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Author of this article: Duoxi Technology 2015-09-15
The ultimate form of "personal assistant service" will definitely become the unified entrance for all service needs of users,There is no doubt about this。Although the future is bright,It is not easy to implement。Now Baidu, the giant BAT, has entered the game,It is said that Ali、Tencent is already preparing,Competition in this field will gradually escalate in the future,There is a competition between stronger players。
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Although the personal assistant model led by Magic has a “bright future”,The domineering king who dominates all services in the world,But the process of "conquest" will not be as beautiful as imagined:

AI technology is not mature enough,The overall machine automation from request formulation to service execution has not yet been achieved,There is an upper limit on the effective daily service orders of manual customer service,How to ensure service quality when the number of users grows too fast,How to best solve the various long-tail demands without consuming too much labor costs,How to effectively control offline service provision,In addition to subsidies, how to enhance user stickiness and frequency of use。

How to capture high net worth customer groups,Except long tail payment、Membership fee、Are there any other feasible profit models besides merchant rebates,Problems such as these need to be faced and explored when starting a Magic business。

at188bet app 中,Some personal assistant modes have been introduced。This article will continue to be presented and is currently in the exploratory period、“Personal assistant service” startup company in transition period and vertical segmentation field (population),To show everyone the more diverse explorations and thinking of entrepreneurs in this field,And at the end we will analyze and discuss this field。

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Exploration period

Get: Long tail non-standard "connection"

Founder Ren Xin was the co-founder of Tonight Hotel Special,After being acquired by JD.com in early 2014,Ren Xin and his team entered JD.com。And in July this year,Ren Xin leaves JD.com,Start trying in the field of "personal assistant service",Get came into being,and received US$6.6 million in Series A investment。

Get will be launched on the WeChat public account on August 6 (WeChat name: Get),Currently there are more than thirty people in the backend customer service,The daily order volume is controlled at around 1,000 orders,High-frequency standardization orders account for 70%,Offline connection with third-party service providers。But the interesting thing is,Get team emphasizes long-tail non-standard services,In particular, we hope that users can ask all kinds of strange needs and difficult questions。

It can be said,Get set its sights on the hardest bone from the very beginning。About why and how to do it,36氪 has been introduced before。Ren Xin’s idea is,I hope Get can perceive users in the most realistic way,Eliminate the psychological anxiety of long-tail demands in life,And be an enabler in the future decentralized market,Let more different small organizations and individuals connect to the market,Efficiently “connect” localized demand and supply。

Now the team’s focus is on service design,Also exploring flexible organizational forms。For needs that cannot be met by the team, we will seek help from expert (angel) foreign aid groups,Each category will have 1-2 experts providing solutions。

Pricing issues regarding non-standard services,Free now,It will be priced by experts or dynamic quotation according to the specific situation,We will rely on the market to solve the problem in the future。About profit,Ren Xin’s idea is also very special: Be prepared not to make money,There will also be no commission for services,There will definitely be profits,188bet sports betting app download And it should be a way that I haven’t thought of yet。

Ren Xin said,Get looks like a little kid who hasn’t grown up yet,I hope users can feed and train it with a "nurture" mentality。The team currently emphasizes exploration,There is also a small independent team in Shanghai testing,In addition, various people will be encouraged and supported to try the Magic model in second-tier cities,Let’s explore this field together。

Secretary: "Assistant Service" for corporate administration

Qinmi is also a company exploring the field of Magic,Start the project in June this year,Shifting direction to enterprise services at the end of July,is a company executive、Secretary provides "assistant service"。

Since the team is still in the exploratory stage,The service is not promoted or subsidized,There are about hundreds of registered corporate users on the platform。Founder Chen Lanjie has many years of investment banking and investment experience,The team has obtained the Jinsha River、Zhenge and Alpha Commune’s multi-million dollar Series A investment。

Compared to C-side,The demand for “assistant services” among enterprises is relatively concentrated,Such as purchasing、Business trip、Information consultation、Ordering、Service、Team building, etc.,It is unlikely that there will be many long-tail demands like C-side users。However,The enterprise market may not be easy either。

Chen Lanjie said,Third-party O2O services for C-side, especially offline execution, are mature enough,But for the enterprise market,O2O is not developed yet,Offline suppliers need to negotiate with each other,Some services require the team to come up with its own plan to standardize the process,Even offline employees are sent to provide door-to-door service。

Chen Lanjie also said frankly,Currently the team is still exploring enterprise service scenarios and payment forms,We are not sure about the enterprise market yet。And the C-side services are not completely abandoned,Just because of burning money except for subsidies、There is no other clear path besides high frequency and low frequency,So the team will also do some simple tests。

Xiaoda: high net worth people + full category exploration

“Xiaoda” is a start-up company located in Shanghai that provides full-category life assistant services,WeChat public account ("Xiaoda Assistant") will be launched in late July,app launched on August 17th,There are currently more than 10,000 users,The average daily order volume is nearly a hundred orders。The background is provided by manual customer service,All offline execution will be connected to third-party platforms。

Introduction to CEO Zong Jing,Now "Xiaoda" is still in the experimental stage,Study the balance between user needs and customer service (human and technical) carrying capacity,Including guiding and testing which user needs come from subsidies and which come from the service itself,User’s trust cost and willingness to pay price on the platform,Per capita monthly long-tail weird appeal points and times、Long tail average labor cost, etc.。

Currently, the first phase of “Xiaoda” targets high-net-worth individuals,Explore paid memberships and city-by-city expansion,Mainly providing standard product services,Emphasize service localization and differentiation,Manual screening and recommendation of local suppliers,Do not promote long-tail appeals,But try our best to help users solve the problem,Provide superior service experience。Zong Jingshuo,I don’t care about the order quantity now,The subsidy is of little significance,How to balance the real demands is the core issue。

Non-standard services may be opened to ordinary users in the next step,Does not rule out using experts and crowdsourcing to achieve this,But long-tail services may not be solved well by those who take orders and grab orders。Machine technology has not yet intervened at this stage,Testing demand guidance、Demand identification and allocation、Technical automation degree of category classification。

“For this 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino market,Everyone is fighting at the current stage,Do a good job in your own field first。BAT entry indicates that this direction is correct,How to get customers、Maintaining customers、To achieve high repurchase and one-to-one service, we still need to explore,The future depends on the design of the service model,In the end, we fight for multi-dimensional services。" Zong Jing said。

One of the startups currently exploring the field of all-category life services is “Youyou Xiaomi”、“Okay, okay” and “Family Matters”,Because we are currently in the stage of model exploration and product development,The team is unwilling to do more exposure。

Change adjustment period

Yingying: assistant service in the beauty field

“Yingying” is a company that 36Kr has previously reported on,At that time, we hoped to provide users with full-category life assistant services using technology (machine chat) + manual customer service (later developed into crowdsourcing),But the pattern changed significantly after August。

Founder Wu Hengkui thinks,The fundamental problem with the Magic model is the contradiction between the wide variety of categories and the quality of manual customer service,If the demand category is not controlled,It is difficult to guarantee the service quality of your own customer service,It also cannot provide users with a good experience。

The previously set user usage scenario is "lazy、Busy、Afraid、I don’t understand”,But high-frequency O2O services have been covered by mainstream players,The assistant service does not have strong usage requirements for users。Therefore,“Yingying” gave up the provision of O2O service,Instead, choose to start with the problem of long decision-making chain,Help users solve problems accurately,Provide professional category recognition solutions and provide consumer decision-making assistance。

Currently,“Yingying” has narrowed its categories to “beauty” only,Resolve various inquiries and needs of users in this field。Service docking with part-time beauty experts (there are also a small number of full-time beauty experts on the platform),If there are consumer demands, they will be imported to JD.com、Taobao、Tmall and other third-party platforms,But in the future, the platform will gradually cooperate with cosmetics suppliers,Consumption closed loop will be implemented directly on the platform,Optimizing the entire process through machine technology。

There are currently more than 200 part-time beauty experts on the platform,Guarantee that users will get their questions resolved within 15 minutes after raising the issue。After model transformation,Now there are about 150 questions every day。Wu Hengkui said,“Yingying” has matured in the field of beauty and cosmetics,In the future, it will also expand to fitness around family life consumption scenarios、Shape、In other fields such as home furnishing。

Dora: Technology connects third-party platforms

In the introduction of the previous collection, “Dora” hoped to connect all kinds of offline freelancers,Provide users with various life assistant services。Freelancers can be O2O service providers、High-end professionals and senior people in professional fields, etc.。

In August,The mode of "Dora" has also undergone major changes。No longer contact third-party individuals for service implementation,But like most assistant service startups,Choose to cooperate with a third-party service platform。Currently on the "Dora" WeChat official account,Existing menu guidance,Interactive conversation service also available。

After entering clear requirements in the dialog box,The system will automatically recommend relevant third-party service links (jump to H5 page),For example, takeaway docking with “Ele.me”,Order coffee with "Connect Coffee",Connect ride-hailing service with “Didi Chuxing”,Housekeeping docking with "Auntie Gang", etc.。This is somewhat similar to "secret",Just "Dora" only chooses one to recommend。

Founder Tong Hu hopes that “Dora” can use more technology-assisted 188bet app methods to provide users with “all-in-one” services or solutions。If you want to find a different way in the pattern,The risk will be great,Users of long-tail O2O services focusing on life are also more receptive。This market is still in its early stages,Everyone is almost at the same starting point,The market needs everyone to work together to educate users。

Little Bee

It is worth mentioning,The main business of “Little Bee” previously reported by 36Kr also involves “connecting” people offline,Rely on crowdsourcing part-time workers to provide pickup and delivery of items、Takeaway shopping、Queue for medical treatment、Home appliance repair、Remote services and other services。Services are controlled through the incentive mechanism of assessment,Implement the final and complaint elimination system。

The current mode of "Little Bee" has not changed compared with before,Has 5 backend customer service personnel,There are more than 2,000 part-time workers on the platform,Daily order volume is more than 200。

Ruyi Ruyi: Give up assistant service

In the field of domestic Magic model entrepreneurship,“Ruyi Ruyi” is the third company I know that gave up completely。When asked why,Founder Qi Po said,This direction is very good,But it may not be suitable for some teams。

He thinks,Starting a business in the field of "personal assistant services" requires relatively large resources and relatively large traffic,You must also be very good at operations on the C side。

And take the road of technology,In-depth skills are required in the early stage、Architecture and database accumulation,Not a small entrepreneurial team can achieve。Also,This direction is very promising in the future,The giant will not let it go。If you rely solely on technical means,Service automation has not been fully realized in the past three years,But in the future, when the technology matures,The robot assistant service must be a unique one。

So after careful consideration,The team decided to give up in early July this year,Transformed into an app development company providing content、Video technology SaaS service。

Segmented field (population) services

Visitor Assistant: Assistant Service for Business People

The entry point of "Guest Assistant" is very similar to the American personal assistant app "Charlie",Help users provide a personal introduction to the person they are about to meet before a business meeting,Let users know the other party’s background in advance,Conducive to business contacts and cooperation。

“Guest Assistant” has been in internal testing on the WeChat official account for more than a month,Provided more than 2,000 reception preparation services for more than 500 internal beta users。Users need to make an appointment to apply,After the backend customer service receives the demand,Can quickly search and match online information sources,Then the machine generates a fixed template file,Final review will be done manually。

All information about "Guest Assistant" comes from second-hand information published on the Internet,On average, it takes about 10 minutes to prepare information for an order,Half and half of machine processing and manual services。

On September 2nd,Customer assistant is online for closed beta 2.Version 0,Added visitor reminder、Schedule、Features such as organizing guest notes。Introduction to founder Zhang Yue,Users will be released step by step based on internal testing,The efficiency of the testing phase will be further improved。In the future, the "Guest Assistant" will introduce an invitation system,And expand the service gradient through VIP paid services。Free by machine solution service,Charging for services that require deep manual integration。

Mei Wei: continue to serve the mid-to-high-end crowd

“Meiwei” is a company that 36Kr has been reporting on that provides personal assistant services for mid-to-high-end people。The company is located in Shanghai,Existing users exceed 120,000,Monthly profit of hundreds of thousands。

In terms of service categories,"Beautiful seat" reservation at the 188bet app original hotel restaurant、Event Planning、Expanded on Premium Private Service,Now also providing personal trainers、Bodyguard、Housekeeping and travel car booking services。

Offline service execution,The "beautiful position" has begun to change from "heavy" to "light",Employees will cooperate and coordinate with third-party service providers,Provide users with high quality assurance。

Introduction by founder Jiang Yiwen,“Meiwei” will specifically build channels for services with thresholds,Emphasis on professional domain knowledge in customer service screening、Experience and channels,Provide personalized services to mid- to high-end users。APP will launch a new version in October,There will be a better user experience by then。

Magic Mirror Online: Shopping Recommended Guide

"Magic Mirror Online" reported in the first collection,is a Magic model startup company in the vertical shopping field,Provide users with shopping recommendation guides for all categories across the entire network。The current number of users is more than 100,000,About 800 inquiries per day。

Introduction by founder Xu Wei,App 2.0 version will be launched in the next few days,The “one-click purchase” function has been added to the new version,Allow users to complete closed-loop commodity transactions directly on the "Magic Mirror Online" platform,Backend customer service places orders on the third-party platform and is responsible for the entire pre-sales and after-sales process。

In addition,at 2.In version 0, shopping information is also pushed based on users’ personal preferences。There are now more than 30 customer service staff in the backend,They are all buying experts,Strong ability to recommend brand category products,It is also the core competitiveness of "Magic Mirror Online"。In the future, we will gradually invite external part-time purchasing experts to settle in,Crowdsourcing is gradually adopted in some sub-categories。

V Assistant: Paid Membership

“V Assistant” was also introduced by 36Kr before,While providing users with one-stop assistant services,Use "investment and financial management services" to attract more high-net-worth customers。

Currently V Assistant has connected with multiple third-party partners offline,And is currently integrating technology with multiple financial management platforms。Users can purchase financial products through V Assistant,The platform will also customize financial management according to the user’s capital curve and requirements,Meet customers’ various financial management needs。

According to founder Strait,In the future, users can also entrust the purchase of financial products that are rare in the world through V Assistant,The team is currently actively communicating and cooperating in this regard。

Private Secret No. 1

We have also reported on the “Private Secret No. 1” who uses an invitation system to provide personal assistant services to mid- to high-end people in Shanghai,But as far as I know,The "Private Secret No. 1" has undergone major changes recently:

The company has merged with a very competitive O2O company in a certain segment,The businesses of both parties are also doing various integration and docking,Hope to achieve overtaking on corners。There will be a public release and big market action before the end of the year。


In the collection of these two articles,Introduced to you the current development status of a total of 18 companies currently doing Magic model entrepreneurship in China。I guess you are tired of watching this,So I won’t go into details in the summary,Go directly to "dry information"。

The ultimate form of "personal assistant service" will definitely become the unified entrance for all service needs of users,There is no doubt about this。Such a promising field,The market is big enough,The potential is big enough,In the future, it will definitely become at least one giant service company in all categories comparable to Google。

But the future is bright,It is not easy to implement。Now Baidu, the giant BAT, has entered the game,It is said that Ali、Tencent is already preparing,For 188bet online sports betting startups,At most there is still a year or half a year of exploration and growth,Competition in this field will gradually escalate in the future,There will be competition between stronger players。

All start-up companies currently on the market that deal with all categories,All must withstand the test in the following five aspects:

1. Efficiency issues in online customer service order processing;

2、Integration of offline resources、Docking、Mobilizing and controlling abilities;

3、The quality of the team itself、Technical level and labor input cost;

4. Is there strong capital support;

5. Whether the model is malleable.

Only by optimizing and solving the above 5 problems as quickly as possible,In order to be more powerful in future competition,Won’t lose early。Now all parties are exploring on their own,The market education level is not yet mature,So this also leaves a certain window for each startup company to test and grow,But this time will not last long。

In all categories,High-frequency standard product demand can allow users to have high frequency of use and stickiness,The automation of technology helps improve the efficiency of customer service order processing。But everyone should understand,The profit margin of high-frequency standard product services is too small,The loyalty of most users needs to be maintained through money-burning subsidies and discounts,Is such a user worthy of service?

On the other hand,Long-tail non-standard services can become a source of profit,Customers are also likely to be high net worth groups,It’s just that long-tail services are too time-consuming and energy-consuming,The number of people serving is limited after all,Too much emphasis on the long tail is likely to drag you down,Then,How to find the balance?How to accurately find those "high net worth groups" with "saving effort"?

Also,When many platforms on the market claim to provide life assistant services and connect to third-party platforms,How startups create their own differentiated brands and improve user stickiness?Burning money to subsidize is not necessarily a good way,Perhaps we should explore and find the “Magic Moment” that binds user loyalty。

This “Magic Moment” is not a specific service,But the "assistant" helps the user solve a certain request well,Provided something that exceeded expectations,After this point,Users will be converted into "die-hard fans"。

Therefore,Various startups,Need to base on respective advantages and expertise,Do “Magic Moment” through differentiation,In order to win the trust of customers。After all,Such a full range of life assistant products,User only needs one,Once you have a good service experience on a certain product,Not very good at jumping to other platforms。

But once the demand is not well served or the experience is poor,Users will definitely be lost completely。Of course,As mentioned above,How much effort do startups need to invest in user “Magic Moment”,Also needs to be measured。Here,Customer’s past consumption level and consumption demand can be used as a certain reference,But it is not completely decisive。

Therefore,Starting a business in all categories seems simple,But it is not suitable for all teams to do。For entrepreneurs who still want to enter this field,Please think carefully: which mode to choose?Is your team good at this model?Why do you do better than others?

Strong players in all categories in the future will definitely have the following characteristics: growing fast enough,High net worth and high stickiness users accumulate quickly enough,Team Exploration、Learning、Reaction、Execution ability is fast enough,Technology is good enough,Strong enough to mobilize resource capital,Offline localization service control is strong enough。

Company that attempts to provide “personal assistant” services in vertical fields or segmented groups,Size development will definitely not become a "unicorn",But it is unlikely to face fierce competition and reshuffle prematurely。But startups in niche fields also need to pay attention to the following two aspects:

Is the mode differentiated,Whether it can provide users with high value-added services?

Will the form behind it be more malleable?

The first question determines whether a startup company has a strong advantage in competing in the same field,Can the market be swallowed up by larger companies or even giants during business expansion。

The second question determines the degree of development of the startup,Being scalable means that it can also expand to a larger area or meet more user needs,Otherwise, you will be trapped in this vertical field,Limited development。

In short,It’s interesting to start a “personal assistant service” business,Has the prospect of high returns,It is also a process full of high risks。

There will definitely be one or a few monopolies that will maintain a long-term monopoly in this field in the future,But such a monopoly position must be achieved through fierce competition。This cake may not necessarily become the dinner of a giant,Startup companies still have greater opportunities,Let’s see who can be more “smart” and have the last laugh。

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