls on the ground, it 188bet sports betting turn into two small cups)。Just like an egg falling from a height, it 188bet sports betting be broken when it hits the ground,We say it is fragile;A shot put fell to the ground unscathed,Can even make a hole,We say it’s tough;A basketball 188bet sports betting bounce high when dropped from a height,We say it is“antifragile”of。

Fragility can only bear losses due to uncertainty,But antifragility is to avoid these losses,Even profit from it。In simple terms,The ability to resist external risks,called“Strong structure&188bet sports betting;;The ability to profit from external risks,Call it“Anti-fragile structure&188bet sports betting;。

From the perspective of anti-brittleness theory,The best way to deal with risks is“Fight fire with fire”,Design a“Anti-fragile structure”,Improve the organization's“Volatility”,Use“Volatility”Balance risk,And wait for opportunities to take advantage of risks and profit。“antifragile”There is a typical structure 188bet sports betting theory proposed by Taleb“Barbell Structure”,That is, making profits while sticking to the foundation。

In addition, we should pay attention to two major trends in antifragility: the rise of the new middle class and Generation Z,The superposition of these two groups means that the new consumer group composed of them as the main body has become the mainstream consumption of the largest group in the world,They not only dominate the mainstream consumption of this society,It also determines the development trend of China’s economy to a large extent,Their quality of cultural 188bet sports betting、Health、Safety、The consumer trend of demand for experiential products has become a major trend。

Another trend is: changes in production factors,The demographic dividend is fading,The resource-driven development model will gradually give way to innovation、Technology、Culture-driven high-quality development,Both the national economic structure and the cultural 188bet sports betting industry structure will undergo tremendous changes,Post-epidemic city destinations,Short distance、Periphery、Self-driving、Micro vacation、Light leisure、Cross-border composite products will be the mainstream in the future,Cultural and 188bet sports betting consumer products、Supply and demand adjust in the time dimension,Composite in space,And innovation after the superposition of time and space will be the main line of cultural 188bet sports betting development during the 14th Five-Year Plan。

In the face of a catastrophe such as the epidemic that has never happened in a thousand years,I summarized the four most obvious starting points for the anti-fragility of cultural 188bet sports betting in recent years:

The cultural 188bet sports betting industry is an industry that emphasizes offline experience,The first step to antifragility is digital breakthrough。Internet、Digitalization is profoundly reorganizing social organizations and individuals,Consensus and deep division coexist,Industrial Internet、VR、AR、Holographic、Light and Shadow、IP authorization、Cultural and creative digitalization、New night tour technology、The metaverse is changing our experience and industrial structure with each passing day,We should be forced by this epidemic,Utilizing antifragile mechanism,Breaking through the original stage of digitalization in the cultural 188bet sports betting scene,The long-standing management shortcomings and inefficient operation of business ideas must be reconstructed through digitalization。

On the demand side,The contactless economy spawned by the epidemic,Let more and more middle-aged and elderly people migrate from offline to online,They started using online travel APP。On the supply side,The entire 188bet sports betting industry will increase investment in digitalization,Accelerate the transformation of the original inefficient offline 188bet sports betting industry chain。

When everyone is staring at the first-tier markets in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen,Antifragility can also look for opportunities from the sinking market。UBS data display,3、The travel frequency ratio of users in tier 4 cities is 1、30 lower for users in second-tier cities—40%。This means,The potential of the sinking market has not yet been fully stimulated,For example,Tongcheng Yilong has continued to increase investment in the sinking market during the two years of the epidemic。By placing ticketing equipment at transportation stations in non-first-tier cities、Promote&ldquo at the hotel front desk;Scan the code to live”etc.,Continuously explore the 188bet sports betting needs of the sinking market。Tongcheng seizes the sinking market and designs an anti-fragile structure with very effective results。

The epidemic has blocked mobility,But the live broadcast and pre-sale cannot be blocked,This is also an important means to combat the vulnerability of cultural 188bet sports betting。 “On the one hand, the live broadcast and pre-sale models can lock in part of the hotel’s future revenue、Easing the current dilemma,It allows merchants to have more space for product innovation and combination while ensuring bottom-line profits,Increase the gross profit level of remaining supply;On the other hand, live streaming and pre-sales are essentially a process of implanting your own brand into the minds of potential consumers,Conducive to long-term membership and fan operations。

Ctrip caught the live broadcast immediately。So we saw Liang Jianzhang transformed into a host,Through different appearances and skills in the live broadcast room,Let go 188bet sports betting entrepreneur's "";face”,Through live broadcast and other new formats,Leading out 188bet sports betting darkest moment step by step with Ctrip。Second quarter of 2021,Ctrip handed over“Red across the board”Performance,Liang Jianzhang led the team to make breakthroughs through live broadcast and was also using anti-fragile structures to fight the epidemic。

Einstein said,“All the hard questions,The answers are all on another level,​Only when your cognition is improved can you solve low-level problems。”The cultural 188bet sports betting industry is anti-fragile and can expand industry boundaries。Where is the vast world of cultural 188bet sports betting?Can’t stay within the shackles of traditional business,The market needs scenic spots、Hotel、Airlines, high-speed rail, chartered cars and other large and small transportation、Travel agency、Duty Free Shop、Traditional business formats such as cruises,But it is more necessary to superimpose culture on the basis of the original industry、文博、Culture and Creativity、Entertainment、Chinese Business Travel、Farm Travel、Kanglv、Digital、FEC、New retail、New Island、Themed entertainment and other new formats;We must focus more on large city clusters and potential urban destinations,43 years of reform and opening up,Our trillion-level cities have reached 18,Their consumption potential cannot be underestimated。

Even if there is no epidemic,It’s time for the cultural 188bet sports betting industry to urgently need changes,The supply side is inefficient and backward,The demand side is complex,Sightseeing、Casual、Vacation、Experience coexistence,Unbalanced supply of high-quality products,The industrial chain is outdated and inefficient,Technological changes seriously lag behind the times,Whether it is consumer Internet or industrial Internet,Cultural 188bet sports betting is still labor-intensive,The traditional industry of relying on the sky to make a living,Policy constraints、Industrial Barriers、Complex business structure,Industrial structure integrating regional economy,In the cultural 188bet sports betting industry, only the integration of culture and 188bet sports betting is far from enough,Industry and health care、Education、Entertainment、Sports、Agriculture、Business、The Internet and others have huge room for integration,We need cultural travelers to break through the boundaries、Reshape cognition、Only to move on the right track。

Outbound travel 1.The consumption potential of about 400 million is being released in the country,More than just a city destination,More in the beautiful countryside,The aorta of internal circulation in culture and 188bet sports betting will continue to thrive in the new urban-rural interaction,The inner loop is an anti-fragile structure in a sense。One of the biggest changes brought about by the epidemic to the cultural 188bet sports betting industry is the substantial adjustment of the tourist structure,Previous outbound travel、Inbound 188bet sports betting and domestic 188bet sports betting constitute the three important sectors of China’s cultural 188bet sports betting consumption,But entry and exit are blocked,Let a large number of outbound tourists return to China,The proportion of domestic 188bet sports betting has suddenly increased,But it is worth our attention,This is not just a change in quantity,It is also an adjustment of structure and an upgrade of form。

Based on forecasts from The Economist Intelligence Unit,China’s outbound 188bet sports betting will not return to the level of 2019 until 2024,In other words,There is still 2-3 years left for the domestic 188bet sports betting industry to improve in the future,In the past, Chinese outbound travelers were generally of higher quality,Experiential nature of cultural 188bet sports betting product supply、Higher service level requirements。Period of normalized epidemic prevention and control,Surrounding Tour、Micro vacation、Exquisite camping、Self-driving tourists will be the main force,Development of destination cultural 188bet sports betting,We must consider the improvement of supply from the perspective of high quality。Xinjiang Keketuohai ski resort is very popular,The popularity of high-quality B&Bs in Songtsam,The surge in duty-free shopping in Sanya is a good proof。

There is a famous 188bet sports betting story,can well explain the thinking model and cognitive perspective of antifragility。

During the Anti-Japanese War,Wang Yongqing, who later became the richest man in Taiwan, stayed at home。He wants to be idle anyway,Why not raise more geese,You can 188bet sports betting earn an income。So he bought a large number of skinny geese,Get rice bran again、Rotten vegetable leaves,Mixed together to serve as goose feed。What I never expected,Skinny Goose ate such bad food,The growth rate is very fast,The size is much larger than the geese normally fed。Surprised,He realized the truth:A goose with poor health,I have starved to death,The goose that can survive long periods of hunger,Must be in excellent physical condition,Once food is obtained,He became surprisingly fat。

Wang Yongqing related this matter to business,Summary a“Thin Goose Theory”: A company that has struggled to survive in an extremely depressed economic environment,Once the market improves,Your career will take off quickly。Okay,In this class, we analyze and learn the fragility of the cultural 188bet sports betting industry,And how to grasp the four elasticities,Grasp two trends,Grasp digitalization、Sinking market、Live Broadcast、Designing cultural 188bet sports betting anti-fragile model in several key areas of internal circulation,I hope everyone can learn from the thin goose to endure hunger,Facing difficulties with a hard-working spirit,And wait with determination for the opportunity to revive the cultural 188bet sports betting industry。

I don’t want to whitewash the peace,Not to complain,I think I am like many colleagues in culture and 188bet sports betting,bearing the humiliation、Looking at the overall situation、Calm down and find a way to break through。The preparation for this conference has been under the haze of the epidemic,The entire team was banned in Shanghai for more than two months,Efficient coordination was achieved during the repeated epidemic in Beijing。This conference received many leaders、Cultural and 188bet sports betting colleagues、Strong support from partners,A friend in need is a friend indeed,I will never forget it,Thank you!I always think this conference、This platform is a platform for the cultural 188bet sports betting industry,It is everyone’s platform,We, the cultural travelers, are united as one、Sharing joys and sorrows、A platform for sharing weal and woe,We hug and warm each other,Looking forward to the arrival of spring,Let’s cheer together,Persistence is victory!Thank you everyone!


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The source of 188bet sports betting article is Zhihui, and the copyright belongs to the original author.
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