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Industrial Investment Author of this article: Huxiu.com 2015-11-30
5 startup CEOs dare to face their mistakes,Share your entrepreneurial process,Or the pitfalls that you have fallen into during your continuous entrepreneurial journey,Mistakes made。
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“I was one of the first to see the O2O trend,But obsessed with concepts,I didn’t find that the demand has not risen yet”

Today I especially want to share with you the frustrations I have experienced。I used to be a successful professional manager,Served in charge of Baidu Alliance at Baidu、E-commerce, etc.。My first startup was different from most people here,Starting a business and having sex at the age of 40,Of course this is not entirely my company,The controlling party is still Baidu。Frankly speaking,2012 did not meet expectations,But Lohas has gained enough attention in the market,We are the first ones to see the O2O trend,They were also the first companies to establish the current popular model。

In fact, the superficial data after one year are still good,There are already more than 60,000 merchants distributed in 4 cities。For example the DUV of our website,We went from 0 to nearly one million in half a year。And the distribution of traffic is also reasonable,About 19% is self-owned traffic,Only about 10% from Baidu。

But when we did an in-depth discussion at the end of 2012,We have decided to carry out capital restructuring。This matter is important to us,rich、Someone,Those with deep pockets,Also the first to do it,Why such a decision is necessary,We can see that regret medicine has made three mistakes:

First, weight is not as important as quality.When starting a business, I think the biggest risk is having too much money、Many people。Because when this situation occurs,Of course I want to do more things,Failure to do one thing to the best。

Second, follow the market voice.Because this matter is relatively early,So when the product first came out,Encountered many different voices in the market,There are praises、Challenge sounds, etc.,In the midst of such noise,Own founder or entrepreneurial team,It’s easy to lack certainty,Follow the market。

Third, user habits have not yet been developed.Obsessed with the future that I believe in,But I didn’t look deeply into it,Are the user needs ready at that point in time,Failed to make adjustments in time。

So for these three aspects,I think at least from now on,I still made a lot of mistakes,The most important ones are these three。

Then the second time started last year,I try more mobile e-commerce、Do more in the field of social e-commerce。Two entrepreneurial processes,There are three things worth sharing with you:

The most basic starting point for starting a business is to meet the needs of users,But such a simple sentence contains three words,What are the needs of users,And who are your users,And how to satisfy it。In addition,Also combined 188bet sports betting app download with the experience of Lohas,There are three points:

First point, team is extremely important,Tell it here,Everyone is not very excited,But if you have so much money at the beginning,It will naturally form a luxurious team,So the team of Philharmonic was really very luxurious at that time,Now it seems that he really has enough experience and successful background,Maybe not suitable for starting a business from 0 to 1。

The second point is timing.The mobile Internet has not really taken off in 2011,2012, when the mobile Internet really took off,The earliest wave was entertainment business,The so-called O2O commercialization has not yet occurred。So it’s still too early for us to start O2O in 2012。

The third point is that the product is the most important.If you don’t hit the user’s needs at one point,Satisfy users with your own products,In fact, the process from 0 to 1 never ends,No promotion required,There is no use doing anything。

Rong360 Liu Caofeng——

“I was not firm enough in what I believed in my heart”

Rong360 has not made any particularly big mistakes so far,But in、Lots of small mistakes,Today is summarized in one point。I found,The mistakes we make all come from what you believe in your heart,Are you firm enough、Persistence and determination,Still too hesitant,Will be forced by pressure and interests,Finally chose to compromise。

Give a few specific examples,I think entrepreneurship is always a bet,I don’t know whether it is successful or not when I do it,I don’t know,Others don’t know either,Many critics and analysts are making various voices around you,Tell you if you have such and such problems。Looking back,My former colleagues have made great achievements now,Many of them are not the most reasonable ones from the initial analysis,But go on firmly。

When we started to do Fusion 360,There are many doubts,Said the business frequency is too low,ROI (return on investment) is very low。When we made it ourselves, we found that it was indeed very low,ROI is only 20%,That is, I invest 100 yuan,Only 20 yuan can be recovered。But my competitors told me that there is no money to be made in this industry,When changing careers,Let me take a look at our company’s data,I can only hehe。

We have a business that has been in business for a year,But it still doesn’t work,I don’t know what’s going on。Later, when we accidentally chatted in the industry,Saw a company in Guangdong,Can actually do much better than us,Digged out a lot of things we didn’t expect,It’s done。I will take a look later,It turns out that people bet their fortunes and lives on this one thing,Their investment is 3 to 5 times that of mine,Rong 360 looks like there are many people in No. 700,But the manpower and determination invested in this business are not as great as others,He succeeded,He started doing it,We don’t have any。

Second point,Faith。When there is actually no benefit,Everyone can talk about faith。But among the interests,Sometimes I am not so firm in my faith。For a while all we were doing was making our financial numbers look better,A friend asked,What else have you done besides financial data during this period?We are speechless。

Later we did something,1/3 of the people who 188bet app made our company grow,But the financial situation is very bad,The data did not change until the past two months。So this time,Do you need some faith and firmness?When some benefits are easily available,Is this the key to opening the skylight?Probably not。

Give an example of JD.com,Liu Qiangdong’s e-commerce delivery speed is fast,How much is it worth in users’ minds?Maybe not worth a lot of money。But this decision may have caused a qualitative change in the company's management structure,Maybe from a company with 10,000 people to 100,000 people,A profitable company may turn into a loss-making company,At this time,I believe Liu Qiangdong has faith in his heart。

The other one is to do and to do well。I think when starting a business,Kill others,Kill others,It’s not about the number of people you have、Smart、How big is the background,I think it’s because we invested several times more energy into one point、Resource,Form a main line to lead you to success。Recent,I want to recruit front-line technicians,The annual salary of these people is close to 1 million。Various people from the company jumped out,Ask why you have to invest so much,There will be resistance from many aspects。At this time,Can you firmly believe deep in your heart,Have enough determination to invest。

Last,Be able to withstand pressure、Follow your heart,You have to convince yourself first,Do you believe this?,Only by believing can you have enough determination。

Chun Shui Tang Lin Degang——

“I wasted three years building an offline sex toy chain store”

I am very happy to come to Huxiu’s Petting Festival,I think this name is too sexy,This is the name you should use。

Chun Shui Tang was founded on December 22, 2002,One of the earliest online vertical e-commerce companies in Chun Shui Tang,An e-commerce company with a generation and a half of Internet。Internet products at the same time include Taobao (founded in May 2003)、ebay、Dangdang、8848 etc.。Chun Shui Tang was very unfortunate at that time,From payment to delivery,to credit、Promotion channels,The e-commerce environment is not very good yet。But there was another business model that was very popular in China in 2005,called franchising,I went to embrace a craze which is chain。Start setting the strategy at the end of 2005,Preparation and recruitment team in 2006,Starting from 2007, we will officially recruit franchisees from abroad,End of 2008,Chun Shui Tang has more than 100 franchise stores in China。

You will encounter a dilemma when joining,I just can’t control it,Because Chinese people are very smart,There are some deficiencies in the spirit of the contract,Leading to treat franchisees with a sincere heart,I can’t control the franchisees scattered all over the country。Almost all franchise systems in China will encounter similar problems,There are two typical alliances in China: one is that the leader is a liar,Pack an item,The core business model is to earn franchise fees,I never wanted to do business for a long time;The other one is like me,The leader is very reliable,The following franchisee system cannot be controlled,Franchisees are too smart。So we decided to stop the franchise 188bet online sports betting at the end of 2008,In 2009, I dedicated myself to wiping the butts of franchisees。

We are the first generation e-commerce,But we spent 4 years worrying about joining the franchise,Missed the first wave of Internet financing (08、2009) craze。That is to say, let’s look at one thing,Use one year to consider the trade-off、Take three years to see the trade-off,It takes five years to see the trade-off,Your choice is completely different。There is a word in business called core competitiveness,This usually takes three to five years to build。

Just like the current stock market,Don’t enter just because of 4000 points,Don’t give up just because of 2000 points。Think about it instead,What do I want to do,Give yourself three years、Five or even ten years,To create real core competitiveness,Don’t be confused by the current cold capital、Capital fever、Or the stock market is high and low。

Not joining the group Dalong Kuan——

“Founders who are too confident often end up cheating themselves”

Speaking of pitfalls is the scariest thing,Which company is willing to let you look naked?No company is willing,That’s why my investors said it’s best not to,But I still insist。This is my third time starting a business,The first time I started my business was in 1997,It’s all government projects,Second start-up as an outbound travel wholesaler,I have become the largest Australian supplier in the country。2010,I think there will be problems in the industry,There will definitely be a change in our future,What is?Internet。I don’t understand,Jump in!How hot is the fire? Burn it yourself,Try how hot the water is,We just built a B2C website。

The one who comes here especially wants to communicate with you,Ask yourself why you want to start a business?Jumped into the Internet in 2010,When doing B2C,I really didn’t think about this question,I need to take off my clothes one by one。Strictly speaking, my traditional transformation to the Internet,The biggest problem I encountered is,In a state where traditional enterprises have resources,Think that the Internet is a tool,I have products,You OTAs all get their goods from me,I’ll just sell it at the price I gave you。That’s what I think,But I just don’t understand,What is the user,How to do it,Invested a lot of money,The last project is closed。

Later,After our in-depth research,Discovered that we want to make C2B customized and buyer-level products,Start from the demand side of the market,De-differentiation。front,OTA already has so many constructions,It’s hard to go overboard,The traditional piece is made like this。Must find a segmented market,It is clear that there will be a big explosion in the next three to five years。My most important problem is that I created my own delusions,Why use such a title to put on clothes,Because all entrepreneurs must be creators of delusions,Otherwise it is impossible to create things that are considered impossible。

When starting a business for the third time,We understand something very clearly,The founder cannot explain everything。I have made this mistake,I don’t know anything about being a product manager,I think this is the user 188bet sports betting app download experience,Let’s chat with those born in the 1990s,Find out that what you made is not the same thing。In the process of starting a business,The real key、The real pitfall is my own founder。The founder has become the ceiling for the company and the team,This project must die。How to prevent founders from becoming the ceiling?Just an open mind。

So we only do one thing,Work hard only for the pleasure of traveling。Everyone knows the trust level of the tourism industry in the entire society,Can this industry have good and reliable products??We have a Japanese product manager who has been working for 15 years,Suddenly said: "I can finally do a project that my mother can participate in。I can finally make a travel product based on my own ideas and conscience。”Of course,Doesn’t generally mean that today’s tourism products have no conscience,We are just a way to express emotions。

We found a common goal direction,It has nothing to do with money,That’s what we want to do,It is particularly important to find this feeling in an entrepreneurial team,I get goosebumps just thinking about it。

Share my words of warning to myself,That is: self-awareness,Self-perception,Be aware of your emotions,Be aware of your own actions,Feel the other person’s feelings,Know what you didn’t do well,Hire professional people to do professional things。

So crack open the shell and face the world, that's what I think.

Iron Blood Network Jiang Lei——

“Startup companies should not expand their product lines too broadly,Haste makes waste”

Friends in the forum call me Principal Jiang,While still studying at Tsinghua University,Founded Tiexue.com in 2001,I gave birth to a child on impulse,15 years after being raised。The process of starting a business is always bumpy,It wasn’t until 2008 that I found the new model of community e-commerce,Connect content production and product sales,The Iron Blood has embarked on the road of rapid development。I made a lot of money in those years,I bought a car and a house,The first car is Mercedes-Benz,Bought as soon as the auto show was released,import,Top configuration。This car is the first to be equipped with daytime running lights,You can see me from far away during the day。At that time, I was the only one lighting the headlights in broad daylight,In the eyes of others looking at fools,Acceleration、Change lane,Brighten the eyes of krypton gold dogs。#This is not what Dese is#

At that time I felt I could do anything,I often think about things other than the military,What else can be done,Expand the scale faster。

That time,We have seriously considered making adult products,At that time, I also looked for Uncle Chun from Chun Shui Hall。Follow our theory of community e-commerce,To be an adult user, you must first be an adult community,To be an adult community, you must first write an adult novel,So this was not done。

We found out,Humorous jokes can attract a lot of popularity,So Pangbelly.com was born。The iron-blooded team is still very effective,2012,It took us less than two years,The number of visits to Pangbelly.com has reached the level of iron blood,Millions of UVs per day,And achieve the same level of visits,Tie-Blooded took 10 years,188bet sports betting app download It only lasted less than two years。

Initial success further stimulated my ambition。I just want it to be simple,It will be OK if we make a few more websites like this。So I quickly started chasing two rabbits,It turned into chasing many rabbits,Fishing Home、Cycling Home、Web game development,New projects are constantly being launched。

Result,We did not wait for the full success we expected,We have encountered the biggest crisis in the history of Iron Blood,2013 is only one year,We lost 20 million yuan。

Why?In fact, the most valuable resource in a company is the CEO’s time。When you give the most attention to a project,The resources of the entire company were mobilized behind the scenes,When this project has resources,It is easy to break through and succeed。But when you have so many projects,Spread your resources across each project,Not enough for every item,Like we have a knife in our hands,No blade required,Maybe he can’t even cut a piece of tofu。

Learning from the pain,We decided to divest all businesses that have nothing to do with the military、Split,Even if it’s profitable。To raise funds to make up for the loss of 20 million,Mortgaged all the houses,Get a bank loan。But it’s not enough,Finally, the wife’s dowry house was also mortgaged,It can be said that all the wealth was gambled,Once you fail, you have nothing。

The power of focus is huge,From a loss of 20 million in just one year,Returned to a profitable state。So there are still regret medicines in this world,Eat breakfast, good morning!Also because of the focus on military affairs,We found that the military market is much larger than we thought,After we focused on the military, we found that we actually have 6,000 military novel IPs,The popular TV series "Snow Leopard" in the past few years、"Infiltration"、"Second Gunner",Their film and television adaptation rights,Bought them all from Tiexue,The popular movie "Dark Horse" in the first half of this year、"Wolf Warrior" box office exceeded 500 million,The screenwriter is also iron-blooded。We started to form a team,Changing the previous path of simply selling IP,We will develop and manage IP ourselves,This opens the door to another dimension。

Focus on the military future,We got our first military order this year,Standards for military type 15 protective pants,We participated in the formulation。This means there may be tens of millions of orders every year,We are now looking overseas,Aiming to create a world-class tactical clothing brand。

We are lagging behind on mobile,Focus on the military future,We started operating our own WeChat official account,It took us less than three months,Just add 100 powder every day,turned into thousands per day。How to do it?We make adding followers a strategic task,Find a project manager,Give him the right to mobilize resources across departments,Promote the department-level task of adding fans to a company-level task。Strategic missions like this,We control it to no more than 10,The 10 most valuable strategic tasks will be selected from dozens of potential opportunities every month,Focus and focus again。

Many times we want to be quick,Capital is always greedy,Always 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino hope you hurry up,Faster,But we hope to build a strong brand,In fact, it is better to go slower。We spread the product line too wide too early,Let everyone’s awareness of the brand become blurred,Maybe haste makes waste。I think entrepreneurs can maintain their original intentions,Be able to truly make what you want,It’s pretty good。

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