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Cultural Tourism Benefits Author of this article: Wei Xiaoan 2015-12-04
In the process of rural tourism development,We need to eliminate a wrong concept,City people’s favor to farmers;Urban-rural interaction is a market exchange,So we first need an equal perspective,Then we must seek balanced development,Ultimately we pursue the experience of life,Then achieve the interaction between urban and rural areas。
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Thirty years of rural tourism,This is a big topic,Should make a big article,So I wrote an article of more than 40,000 words。Today is just a summary,A review,The real big article is in the vast countryside of China,In the practice of farmers,This part of the article is the real article。This is a big question,I can only briefly review。

Introduction: About modern times

What is modern?This is a new concept from Brother Beiying,It does make sense,Because it existed before 1985,But that was the embryonic stage,Since 1985,Entered the cultivation stage,Industrial stage and development stage。Rural tourism originated in Europe more than 100 years ago,It is the demand created by industrialization development。Arise 40 years ago,It is a common demand in the late industrialization period。It flourished in modern times,It is the rigid demand in the post-industrial period。China has now entered the middle and late stages of industrialization,So Chinese people’s demand for rural tourism,Basically it can be defined as a rigid demand,What is rigidity?Indispensable in life,This is the concept of rigidity。We are now generally entering the second stage,Urban and rural integration,Who transforms whom?The city transforms the countryside?Let’s turn the countryside into cities?To say that this kind of integration is absolutely wrong。“See the mountains,Can see water,Remember the nostalgia”,Children who grew up in the city,No nostalgia at all,So first there is a village to cultivate nostalgia,Then the city comes to sense the countryside,To inspire nostalgia。37 years of reform and opening up,Industrialization and urbanization,Cultivation of modern Chinese rural tourism,But our starting point is different from that of Western developed countries,Different base points。For example, rural leisure activities in Taiwan are very developed,Also very exquisite,But many of the practitioners are young people in cities engaged in rural leisure activities,They want to change their way of life,It’s for life,But we Chinese people engage in rural tourism first and foremost to survive,This is our base point and starting point。

1. Development of rural tourism

1. Development process

From the perspective of the development of rural tourism,Basically three stages: origin in the mid-1980s,The Xu Family Courtyard is a typical example,The Xu Family Courtyard is a typical example,30 Years Farm Stay,A spark that starts a prairie fire。National popularity,3 million,300 billion revenue,Tens of millions of people employed,Basically averaged out,Tens of thousands of people employed in each county-level unit。Represented by ancient towns and villages,Represented by ancient towns and villages,Rural leisure begins,Atomization status integration,Products are gradually improved。Great development since the middle of the new century,Represented by Moganshanxiayangjiale,Country vacation begins to sprout,Comprehensive popularization of rural tourism,Becoming a hot topic in recent years。Especially in the past two years,Rural tourism abounds,If it’s a document, let’s talk about rural tourism。There are three upgrades in this process,From simple utilization of resources,To make comprehensive use of resources,To dig deeper into resources,Finally create new resources。

2. Huge effect

In the course of these thirty years,Rural tourism plays a huge role,This is not a major role,It is a huge effect。An important starting point to improve rural poverty,Promote the adjustment of agricultural economic structure,Enrich agricultural functions,Increase product added value,Increase employment channels,Form a series of service facilities,Promote the transformation of farmers’ concepts,Cultivation of rural market mechanism,Comprehensive effect。The most important role here is to cultivate the rural market mechanism,The development of rural tourism is basically 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino not led by the government,Later, there was some government guidance,Generally speaking, the government is good if it doesn’t cause trouble,But driven by huge market demand,This industry has developed,If we were government-led from the beginning,Can’t make it to today。And in the process,Farmers know how to do business,Farmers have a market concept,Know the next step,This is the most important。

3, mode

Adapt measures to local conditions,According to the times,According to market conditions。According to market conditions,It just depends on the market conditions,For example, farmhouse entertainment evolved into fisherman’s accommodation、Mujiale、Lin Jiale and other various models。There are six basic modes: Farmhouse、High-tech Agricultural Sightseeing Park、Agricultural New Village、Development of ancient villages、Agricultural scenery and scenic spots、Compatible with scenic spots。The same is true for Agricultural New Village,Farmhouse is the most common,High-tech agricultural sightseeing parks are basically found in every city,The same is true for Agricultural New Village,But the development of ancient villages、The stunning scenery and scenic spots of agriculture are compatible with scenic spots,It depends on the situation in each place,So we need to adapt accordingly。

Three extension modes are formed from this,The first type is called ornamental agriculture、Picking forestry,The pursuit is freshness、Harvest、Familyization;The second is recreational fishing、Experience animal husbandry,The pursuit is difference、Experience、Competition;The third type is handicraft industry、Country Art,Achieved local materials、On-site market、In-place appreciation。

Five more innovation models have been formed over the years:

One is the greenway,Slow travel system connecting rural tourism,China’s greenways start in Guangdong,Jiangsu promotion,Gradual promotion。There are many greenways,Not just the greenway itself,Formed a greenway system,A country hotel formed around the greenway、Country Inn and other levels。

The second is the leisure farm,Formation of national standards,An improved version of the farmhouse,Enlarged version,Creation Edition,Now a group of leisure farms have been created。

The third is the support of scenic spots,Complement each other。Some scenic spots have so-so resources,Difficulties in developing as a scenic spot,But combined with rural tourism,Complement each other,I rated it as Private Mountain Forest,Canyon around you。

Fourth Resort Community,Second residence,First Life。A property in a rural environment,But what I enjoy is city life。

The fifth is manor culture,Historical inheritance,International reference,Start exploring。Now a number of places are beginning to study whether they can build some manors,Instead of the traditional concept,For example, the earth buildings in Fujian、Qiao Family Courtyard in Shanxi,These are all manors,The most typical one is Liu Wencai Manor in Sichuan,So let’s talk about the manor,They are all landlords’ estates,Connected with this historical memory,But now we need to create a new model。

This series of various patterns,actually reflects the diversity and diversification of our Chinese rural tourism, especially modern rural tourism。

4. Main issues

The most prominent problem at present is that the product does not correspond to the market,Strictly speaking, rural tourism is rural tourism,Or half-day rural tour,corresponds to surrounding markets。Rural leisure corresponds to the mid-range market。Country vacation corresponding to remote market。So the premise of our traditional rural tourism is big cities,It is an urban agglomeration,If there is no demand for large cities and urban agglomerations,It is difficult to carry out rural tourism,And some places still need to work hard,The city population is only 100,000、Two hundred thousand,How is it possible to vigorously develop rural tourism?This is a common misunderstanding among leaders everywhere。But do it well,Can cope with remote markets without any problem,But do it well、Exquisitely made,If it’s just a farmhouse,Enough is Enough,Otherwise,Speaking of huge market demand,But it is difficult to support it in a specific place,So this can easily become a common misunderstanding in our next step。

What is the reason?Small size,Difficult to correspond to the market;Insufficient infrastructure,Few public services;Poor sanitary conditions,Insufficient product supply;Single business,Strong homogeneity;Vicious competition,Not high quality。So the market will eventually become 188bet app download sustainable and outstanding。Of course,Because the cost of rural tourism construction is low,Furthermore, farmers basically have no concept of cost in their operations,When you receive it, it is profit,This is also the advantage of rural tourism,But if this series of questions,We cannot solve it in a targeted manner,I’m afraid it will evolve into a bigger problem。Farmers don’t go to the government when they are motivated to do it,But the investment is in,If it doesn’t work, go to the government,It may even lead to some incidents,So we have to be vigilant about this。

2. New Pattern

1. Urbanization

Economically developed areas have generally entered the late stage of industrialization,The main problem now is that the concept is still the development concept of mid-term industrialization,The resulting situation is manifested in the following four aspects: First,Too urgent。Still strengthening the economic growth rate,The social mentality is also impatient。Second,Too crowded。Overpopulation and overconcentration,The buildings are too dense and too weird。Third,Too busy。Traffic is rolling,People are in a hurry;Fourth,Too dirty and high-carbon development,Dirty air。From the perspective of demand,The city lacks ecology first,The second lack of health,The third lack of humanities,The fourth lack of happiness。According to actual living standards,I don’t know how many times it is now than before,But the happiness index has not increased,The feeling of happiness has not increased。This is the long-term and continuously growing market demand for rural tourism。But the market cannot be generalized,To layer、Time sharing、Divided land、Sub-item。

2. Fuzzification

The development of urbanization,Produce a blurred phenomenon,The city is expanding,The boundaries are gradually blurring,The urban area becomes the core area,Suburbs become urban areas,Outer suburbs are incorporated into urban belts or urban agglomerations。On the other hand, it forms a village in the city。This blurring of boundaries,Generate some new concepts,For example, inter-urban rural areas,Rural town,Homeland is one,Leisure Development。Beautiful China,Beautiful and natural,Beautiful mentality,Good life,We need to continue to work under China’s conditions,Discuss China’s unique development model。

Agricultural Society,Corresponding to the wanderings of a few。Industrial society,Corresponding to most people’s sightseeing。Post-industrial society,Corresponding to this is comprehensive leisure for all people。Leisure is the blue ocean of tourism,Thousands of years,We have been talking about home,In pursuit of home。Contemporary society,Industrial development,Urbanization Expansion,You can only have a home but not a garden。Leisure is in Tectonic New Park,Space separation,Quality improvement,Public Garden,Leisure life。The big garden makes up for the small family,Quality makes up the distance。Transformation and Upgrading,From single sightseeing to complex,Popular for sightseeing,Relaxation and vacation bring wealth,Famous for cultural tourism;Business travel-led,Special Tourism Supplement。Urban agglomeration connects cities into one,Industrialization compresses rural space,The gradual shortage of rural resources,Comprehensive appreciation,Rural tourism is booming。This is how we feel when taking the high-speed rail,For example, leaving Beijing,Precious resources,The countryside is almost invisible,All cities,They are all buildings。So it’s natural,A place with large fields,This is the place we pursue。New concept: respect nature,Precious resources,Be kind to culture,Respect the predecessors。New model: market improvement,Model Innovation。Country Hotel,Country Leisure,Cultural Theme Village,Professional Production Village。

From a development perspective,The main management method is planning,Guide through planning、Guidance。From a business perspective,The main management method should be guidance and cultivation,Especially cultivating leaders,The subject I am talking about here is the government,Especially governments at all levels,The functions of each level of government are different,For example, go to the county government,Guidance on research planning,Arrived at the township government,It is to cultivate leaders。From a management perspective,More research should be done on how to create a good environment。There are two important points here,A focus is on farmer tourism demonstration site,It is a service method,It is also a guidance 188bet app method,It is also a management method。For example, a village,We must force farmers to suffer,Farmers are about to rebound,But buy two farmers’ houses,Remodeled according to traditional style,The guests are here,The surrounding farmers saw that they could make money in this way,You will invest your own money to transform。But we have been messing around for so many years,The traditional village wants to tear it down,Become the so-called new socialist countryside,Now we are talking about rural tourism,I found that this kind of society does not correspond to the new rural areas,Then we started to build special features、Style construction,Starting back again。The farmers asked you if you were done?Who will spend this money?But through this guidance method,Let farmers see practical results,This is the best way。The second way is rural tourism cooperatives,This is also what our cooperative economics society must do,This is the latest management and operation model,Especially for farmers to achieve common interests,Government、Developers and rural areas,Comprehensive integration of resources,Comprehensive brand building,Comprehensive market response。Now one way is atomization,Called Farmhouse,Who is in charge of public affairs?The village-level government has no capacity,How can the village committee have the ability to do this,The town government is small and capable,But it can’t be done,The county government cannot take care of it,So each farmhouse is doing well on its own,But the entire public construction、Public services are not in place。And the farmers don’t know what to do,Spent a lot of money in vain。Another way is for developers to enter,Developers are strong in entering the market,There will be conflicts with farmers,Farmers couldn’t react at first,It’s a good thing to have people investing,But I discovered it a few years later,You should have made all the money we made,Farmers started making trouble,So the best way is the rural tourism cooperative,Integrate the interests of farmers,Form a group to conduct reciprocal negotiations with developers and the government,In this case,A comprehensive response can be achieved by taking into account the interests of all parties。

3. Facilitation

Transportation pattern determines tourism pattern,To facilitate rural tourism, it is enough to pursue smooth transportation,Small traffic is a feature,Landscape Road、Wenhua Road、Traffic Road,Rural roads must not run half way towards the sky,That is to use the concept of urbanization to look at the countryside,This kind of rural tourism,Spent a lot of money,In the end, I destroyed myself。The second convenience is not only rural tourism,And it’s a change in life pattern,So we need to strengthen new hot spots,Cultivation of key projects、Advantage Project、Gathering Project。Finally, smart rural tourism,Requires network coverage,Comprehensive information,Market Connect。Now this article is changing and developing rapidly under the power of the market。

4. New coordinator

On the one hand, rural areas,Rural areas should be viewed with the concept of landscape,Cannot be swept away;Manage agriculture with a comprehensive concept,Improving land utilization through tourism,Increase the added value of agricultural products;Mobilizing farmers with the perspective of talents,Let farmers also become cultural inheritors,Craftsman。On the other hand is the city,We must grasp the city with the concept of tourism,Highlight humanism and difference;Use the concept of grabbing restaurants to capture scenic spots,Highlight quality and detail;Grasp leisure with the concept of grasping life,Highlight comfort and experience。The ditch area in these years、Mountain Domain、waters、County,The development of rural tourism in this area has begun to rise,This starts from traditional small watershed management,But everyone found out,Only managing small watersheds is not enough,Industry must be cultivated。For example, there are eighty ditches in Beijing,Make a development plan for the rise of eighty valleys,Almost identical,It’s all leisure agriculture,This won’t work either,Where are the cultural characteristics?Of course the market in Beijing,There is no problem even if there are 180 ditches,But if you want to make a name for yourself,I still need to do some cultural articles。So this requires the formation of a new organization,Intensive market、Fund intensive、Densely organized,To achieve the combination of overwhelming rural tourism and the overwhelming dominance of large enterprises。

3. Transformation and Upgrading

1. Divergence of demand

Rural tourism is the starting point of demand,Leisure agriculture is the end of the product,There is no contradiction between the two,But there is still a difference。The main appeal is rural tourism with sightseeing in scenic spots,The main demand for leisure and entertainment is rural leisure。So we need a series of advancements,One of the key points is to have the basic conditions for urban life,Many places say they want original ecology,The original ecology is just talking,We are looking at the original ecology,Start with sub-ecology,Focus on pan-ecology,Promote from deep ecology。For example, now we are in the countryside,Can it be done without a bathroom?The original ecology only has huts,Where is the bathroom?When our generation jumped in line,That toilet,It’s hard to accept now,The young man came out screaming and running as soon as he entered,What are you doing with such an original environment?Obviously not possible,A bunch of flies,The mosquito bites are a mess,Is this kind of rural tourism acceptable??Obviously not,So we must grasp this relationship well。The most important thing is to have the basic conditions for urban life,No luxury conditions required,But if the basic conditions are not available,Such a product is unqualified。Many places are still proud of their original ecology,Such pride is unacceptable,We must adjust this concept,On the point of sanitary conditions,City turns into countryside,In terms of human environment and natural environment,The countryside transforms into a city,So we cannot simply talk about urban-rural integration。

2. Mode selection

The universality of rural decay,This is a worldwide phenomenon,Form the attraction of rural leisure,The only way to achieve rural reorganization。It’s the same all over the world,Some leave earlier,Some leave a little later,China’s current situation,It’s not too late to leave,Because after 1978,Inspiring the vitality of the countryside,So we quickly caught up with the market trend,So it’s not too late for us to leave。Based on the current overall development,The level of rural tourism development in China is not low either,So at this point,We cannot belittle ourselves,Of course you can’t be arrogant。There are several models in the world: one is the Scottish countryside: advocating nature;The second is Spanish Castle: Model Innovation;The third is Hokkaido, Japan: outstanding advantages;Fourth is the Louvain Valley in France: Rural Comprehensive。

3. Rural Tourism Project

The junction of urban and rural integration,The development pole of rural economy,New areas for farmers to change jobs。Country Club、Manor,These are the most high-end。Sightseeing area、Vacation Community、Hot spring health area、Outdoor sports area,This is for the public。Natural Exploration Area、Mountain Adventure Area,This is for the niche。Self-driving camp、Campground,This is for Zhongzhong,It is now more common。Ancient City、Ancient Town、Old Street、Ancient Village、Old Road、Guguan,These are the exploration of heritage resources,Constitutes a series of rural tourism projects。So we can’t simply say we eat farm food、Sleeping on the farm bed,This understanding of rural tourism is too simple,The level is too low,This is a primary product,Can only correspond to the primary market,It has passed now。From a post-industrial perspective,Exploring pre-industrial resources,Utilize the achievements of industrialization,Formation of ultra-industrialized products,Corresponding to the changing market。

4. Build a new advantageous industrial system

To build a new and high-quality industrial system,This series of industries need to be reflected in our rural tourism。For example, travel and shopping,There are many rural tours or most of them are self-driving,The mainstream is agricultural and sideline products,Agricultural, sideline and local products have achieved the four local products I just mentioned,To make customers happy shopping,Leave with satisfaction。We must pursue this goal,Only in this way can rural resources be fully integrated,Maximizing benefits。

5. Cultivate new models

Form “A+B+C” pattern。A is the center of attraction,As a center of attraction,Become a highlight of development,Not only attracts tourists,Also attracted the government。Because such a project requires a large investment,The market also needs to be cultivated,So it is possible to form a loss situation in direct operations。This way,On the one hand, it requires the foresight of developers,On the other hand, we need government 188bet app download policy support。B is the profit center,The current general form is daily operations,In addition to supporting real estate construction,There will be other ways in the long run。C is the cultural center,Derived development。Establishing an industrial chain,Formation of industrial cluster,Expand the industry scope。Via Market,Gathered popularity;Pass policy,Gathered Shang Qi;via creative,Gathered literary spirit,Finally gathered the development of derivative industries。

6. New development measures

The first is new agriculture,Adjustment of planting structure,Achieve multi-function、Industrial chain,Pursue Land Art。We are now aware of this problem in many places,Many such products were produced,Even rice field paintings are out,It turns out that the rice field paintings were done by the Japanese,The crop circles are made by the British,What do we Chinese do?There are so many tricks now,This kind of field art will form the most dazzling aura of the beautiful countryside in the future。The second is to improve farmhouse entertainment,Building new products,Open for display,Scene reproduction,Derivative expansion,Benefiting the people,The era of relying on farmhouse entertainment to conquer the world has basically passed。The third is to strictly control the facade of new buildings,Guiding rural strengthening style,Outstanding style,Developing scenery,Show your style。For example, I recently went to Guangyuan, Sichuan,Visited several villages,All newly revised,Beautiful,The rural style of western Sichuan has been completely restored,And innovative,Many cultural symbols of the Three Kingdoms culture or Han culture have been added to the building,This kind of countryside feels like a theme town at first glance,It feels like a scenic spot,Everyone wants to stay there,Then the farmers are happy,Everyone drinks tea, plays cards, buys things and even eats, drinks and stays,An industrial chain is formed。

This needs to be upgraded,One village, one product、One place, one scene,To cultivate professional villages、Theme Town,Can’t just be satisfied with farmhouse entertainment。One of the important ways,It means educated people go to the countryside,This is not a cultural campaign,I strongly disapprove of the cultural campaign carried out by our propaganda department,That’s using rough urban culture、Use today’s so-called urban culture to impact the countryside,Actually the effect is very poor。But it is different when educated people go to the countryside,For example, an artist arrives in a village,Bought a small courtyard,Or rent a small courtyard,He wants to explore the local culture to the fullest,Put all cultural elements、Cultural symbols are reflected,The friends who followed him are here,Here comes those who want to eat and drink,Reception by surrounding farmers,Farmers will understand,This model is a profitable model。So the traditional rural style was restored in the process of marketization,And carry it forward。This is a new type of life that leaves the soil but never leaves the hometown,Different from township and village enterprises back then,Township enterprises are from primary to secondary industries,Now it is directly from the first industry to the third industry,The foundation of success lies in the flow of guests。So rural tourism has developed in many places,Everyone who went out to work has come back,Although the cash is a little less,But the quality of life has been greatly improved。So we must achieve the refinement of the country,Urban Pastoralization,Feel comfortable,Harmonizing the system。It’s worth it,There are many beautiful places in China,But it’s uncomfortable to stay there,It’s so impressive but not easy to deal with,Some places in developed countries have average scenery,But it’s comfortable to stay,It’s worth calling but not worth it,What we pursue is considerable and profitable,A considerable amount of money。So a series of work is required,Relying on the village,With ecology as the background,Concentrated various leisure and entertainment facilities,Cultivate a unique life。Master first-level development,Promote secondary development,Strengthen public construction,Promote public services,Construct a harmonious mechanism,Achieve shared interests,Strengthen local culture,Highlight characteristic development,Formation of industrial division of labor,Improve market effect,Covering three industries,Condensed rural artistic conception,Slow life,Deep experience。

7. Environment optimization

Compensating 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino for the natural environment,Improve the humanistic environment,Improve business environment,Improve the village environment,Enhance the leisure environment,Optimize the traffic environment,Coordinate the landscape environment,Strictly protect the environment,Create a good development environment。

8. Integration of culture and tourism

Traditional culture,Modern interpretation;Traditional resources,Modern products;Traditional products,Modern Market。Make history fashionable,Make culture approachable and nature accessible,Let travel enter your life。natural natural nature,culture culture living culture,ecological ecological deep ecology,Life, life, real life。Today’s rubbish buildings,Tomorrow’s construction waste,Tear down the old ones and build new ones,Built a new one but miss the old one,Think of the old and imitate the old,Fake goods flood all over China。final,Today’s boutique,Tomorrow’s cultural relics,Acquired legacy。So we must cultivate a number of high-quality products in rural tourism,We must strive for a legacy that can reach the day after tomorrow。The first is to reach the five levels of viewing: want to see、Available、Good-looking、Keep-looking、Looking back。The second is to form five: can enter、Can stay、Can be enjoyed、Available、Rememberable。The third is to strengthen five degrees: degree of difference,Cultural degree,Happiness,Convenience,Happiness。The fourth is to build five forces: visual shock,Cultural attraction,Cultural attraction,Life Qinrunli,Happy excitement。

Conclusion: New Ruralism

Farm is the foundation of the world,Agriculture, rural areas and farmers will be safe and the world will be safe。In the process of rural tourism development,We want to eliminate a concept,This is the kindness of city people to farmers,This is completely wrong,Urban-rural interaction is a market exchange,No favor from anyone,But some of us city dwellers think I went to spend some money,It is a favor to the rural people,Such a starting point,It is easy to cause conflicts between tourists and villagers。So we first need an equal perspective,Then we must seek balanced development,Ultimately we pursue the experience of life,Then achieve the interaction between urban and rural areas。This requires system construction、Deepening of harmony,I believe that on today’s platform,China’s rural tourism、Leisure agriculture is popular,Will definitely seek new development。

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