Wu Xiaobo: The 18 rules of 188bet Live Casino!

Industrial Investment Author of this 188bet Live Casino: Wu Xiaobo Channel 2015-11-04
Elephant Media invites teacher Wu Xiaobo to hold an open class for famous experts in Zhengzhou,Share practical experience on “188bet Live Casino and social economy”,He proposed 18 military rules for 188bet Live Casino operations。

1. There is no benchmarking experience 188bet Live Casino world, everything is based on independent innovation

We-media is a Chinese concept。If you go to the United States to Japan now,You will find that they are basically still 188bet Live Casino blog era,We-media is a new scene formed by Chinese media and Chinese business ecology。

2.Acquaintance environment and social sharing,Determine the creative characteristics of 188bet Live Casino

Last one or two years,Vertical portal capabilities are slowly declining,People began to embed information exchange and dissemination methods into social links。The difference between WeChat, blogs and Weibo,The difference lies 188bet Live Casino closed public opinion environment and the open square civilization。When people are in a familiar environment,Pay more attention to your appearance and speech,Cannot express it in a dramatic way。Your identity、Values ​​will be presented 188bet Live Casino process of reading and sharing,Thus allowing the possibility of serious writing to exist。

3. Content is the core of everything

For writers,Being in 188bet Live Casino can bring you closer to your readers,Good content,Under the new media format,It will go further than you think。In the WeChat era,Something valuable,The effect of its spread in a certain circle is unimaginable。Information flows through different communities in a non-linear manner,At this time,A good content itself becomes a product with spreading power。——Good content is the only way to spread,This is the first operating principle of 188bet Live Casino。

4. A community without shared values ​​is a mob

The second more important operating principle of 188bet Live Casino,You must make the faces of the people in your community clear,And agree with the same values,Otherwise they are just a rabble。The values ​​of Wu Xiaobo’s channel are: 1,Recognize the beauty of business;二,Advocate self-struggle;三,Happy to share;four,Reject diaosi culture。

5.A new direction of 188bet Live Casino for the new middle class: The law of "those who win the diaosi will win the world" may not be correct in the 188bet Live Casino ecology。

Diaosi is actually a self-destructive person,It is an excuse to give up on yourself。Society should move upward,Should make your life rich,Let 188bet Live Casino be full of material,Through your own efforts,Be responsible for your family。So,We reject diaosi,We are targeting the new middle class。

6. Asking for help and sharing are two important elements of the Internet community

It’s good to be a 188bet Live Casino,It’s good to be an integrated media,As long as you think that your matter is beneficial to society,It’s something meaningful,You can ask for help from the whole world,There must be someone willing to help you with this matter。The second one is shared,We do everything,They are all friends who let us share common values,Shared together。

7. Valuable 188bet Live Casino must explore the e-commerce model

All media or commercial organizations without a positive business model are rogues,So you must experiment。The profit logic of old media is advertising logic,The greater value of 188bet Live Casino lies in the exploration of different e-commerce models。2016 is the year of e-commerce for 188bet Live Casino,We-media with different attributes,Different e-commerce models will be born,For all 188bet Live Casino,We are all facing the experiment of e-commerce。

8. 188bet Live Casino innovation is never the result of premeditation

The fun thing about 188bet Live Casino is,I’ll never think of what I’m going to do today,So basically what we are doing now is not the result of premeditation,Completely the result of continuous innovation and experimentation。

9.There are two abilities in the self-media field that will be amplified 188bet Live Casino,Specialization and personification

The first is professional ability,That is, the professional ability formed in a particularly small field。The second is personality ability,188bet Live Casino self-media,People are greater than all institutions,This is a particularly interesting phenomenon in Internet marketing。The first is called brand reversion,The second is called communication atavism - brand is related to individuals,Propagation is by word of mouth 。

10.There will be no mass brands and mass communications in the 188bet Live Casino ecosystem

188bet Live Casino Internet environment,We will reject mass brands、Mass Communication and Mass Marketing,The world will be stratified 188bet Live Casino,Everyone lives in a different circle,There are some god-like figures in every circle,But when he ran into the road, he was a passerby。

11. Circled self-organization is the basis for active community

We media must be structured on a circle,You don’t need to serve everyone,It must be socialization。All socialization must not be completed online - it wants to be done through the Internet,Complete all sales online,It will be difficult 188bet Live Casino。What will be generated by socialization and personification 188bet Live Casino must be completed through O2O,It is an experience。

12. Product attributes are greater than 188bet Live Casino attributes

Media people believe very much in the attributes of the media,But the Internet teaches us another concept,Product attributes。Many e-commerce sales 188bet Live Casino will be based on one product,Rather than appearing based on so-called media production。

13.From things to 188bet Live Casino is a market economy,From 188bet Live Casino to things is a social economy

State control from planned economy,Recognize capital ethics in commodity economy,A market economy 188bet Live Casino emerge when there is overcapacity,To the social economy that appears with the Internet today。We have experienced the production line revolution and the counter revolution,Now we are experiencing the reversal of the communication logic between things and people - the market economy is a process from things to people,Community economy is a process from people to things。

14. Community 188bet Live Casino = connection + values ​​+ content

We do self-media,Only connect things that are related to our values。The future self-media will actually do these three things: First, we must complete the connection,Second, let the connected people form relatively unified values,The third thing is to produce or provide the best goods。After connecting in this way,All channel providers are gone - if you are just a channel 188bet Live Casino social economy,Will be revolutionized sooner or later,Because you did not generate any value。

15.It is difficult for 188bet Live Casino to transform from the old media model,They are almost all new invaders

As with all reforms,188bet Live Casino is difficult for vested interest groups to achieve self-revolution,In hesitation and wavering,New forces enter in a lighter way,Overturning all the old order。

16.Future-oriented media organization,188bet Live Casino have three important elements: based on professionalism、Social integration、Multimedia integration

The first is based on professionalism,All-purpose media will disappear;The second is to be socially integrated,An article、A thought,Is it what people like,Just look at how many times it appears in my circle of friends,Because all communication must enter the social circle;The third is multimedia integration,When professional networking and multimedia appear at the same time,It is the dilemma we face today and a strange and new state of time and space 188bet Live Casino。

17. “Honeycomb” is the matrix model of 188bet Live Casino competition

All organizations 188bet Live Casino will be flattened,All for-profit institutions are mainly small and medium-sized。Every enterprise in the big platform is a honeycomb,There is a queen bee in the honeycomb,Each cell must be able to develop independently,It will not affect the entire large cellular structure even if it falls down,When big enough,It naturally becomes a cellular platform。Integrated media,It is a honeycomb matrix organization model。

18. Trial and error is the only dangerous path to success

The characteristic of the Internet is small steps,Iteration,Trial and error,Run。Don’t hope to reach the sky in one step,Continuously iterate,Run,Trial and error,This is the basic characteristic of the Internet。

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This 188bet Live Casino comes from Wu Xiaobo, and the copyright belongs to the original author.
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