投资人:188bet app upgrading does not mean selling more expensively, new retail has no outlet

188bet app upgrade Author of 188bet app article: Zhang Xiaojun 2017-05-08 09:50:48
What is the driving force behind the boom in 188bet app upgrading?Among many consumer items,How to find the next Zhou Heiya、Three squirrels?

Nearly half a year,The topic of 188bet app upgrade is slowly becoming more popular than other industries。Then,What is the driving force behind the boom in 188bet app upgrading?Among many consumer items,How to find the next Zhou Heiya、Three squirrels?Different companies in a new round of 188bet app upgrade,What kind of baptism will we face?

Why is the consumer industry undergoing an 188bet app?

Consumers are more pursuing quality and individuality

Starting from the second half of 2016,Set off a wave of entrepreneurial investment in the consumer field,Generated many opportunities。I think all entrepreneurial opportunities,Can be divided into several categories,The first category is model innovation。For example, we used to hail a taxi on the roadside,Now 188bet app’s a mobile phone hailing service。The second category is technological innovation,188bet app is lower level than model innovation,More basic。For example, search algorithm,Didn’t exist before。The third type of opportunity is to improve industrial efficiency,Company like looking for steel mesh,Improving industrial efficiency where efficiency is insufficient。

There is another chance,I think this is the real cause of 188bet app upgrade,That is the change in consumer concepts and the pursuit of good products。

First of all, 188bet app upgrades should be distinguished from purchasing more expensive products.

Many people may associate consumption upgrades with buying more expensive things,In fact, 188bet app is not a price upgrade。I like NetEase Yanxuan’s platform very much,But the things 188bet app sells are very cheap,What satisfies everyone’s previous consumption habit of buying a towel or slippers at a 10 yuan store on the street,188bet app is also a consumption upgrade。

At the same time,Low-priced items are slightly more expensive,There 188bet app more room for upgrades than high-priced products。For example, Zhou Hei Ya’s customer price is around 50 yuan,In the past, bulk duck necks sold at street stalls could be bought for more than 10 yuan,Then why do you want to buy now?Because 50 yuan and more than 10 yuan are among the current consumer decisions,No longer completely overwhelming。

Consumers will consider its quality and brand,Consider whether 188bet app tastes good or not,And your own spending power。Low-priced items are a little more expensive than before,But the weakening of his consumption demand will not be obvious,On the contrary, 188bet app can be offset by quality upgrades and brand upgrades。

Secondly,Changes in 188bet app attitudes are mainly reflected in the pursuit of quality assurance and personalization。

First,Consumers are beginning to pursue quality assurance more,This is a change in consumer psychology and behavior at the bottom level。Quality,Very simple,188bet app’s a combination of good things and reasonable prices。188bet app is a more reasonable balance,Represents consumers’ strong ability to judge quality。If the product launched meets the needs of users,Users will be very impressed with 188bet app。What needs to be noted is,188bet app should be distinguished from cost-effectiveness,Because the price/performance ratio emphasizes more on the ultimate price。

Second,Personalization。There are many keywords for personalization,For example, design sense、Fashionable, etc.。Give an example,Feng Rui invested in a sports clothing project called PARTICLE FEVER,The highlight is the combination of sports and fashion。We used to buy sweatpants,You may not think about whether this thing is good-looking or not,Simply buying sports or fashion,Now by making sportswear fashionable,You have a very clear personality。188bet app may not be customized or high-end,But 188bet app’s definitely personalized。

Of course,When everyone’s personality is different,A very clear trend needs to be extracted,For example, cutting two holes in sportswear is a kind of personalization,But 188bet app may not be a social trend。When many people usually want to express their individuality in the same direction,He will become aware of the overall trend of society,Rather than simply being new and different。

High-quality supply chain and the shift of capital

In addition to changes in consumer psychology,Industrial changes are also a very important factor in promoting 188bet app upgrades。

Take NetEase Strict Selection as an example,When foreign trade is the hottest,188bet app is difficult to be a NetEase Strict Selection,Because the high-quality supply chain is MUJI、GUCCI and other foreign brands have taken over。Suppliers may not be able to finish all GUCCI products,No additional production lines and funds,To cooperate with the domestic brand upgrade。

But now,Foreign trade is sluggish,Export growth slows down,Factors such as rising domestic costs,The life of many foreign trade suppliers has never been better than before。When domestic brands need cooperation,Suppliers’ initiative and cooperation 188bet app much higher than before,At the same time, they also have more time and energy,To expand domestic brand customers。

This is actually a supply-side problem,And currently,188bet app is not difficult to see that,Both demand and supply are developing in the favorable direction of consumption upgrade。

At the capital level,My own understanding is,Consumption is a long-term business,188bet app is an industry that can be invested for 30 years。This industry will not be hot this year,188bet app won’t be hot next year。For example,The year Three Squirrels was invested by IDG was around 2012,No one in the market discussed consumption upgrade at that time。Just like everyone said that convenience stores are the hot spot this year,But actually 7-11 entered China in 2004。

For Fengrui,We have not felt the outlet or node of consumption upgrade,Because Fengrui Capital has focused on this field from the beginning、Research and in-depth cultivation,188bet app’s been a long time。Many people have invested in the Internet before,There may not be any suitable projects to invest in now,Come and invest,188bet app will be a node for them。

At the same time,We think so too,Consumption usually has no outlet,Because of the development of consumer projects,188bet app will not develop as fast as model innovation projects,Consumption is always based on changes in user consumption needs,Consumption demand can only be gradual,But model innovation will be a sudden change。

How to judge the quality of a 188bet app item?

188bet app selection: not noticed by giants, has the opportunity to grow rapidly

188bet app upgrade means quality and personality.

Back to making specific investment choices,The first and most important point is category analysis,Why 188bet app matters?Because some categories are destined not to be very big。Then how to find categories with development potential?Give an example,Fengrui Capital has always been very enthusiastic about food investment,Fengrui Capital invested in Three Squirrels、Guan tea and other categories,Every field is actually different。

In this case,The question I want to bring up for discussion is,Why do big food companies appear again and again?I think the core point is,The food industry is an industry where 188bet app is easier to produce standardized single products。What is a standardized single product?188bet app is how much sales a SKU (stock keeping unit) can support?

If the single product 188bet app be made large enough,That means the number of SKUs does not need to be too many。If we are doing 5 billion sales,If a single product 188bet app only make 10 million,Just need 500 items,But if a single product 188bet app make 500 million,That only requires 10 items。

If we analyze these two businesses,10 million times 500,One is 500 million times 10,They all achieved sales of 5 billion。But at the same sales,The profit of the latter will be higher,Because 188bet app has fewer SKUs,Management will be relatively simple。If SKU increases,Inventory management 188bet app involves、Selection、New pressure,The rise of metropolitan geometry index。

Then how to separate the major categories of food into subcategories that are considered to have potential,188bet app is another logic。For example, Fengrui recently invested in a matcha brand,Why did we choose matcha as a subcategory?

The reason is that we must find someone who has not been noticed by the giants,But a category that has the opportunity to grow rapidly。There are two qualifications here,The first is that 188bet app has not been noticed by the giants,Category not yet ready。If the giants are already doing this,Just like you are now talking about starting a dried fruit business,Then there is definitely a very small probability of investing in this type of company now,Because 188bet app’s hard to get more than three squirrels at this stage。

The second is that 188bet app has the potential to grow rapidly,This is just a possibility。But what I can say is,How to judge whether 188bet app will grow rapidly?

First of all, we must combine some international experience,Just like the matcha we invest in,Because Matcha has been verified in Japan,Is a mainstream category in society。Its market size in Japan is quite large,But 188bet app is still in its infancy in China。

Does the category that is good in Japan mean that 188bet app is good in China??My understanding is this,The first point of tea culture,Includes matcha,They were all introduced to Japan from China,188bet app’s just better preserved in Japan,But 188bet app is essentially still Chinese traditional tea culture。

The second point is that Japan and other East Asian countries have similar food tastes,Chinese people also love Japanese food,Frequently travel to Japan,There are many opportunities to get in touch with good things from Japan。So,Our understanding of 188bet app taste,Usually refer to Japan,Instead of the United States。

In addition,I think so too,Matcha is in line with the changing trend of consumer psychology,This trend is reflected in the fact that matcha is not sweet,A bit bitter in itself,188bet app is a relatively light one、Healthy ingredients,At the same time, 188bet app has a delicious side,Can be mixed with milk、Pairing sugar with chocolate。

No doubt,Consumers in the future will become more and more aware of health,But we can’t give up delicious food,So I hope to gradually find a balance point in 188bet app process,Matcha would be a better choice。

Of course,188bet app is just the reason why I voted for matcha。There are many categories that are developing very quickly on the market,Like cheese、Avocado, etc.,The reasons for each of their development are different。The driving force behind each category cannot be generalized。

Selecting a team: brand insight, supply chain capabilities and founder’s ambition

General words,We first determine the major categories,Reconfirm the subcategory。If you go further,The main thing is the team,188bet app depends on your brand capabilities and supply chain capabilities?

You can see,There are only two things in a consumption item,For example, first make sure you want to invest in the two categories of duck neck and matcha。Second,In this category,You choose the brand you think is the best。From this perspective,You will find that choosing a brand is actually choosing a team,188bet app’s like you want to vote for coffee,Choose Starbucks or Costa,On the surface, I chose the brand,But the team behind this brand was actually chosen。

The difference between choosing 188bet app brands and other categories of products,A good 188bet app brand needs to have two capabilities,One is supply chain capability,Be able to continuously produce high-quality products,Delivered to consumers on time。

The other is the ability to do brand marketing and consumer insights。In fact, consumer insights include marketing,Marketing is a concrete manifestation of consumer insight。Then what are the criteria for judging 188bet app kind of insight?

188bet app does not have a very objective standard,But there are some simple criteria,For example,You may have heard of Lechun,188bet app shows that Lechun has a relatively large influence among consumers,Except for Lechun, few people can name three brands of yogurt。

188bet app can be said that this is a result of insight,That is, 188bet app can create greater influence among fans。The reason is that the team has deep insights into consumers,Also has strong execution ability。And execution alone is not enough,If I say this matcha packaging is very beautiful,188bet app took three minutes to shoot the packaging video,188bet app means you have strong execution ability,But if your consumer insight is poor,I don’t know what this video should contain?In the end, I couldn’t get the influence I wanted。

So in general,My point is that 188bet app insight is the foundation,Execution ability is a necessary condition,The final result is the influence of fans。

Judgment team in addition to consumer insights and supply chain management,If a virtual judgment criterion is added,That is the ambition of the founding team、Quality,Does he pay more attention to the structure and development of the entire company。188bet app’s not like many companies can’t do this well,He died because of internal fighting。Infighting has nothing to do with ability,和quality、Things to do with mind。

Pattern、Mindfulness、Quality,These things are reflected in a person,Can be called soft power or tolerance。This is also a very important factor in whether the project can develop well。But 188bet app is difficult to say that there is a clear standard to judge his magnanimity,Can only be judged based on the project itself or some details。

For example, 188bet app he be able to recruit more powerful second and third leaders in the field,Does he have enough love for the project he is doing,Willing to give and share sincerely?These are some very positive values,Not very complicated。We don’t care because he is not a returnee from a prestigious school,In third- and fourth-tier cities,I won’t vote for them,What matters more is the true core of the team。

The replacement and reshuffling of enterprises in the 188bet app upgrade

In this round of consumption upgrade,Different companies face different problems。For offline enterprises,Channel capabilities are still important,But 188bet app only has the ability to distribute goods through channels,There is no way to upgrade the quality of the product,To meet the current needs of consumers,This road will become increasingly difficult。

In simple terms,In the end, we have to return to the product itself,Return to whether what you are doing is a good thing?How many companies started in the past,What 188bet app produces is not good,But because its products are sold offline a lot、In a very deep channel,So its sales are particularly large。In the future, 188bet app will be increasingly difficult for companies like this to survive,Because its quality does not meet user needs。

As for the replacement of companies during consumption upgrade,The state presented afterward,I think this depends on the category。Because we are in the process of consumption upgrade,The basic necessities of life are in different fields,Take food for example,Products with soft addiction are more likely to transcend the cycle,Live longer。Just like Starbucks coffee category,Coffee is addictive,I’ll have a drink today,I still want a drink tomorrow。In this category,If 188bet app stands firm,Hard to be swayed,Coca-Cola is similar。

But there are also some companies,188bet app can easily be replaced by an upgrade,For example, Apple is a consumer upgrade to Nokia,Because 188bet app belongs to the technology industry,The essence of the technology industry is constant updates and iterations,But who has ever seen Coca-Cola constantly iterate its products?So in different industries,The answer may be completely different。

After the company’s replacement and reshuffling,Will there be many world-class consumer brands like Coca-Cola in China?I think 188bet app’s a problem at the next stage。If you look at the global expansion of American companies,Become a world brand,After the 1970s。The reason is simple,The domestic demand in the United States was maturing,Enterprise growth begins to slow down,Looking for new growth points,So we pounced on the global market。

And Chinese companies are actually facing huge domestic demand,No company has said that the growth of Chinese consumer demand can no longer satisfy its growth,To build a brand in various regions around the world。Looking at this matter now,188bet app’s still a little early。But after 5 to 10 years,I believe there will be。

China now has many overseas projects,More models go overseas,188bet app is relatively easy to export models,For example, if you finish Didi in China,Go to Thailand to be a Didi again。But going overseas with models and going overseas with brands are completely different things,There are still relatively few brands that can go overseas,Xiaomi may be one。A brand with strong local characteristics such as Wong Lo Kat,The problem with going to sea is,Is this category itself globally acceptable?,Have more versatile characteristics。

New retail has no outlet, 80% 188bet app food categories

For the future,I am personally more optimistic about food and home furnishings,New retail is also looking at。The recently popular shared power bank is a model innovation,Not considered a consumption upgrade,Model innovation is fission,188bet app may get up quickly,The decline is also very fast。Consumption upgrade is based on the upgrade of consumer psychology and consumption behavior,To provide consumers with better products。

A typical consumption upgrade scenario is,All you drank before was soda,Now you drink freshly squeezed wine。Generally speaking,188bet app cannot develop very fast,But the development cycle will be longer,Starbucks is a 30-year-old company,188bet app is very possible to do 188bet app for another 30 years。

And there are very few companies that are really doing consumption upgrades and become hot spots,For example Zhou Hei Ya、Three squirrels are never a hot spot,These companies are what we call the best companies in the field of consumption upgrade。They require long-term accumulation and precipitation,188bet app can’t be achieved in just one or two months,Many of the outlets now are created by everyone,May be a power bank,But 188bet app does not belong to the field of consumption upgrade。

New retail is a consumption upgrade,The reason why 188bet app became popular in the second half of 2016,Because of Jack Ma’s speech,New retail is a good word,But I think 188bet app is definitely not the outlet。Retailing is very slow,Very long term,Very difficult thing,Hema Xiansheng has received support from Alibaba,But before this, Ali had been doing a long run in this field for five to ten years。188bet app’s not like Didi,ofo same,Hundreds of thousands of orders a day,Rapid prototyping within half a year。

I think,The essence of new retail is retail,The essence of retail is to constantly improve yourself,Continuously improve efficiency,188bet app is a very practical,188bet app requires long-term persistence and concentration,Things that require great attention to detail。

Of course, online、Offline interaction to improve some experience and efficiency。But if retail has 100 characteristics,Directing offline traffic to online may be one of the characteristics,cannot represent all of 188bet app。And these things cannot become a trend,Because 188bet app won’t be in a year、How big will be formed in two years、Things of imagination。

Ma Yun said,Integrate online and offline and logistics,New retail will be generated。But no matter from online to offline,Still expanding from offline to online,For enterprises,There are different obstacles。Offline words,Site selection and store management are very important。Since you want to open one store at a time,Then the location of each store must be reselected,The store manager needs to be retrained,188bet app will be very difficult in management。

If you open a store online,can directly serve the whole country,The problem is that 188bet app is very light,As online traffic becomes increasingly difficult to obtain,The competition we face will also be particularly fierce。

Look at the offline side in reverse,For example, if I get a store in the core business district of Sanlitun,188bet app is difficult for 100 identical stores to appear in this area。This shows that offline traps can be taken advantage of,This pit is the so-called business district,These good positions are occupied,188bet app can bring you great benefits,188bet app is difficult for others to come in。Although online stores can be opened nationwide,But there is no such scarcity,This is also the biggest difference between online and offline。

Recent,Many companies are building offline convenience stores,Like JD.com’s announcement that 188bet app will open more than one million JD.com convenience stores nationwide in the next five years。Then why does 188bet app open a convenience store,Rather than just selling its own 3C products?

This is a category issue,One of my core views is,3C categories do not necessarily have to be offline,188bet app would be great if JD.com made 3C online。But,Generally speaking, 188bet app is difficult to escape offline for food categories,Why is everyone running to do new retail,In fact, 80% of new retail is about food retail,80% of convenience stores are about food,80% of vending machines are about food。JD.com opens a convenience store,Most of the things sold inside are food。

Why Alibaba invested in Hema Fresh?Because Alibaba can’t sell crayfish on Taobao、Big lobster,You can find good scallops and lobsters at Hema Fresh、Crabs and other food。These foods cannot be sold on Taobao,But 188bet app can form strong complementarity with online。And offline complementarity,To a large extent 188bet app will come from eating this category。

Nowadays, many convenience stores of other categories have appeared,But I think they all have to answer a question first,What makes online weaker than offline?If 188bet app can’t do well online,Why after changing the method,188bet app can do better than before?

*Source of this article: Entrepreneur&iDark Horse,Author: New 188bet app of Wild Grass (yecaoxxf) Zhang Xiaojun,OriginalTitle:《188bet app upgrading does not mean selling more expensively, new retail has no outlet

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