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Author of this article: Zhang Dongping 2017-01-29
“Qionyou is more of a spiritual pursuit for users、Identity and Symbol。It is they who see the world with curiosity,A way to become addicted to the world,It is a spiritual totem and symbol,Not a tool or website。"This sentence may be a better comment on the future of Qionyou。
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Mentioned Qiongyou,Many people will first think of this as an outbound independent travel community with a large number of loyal fans。But,Few people think of it,Operators of this community。actually,In the development process of Qiongyou over so many years,Not only cultivates a large number of community fans who are "addicted to the world",It also cultivated a group of employees who are "addicted to the world"。Xue Beibei is an employee who joined Qionyou later,Before joining Qyer.com as Chief Strategy Officer,She is the chief analyst of Huatai Securities。Working in the capital circle has honed Xue Beibei’s sensitivity to numbers and logic,Give her a more rational and wise philosophy of life。After joining Qionyou,Xue Beibei’s life began to come into contact with more beautiful things。From the wisdom of capital to the aesthetics of life,This cross-border pursuit of work also makes a woman feel another realm of life,She began to learn to compare the subtle differences between one flower and another,Start trying to look at the world from an aesthetic perspective。As she said,“My original thinking habit in the capital circle was to look for the same laws in different things。After investing for a long time, you will lack the ability to observe and understand beauty。The beauty of rationality is the beauty of pure logic and inference,That kind of rationality is good,But something is missing after all,After traveling in poverty, I slowly started to get used to observing life from an aesthetic perspective,This crossover from capital rationality to life aesthetics,It is also a very delicate balance in life。”

Through this experience of Xue Beibei, Chief Strategy Officer of Qyer,We can find that different types of companies have experienced and cultivated different values ​​​​for their employees。In this process of experience and edification,We can see the process in which the light of humanity and the light of business complement each other。188bet sports betting app download

From scratch, a one-way commercial exploration in the pastoral era

In the history of China’s Internet,There was a pastoral era,Internet people of that era really regarded the Internet as a new spiritual home,Let’s all post on the forum,Discuss some common interests with each other。This motivation based on interest led the earliest wave of prosperity of China’s Internet。That kind of prosperity is a perfect fusion of human nature and technology,The binding with business is not so tight。So,A period like that,People like to use pastoral songs to describe it。

It was those idyllic days,Nourished the earliest batch of Internet users in China,It also accumulated rich nutrients for the development of China’s Internet。Qyer.com was born at that time,And its founder Xiao Yi is also one of the earliest loyal users of the Chinese Internet,And he is also a typical literary young man。In the nearly four years since Qyer.com was established,This website with many followers has always had only one employee,This employee is Xiao Yi, the founder of the website,This unique operating model gave Qyer.com a very strong personal touch from the very beginning。Perhaps it was the personal 188bet app download touch that made this website full of human warmth from the beginning,This kind of warmth also continues to inspire users’ stickiness and loyalty,And all this is slowly accumulating,As time goes by, a company’s core competitiveness is gradually created。If you use a more rational vocabulary to describe this core competitiveness,That’s high viscosity、Vertical community with high consumption power。But,For Qiongyou,Perhaps this overly rational description can never get close to its essence,Because from birth,Qionyou is destined to be an emotional company。This is its attraction to capital,The resistance to competitors is also here,Because the beautiful things precipitated in time are destined to be irreplaceable,It’s like falling in love,Two people have been truly in love for ten years,Then,It is almost impossible for anyone to take away their love。

The early days of Qionyou,Earned the first hotel advertising revenue after having 1,000 users。After,Rely on this kind of advertising list that I find from time to time,This website has always been very prosperous。This kind of commercialization also has a sense of casualness,Not showing excessive greed for profit。Commercialization at this time is an understatement,Like a hermit accustomed to freedom,Be content with this self-sufficient and leisurely time。We can temporarily call this period the one-way commercialization period of Qiongyou。

In the period of one-way commercialization,The main characteristic of Qyer’s business model is slowness,The reason why it is slow,Because it has a high-quality user base,The reason why it is slow,It’s because the pure advertising revenue is enough for Qiongyou to live a leisurely life。

2008,Qyer has nearly 2 million users,The number of employees has also increased to 2。With technology、Industry、Changes in the capital environment,In the context of the emergence of content entrepreneurs,Qionyou itself also faces evolutionary problems。How to evolve from a person’s pastoral era to a newer realm?From a business of one person to a business of a group of people,What suspense will happen in this process?These problems have become a problem for the further development of Qiongyou。

From one-way to multiplex,Exploration of ecological commercialization in the era of feudal feudal lords

It’s 2011,Facing the surging competition on the Internet,At this time,Qionyou has begun to seriously try to commercialize。

The process of trying out "machine + wine" standardized products in 2011 kicked off the historical curtain of Qyer's commercialization,The following year 2012,This highly sticky travel community website received its first financing,With this money,Qyer begins to think about how to better lay out commercialized products。In so many years of operation,Xiao Yi, founder of Qionyou, discovered a huge advantage,That is, Qiongyou’s advertising conversion rate is very high,About 8%。This conversion rate is much higher than other Internet companies。It is with the support of this advantage,2012,Qiongyou has launched a natural commercial layout,Quick travel discounts launched one after another、Itinerary assistant and other applications。

However,Qionyou’s team has long been accustomed to creating content,Somewhat uncomfortable with commercial things。In 2013,Qionyou has a statistic,90% of employees at that time had never thought about Qiongyou becoming a travel product sales platform,Everyone’s consensus at that time was that Qionyou’s mission should be to make the world no longer difficult to visit,Let fun people go to fun places,Let everyone see the fun things。

After a little bit of running-in,The awareness of commercialization gradually penetrates into 188bet app download the hearts of employees,After advertising revenue,Qyer has gradually formed a new profit point: the most popular mall in the world。Most World Mall adopts a hybrid model of self-operation and platform,Supplementing the transaction link for Qiongyou,Although the platform commission ratio is only between 2% and 3%,But,The content + transaction model has been initially established。

Supported by advertising revenue and sales commissions,Qiongyou has gradually formed a Qiongyou tips、Itinerary Assistant、The product ecology of the world’s most mall。The ecology at this time is still mainly online。

2015,Qyer’s ecological layout gradually reveals its advantages。At that time, most websites in China faced the problem of attenuation of dividends from new traffic。Many new Internet companies are beginning to feel confused,At this time,You are a poor traveler but you seem confident,Although the external traffic dividend is gradually disappearing,The organic growth formed by the internal ecology has never stopped。If you want to summarizeQyer’s internal ecological characteristics,Can be divided into four points: First, product depth,The fourth is to improve the quality of merchants,The third is organic growth,The fourth is to improve the quality of merchants。

2015 is a huge turning point for Qiongyou,This year,Qyer puts more focus on building and improving the tourism ecosystem。This is also the year,The Internet has entered the stock era from the incremental era,The advocates of the Internet industry are becoming more and more exaggerated,And the traffic dividend of the Internet is gradually exhausted,Capital is becoming more and more cautious,The competition among Internet companies enters the second half,How to play the second half well?This has become a key issue that determines future success。

Standing at the entrance to the second half of the Internet,Looking back at Qiongyou’s accumulation over the years,No more than three points: First, high-quality UGC data,The second is a highly sticky outbound independent travel enthusiasts community,The third is overseas landing travel service resources and global destination information。

How to play the second half well?First of all, we must make good use of the above three advantages,At the same time,Go beyond inherent advantages again,Create stronger competition barriers and more diverse profit points。

From light to serious, offline games in the second half of the Internet

Qionyou was originally an online community,Attracting batches of fans with various topics about outbound travel,For more than ten years,Qyer users are constantly stratified、Continuously changing。At the same time,The content created by users is becoming more and more professional、Getting sticky。And you have been traveling for so many years,Always attractive to capital,It is the virtual community it has built that forms a barrier to competitors。In the context of this light mode being highly sought after,Qionyou relies on its own users accumulated offline、Resources and other advantages,Start to make yourself more important,Launching a new product line offline。At that time, Qiongyou’s decision-makers reached a consensus: air tickets、The overall situation of the hotel has basically been decided,Non-standardized local entertainment is a new blue ocean。

2015,Qiongyou needs to find entry points for non-standardized local entertainment products,At that time,Decision-makers have had some diverse discussions in the areas of accommodation and transportation。Finally,The decision-makers decided to learn from the models of New Zealand and European travel service chain i-Site,Find the entry point for tourism information integration services,The Q-Home brand 188bet sports betting app download was born。Of course,Qyer’s decision-makers will not deliberately imitate i-Site。Instead, it adds many new functions to Q-Home,For example, product development function and cultural experience function。

August 2015,After careful planning,Qyer sets up its first overseas offline travel community Q-Home in Chiang Mai,Q-Home opened in Kyoto in August 2016,Today,The third Q-Home in Queenstown, New Zealand is also under preparation。Q-Home is a project with composite functions,First of all, it is an information center for outbound travelers,Advice for travelers、Book a hotel、Attractions、Transportation、Restaurant、Services related to itinerary and other aspects;Second is the social center for travelers;Once again the experience center of destination culture,You can learn various courses at Q-Home。

Perhaps this transformation of Qiongyou can be described as an extension from online content to offline content。The road of Qiongyou is actually very personal。Because the overall macroeconomic situation is not very good,Capital is generally less likely to overly pursue the asset-heavy model。Qyer.com’s original asset-light operation model is now showing a trend of becoming more heavy-weighted。What kind of business logic is there?

To answer this question, we must first look at the development trend of independent travel。After years of development,China Free Travel has gradually formed a network of suppliers、Online platform、Industrial chain of media and marketing platforms,Under the premise of perfecting the industrial chain,How to create new business models?This has become a key node to test the development of the enterprise。Qyer launches offline activities against the background of improving independent travel industry chain,Obviously we have identified the big outlet for consumption upgrade。

Qyer’s offline layout also faces obvious challenges。Online relatively speaking,Lower cost、Less risk,And from online to offline,means increased operating costs、Increased operating risks、Manager training、Problems related to business model trial and error。Especially after doing heavy work, we face the challenge of controlling the destination resources。If good destination resource integration capabilities cannot be achieved in the future,Then,Will directly affect the user’s experience at the destination。Although,Qionyou begins to explore the franchise model,But its specific effect has yet to be tested。

In the process of Qionyou’s continuous efforts,There is a small decision-making detail that is worth pondering。At that time,Qionyou’s first Q-Home is completely self-operated,From core personnel selection to store location selection、Decoration,As well as the processing of various employee certificates, I do it myself。When the second Q-Home is operational,The decision-makers have realized a very important truth,The development of self-operated model is too slow。So,Decisively adopted the chain franchise model。This subtle change in Qyer’s decision-making reveals that Qyer is gradually changing from a slow company to a fast company。Will such speed make Qiongyou lose its original character?To answer this question,Need to further observe the future layout of Qiongyou。But,Anyway,From a profit perspective,Q-Home has shown surprising value。The implementation of Q-Home,Directly enhances local procurement capabilities,Able to achieve much higher profit margins than domestic OTAs。

January 2016,Qyer.com raises US$60 million,This financing was led by Uoxin Travel。From the perspective of Uxin Travel,This means that Uoxin Travel has begun to actively reach high-quality outbound independent travel users in the field of independent 188bet online sports betting travel and online travel。From the perspective of Qiongyou,This means a turning point in business model exploration。

From a team building perspective,Qionyou seems to be ready for a new turning point。Xue Beibei, Chief Strategy Officer of Qyer, mentioned the changes in the Qyer team in the interview,“People on the technical team can also create high-quality content,This is the corporate culture of Qionyou,This is Qyer’s competitiveness。”Looking back at Qionyou’s team building,From the first one person to a group of people,From a group of content operators to practitioners of content commercialization,All the way。Qionyou’s team is constantly evolving,In this evolutionary process,The light of humanity and the light of business complement each other,Achievements of Qionyou’s unique corporate culture。

From travel to life, the aesthetic sublimation of the era of content realization

After receiving investment from Uoxin,Qionyou continues to strengthen the Qionyou community、Tips for poor travel、Itinerary Assistant、The most popular mall in the world、An ecosystem built on core businesses such as advertising,At the same time,Continuously expanding the connotation of the ecosystem,Continuously launch multiple innovative businesses,Including: Overseas destination comprehensive service provider "Q-Home"、"Private customized service"、Exquisite day tour route "City Walk"、Travel lifestyle brand “JNE” etc.。These changes mean another strategic upgrade for Qiongyou。The core of this strategic upgrade is life aesthetics。Then,Why is life aesthetics?

To answer this question, we must first start with two things.

The first thing happened in 2014,At that time, Qiongyou was conducting an internal Weibo promotion event。Employees made their own Qiongyou T-shirts,Posted on Weibo,After that, some users left messages on Weibo,Indicated that he wants to buy a T-shirt like this。Subsequently,The person in charge of Qionyou asked everyone to try selling T-shirts through e-commerce,As a result, more than 600 pieces were sold in one night。This incident inspired Qyer’s decision-makers,Then Qionyou Life Lab was established,This laboratory has laid the foundation for Qiongyou to build a life aesthetics platform。In the next two years,Qionyou has launched more than 120 original travel-related clothing、Luggage, equipment and other products,Sales continue to rise。Statistics display,Net growth 320% in 2015,Net growth in 2016 was about 435%。

The second thing happened in 2016,At that time, someone posted a topic on the Zhihu account - "Looking for an epic hiking route",Qionyou’s employees use years of content data accumulation to help users find a variety of answers,Every answer is very professional。

From the first thing,We can see that it is the emotional stickiness of users that drives the evolution of the aesthetic concept of Qiongyou life;From the second thing,We can see that it is the user’s professional pursuit that forms the basis for the implementation of the concept of life aesthetics。

It is driven by users’ emotional stickiness and professional pursuit,Qyer’s dream of building a life aesthetics platform has begun to take root step by step。

Xue Beibei, Chief Strategy Officer of Qyer, revealed in an interview,Future,Qyer will gradually build a life aesthetics platform,This platform may even be independent of Qyer,Become a separate business segment。

On the road of exploring the commercialization of aesthetics in Qiongyou,There is a very important link,It is the aesthetic communication between Qiongyou operators and Qiongyou content producers,This kind of communication forms the values ​​of a company,Formed a benign mechanism for long-term interaction between enterprises and consumers。In terms 188bet sports betting app download of commercial property rights,Qionyou belongs to founders and investors,From a content perspective,Qionyou is a community belonging to users。Therefore,Where will the commercialization of Qionyou go??How far to go?It all depends on Qionyou users and Qionyou founder、Aesthetic consensus between investors and staff,Based on this consensus,Only on Qiongyou can we create a life aesthetics platform that helps consumers choose products。Because,No common aesthetic pursuit,It is impossible to achieve maximum efficiency in product aggregation and sales,It is also impossible to form the stickiness of consumers to continue purchasing。

Qyer’s competitiveness in building a life aesthetics platform,Not only comes from the accumulation of Qyer user data and content data for more than ten years,It also comes from the love for content and creative ability developed within Qionyou。Such capabilities turn Qionyou into a platform run by fans,In other words,Every operator of Qionyou is also an employee of Qionyou,Also a fan of Qiongyou。So,They can produce content with users with love。For example,An employee of Qiongyou’s internal business team wrote a book called "A Walk in Kyoto",Received a high number of clicks on the Internet。

On the road of exploring the commercialization of aesthetics,The specific actions of Qiongyou mainly include community updates、Product Innovation。

Community update,2016,Qyer Online is now a light derivative community,Through some interests、Destination dimension to stimulate users’ enthusiasm for sharing and interaction,This light derivative community is parallel to the existing old community,Complement each other。In the community,Qionyou also often holds some activities,Create an atmosphere of “everyone helps everyone”,Activate user's interests。Offline activities are also an important step in community update,Qionyou rhythmically gathers online users offline,Through "Qiongyou Offline Salon" to achieve in-depth contact between brands and users。At the same time,Qyer introduces live streaming,Forming a closed loop of online and offline interactive communication。

Product innovation,Qyer launches travel lifestyle aesthetic brand JNE,Taken from Qionyou’s English Slogan——Journey Never Ends。In order to give JNE a freer space for development,Qionyou has opened up an open space of 450 square meters in the headquarters office,named JNE Gallery,This space is not only a brand display function,The travel library will also be integrated in the future、Cafe、Offline salon sharing、Art exhibition and other functions。“JNE Gallery” will provide users with a complete set of budget travel lifestyle experience stores,Exploring new models for the development of Qiongyou,Cultivate new user groups。It can be said,JNE is a realistic reflection of the attributes of the Qiongyou community,It is the aesthetic sublimation of the spiritual characteristics of Qiongyou。Future,JNE’s goal is to become a representative brand of new urban youth lifestyle。

If you understand Qyer’s commercial exploration from a data perspective,It is easy to find the same logic。Everyone knows that Qyer’s data is divided into two categories: “structured data” and “unstructured data”。where,Structured data is mainly business-level process data、Dehydration data,Semantic data on the main aesthetic level of unstructured data,Unstructured data cannot be expressed with a fixed structure,Qyer has accumulated a large amount of evaluation and complaint data about outbound independent travel products over the years,These data reflect the unique appeal and appreciation of the Qiongyou community,This aesthetic feeling is the core of Qyer’s big data strategy,It is also the 188bet online sports betting basic support and logical main line of exploration of commercialization of aesthetics。

Xue Beibei, Chief Strategy Officer of Qyer, once said,“Qionyou is more of a spiritual pursuit for users、Identity and Symbol。It is they who see the world with curiosity,A way to become addicted to the world,It is a spiritual totem and symbol,Not a tool or website。”This sentence may be a better comment on the future of Qionyou。

*The author of this article: Zhihui expert author_Zhang Dongping (WeChat: yishu654321)。

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