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Industrial Investment Author of this article: Wang Shucui 2015-08-25
Internet+ is a C2B-driven value chain penetration that goes upstream、Transformation and Subversion Movement,Start from the consumer end and penetrate deeply along the value chain,Gradually transform each link and subject in the value chain,This has resulted in the Industrial Internet+ phenomenon and new business models with different degrees of innovation,The most extreme innovation is the new discovery and creation of enterprise resources and consumer demand。
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The basis for the existence of an enterprise is to create value。According to marketing concept,It is a win-win game between enterprises and customers,Enterprises can create customer value and corporate profits by providing products and services that meet customer needs。For this,We need to explore how companies can efficiently organize internal and external activities to produce and sell products and services to create profits。So,Michael Porter, a famous strategist at Harvard Business School in the United States, proposed "Value Chain Analysis",Divide activities that increase value inside and outside the enterprise into basic activities and supporting activities,Basic activities involve enterprise production、Sales、Incoming material logistics、Delivery logistics、After-sales service。Supporting activities involving personnel、Finance、Plan、Research and Development、Purchasing, etc.,Basic activities and supporting activities constitute the value chain of an enterprise。

In all corporate activities,Only certain specific links truly create value,These business activities that truly create value are the "strategic links" in the value chain。Enterprises must maintain competitive advantages,It is necessary to maintain efficient operation in a certain strategic link of the value chain,Save more costs or create more value,These strategic links may come from within the company,Or from outside the enterprise。Internet + era,We are penetrating and transforming all aspects of the enterprise value chain like spring breeze,Have spawned various Internet business formats and corporate innovative business models。So this article hopes to analyze the Internet through each link of the enterprise value chain,Discussing the organizational changes and business format evolution of traditional industries。

Value chain according to Michael Porter,We can simplify the value chain strategic links of general enterprises into six major links: raw material procurement-design and production-distribution channels-marketing advertising-sales and consumption-after-sales service,This value chain is dominated by enterprises,Each link drives the entire chain to run in one direction,Reduce costs through various links、Optimize output、Create value and distribute benefits,To ensure the stable and continuous operation of the value chain。However, due to the incomplete controllability of the company’s internal functional departments and external entities,Conflicts of interest and poor cooperation often occur,Therefore, this chain is still fragile in a fiercely competitive environment,This also leads to the inevitable Internetization of entities and activities in all links in the chain,As a result, various Internet phenomena and business cases have emerged,Triggered organizational changes and model innovation。

Gao Hongbing, director of Ali Research Institute, thinks,“Internet+” refers to a set of information technologies based on the Internet (including mobile Internet、Cloud computing、Big data technology, etc.) in the economy、Diffusion of various sectors of social life、Application process。Internet as a general purpose technology (General Purpose Technology) and the lowest cost infrastructure,And power technology 100 years ago,The steam engine technology 200 years ago is the same,It will have a huge impact on human economy and society、Profound and widespread influence。The global openness inherent in the Internet、Equality、Transparency and other features,Bringing out the huge potential of information/data that has been suppressed in industrial society,Transformed into huge productivity,Become a new source of social wealth growth。

The essence of “Internet+” is the onlineization of traditional industries、Dataization。Past ten years,From a micro perspective,At the level of the enterprise value chain, it is manifested as the Internetization of each link: starting from the consumer online,From customer service to sales and consumption、Marketing Promotion、Wholesale and retail、Design and 188bet sports betting app download production、raw material procurement,Penetrate from end C to end B,Realize the "reverse" Internetization of the enterprise value chain,See the figure below for details: Internet + traditional enterprise value chain。But from a meso and macro perspective,This change in the value chain has led to the Internetization of industries in different degrees,The approximate order of these industries from morning to evening is: Marketing and Advertising、Wholesale and retail industry、Cultural and entertainment industry、Life service industry、Finance、Cross-border e-commerce、Manufacturing, etc.。To this,You Wuyang, a senior expert from Ali Research Institute, gave some explanations,This article will be more systematic、A more profound analysis of the degree of online and digitalization of the six major links in the value chain,Discover the reasons why each link is transformed and subverted,As well as the business phenomena and new business formats it has spawned,Hope it can shed some light on predicting new species on the Internet in the future。

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Picture: Internet + traditional enterprise value chain

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The after-sales service work of traditional enterprises will lag behind consumer behavior for a long time,Or customers take the initiative to report problems that arise during product consumption,Or the company actively inquires about customers through customer service phone,As short as a few days,As long as a few months,And the communication frequency is often low、Low effect、Low efficiency。The after-sales service of online merchants or corporate websites that rely on the Internet,realizes 24-hour online customer service and consultation interaction through instant communication software,Customers can instantly contact customer service for online consultation after purchase、Report problems and exchange feedback。Businesses conducting cross-border trade through Alibaba today,24-hour international online customer service is also available。The speed and convenience of this after-sales service greatly improves the efficiency and effectiveness of communication,Reduces the possibility of turning a small matter into a big deal and the spread of negative remarks,Improved customer satisfaction and corporate reputation。With the refinement of social division of labor,There are now third-party Internet companies specializing in Internet customer service,Undertaken the customer service work of the enterprise by recruiting and training social personnel,Employees are also free to work at different locations and times,This operation method achieved with the help of big data and remote management is called cloud customer service,The company supports online merchants’ remote online customer service work by spreading social workers across the country to work from home,Assist online merchants to focus more on core businesses such as products。

2. Sales and consumption

The first generation Internet is the portal、Game、Search、The era ruled by social interaction,Originated from the technological revolution,Mainly providing information and entertainment for self-consumption,The business model that these websites rely on is traffic monetization and advertising revenue。A group of early Internet users cultivated during this period became the promoters of the second generation Internet economy。The second generation of Internet entrepreneurs emphasize market demand and profit model,So the online wholesale and retail business that focuses on industry and individual needs has become the focus,Promoted the perfect transformation of Internet organizations from social portals to commercial companies。Baidu today、NetEase and others are also improving their profitability through the development and sales of various products and services,Since its birth, Alibaba has put forward its slogan "making it easy to do business in the world",Clearly positioning itself as an Internet commercial company serving businesses。It started from international and domestic online wholesale business,Rapidly growing in Taobao retail business,Tmall, which was later differentiated, showed its leadership position in the domestic online retail market。The fundamental reason for its development is that it meets consumers’ demand for convenient and affordable products,The key to success lies in providing a comprehensive range of products and preferential prices with small profits but quick turnover,Attract consumers to gradually switch from offline consumption behavior to online shopping behavior。This kind of Internet company that takes online wholesale and retail as its entry point,Not only relies on the support of the huge production capacity of existing traditional industries,Also seize the supply gap caused by China’s relatively weak offline retail industry,More importantly, benefit from China’s demographic dividend and consumer market potential。This risk is low、Online wholesale and retail business with 188bet sports betting app download low investment provides the first pot of gold for the development of Internet companies。With the promotion of cross-border e-commerce under the national One Belt and One Road strategy,Predictable,In the future, online wholesale and retail business will usher in the next blowout peak and development opportunities。

Although the purchase and consumption of existing goods and services is already a very large market,But in the future individuals will not only be satisfied with the consumption behavior of purchasing goods,Because these only satisfy their low-level physiology、Safety、Communication and other needs,After lower level needs are met,Consumers will have higher-level needs,Like respect、Self-realization、Self-transcendence,And the satisfaction of these needs is not necessarily a commodity,Need more novelty、More advanced services and experiences to express and satisfy,such as showing social status、Community Leader、Challenge extreme sports、Keep healthy、Frugal and environmentally friendly、Sharing altruistic behaviors, etc.,Accordingly, high-quality personalized brands will be born、Fan economy、Experience Economy、Co-creation of consumer value、New economic phenomena such as health and wellness,This provides unlimited imagination and possibilities for the development of Internet business supplies。

3. Marketing Advertising

The first generation of the Internet has built an Internet advertising market worth hundreds of billions online, According to research from iResearch and Huatai Securities Research Institute,The size of the Internet advertising market in 2014 was 154 billion,40% year-on-year increase,And this market is here to stay,Will replace and subvert today’s offline advertising media and a considerable proportion of the business scale。Alibaba recognizes the potential scale and development trend of this business,So 8 years after its establishment, a professional online advertising platform-Alimama was established,Integrate various advertising media inside and outside the platform to provide various innovative online marketing tools for corporate online marketing。Baidu’s annual advertising revenue currently exceeds that of CCTV,Alimama surpassed Baidu’s advertising revenue。Compared with traditional marketing promotion ideas and strategies,Internet marketing promotion reflects the uniqueness in many aspects:

1、In the direction of propagation,Internet marketing and promotion is a marketing and promotion combination that combines C2B and B2C。The traditional marketing promotion is the B2C model,That is, manufacturers publish advertising and promotional information,Customer passively accepts。In the era of the Internet, especially the mobile Internet,Consumers will use various online information search tools to choose to browse some products based on their personal wishes and interests,Consumers have become the absolute leaders of online information,Consumer attention、Consumption intention、Browsing scenarios are new topics worthy of study。Although companies can also use various technology-driven innovative online marketing tools to expose product and service information,But its reach and influence depend on the accuracy of its research on consumer purchasing behavior。

2、In terms of communication costs,Traditional media resources are limited by supply and strong demand,The price is getting higher and higher。The Internet is free and low-cost。Online Community、Forum、Weibo、WeChat、QQ and others provide a large number of free communication opportunities and space。Many websites rely on the development and design of various online marketing tools that can accurately deliver information to collect fees,But this price is still low compared to traditional media。Also,In terms of pricing,Using instant bidding、Fixed Price、Click billing and other methods are available for advertisers to choose。

3、On the communication audience,Two extremes appear: massive diffusion and niche focus。A lot of free information will always exist in the Internet world,Can be searched at any time。The paid promotion information is valid within a certain period of time,But the audience is accurate,High traffic conversion rate。The former has a long-term promotion effect on the company’s popularity and corporate image,The latter effectively combines e-commerce and marketing promotion,The output effect is obvious。

4、On communication tools,Innovate with the old,Endless emergence。Marketing tools on the Internet developed from scratch,Continuous innovation and enrichment,The development and application of these tools depend on the Internet technology and big data applications,On the one hand, it depends on the needs of advertisers and customer groups。

As the leading real-life big data marketing platform in China,Alimama has been building a data-driven full-link marketing solution platform,Including search 188bet app marketing (through train)、Precise targeted marketing (targeted and diamond booth)、Content Marketing (Taobao)、Network Marketing (DSP)、Big data management platform (Dharma Pan MDP)、Wireless marketing, etc.。These exclusive and original marketing tools and system solutions,from development、Pricing、Application objects need to be analyzed and researched based on the business status and supply and demand characteristics on the Alibaba platform,Ensure each marketing tool has precise positioning、Reasonable cost、Application scenarios with obvious effects,Improve traffic conversion rate and input-output rate。This innovative online marketing tool is in sharp contrast to the solid situation of offline media。

4. Distribution Channels

Distribution channels are most directly affected by the Internet、The most serious link,New business formats derived from this include online wholesale、Online retail and online industry clusters, etc.,such as Alibaba Group’s 1688、Taobao、Tmall、Industrial Belt、Local Characteristics Hall、Juhuasuan, etc.。There are two reasons,First, the current traditional retail industry is weak,Second, there is great potential in terms of market demand。Proportion of e-commerce in China’s retail sales,Already reached 10 in 2014.6%,Exceeded US e-commerce share of retail sales。In European and American countries,E-commerce is basically the icing on the cake,Often just another marketing channel for mature offline giants。I should say in China,The development status of the traditional offline retail industry provides particularly good opportunities for the development of e-commerce。Professor Zeng Ming, Chief Strategy Officer of Alibaba, pointed out,The coverage rate of shopping malls in China is very low,France has an average of 25 shopping malls per million people,Americans have nearly 10,Even South Korea has more than 5 companies。But in China, the world’s most populous country, every million people can only go to one shopping mall on average,China’s retail consolidation rate (i.e., the top 20 retailers’ share of total transaction volume) is only 13%,Compared to more than 50% of Western European countries,Obviously in the early stages of development。The development of offline physical retail industry is insufficient and cannot meet the needs of consumers。This is one of the important opportunities for the development of China’s e-commerce。

Also,Over the years, China’s retail industry has resulted in high terminal retail prices due to long supply chains and channels、Service deviation。To meet consumer demand for lower-priced products and services,Enterprises need to reduce various costs and expenses,Reduce the intermediate distribution links of products and services,The most effective way is to adopt the direct sales model from manufacturers to consumers,The Internet provides this convenience,So the online wholesale and retail business has naturally become the basic and leading business for the economic development of the Internet platform。No matter for some highly competitive manufacturing industries (such as home appliances),It is still some life service industries (such as catering) where supply and demand information is not smooth,The Internet provides opportunities for direct online transactions to a wide range of producers and consumers across the country。This model will undoubtedly subvert the offline distribution channels that most manufacturing industries rely on,For traditional retail industry、Distributors and related industries have produced certain destructive effects,But at the same time, it also clearly stimulated and released the market potential,Promoted substantial growth in final consumption and economic prosperity,Even achieved a lane change and overtaking of China’s retail industry in the international market。

According to my country’s economic performance data in 2014 from the National Bureau of Statistics,In 2014, the total e-commerce transaction volume of the whole society reached 16.39 trillion yuan,YoY increase of 59.4%,Become the main engine of economic growth。Among them, online retail maintains rapid growth,49 year-on-year increase.7%,reached 2.8 trillion yuan,This shows that innovation in consumption patterns and growth within consumption have become new driving forces for my country’s economic growth。According to Alibaba’s statistics in recent years,In 2006,Taobao’s online retail transaction volume exceeds 10 billion,Walmart’s transaction volume in China that year was only about 200 million。2014,The transaction volume on Taobao is 2.27 trillion,Has exceeded the transaction volume of Walmart US。Estimated someday in 2016,The entire online retail transaction volume of Taobao can exceed that of Walmart Global。The latest data also shows that,The current total market capitalization of 16-year-old Alibaba (US$206.7 billion) is slightly lower than that of 53-year-old global retail giant Walmart (US$230.5 billion)。

5. Design and production

Professor Zeng Ming thinks,B2C is just a transitional business model,The real model of future e-commerce lies in C2B。The B2C standard model is the operating model in the traditional industrial economic era,With the development of the Internet in the future,The voice of consumers is getting stronger,“Business model customization will be mainstream in the future。Its requirements are personalized needs、Multiple varieties、Small batch、Quick response、Platform collaboration,This is the future we can see。”

Currently, consumers’ demand and enthusiasm for participating in production are getting stronger and stronger,Xiaomi, which sells mobile phones directly through e-commerce model, is a successful case,It spreads through word of mouth on social networks,Develop rice noodles to become potential consumers,And continue to absorb consumers’ opinions and suggestions on products to improve products,Saving both market research costs and traditional channel distribution costs,Increasing consumer satisfaction and loyalty through continuously improved products,In this process, consumers and enterprises fully interact to complete the product design work。In addition to consumer participation in design,There are also professional Internet companies providing professional creative and product design services,Ruzhubajie.com is the largest e-commerce trading platform for creative design services in the country,Service transaction categories cover creative design、Website construction、Internet Marketing、Copywriting planning、Life services and other industries,For enterprise、Public institutions and individuals provide customized solutions,Will be creative、Wisdom、Skills converted into business value and social value。The creative design includes logo design、Packaging design、Product/Industrial Design、Clothing design, etc.。

In the production process, companies are also using flexible production to cope with the small batches of Internet customers、Customized、Diversification、Personalized needs,So the company collects information about customer customization and personalized needs through the user terminal,Then improve the original production process and appropriate production outsourcing to quickly meet customer needs。

Take Handu Yishe in the clothing industry as an example,The way it operates is completely different from that of traditional clothing companies,Adopts a "full-process operation system for single products with a small group system as the core",referred to as "small group system",This model breaks up the traditional linear functional system、Reorganization,From the Designer Department、Product page team and docking production、Select one person from each of the three departments that manage orders,3 people form a group,Each group is fully responsible for the design of a piece of clothing、Marketing、Sales work,The commission for each group will also be based on the gross profit rate、Calculate capital turnover rate。This kind of small accounting unit,The way to unify responsibilities and rights,More conducive to activating the combat effectiveness of each small team,In 2014, there were 267 groups within Handu Clothing House,Launched 30,000 new products,Far more than ZARA, the leading brand in fast fashion, about 1 per year.80,000 new product numbers。In addition to the company itself taking the initiative to reform the production process and management mechanism to quickly respond to the market,Platform companies are also trying to provide supply chain optimization and collaboration functions,For example, Alibaba has launched the Tao Factory service project,Tao Factory is a bridge built by Alibaba between e-commerce sellers and high-quality factories in the clothing industry,Aims to help factories realize factory e-commerce transformation,Open up the entire online clothing supply chain ecosystem,Help e-commerce sellers find companies that can provide small quantities、Multiple categories、Multiple factories with idle production capacity,Helping e-commerce companies achieve flexible production and rapid response capabilities。

Anyway,The Internetization of design and production links embodies multiple subjects and multiple models,Consumers involved in design and production、Creative design outsourcing service company、Enterprise production process transformation and organizational change、External platforms that provide supply chain optimization functions, etc.,No matter which mode is promoted by any subject,All are more profound Internetization of manufacturing,It will also greatly improve the production efficiency and benefits of the enterprise。

6. Raw material procurement

Traditional enterprises need to occupy and purchase resources during operations,Clear corporate property rights,188bet online sports betting Clear resource and organizational boundaries,Enterprises strive to establish competitive advantages through exclusive resource advantages,Or maximize input and output。The Internet is characterized by resource sharing、Information transparency、Asset-light、Zero marginal cost, etc.,So the Internetization of raw material procurement is reflected in resource integration rather than purchase。Including traditional people in resource integration、财、Material resources,Use the rental method or free use method,Join resource providers to realize value creation,Instead of traditional resource procurement and possession methods。Pointed out by Clay Shirky of the United States in 2012,Cognitive surplus is one of the biggest dividends given to Internet practitioners by netizens in the new era,The resource endowment that everyone can share,Cognitive surplus is a person who is educated and has free time to control,They have rich knowledge background,Also have a strong desire to share,These people’s time comes together,Produce huge social effects。

How to cast one for more partners to create together、A platform for users to choose freely,Is a question that practitioners in the new era of the Internet need to think about。On this platform,Users will be the leaders of content、Shared provider,The medium of the Internet is becoming an organized, cheap and globally applicable sharing tool,Netizens use this medium to realize consumption、Create and share。It can be said,Netizens’ cognitive surplus can produce mutually shared value through cooperation,Exists in the form of a non-profit social organization or commercial company。A typical case of value co-creation through resource sharing and cognitive surplus is Uber,This company does not have a taxi for use,There are not many fixed assets either,The number of employees worldwide is less than a hundred,It integrates netizens’ idle car resources and leisure time,United private car owners to provide taxi services and promoted the company's crazy growth,Although it was boycotted everywhere it went for undermining the interests of local taxis,But at the same time, it also received support from more local private car owners because it provided private car owners with opportunities to start their own businesses,The integration of idle resources is the core competitiveness of this Internet company。This case also reminds all manufacturing and service industries,How to realize the company’s minimum investment and lightest assets through the sharing and connection of idle resources and cognitive surplus。Airbnb、Waze、Youku and other Internet companies are also successful Internet companies that use integrated resources and cognitive surplus。In addition to external integration of idle resources,Internet companies are also downplaying the management level and supervision within the company,Provide an internal environment that can promote employee entrepreneurship as much as possible,Stimulate employees’ consciousness and creativity,Giving employees shares and partner status is becoming a trend in employee management of Internet companies,Maximize the release of employees’ entrepreneurial and innovative potential,Let employees work hard like bosses。These two approaches show the same Internet trend: using the concept of resource integration rather than possession to build the human, financial and material operating resources of the enterprise。

7. Summary

Today’s Internet+ is overwhelming and overwhelming,As Alibaba Chairman Jack Ma said,No e-commerce today,There will be no business tomorrow。In such a situation,The value chain links of traditional enterprises are being penetrated one by one、Transformation and subversion。Simple classification,The manufacturing industry shortens the chain and connects customers to participate in product design and production by going directly online,The life service industry alleviates the situation of poor supply and demand information by going online,Also by adding intermediate links (Ctrip、Dianping and other intermediaries) to achieve a better match between production and demand,Accelerated the release of production capacity in the service industry,Stimulates the demand for lifestyle services and drives the development of the domestic economy。The Internetization of intermediate links in the value chain belongs to the transitional stage and partial Internetization,The most thorough Internetization comes from new discoveries and creations on the customer demand side and enterprise resource side。Demand-side innovation refers to how to discover customers deeply、Hidden、Advanced Unmet Needs,Create a new enterprise or organization through the development of new products and services。Like the open source movement、Baidu Encyclopedia and others reflect the potential creative needs and altruistic spirit of netizens,This is a higher level of individual needs for self-realization 188bet online sports betting and self-transcendence that cannot be satisfied by existing goods and services,It is individual experience and creative behavior inspired by the Internet world and community organizations,This kind of behavior has gathered to become a new service and organization on the Internet platform。Resource innovation from the enterprise,It is the use of idle traditional resources and personal cognitive surplus,For example, the P2P Internet financial service platform integrates idle funds in the hands of individuals,Airbnb integrates personal idle listings,Didi integrates personal idle private cars and free time,Alibaba Group integrates the entrepreneurial resources and personal energy of all entrepreneurs,This kind of innovation from the customer side and the enterprise side is the ultimate embodiment of Internet+ in the enterprise business model,This is the subversion and reconstruction of the traditional value chain,It is also the direction of efforts for the Internetization of traditional industries。Under the influence of Internet+,The industrial structure is no longer a one-way value chain distributed vertically offline,It is a value network that connects and intertwines online and offline,Internet platform enterprises have become the transportation hub and dispatch center of the Internet+ industrial structure,Through online consumer insights and big data analysis,Better serve the design, production and resource integration of offline industries。Anyway,From a micro perspective,Internet+ is a C2B-driven value chain penetration that goes upstream、Transformation and Subversion Movement,Start from the consumer end and penetrate deeply along the value chain,Gradually transform each link and subject in the value chain,This has resulted in the Industrial Internet+ phenomenon and new business models with different degrees of innovation,The most extreme innovation is the new discovery and creation of enterprise resources and consumer demand。

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