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Vacation Author of this article: Zhihui 2018-01-24 10:33:43
High-quality cultural tourism projects are not determined by hardware or funds as we usually think,The best natural resources we have ever seen,Very abundant funds,And it has excellent hardware,They have not created a top cultural tourism project,But whether there is an IP in it,Are there very high-quality and scarce talents。
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January 24, 2018,With "Blur-blurred ecology,The SMART Vacation Industry Summit with the theme of "Resetting the New Scene of Cultural Tourism and Vacation" was held at the Renaissance Beijing Jinmao Hotel,Forum combined with city micro vacation、Specialized town、Pastoral Complex、Four major scene setting theme forums including global tourism,Realize unbounded vacation through new cultural tourism scenes、New scenes of cultural tourism reset,Invited cultural tourism and vacation industry government agencies、Cultural tourism and vacation industry expert、A pioneer in the practice of new cultural tourism scenes,Let’s dig into the essence and core of the cultural tourism industry ecology,Let’s discuss new standards in the cultural tourism and business fields。Wang Xu, Secretary General of SMART Vacation Industry Expert Committee, attended the forum and delivered a keynote speech。

Wang Xu said,The four trends in the development of cultural tourism are IP、Talent、Four upgrades of content and community。

Wang Xu thinks,High-quality cultural tourism projects are not determined by hardware or funds as we usually think,The best natural resources we have ever seen,Very abundant funds,And it has excellent hardware,They have not created a top cultural tourism project,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino

Wang Xu said,The density of innovative talents in regional cultural tourism determines the development path of the tourism industry ecology,Now is an era led by cultural creativity and cultural tourism,What’s more important is how many innovative talents we have gathered here。

In terms of content upgrade, Wang Xu believes thatGood content in the cultural and tourism field is difficult to copy.“One of the characteristics of cultural tourism is when you copy another good content,It is difficult for you to be NO.1,At this time, it will be difficult for you to have a diversion effect,So we have been exploring how to obtain first-hand high-quality content resources。"Wang Xu said。

The following is the full text of Wang Xu’s speech:

(This article has not been reviewed by the parties involved, and the content has been slightly abridged.)

Today I bring you four trends in the development of cultural tourism,They are our IP,Talent,Four upgrades of content and community。

Before this,I would like to review the following SMART’s exploration of cultural tourism development,2013-2017 has gone through five years,We build a platform through SMART summit,When we first entered the cultural tourism industry five years ago, we already felt very struggling,Because of the content and information available at the time,Not enough to support us in building a successful cultural tourism project。So we started from sorting out the industry chain of the industrial ecology in 2013, to paying attention to the software and hardware of cultural tourism in 2014, and starting to 188bet online sports betting study the cultural tourism platform and ecology in 2015,2016,Our National Tourism Administration has proposed global tourism,So we have conducted in-depth exploration of the entire pan-tourism through cooperation,Until this year,2017,Our fuzzy ecology further divides urban and rural areas,Place business and leisure、The further integration of vacation and our cultural creation,So you can see that we are constantly expanding our boundaries,To discover the true core value and meaning of cultural tourism。

IP upgrade-traditional reproduction, reconstruction, regeneration

In the field of global tourism,We also proposed that industrial tourism in any region is actually composed of the entire industry chain,There are more than 300 different content formats connected in series in the industrial ecosystem,In this ecology, our self-driving tour route connects the outdoors、Camping、Countryside、Travel destination、Scenic Area,Natural education and other topics,Get a very in-depth analysis here。

Therefore,We passed a two-year study,I discovered a very interesting phenomenon,All the best cultural tourism projects,In fact, it is not determined by hardware or funds as we usually think of it,The best natural resources we have ever seen,Very abundant funds,And it has excellent hardware,They have not created a top cultural tourism project,But whether there is an IP in it,Are there very high-quality and scarce talents?These talents create high-quality and unique content,The content attracted the community around him,Form such an iteration。Then we use this logic to study and judge N multiple successful projects that we think are of high quality,They all have such characteristics,Or they are on their way,Or they have gathered the corresponding talents and communities,In short, they are all on the path to success at such a steady pace。

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So about IP upgrade,I would like to start with a very classic case done by a good friend of mine in Suichang,Today I will tell you about the four upgrades based on four cases。

A Chinese Festival event was held in Suichang during the Dragon Boat Festival this year,This is a practice of how Chinese traditional festivals can be revived and counterattacked compared to foreign festivals。We also eat rice dumplings during the Dragon Boat Festival,There is a dragon boat race,The custom of sewing mugwort sachets,But no long-term sustainable IP and corresponding commercial benefits have been formed,In this practice we can see their visual packaging,Definition of IP,For our entire system of cultural and creative derivative products,From clothing to our car logos,And then to little things like badges,Then came his repackaging of some of our local cultural and visual scenes。We found that every place has its own uniqueness and special culture,Special history,Special product。But there is often a lack of such a team to abstract and refine its IP,Form a system。Of course,Tell the story through the content of food,Go to spread,This is also their own strength and advantage。

Through this series of things, everyone’s Chinese Festival activities in Suichang are beautifully packaged and described,In this process, a three-day global tourism trip was actually created for four villages in four towns along a stream,Bring all local intangible cultural heritage products,Local festival decorations、Food、Content、Products connected in series。

Let me tell you about the bubble display event held next to the Tea Mountain Camp,Included on Tea Mountain,Including watching Kunqu Opera in the outdoor theater in the campsite,And the folk concerts and rock music 188bet online sports betting scene in our valley at night,Dine on top of Tea Mountain,Actually, many of them did not have any hardware worries in this event,No road,No new way to fix it,Everything is due to the original natural conditions,And local cultural advantages。Young people spontaneously held a bonfire party on the river bank as part of this event。

Why we proposed the concept of fuzzy ecology this time,The concept of BLUR touches us very much,Because the experience of this campsite surpasses all professional campsites and surpasses all better equipment,This time let’s start thinking,Why do we do intangible cultural heritage,Making handicrafts,A team that develops culture can create the best products,Let’s come to camp,What are we for,What made us stay and want to come back,This is a question worth thinking about。Because he gives us the opportunity to experience the local culture with friends under the stars。

Actually, we have various festivals in different places,Lantern Festival、Peach Blossom Festival、Plum Blossom Festival, etc.,But in visual packaging,Is it in line with us born after 85,The visual needs of the young generation born in the 1990s,I have indeed discussed this vision with some teachers,They said your vision is too avant-garde and we can’t understand it,Actually,Our discussion is from the user’s perspective,Should we sit down and lecture on historical stories, or should we present these contents in a digestible format,can spread,The consumable method is very accurately delivered to the minds of our audience。

The dragon tile releasing activity has been discontinued locally for many years,Let the entire dragon tablet out in the stream again,Everyone around is excited,This is the event held in the first village,Next to it is a local cultural and creative and handicraft market,It’s also overcrowded,The whole explosive trend。

Another village is holding a Hanfu crossing event,Many young people,Children,Including families come here to return to the old days of history and experience the beauty of the countryside。

Talking about cultural and creative products,There are dragon rice dumplings in the local area,Zongzi more than one meter long,Many friends from Zhejiang have seen it。But after repackaging the dragon rice dumplings,Combined with the shape of the dragon boat and the sachet of mugwort,This product exploded on the Internet at that time,Sold 100,000 rice dumplings,The price doubled,It can be said that this is a very successful hit。These rice dumplings are made by local aunts and aunts,Including handmade sachets,Many people had the habit of carrying mugwort sachets when they were young,But after re-packaging cultural and creative products,Mugwort in a small glass bottle,Give you cloth and materials to sew sachets for your friends,It’s a very different experience around IP,At the same time, we focus on working with local villagers to create such products。

The three-day Dragon Boat Festival activities in Suichang increased the number of tourists and tourism revenue by 23% year-on-year.76% and 30.82%,At the same time, the revival of traditional New Year festivals has become the new IP of the county。When we think about IP, it is not as complicated as we think,Our very high-quality team is needed to completely sort out and deliver the existing content,At the same time, the very follow-up natural road team persisted for five years,Let the tradition reappear,Reengineering,Regeneration has done their best and spread it in great detail。

Talent upgrade-talent density determines the ecological development path of the tourism industry

The second upgrade is about talent upgrade。We always believe that the density of regional cultural and tourism innovative talents determines the development path of the tourism industry ecology,It is not like when we were doing hardware construction in the past, several people could define a product,Just a few people can execute it,The current era is led by cultural creativity and cultural tourism,What’s more important is how many innovative talents we have gathered here,They can collide with each other to create sparks, so it is based on this basic concept。

I did an event for the Wuxiang Mountain Scenic Area in Lishui District, Nanjing,First of all, we will create a plan for these six villages,Same as Naked Valley,How do we dig out its highlights,Through talent strategy,So we selected top teachers from boutique B&Bs across the country,Judges spanning all walks of life from our financial、Community、The quality of B&B and the noise of traditional culture,Including for all aspects,Reshaping our brand from a natural and ecological perspective,In this process, we also formed the CP of the B&B,There are many competitions in the design circle,There are many awards in the B&B circle,We hope that through this event we can collect B&B brands that can really be implemented,Formulate teams by building bridges between designers and brands。

We have emerged more than a hundred high-quality teams,Design innovation,Content innovation method as our double standard of measurement,Two parallel criteria determine the final excellent team。We also invited top and outstanding designers in this process,Including the scene where our Tsinghua alumni come to build a B&B with the designer,Including these teachers leading our young professional designers and B&B owners to conduct on-site inspections,Conducting such design and discussion work on site,The concept of a brand like ours,Including ideas for the implementation of our B&B,Landed in Lishui District,And through such a process, Lishui District itself also generated his IP on the B&B,It is used by more B&B owners,Be noticed by more high-quality talents。

In this process,We also saw from Beijing、Shanghai、Yunnan、Fujian、Excellent designers and B&B hosts from all over Hainan,People are starting to plan their demands here,And some have already signed contracts。

Every talent recruitment through competition and a platform,We were all very surprised to see something we didn’t know,And in such platform aggregation again and again, we have got the best answer。Because there are indeed masters among the people,Through the pursuit of crowd wisdom we have obtained many solutions that we have not thought of before。Including local ecology,Season,Cultural sorting,Including a plan for the entire village and a reorganization of their contents, etc.。

Because the philosophy we follow is that a hundred people cannot think as well as a thousand people,A thousand people are not as good as ten thousand people,We hope to innovate cultural tourism,The construction of new scenes becomes a universal one,Public affairs,More high-quality talents will join。

Content upgrade – good content in the cultural and tourism field is difficult to copy

The third upgrade is content upgrade,In fact, we just talked about the talent upgrade,The largest nuclear fusion it brings,It’s an upgrade of the content。Because many of our cultural and tourism practitioners are particularly worried about where good content comes from,Because I can copy from other areas,But it is actually difficult to replicate in the cultural and tourism field,We may have listened to many high-quality courses,After listening to it, your feeling is that he has resources that I don’t have,It seems like I have a hard time doing this。At the same time,One of the characteristics of cultural tourism is when you copy another good content,It is difficult for you to be NO.1,At this time, it will be difficult for you to have a diversion effect,So we have been exploring how to obtain first-hand high-quality content resources。

We met with the Hunan Provincial Tourism Development Committee in October,Including Tsinghua Cultural and Creative Institute,Taiwan Cultural and Creative Association jointly supported the Hunan Provincial Jinxiu Xiaoxiang Cultural Tourism Entrepreneurship Competition,The topic of content implantation along the six scenic towns in Xiaoxiang,Culture is our bronze official、T-character、Book hall, etc.,The Xiangjiang Ancient Town District formed by six very beautiful Xiangjiang Ancient Towns。There is no problem with the hardware of these ancient towns,The traffic is very good,And the government has also carried out very high-quality construction。But the only thing is that there is no one,There are no young cultural and travel makers to provide high-quality content,Therefore no good tourists will stay,Will continue to create and iterate more content here。

So through this upgrade of cultural tourism makers,In fact, many high-quality young creative teams covering more than a dozen provinces have come here,They visited this ancient town,Combined the situation of local ancient towns and gave their solutions,Combine the products they are already working on through the new area、New business、Xinyi evaluates it from several aspects。

In this process,We will also display some very high-quality maker works,Including an in-depth discussion on the study tour on intangible cultural heritage handicrafts,And the products they derive related to local culture and tourism will become very emotional and popular items that spread the warmth。

Another thing that caught our special attention is their research on using hemp rope to do embroidery among the people,Making products containing content such as shoe soles。In this process, he actually showed a very high-quality combination of folk craftsmanship and modern design,This type of talents and teams are what many of our cultural tourism destinations need。Of course,There are many more content teams and products that have emerged as a result。They have expanded our entire understanding of cultural tourism products and cultural tourism experiences。

We will invite such market activities at every cultural tourism maker conference,Help everyone further experience the charm of all cultural and creative products。

Community upgrade—planning a systematic industrial layout

The last upgrade is about the community.When we have a good IP,Attract high-quality talents,After producing the best content,You will find that you can be called fans around you,Or the community,It begins to slowly gather and form,In terms of community upgrade。

Many people may have heard of it,In Sichuan、Chengdu、A village in Tujiang——Mingyue Village,Artist in the village、Writer、Poet Wei Mingyue wrote a collection of poems,Telling about the transformation process from an international ceramics village to a cultural tourism village。Here from the area、Number of households、Ecological Tea Garden、The handicrafts and other aspects do not look any different from our other villages,But it brings a lot of high-quality talent resources,From a pottery master to a charity teacher to a TV host,Designer,Artists, poets, etc. constitute 188bet sports betting app download the core DNA of Mingyue Village。

This is a planning diagram describing the industrial layout of Mingyue Village,Which industrial area is included,In fact, from our perspective, this is a map of talents,Each point will have a core KOR,A core industry leader,Continuously generating new topics for their place,Generate new products and content,And continue to spread outwards,And when these points are connected in series to form a surface,When forming a chemical reaction, it is a force that cannot be underestimated,This is causing the bright moon to move forward,The power of promotion。

So we can see the old villagers benefiting from their traditions and passing them on here,The new villagers transformed a very ordinary rammed earth house into a sun room,They make batik and many handicrafts and cultural and creative products here,There are houses like this in many people’s hometowns,Not even luxurious compared to a B&B,But it is the same as our tea mountain camp tent,Provides us with the simplest、The recognition of cultural tourism and the experience of new scenes that people most yearn for,So we can gather people。

There are many people who can come here,One activity at a time,Artisans including us craftsmen will teach us how to go to the village to make batik or plant dyeing techniques,They went to iterate again,Bring us new visitors,Bring us a very good course,Including learning old crafts from old artists。So Mingyue Lecture Hall is the think tank of this village,Through the collection and transmission of external information,And educate local villagers to achieve the creation of such a community,A very high-quality practical process of community building。

When we are doing many cultural and tourism projects,We often encounter villages,So every team will face the problem of whether to move or not to move,How the old villagers solved the problem,Let’s see Mingyue Village,gave a very good answer,When our old villagers become part of history,It’s time to become the storyteller of our locally rooted culture,They are irreplaceable core resources。

Sharing through four cases,What we want to express is,Hardware is of course very important,But all hardware can be copied,And it will become obsolete quickly。When we treat people,To create a link between us and people,Have a relationship,When people become our core competitiveness,Only then will there appear a side that is constantly iterating。

Let’s think back to the destinations we’ve done well in the past,Everything is based on humanities,In addition to having good natural conditions,Natural conditions will not be unique at least locally,But their people are unique,So actually SMART has always advocated a point of view。When we were doing cultural tourism,In fact, this is a battle for talents,Because the same person cannot be in place B at the same time,So we need to gather talents with various advantages in our projects through various methods,At the same time, it also allows them to iterate more local growth to achieve our final demands。

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