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Cultural Tourism Benefits Author of this article: Zhang Dongping 2016-12-27
China’s tourism planning technology was born in a rather distorted environment,The earliest planning was relatively extensive。With the maturity of tourism consumption,Tourism IP has gradually become a tourist project planning and is becoming more refined、Core elements of humanity。Tourism planning is facing a historical turning point in innovative development。
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China’s tourism planning technology was born in a rather distorted environment,Some of the earliest plans were basically very extensive,And,The founders of tourism planning theory are also professors who prefer science and engineering。Plus,Many tourism planning projects are often associated with the impulse of local governments to carry out extensive urbanization,This makes tourism planning more of an extensive expansion。

With the maturity of tourism consumption,Tourism IP has gradually become the basis for the refinement of tourism project planning、Core elements of humanity。As China’s earliest tourism planning pioneer,Hong Qinghua of Jingyu Group was the first to see the revolutionary opportunity brought by tourism IP to the tourism industry。He is also known as the first person in China’s tourism IP。

Then,How to embed IP in tourism planning?Hong Qinghua has made a relatively complete explanation in his IP theoretical system。From the perspective of communication、From the perspective of art and sociology,Combined with my previous urban planning experience、Travel planning experience and film and television creation experience,Did some innovative exploration and thinking。

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There are four giants in traditional tourism planning,These four giants have dominated the tourism planning industry for many years,In long-term assembly line operations,Already showing signs of rigidity - planning and planning are cloning each other;Planners have serious routine thinking;The planning team is struggling with task targets;Planning leaders have been immersed in various forums for a long time、Alienated business technology;Planning talents focus on science and engineering majors;Planning theory lags behind reality for a long time;The planning cycle is distorted by the investment cycle...

The above signs indicate that tourism planning has reached a stage where changes must be made。

I think,Tourism planning should take the reform path of "cultural and tourism integration"。Why?There are two reasons。

The first reason: “Integration of culture and tourism” is the technical response to “tourism+” and “Internet+”。Under the industrial development trend of “tourism +” and “Internet +”,Tourism status、Travel products、Travel methods are changing rapidly。The symbol "+" means the expansion of the tourism industry in depth and breadth。Traditional tourism planning is a resource-dependent technology born in the context of pure scenic resource development。And now "tourism" has the suffix "+",Catching up with the wave of “Internet+” again。This makes the development of the tourism industry move from the resource development stage to the industrial integration stage,And tourism planning in the industrial integration stage must adhere to creative leadership、Change path of technological update。

The second reason: “Integration of culture and tourism” is the cultural response to “tourism+” and “Internet+”。The traditional Renaissance is based on art and ideological texts (text、Painting、Sculpture、Music, etc.) as the medium。With the rapid development of technology,Humanity has ushered in a comprehensive Renaissance stage。The medium of comprehensive Renaissance is no longer limited to vertical literary and artistic forms,But various architectural arts、Sculpture Art、Painting Art、Dance Art、Installation Art、Film Art、Literature and Art、Music Art、A cross-border integration of various art forms such as VR art and grafting with related industries and business models、Multiple、The Renaissance of Fusion。

There are three foundations for the realization of a comprehensive Renaissance: 1、The emerging Internet、Internet of Things、Big data、Cloud computing technology brings blurring of industry boundaries;2、Technological progress brings about the diversity and immediacy of cultural expressions,Thus forming cultural generalization;3、Extreme abundance of materials brings changes in consumption patterns,Transforming from one-way consumption driven by material desires to comprehensive consumption driven by culture and leisure。The so-called blurring of industry boundaries means that any industry can interact with each other on the premise that the business model is established,Cross the border at any time。The 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino so-called cultural generalization means that any industry can derive cultural industries,Cultural industry can also be derived from any industry。The so-called comprehensive consumption model driven by culture and leisure refers to taking cultural and leisure needs as the core,To eat、Live、row、游、Purchase、Businessman、Study、Chaining based on medical needs、Experiential、Diversified consumption patterns。

So,The emergence of the comprehensive Renaissance has a solid foundation,It is this foundation that provides fertile ground for “tourism+”,It also brings opportunities for “culture and tourism integration” tourism planning。

二、Cultural growth points allow tourism projects to achieve continuity、Living growth of multipliers

The core of "culture and tourism integration" tourism planning is to change the root cause of the absence of culture in traditional tourism planning,Let culture become the dominant factor in tourism planning,Let culture become the soul of tourism projects。

In traditional tourism planning,Travel planners also shout the slogan culture is the soul,But,After all, most travel planners have a science background,And he has received routine vocational training for a long time,Lack of sufficient sensitivity to culture,At the same time,The production cycle of tourism planning does not allow them enough time to introduce cultural soul into the project。Plus,Local governments that control the resources of scenic spots often use the "soft" aspect of tourism to carry out large-scale construction projects,So,Tourism planning has deviated from the cultural track due to the constraints of reality。

I think,Any tourism project is ultimately a cultural project,Just under the competition of interests between multiple parties,Lost cultural nature。The tourism planning innovation of "cultural tourism integration" is to restore the cultural nature of tourism projects,Find the correct path to implement the slogan “Culture is the Soul”。This path is to find the cultural growth point。Every tourism project must find its own cultural growth point,This is the foundation for the success of tourism projects。

The current tourism planning is basically looking for cultural spots,Instead of looking for cultural growth points。The difference between cultural points and cultural growth points is,The former only focuses on the static presentation of the surface,The latter focuses on the continuous form、Living growth of multipliers。

Looking for cultural growth points,First of all, we must find the creative growth point of culture。China’s ancient ancestors have left us a rich cultural heritage,Provides extremely rich historical and cultural resources for the innovation of "culture and tourism integration" tourism planning。These historical and cultural resources have been creatively transformed to meet the aesthetic needs of consumers,It can become a cultural growth point for tourism projects。

Also,The holographic transformation of modern culture is also another way to form the growth point of cultural creativity。For example, transforming a successful fairy tale into a theme park with holographic experience。Whether it is the creative transformation of historical and cultural resources,It is still a holographic transformation of modern culture,It’s all easy to say、Things that are difficult to do。Because a tourism project is like a work of art,If the leader is just a skilled planner,Then,This tourism project is destined to lack the artistic aura from the heart,Can’t move people’s soul。This is like writing a poem,No artistic talent,Only skills,In the final analysis,It’s hard to become a great tool。I always believe,A travel project that can make many people nostalgic,Must have touched the soul in some way,This is the ultimate value of the growth point of cultural creativity。

In practice,We must tap into the creative growth points of culture,We must let those who engage in artistic creation become one of the leaders in tourism planning。This is the most effective move to change traditional planning。

Looking for cultural growth points,We also need to find the growth point of cultural industry。Any culture can only be sustained in industrial soil。The cultural industry growth point is the cornerstone of the success of tourism projects,It is also the starting point for monetizing tourism projects。How to explore cultural industry growth points in tourism projects?This is mainly reflected in the business layout,Integrate a large number of relevant cultural businesses into tourism projects,And form a mutually complementary experience chain,Form a profit closed loop that attracts mutual traffic。

Cultural growth point is a new word,Exploring, designing and operating cultural growth points is the main task of “culture and tourism integration” tourism planning innovation。Looking forward to changes 188bet app in tourism planning,Looking forward to finding the growth points of cultural creativity and cultural industry in every tourism project。This expectation is extremely precious,Because the tourism project is essentially a cultural product and cultural scene that can be experienced holographically。The success or failure of tourism projects is related to the inheritance and continuation of human culture,Also affects the process of comprehensive (holographic) renaissance led by tourism。

3. Innovation in planning techniques from the perspective of scene media

From a communication perspective,Travel can be regarded as a process of communication and dialogue between tourists and destinations and scenic spots。Every tourism project can be used as a medium。Let’s call it scene media。This way,The history of human media evolution has formed such a clue: text media - picture media - broadcast media - film and television media - scene media (i.e. tourism projects)。Since tourism projects are scene media,So when planning tourism, you need to grasp the key points of planning from the perspective of communication。

1. Grasp the content

Any media needs to have content,The same is true for tourism projects as scene media。No matter where this tourism project is in terms of food, accommodation, travel, shopping and entertainment,The scenarios are different,But the content points spread should have consistency and continuity。For example,Travel to a small city,What is spread in the eating scene is the local food culture,What is spread in the living scene is the local architectural culture,What is spread in the travel scene is local history, culture and natural culture,What is spread in the shopping scene is the local agricultural culture and industrial culture...the content points of different scenes are combined,It forms a system、Continuous cultural communication system。

2. Grasp the cluster points

The cluster points in the plan include geographical cluster points、Function cluster point、Content cluster point。Geographic cluster point refers to the land parcel form that is most suitable for gathering certain projects (this involves the geographical attributes of the parcel itself、Planning attributes、The influence of historical attributes and other factors);Function cluster point refers to the gathering of several projects to jointly support the functions of a certain block,For example, catering cluster points、Hot spring cluster points、Ice and snow cluster points、Hotel Cluster Point、Exhibition cluster point、Folk custom cluster points、Shopping cluster point、Performing arts clusters, etc.;Content cluster points refer to the rules of visitor experience (brought in、Interaction、Climax、Aftertaste) Distribute the content points to be presented in tourism projects in different scenes (i.e. scene media),To form the best content layout。

3. Grasp the editing point

As the highest form of scene medium,The planning process of tourism projects is actually the process of mining and editing (integration) of local tourism resources。Then,How to find points that can be edited?How to find the right editing techniques?This tests the planner’s skills。Take heritage tourist destinations as an example,The planning process should follow the principle of equal emphasis on protection and revitalization,A place that should be protected,Just refuse to edit,The activated place needs to be edited,So,The choice of editing points and editing techniques is very important。Travel is the highest form of media,Travel planners are producers of media content。In human history,Text media、Image media、Broadcast media、Content producers in the film and television media are all extremely artistically gifted and accomplished。Only content producers in the tourism scene medium are relatively lacking in artistic talent and accomplishment (especially more serious in China)。We look forward to innovation in tourism planning bringing about a new renaissance。

IV. IP content planning process and planning points for tourism projects

Before travel planning,First of all, content productivity must be embedded into the project。This point is missing in China’s tourism planning。Basically,China’s tourism planning does not consider content productivity issues before planning,Because the tourism resources are already there。In the eyes of travel planners and investors,Tourism resources themselves are content。It is this misunderstanding that has led to the failure of many tourism planning projects。Tourism resources can only be materials that shape the productivity of IP content,Never the content itself。Good IP content should be a cultural system generated from tourism resources,Many cultural projects can be derived from tourism projects,Form an ecological profit model。The so-called ecological profit,It means that the profit of one project has positive externalities 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino on the profits of other projects,Mutual gain effects。Take Hua Qingchi’s "Song of Everlasting Sorrow" as an example,It belongs to IP content productivity (Bai Juyi's "Song of Everlasting Sorrow") first,Tourism project (live performance "Song of Everlasting Sorrow") will follow。The Forbidden City is a tourism project (Forbidden City entity) first,IP content productivity (Forbidden City Cultural and Creative Industries) comes later。But,After all, the Forbidden City occupies top resources,Having the ability to travel first、Conditions for submitting IP cultural and creative content。For the vast majority of projects whose tourism resource influence does not reach the top level,More suitable for IP cultural and creative content first、The road after the tourism project。But,Currently,Batch after batch of hastily launched tourism projects are taking the path of single-handedly developing tourism projects,Not even considering the productivity of IP cultural and creative content,Not to mention IP cultural and creative content first、Strategic positioning behind tourism projects。Future,A company that is successful in the tourism industry must not be a company with a background in tourism planning,It is a tourism company with a cultural and creative background。The reason is very simple,The former only plans soulless tourism projects。The latter has mastered IP content productivity,In this way, we have mastered the core competitiveness of the tourism industry。

In the process of creating tourism IP content productivity,Requires the cooperation of three teams。The first team is the creative team,The second team is the planning team,The third team is the implementation team。Currently,These three teams are ready-made,Creative teams formed many companies,Planning teams have also formed many companies,Execution teams have also formed in many companies。The key to the problem is,The three teams lack the power of integration。This makes it impossible for the three teams to collaborate efficiently,The productivity of IP content is what needs efficient collaboration the most,Just like a work of art that needs the momentum to be completed in one go。

The key to achieving integration between the three teams is to form a consistent IP content personality、IP content field、IP content art。The shaping of IP content personality is basically achieved by the creative team。The creative team positions itself through its own image、Theme positioning and story interpretation give the tourism project a unique personality,Let tourism projects have the ability to have in-depth dialogues with tourists。The domain structure of IP content is basically shaped by the planning team。The domain grid includes the regional economic adaptability of the project、Regional geographical adaptability、Regional cultural adaptability、Regional administrative adaptability。Regional economy is related to whether tourism projects can be profitable locally;Regional geographical adaptability is related to whether the tourism project conforms to engineering science;Regional cultural adaptability is related to the harmony between the project and the local culture and the expression of the local spirit;Regional administrative adaptability is related to the fit between the project and the local administrative system。The artistic style of IP content is shaped by the design team (execution team)。Yige reflects the experience flow of the project。The stream of experience exists relative to the stream of consciousness。Literature relies on the formation of a stream of consciousness in the human brain to gain reading stickiness。Tourism projects rely on people’s full body and mind to realize the experience flow to gain tourism stickiness。Experience stream includes audio-visual stream、Image flow、Ambience flow、Prop flow、Color flow, etc.。

Personality、Field grid、The perfect integration of art and style is the main factor in whether tourism cultural and creative IP can win the market,It is also the key to the success of the tourism project。The perfect integration of these "three grids" depends on the "wet collaboration" between teams。The so-called "wet collaboration",It is a collaborative relationship based on inclusive cultural identity and value orientation。The counterpart of "wet collaboration" is "dry collaboration",At present, a considerable part of the teams in the domestic cultural tourism industry are "collaborators",Team members lack value stickiness and cultural stickiness to each other,Form a collaborative relationship purely based on technical complementarity,There is no harmony and complementarity in value orientation and cultural identity,But "cold confrontation"。Such a "cooperative" team is destined to fail to achieve great works,The work they complete is often called "work" (that is, it is not immersed in emotion and culture、Work purely for the purpose 188bet online sports betting of achieving technical indicators)。In China’s tourism industry,There are too many such "works"。We are looking forward to it,Personality、Field grid、The tourism cultural and creative IP characterized by the perfect integration of art and style can inject continuous development vitality into tourism projects and regional economy。

5. The difference between entertainment IP and tourism IP

Travel IP and entertainment IP have something in common,There are also subtle differences。After all, the application scenarios of these two types of IP are different。The application scenarios of tourism IP are often cross-industry、Cross-business、Cross-generational、Cross-age、Cross-cultural characteristics。Entertainment IP is often not as inclusive and inclusive as tourism IP。Entertainment IP is often more accurate、More subdivisions,The life cycle is shorter than that of tourism IP。Then,What characteristics should a good tourism IP have?

1. A good tourism IP should have leadership qualities

You have fans only if you have leadership qualities,So a good IP needs to have leadership qualities。Leadership has three meanings: one is emotional leadership;Second, spiritual leader;The third is value leader。Emotional leaders are shallow,But it plays a great role in promoting tourist consumption;Spiritual leadership is profound,Important to enhance tourism brand loyalty;Cross-generational understanding of tourism brands,Cross-generational understanding of tourism brands、Cross-group、Cross-age、Cross-cultural communication plays a decisive role。

2. A good IP should have a unique value system

A good IP is an "anthropomorphic existence" with a perfect personality and complete values。Although every IP needs a good story to support it,But the essential expression behind the story is the value system of IP。It is the power of the value system that gives tourism IP vitality。Of course,The value system of tourism IP should be tailored according to the cultural aura and commercial positioning needs of the tourism project。

3. A good IP should have a sense of envelopment and penetration

Tourism projects are scene media,Scene media brings people a holographic enveloping experience,Therefore,A good tourism IP should have a sense of encirclement。Entertain and educate tourists through a sense of envelopment。Tourism projects should accompany a person in different life stages,Also accompany people of different generations。Therefore,A good tourism IP also needs to be consistent。This kind of continuity is the embodiment of the vitality of tourism IP,This is also the biggest difference between tourism IP and entertainment IP。A good travel IP not only has leadership qualities、Value system、Sense of envelopment and penetration,You also need to have a good image and story。In fact, image and story are also the general consensus of everyone on good IP。Just,You must know that image and story are just the cloak of a good IP。IP as an “anthropomorphic existence”,Leadership、Value system、The sense of envelopment and penetration are the essential characteristics。

six、The core task of tourism IP is to form a stable and sustainable trust mechanism

The trust transformation mechanism of the tourism industry determines that IP is the core of tourism products。It’s easy to understand by comparison,Industrial cement for sale,No IP required,As long as the cement quality is good enough,As long as the cement manufacturer is a formal operator,This sale will be easily concluded。But,When cement is piled up to create a theme park,Cement has changed from an industrial product to a tourism product。At this time,The trust mechanism has changed。Original simple、The trust mechanism based on hardware quality is no longer applicable。But it needs to be formed with IP interaction for a longer period、Less substitutable、More sticky、Richer cultural connotation、More diverse business models、Trust mechanism with longer monetization chain。Between products that purely focus on hardware quality and products that purely focus on “IP” soft power,There is another type of product that can be called pseudo-IP product,This product does not form a trust mechanism with IP as the core。The production process lacks IP participation,Just added IP elements in the marketing process,And these IP elements will change frequently (such as asking this celebrity to endorse today,Ask that celebrity to speak for you tomorrow)。Therefore,The trust mechanism established by pseudo-IP products is also relatively fragile and unstable,Because the IP of the pseudo-IP product does not participate in the production process,It has not established a deep and strong relationship with the product,It is a temporary weak relationship (such as,A certain celebrity can endorse many products at the same time)。

Of course pseudo-IP products also have irreplaceable value,Because for most daily 188bet app necessities,No IP required to participate in the production process,Most of them are standardized production (to reduce costs)。For tourism products,IP can participate in the process,IP can become the core experience point of tourism products。Therefore,The IPization of tourism products has become inevitable。So,The creation period based on IP is longer、Less substitutable、More sticky、Richer cultural connotation、More diverse business models、The trust mechanism with a longer monetization chain has become an issue that every tourism company must consider。

7. Planning and operation innovation under the trend of destination communityization

A community in the traditional sense is the overlap area between the walking commercial radius and the residential radius in urban and rural space。Such communities are often constrained by physical space。In an era when transportation was extremely scarce,Most people live in inherent communities throughout their lives。As breakthrough innovations in transportation continue to emerge,Transportation gradually changes from a scarce consumer product to a daily consumer product。In China,The transformation of mass transportation from scarcity to daily life has led to the birth of a number of OTA giants,Become a dual beneficiary of the transportation dividend and the Internet dividend。Transportation and the Internet are essentially connecting。Big transportation connects local community life and remote community life,The Internet connects local community life and virtual community life。Such a connection,Created opportunities for urban and rural space reconstruction based on mass transportation and the Internet。If you want to use a new vocabulary to define tourist destinations,Then I think the big traffic community and the Internet community are more appropriate。Planning and operating tourist destinations from a community perspective is more in line with the demands of current and future consumers。Nothing more,Tourist destinations are the solidification and renewal of local communities for local people,For tourists,It is the mapping and access of the large transportation community and the Internet community。

Planning and operating tourist destinations from a community perspective,Required in planning technology、Operation method、Innovation in IP design。

Planning technological innovation,To achieve community-based brand positioning、Community landscape design、Community project layout、Community business format update、Community-based cultural communication、Community service system、Community-based infrastructure construction。The word "community" has two meanings,One meaning is communityization based on mass transportation,Mainly for convenience、Warmth、Kind、Trust。The second meaning is community based on the Internet,Mainly embodied in implanting the spirit of Internet community into the destination landscape system、Destination Building Space System、Destination Media Information System、Destination Entertainment IP System。The method of implanting the spirit of the Internet community can be divided into physical symbol implantation and internal clue implantation。

Innovation in operating methods must also achieve communityization,Community here also has two meanings。The difference between operation and planning is that operation is a process of implementing static planning into a dynamic process。Therefore,There is not much difference in essence between the communityization of operations and the communityization of planning and design,Both involve the large transportation community and the Internet community,It’s just that operations emphasize more on the dynamic management and staged implementation of “community”。

Community-based innovation in IP design is a challenge to traditional IP design,Traditional IP design emphasizes the native implantation of local culture,The community IP design emphasizes the moderate transformation of the destination IP,Moderate renovation is to adapt to the normal aesthetic preferences of tourists。M188bet online sports betting Any tourist destinations (especially ethnic minority areas) have some ancient and original cultural IP。In the era of tourism,These cultural IPs can satisfy people’s curiosity。

But in the era of leisure travel,Function hunting is no longer the main demand of tourists,Because tourists arrive at their destinations more frequently,The stay has also been extended,So,The daily routine of tourism makes destinations gradually become community-oriented,Many tourists have transferred their leisure needs in daily life to tourist destinations。At this time,The aesthetic appeal for destination cultural IP has also changed。No longer limited to curiosity,And more of a friendly and warm interaction like community life。In the long run,As mass transportation becomes cheaper and cheaper,With the pervasiveness of information technology,188bet online sports betting Any tourist destination will eventually become a community that can be reached at any time。At that time,The word tourism may have “disappeared”。

There are many criticisms about tourism planning,But,Driven by realistic business interests,Many planners know that they are making plans that have no practical value,But still can’t resist。Because resistance means a challenge to the entire industry chain,General tourism companies basically do not have the ability to control the entire industry chain。No ability to control the entire industry chain,This means that there is no right to speak for change,Because one move affects the whole body。If one shot has been pulled、The whole body is not moving,Then,Those who “influence” will surely become the martyrs of change。In this sense,We can understand,Why are there so many big names in the tourism industry,Only Hong Qinghua proposed an enterprise transformation strategy with IP as the core,Because Hong Qinghua’s “involvement” was responded to by the collaboration of the entire industry chain of Youjingyu Group,can play the role of "moving the whole body"。So,Tourism today,To talk about change, we must have the ability to control the entire industry chain,To talk about IP, we need the collaborative capabilities of the entire industry chain。From this point of view,As the first person in China’s tourism IP, Hong Qinghua not only has the support of his ideological system,It is also supported by the competitive advantages of Jingyu’s entire industry chain。In the torrent of history,Every seemingly subjective personal choice is supported by inevitable objective laws。

*The author of this article: Benefit Expert_Zhang Dongping (WeChat: yishu654321)

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