While we are chatting about the 188bet online casino games,What role does 188bet online casino games play in product design?

Industrial Investment Author of 188bet online casino games article: Everyone is a product manager 2015-11-04
We are in an era where people are at the core,There must be a protagonist in the 188bet online casino games,This protagonist refers to the user。In the user-centered era,Mastered the 188bet online casino games,It also grasps the user’s mind,And this does not only refer to the user’s consumption habits、Behavioral habits,There are also user pain points obtained based on the scenarios。

Let’s first look at the definition of 188bet online casino games: first this word appeared in the production process of many movies and TV series,It refers to a specific time、Actions taking place in space,Or a picture composed of a certain relationship。

In fact, everyone mentioned this word,It can be reflected when combined with movies and TV series,A 188bet online casino games is a series of shots。Through the scenes, you can get a description of the story。Let’s switch to our Internet product field,We refer more to the word user scenario。Whether it is a PC product or an APP product,"In what kind of scenario,Users will use our products to solve their needs”,This is the starting point for launching our APP,That is, "in what kind of scenario,Users will open our APP to solve their needs”。

In fact, we will adhere to these two principles throughout the entire process,We hope that our research on scenarios can solve the problem of users launching products to solve their needs。So the 188bet online casino games runs through our entire product design,Even including subsequent product maintenance。

However,It turns out that everyone may not be very sensitive to the word 188bet online casino games,Because at the beginning we were making purely online products,More of a tool type,Or more entertainment-oriented,In fact, it is not so closely integrated with the 188bet online casino games。Then why do people pay more and more attention to scenes now,It is even said that the 188bet online casino games has become the key to determining the outcome of the product?

The product has become an experience in the 188bet online casino games

Let’s talk about the first one first,The product has become an experience in the 188bet online casino games。Just based on the concept of the 188bet online casino games we just mentioned,A 188bet online casino games is a series of stories that happened at a certain time and place,When we make products, we think more about who encounters what problems in what scenarios,When we solve a problem, it is the solution we give。Why is it said that product solutions are related to scenarios?

We start to make a product,For example, a pen,A piece of paper,188bet online casino games is more of a function,But with the development of the times,This word may become a little bigger,But no longer emphasize how closely the Internet is related to people or how people-centered the Internet is。But in today’s Internet era,188bet online casino games has developed into a people-centered era,Those Internet Costs Are Low、I won’t say anything about how 188bet online casino games can satisfy people’s deeper needs,In fact, one thing everyone can agree on is that now is an era of people-centered Internet products,So the product no longer simply satisfies our original instrumental demands,He is more satisfied with your emotions,Deeper personalized needs。

Everyone should remember an advertisement from Didi,There are several scenes in it: one is a parent who comes from afar to meet his son in the city,One is a white-collar worker who wants to go home after work,There is also a mother leading the child,Everyone should have seen it,His slogan at the time was "I will do my best for everyone,Sit better today”。This 188bet online casino games is rendered very warmly in the advertisement,It also fits this advertising slogan very well,At this time Didi is not simply satisfying your request to hail a car,It’s more about putting emotions into it,Leave it aside as a means of propaganda,This is also a common method on the Internet now。

Actually before,We will also have some experiences like this,To understand why today’s products no longer simply meet people’s basic needs;Just like the previous buzzword "Brother is not smoking cigarettes,It’s lonely”,In fact, scenes are integrated into the product,Integrated into the emotions of the people in the 188bet online casino games,So in addition to the basic functions, the product provides more added value。This added value is integrated into the entire 188bet online casino games,So the product and the 188bet online casino games are integrated,It becomes an experience in the 188bet online casino games。If the product experience is very good,Or it fits the 188bet online casino games very well,Can impress users,Everyone will feel that this product is very good。

Mobile terminals accelerate 188bet online casino games scenarioization

It turned out that when we mentioned scenarios or Internet products,Making more of PC products。But the mobile terminal accelerates the sceneization of products,But without the emergence of technology,There is no large-scale smartphone emergence,The concept of 188bet online casino games will not be taken as seriously as it is now。

Mobile terminals have many features: easy to carry、Very fast、Contact in time,Even LBS orientation, etc.,All of these are for people to be able to access the Internet in time in the 188bet online casino games,Timely contact made a great contribution。The most obvious one may be the withdrawal of LBS type products in this regard。

Dianping 188bet online casino games

This picture obviously shows consumption information based on geographical location,Every so-called consumption strategy based on LBS is an activity that occurs in a certain scenario,In this scenario, users can position themselves according to their own position,Use your mobile phone to access the Internet to create many, many possibilities。Buy diamonds,Free travel,Watching movies,Going to eat,All of these things can be configured based on the geographical location and the user’s context at that time,What happened in that geographical location,Let’s solve it through this method。So this kind of product will be applied at that time。So technology,Equipment and other hardware also have their due value in stimulating the 188bet online casino games。

O2O 188bet online casino games expand the boundaries of scenarios

After LBS,The emergence of O2O has re-expanded the boundaries of products。Judging from the products reviewed by Dianping,In the beginning, Dianping was a location-based information service,It can provide users with restaurants near their location、Nearby water bars, etc.。But I have never been exposed to group buying products,The problems solved by the reviewed products will be expanded。At the beginning of the group purchase, there was no strong sense of online and offline interaction,It just posted a message online,Users can use this online coupon or QR code to redeem or redeem services offline,This is a relatively simple O2O 188bet online casino games at the beginning。

This process connects two scenes,In other words, it connects the online and offline scenes,Let O2O products play their due role in this process。What does it do?Users can be online when they are free,Or when browsing online to obtain information,Go and buy some low-priced or discounted coupons,Then go online to consume in another 188bet online casino games。

With the development of group buying,The products sold by the team have also developed from relatively standardized to personalized and customized,Developing from selling fixed table meal packages to products such as coupons。After reaching the offline 188bet online casino games,The services that users can enjoy are more abundant: if the user buys a ten-person package,Then you can only eat a few prepared dishes;But if it is a discount coupon,Then the possibility will be much more than before,So the boundaries of the 188bet online casino games are slowly expanding。

So product development will change with the 188bet online casino games,The 188bet online casino games has changed,The functions provided by the product must also be adjusted,To continuously satisfy different scenarios。It has developed to the current state of buying and going,You will find that in this scenario, new needs will be derived or unearthed。For example, the payment process,This is another 188bet online casino games after consuming services。WeChat、Alipay’s payment function meets the development of such scenarios。

To summarize,We are in an era where people are at the core,There must be a protagonist in the 188bet online casino games,This protagonist refers to the user。In the user-centered era,Mastered the 188bet online casino games,It also grasps the user’s mind,And this does not only refer to the user’s consumption habits、Behavioral habits,There are also user pain points obtained based on the scenarios。

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The source of 188bet online casino games article is everyone is a product manager,Copyright belongs to the original author。
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