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Cultural Tourism Benefits Author of this article: Zhihui 2018-01-08
The main tasks of the meeting include: implementing the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference,Reviewing the development history of my country’s tourism in the past five years, especially since the implementation of the “515 Strategy”,Study and judge the development situation,Grasp the direction of development,Arrange national tourism work this year and in the future。
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The National Tourism Work Conference was held in Xiamen on January 8th,Li Jinzao, Director of the National Tourism Administration, made a report entitled "Guided by the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and Striving towards a New Era of High-Quality Tourism Development in my country"。

Li Jinzao pointed out,The main tasks of this national tourism work conference include: implementing the deployment of the Central Economic Work Conference,Reviewing the development history of my country’s tourism in the past five years, especially since the implementation of the “515 Strategy”,Study and judge the development situation,Grasp the direction of development,Arrange national tourism work this year and in the future。

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(1) The status of strategic pillar industries will be further consolidated.The United Nations World Tourism Organization’s calculations of China’s tourism development over the years,The comprehensive contribution of China’s tourism industry to the national economy and social employment exceeds 10%,Higher than the world average。Calculated by National Tourism Administration Data Center,Past three years,my country’s comprehensive tourism final consumption accounted for more than 14% of the total final consumption of the national economy during the same period,Comprehensive tourism capital formation accounted for approximately 6% of the total national economic capital formation during the same period,Comprehensive tourism exports account for about 6% of the total national economic exports。Among them,Comprehensive contribution of tourism industry in 2017 8.77 trillion yuan,Comprehensive contribution to the national economy reaches 11.04%,For accommodation、Catering、Civil Aviation、The railway passenger transport industry contributes more than 80%,Tourism directly employs 28.25 million people,Tourism directly and indirectly employs 80 million people,Comprehensive contribution to social employment reaches 10.28%。

(2) The comprehensive social benefits of the tourism industry have become more prominent.2017,my country’s per capita travel has reached 3.7 times,Tourism has become an important indicator of measuring modern living standards,Become a necessity for people’s happy life。Tourism ranks first among the "Five Happiness Industries"。Tourism market with nearly 5 billion passengers per year,Become the inheritor of Chinese culture、Promote socialist core values、Improve national quality、An important channel to promote social progress。Tourism has become an important force in the construction of ecological civilization,And lead a large number of poor people out of poverty,Green water and green mountains in many places、The land of ice and snow is being transformed into mountains of gold and silver through the development of tourism。“5·19” China Tourism Day has become a real tourism benefit day,In the past three years, various places have launched tens of thousands of tourism benefits and convenience measures,Promote tourism development results to be shared by all people。

(3) The economic benefits of the tourism industry have been greatly improved.The three major tourism markets continue to grow healthily,my country has remained the world’s largest source of outbound tourists and the world’s fourth largest inbound tourist reception country for many years in a row。Estimated total tourism revenue in 2017 5.4 trillion yuan,Increase by 2 from 2012.81 trillion yuan,Average annual growth 15.83%。The domestic tourism market in 2017 was 5 billion passengers,69 more than 2012.12%,Average annual growth 11.08%;Domestic tourism revenue in 2017 was 4.57 trillion yuan,101 more than 2012.15%,Average annual growth of 15%。The number of inbound tourists in 2017 was 1.3.9 billion people,5% increase over 2012,Average annual growth of 1%;Among them, 29.1 million were foreigners in 2017,7% increase over 2012,Average annual growth 1.4%。The outbound tourism market in 2017 was 1.2.9 billion people,An increase of more than 45.8 million people compared with 2012,Average annual growth of 9 on a comparable basis.17%。

(4) The tourism industry system is improving day by day.There are 4 existing accommodation and catering legal entities in my country.About 50,000 households,Among them accommodation industry 1.90,000 (including 1 star-rated hotel.160,000,Including 824 five-star hotels、Four-star 2425 hotels),Travel agency 2.790,000,More than 30,000 scenic spots (including 10,340 A-level scenic spots),Including 249 Level 5A、4A level 3034),52 World Heritage items,506 units creating global tourism demonstration zones,300 classic red tourist attractions。Leisure and vacation,There are 26 national tourist resorts,10 tourism and leisure demonstration cities,110 national eco-tourism demonstration zones。Thematic tourism,There are currently 6 experimental zones for cruise tourism development in China,10 National Wetland Tourism Demonstration Bases,514 self-driving RV campsites under construction,There are also a large number of health tourism、Industrial Tourism、Sports Tourism、Technology Tourism、Study tourism and other "tourism +" integrated development of new products。The initial formation of equal emphasis on sightseeing and leisure travel、A new pattern of both traditional and new tourism formats。

(5) The modern tourism governance system has been initially established.The "Tourism Law of the People's Republic of China" is promulgated and implemented,The State Council establishes an inter-ministerial joint meeting system for tourism work,Issued "Several Opinions on Promoting the Reform and Development of the Tourism Industry", "Several Opinions on Further Promoting Tourism Investment and Consumption", "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for Tourism Development", "Notice on Strengthening Comprehensive Supervision of the Tourism Market" and other series Policy Document。Amendment of the "Travel Agency Regulations", "Tour Guide Management Regulations" and "Chinese Citizens' Overseas Travel Management Measures",Formulate and revise 3 tourism regulations including the "Tour Guide Management Measures",Abolition of 3 tourism regulations and 138 tourism policies including the "Measures for the Management of Outbound Tour Leaders"、Normative documents。Accelerate the establishment of modern tourism governance mechanisms in various regions,There are 25 provinces (districts) across the country、City) established a tourism development committee,Fujian、Beijing、Jiangxi、Guangxi、Liaoning、Shanxi、Shaanxi、Inner Mongolia、Yunnan fully realizes the province (district)、The city) and municipal tourism bureaus were changed into tourism development committees,Hubei、Shandong、Hainan、Gansu、Hebei、Anhui、Heilongjiang and other provinces and cities have basically realized the reform of provincial and municipal bureaus。As ​​of the end of 2017,A total of 205 tourist police have been established nationwide、Tourist Circuit Court 280、132 Industrial, Commercial and Tourism Branches,“1+3+N” comprehensive tourism reform has achieved remarkable results。

(6) The international status and influence of my country’s tourism have been greatly improved.The First World Tourism Development Conference、China-Japan Friendly Exchange Conference、“Belt and Road” Tourism Ministers’ Meeting、China, Japan and South Korea Tourism Ministers Meeting、China-Russia-Mongolia Tourism Ministers Meeting、China-Central and Eastern Europe High-Level Tourism Conference and China-Russia、China and the United States、China and India、China and South Korea、Zhongdan、Zhongrui、China-Kazakhstan、China-Australia、China-ASEAN、A series of China-Central and Eastern Europe Tourism Year activities were successfully held。The 22nd General Assembly of the United Nations World Tourism Organization、The 7th Group of Twenty (G20) Tourism Ministers’ Meeting was successfully held in China。my country ranks first in the world in terms of number of outbound tourists and tourism consumption,Continuously increasing contribution to global tourism。Take 2016 as an example,According to calculation,China’s tourism is equivalent to 16% of the global tourism economy.6%,Contributed 10% to global international tourist growth.5%。China’s tourism market attracts global attention,China’s tourism diplomacy highlights frequently,China is becoming an important force influencing the international tourism pattern。

September 12, 2017,Approved by the State Council,The first global organization initiated and established by China、Comprehensive、Non-governmental、The non-profit world tourism organization-World Tourism Alliance (WTA) was officially established。Tourism ministers from 137 countries and regions attending the 22nd General Assembly of the United Nations World Tourism Organization in Chengdu、Representatives and heads of 41 international organizations witnessed the birth of the World Tourism Alliance。The establishment of the World Tourism Alliance shows China’s initiative,Committed to improving the responsibility and ability of the world tourism governance system。Comments by Ruifai, then Secretary-General of the United Nations World Tourism Organization,“China is already a world leader in tourism。The future of the world depends on China,The future of world tourism also depends on China。”

After years of hard work,my country’s tourism industry is undergoing unprecedented historic changes:1.Transformation from extensive tourism development to relatively intensive tourism development。2.Transformation from niche tourism to mass tourism。3.Transformation from scenic spot tourism to all-region tourism。4.Transition from sightseeing to sightseeing and leisure travel。5.Transformation from shallow tourism to deep tourism。6.Change from career direction to industry direction。7.Transition from passively following international rules to proactive international tourism cooperation and tourism diplomacy。8.Transforming from a major tourism country to a powerful tourism country。

High-level leaders attach great importance to tourism,Industrial positioning of tourism、Comprehensive functions、Development Concept、Development model、Development purpose、Development path、Development model、Important instructions on development results, etc.。We have studied and compiled General Secretary Xi’s systematic discussions on the development of tourism from 1993 to the present,From this we can clearly see General Secretary Xi’s views on innovative development of tourism、Coordinated development of tourism、Green tourism development、The core concepts of open tourism development and shared tourism development。

Important thoughts from senior leaders on tourism work,Clear the strategic positioning of tourism as a comprehensive industry;Clearly clarify the role of tourism in developing the economy、Promote employment、Improve people’s living standards、Comprehensive functions to enhance people’s happiness;Make it clear that tourism is an emerging industry、The emerging development prospects;Clear strategic requirements for promoting the development of tourism;Clearly adhere to the purpose of tourism for the people;Clearly insist on thinking small、Dialectical materialist methodology based on reality;Clearly adhere to the development path of all-region tourism;Clearly insist on hard work、Working style of striving to solve practical problems;Clearly stick to green、Sustainable tourism development concept;Clearly adhere to the concept of open cooperation in tourism that adheres to exchanges and mutual learning。

In accordance with the fundamental requirements of high-level leaders’ important thoughts on tourism work,We have focused on 12 key aspects of work:

(1) Focus on promoting the structural reform of the tourism supply side,Global tourism has become a new hot word in state governance。Three years,We have launched a series of policies and measures to promote the reform and development of the tourism industry,Increase system supply。The “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” tourism development plan was listed as a national key special plan for the first time。We take the initiative to coordinate the member units of the Inter-ministerial Joint Conference on Tourism Work of the State Council,Jointly issued 19 policy documents to promote tourism development。Accelerate the construction of border tourism pilot zones and cross-border tourism cooperation zones。Establish 41 national-level tourism reform and innovation pilot zones,Achieve a batch of replicable and popularizable institutional results。Promote the reform of “delegation, regulation and service”,The National Tourism Administration only retains 2 administrative licensing matters at this level,Cancel、The proportion of approval projects that were decentralized and changed management methods reached 66.7%。The "National Tourism Supervision Service Platform" operates smoothly,123 travel agencies approved online。New progress in the reform of tour guide practice,Electronic tourist guide passes are fully rolled out。Carry out a pilot project for wholly foreign-owned travel agencies to operate outbound tourism business in the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone。All localities actively promote the reform of the comprehensive tourism management system,Establishment of Tourism Development Committee、Tourist Police、Tourist Circuit Court、Industry, Commerce and Tourism Branch, etc.,Greatly enhance the comprehensive coordination and supervision capabilities of tourism。We focus on global tourism to optimize the supply structure,Successively in Tonglu, Zhejiang、Ningxia Zhongwei、Shaanxi Xi’an held an on-site meeting on all-region tourism work,More than 500 all-region tourism demonstration area creation units covering 31 provinces (regions) across the country、City),Among them Hainan、Ningxia、Shandong、Guizhou、Shaanxi、Hebei、Zhejiang and other 7 provinces and autonomous regions are provincial-level establishments。Every region is bursting with motivation to develop all-region tourism,One after another, all-region tourism has been regarded as the “top priority” project of the party committee and government、"Niubi" project,It not only taps the potential for the transformation and upgrading of the tourism industry,It also provides momentum for the development of other industries,Injecting vitality into the adjustment of the entire economic structure。All-region tourism has become a national strategy。July 2016,General Secretary Xi pointed out during his inspection in Ningxia,“Develop all-region tourism,The way is right,We must keep going。”The 2017 Government Work Report and the Central Economic Work Conference both emphasized,We must vigorously develop all-region tourism。People's Daily counts "all-region tourism" as one of the 100 new terms in governance since the 18th National Congress,The Chinese government website lists “all-region tourism” as one of the 12 new words in the 2017 government work report。This is not just a hot topic in public opinion,It is the true feelings of ordinary people from the bottom of their hearts。

(2) Focus on guiding tourism investment,Tourism has become a new engine of economic growth。We innovatively hold the China Tourism Investment and Financing Promotion Conference,Release China Tourism Investment Report,Strengthen the guidance of social capital,Promote sustained and healthy growth of investment in key areas。Innovative financial support methods,Establish a new cooperation mechanism between financial institutions and tourism enterprises,With Agricultural Bank of China、China Development Bank、China Construction Bank and others jointly launched 680 national tourism preferred projects。Promote the establishment of China Tourism Industry Fund,The total scale is 30-50 billion yuan,Leverage more social capital to invest in the tourism industry。As of the end of 2017,There are 144 tourism industry investment funds nationwide,Total scale exceeds 800 billion yuan。It is estimated that the national tourism investment in 2017 will reach 1.5 trillion yuan,16% year-on-year increase,Private capital investment accounts for 60%,formed mainly private enterprises、A multi-subject investment pattern in which state-owned enterprises and government investments jointly participate。

(3) Focus on promoting the “toilet revolution”,“Toilet Revolution” has become a new hot topic in the whole society。my country’s “toilet revolution” was personally launched by General Secretary Xi。April 2015,General Secretary Xi made important instructions on the “Toilet Revolution”,Start with this、is the flag,“Toilet Revolution” is booming in China。November 2017,General Secretary Xi once again gave important instructions on the "toilet revolution" and "promoting the development of tourism",Fully reflects the General Secretary’s lofty sentiments of serving the people wholeheartedly、Pragmatic work style and dialectical materialist worldview and methodology。This is the honor of our industry、Industry Luck、The blessing of the people。There is no important instruction and continued attention from General Secretary Xi to the "Toilet Revolution"、Strong encouragement,The "toilet revolution" cannot be launched nationwide,It is impossible to get such an enthusiastic response,It is impossible to have such an obvious effect,Therefore it is impossible to have such a wide range of Chinese and foreign influences。As ​​of the end of 2017,A total of 70,000 tourist toilets have been constructed nationwide,Overfulfilled 3 years 5.70,000-seater planned mission。

(4) Focus on promoting industrial integration,“Tourism +” has become a new driving force for the upgrading and expansion of the industrial system。We take the initiative to promote tourism and agriculture、Industrial、Transportation、Aviation、Education、Hygiene、Integration of sports and other fields,Actively promote healthy tourism、Sports Tourism、Industrial Tourism、Technology Tourism、New businesses such as study tours and new products are competing for development,10 national industrial tourism demonstration bases、10 national industrial heritage tourism bases、30 National Sports Tourism Demonstration Bases。Convening the "Tourism + Internet" Conference,Promoting the Internet、Informatization has become an important driving force for tourism product innovation and business format innovation。

(5) Focus on improving the quality of tourism services,Tourism has become a new indicator of people’s happy life。We unite with the police、Business and Industry、Pricing and other departments continue to carry out the "Spring Action", "Summer Rectification" and "Autumn and Winter Campaign" to comprehensively improve the order of the national tourism market,Seriously investigate and deal with illegal activities such as "unreasonable low-price travel" and "illegal operation of travel agency business"。2017,We organize 147 inspection teams,Carry out 9 rounds of special inspections,Achieved coverage of 31 provinces (districts) across the country、City) Comprehensive improvement of tourism market "full coverage",A total of 2595 cases filed,1552 cases completed,Fine and confiscation of illegal income of 33.26 million yuan,45 business licenses revoked。Deploy nationwide travel agency integrity education and training,Carry out the "Integrity Business Promotion Month" and "Quality Month" activities。Published 96 blacklists of dishonesty among travel agencies, tour guides and other tourism professionals。Implement civilized tourism improvement project,Issue the Civilized Travel Convention for Chinese Citizens,Choose good Chinese tourists、China’s Good Tour Guide,Establishment of "China Tourism Volunteers",Civilized tourism has become a conscious action for more and more tourists。Implementing the “Short Boards” plan,Accelerate the construction of tourism public service system。“12301” tourism service platform launched nationwide,11,394 tourism consultation service centers built、663 tourist distribution centers、2254 tourist and leisure greenways、1061 sightseeing bus lines。Strengthen holiday travel safety management,Establishing a national tourism industry operation monitoring and emergency command platform。Properly respond to emergencies such as the “Jiuzhaigou Earthquake” and “New Zealand Earthquake”。Implement dynamic management of scenic spot quality,Three years,For poor service quality、Outstanding problems such as substandard toilets,Delisting three 5A-level scenic spots,Issues serious warning to 10 5A-level scenic spots,Delist nearly 400 4A-level and below scenic spots、Warning、Notification Processing。Visitors have a greater sense of gain、Happiness、Sense of security。Have you traveled yet?Where have you been??Beginning to become a common expression for people to greet and chat。

(6) Focus on promoting rural tourism,Tourism has become a new channel for poverty alleviation and enrichment。We take the initiative to implement the central government’s decision-making and deployment on poverty alleviation,Worked with 11 departments to formulate the "National Rural Tourism Poverty Alleviation Project Action Plan",Implementing 8 Actions for Rural Tourism Poverty Alleviation。Establishing the National Rural Tourism Poverty Alleviation Observation Center,Carry out the tourism “Ten Thousand Enterprises and Thousands of Villages” paired assistance action,Launched 280 national tourism poverty alleviation demonstration projects,Promote “scenic spots with villages、Capable people lead households、Enterprise+Farmer、Cooperatives + farmers” and other tourism targeted poverty alleviation models。A total of 12 tourism poverty alleviation village cadre training courses and 3 tourism poverty alleviation special training courses in "three districts and three states" deeply impoverished areas have been held in three years,A total of 3,450 village cadres have been trained、Tourism leader。Implementing the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" for the Action to Promote Borders and Enrich People,Strongly support the development of tourism economy in border ethnic areas,Promote the construction of characteristic villages and small towns along the border。Tourism not only promotes targeted poverty alleviation、Play a significant role in consolidating the results of poverty alleviation,And it is promoting farmers to increase their income and become rich、Promote agricultural transformation and upgrading、Promote the construction of a new socialist countryside、Playing an increasingly important comprehensive role in the construction of beautiful countryside。According to calculation,2.5 billion rural tourism trips nationwide in 2017,The scale of tourism consumption exceeds 1.4 trillion yuan。

(7) Focus on promoting red tourism,Tourism becomes a new classroom for carrying forward the red spirit。Office of the CPC Central Committee、The State Council issued the "2016-2020 National Red Tourism Development Plan",In the past two years, the central budget has invested and arranged red tourism development funds 26.400 million yuan。We launch a series of "Re-walking the Long March" red tourism boutique routes,Held the Red Tourism Torch Relay to Commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the Long March、“Re-walking the Long March”、Red tourism campus tour and other themed activities。Promote the construction of the Sixth National Congress of the Communist Party of China’s Permanent Exhibition Hall into a Sino-Russian tourism base。Three years,National Red Tourism has received a total of 34 tourists.7.8 billion people,Comprehensive income reaches 929.5 billion yuan。Red tourism has become a new classroom for people to receive patriotism education and revolutionary tradition education,Political benefits、Social benefits、Obvious economic benefits。

(8) Focus on promoting tourism diplomacy,Tourism has become a new force in the country’s foreign exchanges and cooperation。High-level officials delivered an important speech at the China-Japan Friendly Exchange Conference,Announcement of China-U.S.、Zhongrui、China and South Korea、Zhongdan、Concurrent messages of congratulations on China-India Tourism Year,Sending a congratulatory message to the 22nd General Assembly of the United Nations World Tourism Organization。Prime Minister attended the first World Tourism Development Conference,Announcement of China-Central and Eastern Europe、China-ASEAN、China-EU、China-Australia、China-Canada、China-New Zealand (New Zealand) and other tourism years,Sending a congratulatory message to the establishment of the World Tourism Alliance。Vice Premier Wang Yang attended the opening and closing ceremonies of the Tourism Year many times,Attended the 7th Group of Twenty (G20) Tourism Ministers’ Meeting、The 22nd General Assembly of the United Nations World Tourism Organization,Taking photos with the founding members of the World Tourism Alliance。We also held the “Belt and Road” Tourism Ministers’ Meeting,Holding high-level dialogue between China and the United States on tourism,Establishing the China-Russia-Mongolia Tourism Ministers’ Meeting Mechanism, etc.。Innovatively carry out tourism and foreign aid work。Vigorously boost inbound tourism,Building China’s top ten international tourism brands,Guide the establishment of 21 tourism promotion alliances across the country,Taking "Beautiful China" as the overall image of China's tourism,Carry out more than 2,000 theme promotion activities around the world。

(9) Focus on promoting tourism exchanges and cooperation with Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan,Tourism has become a catalyst for closer connections between the mainland, Hong Kong and Macao、The new bond of "one family across the Taiwan Strait" between mainland China and Taiwan。We fully implement CEPA travel-related policies,Further expand the space for tourism cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao under the CEPA framework。Signed the "Agreement on Further Deepening Tourism Cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong" with Hong Kong,Established the "Joint Working Committee to Promote the Construction of Macao as a World Tourism and Leisure Center" with Macao,Support Macao in hosting the World Tourism Economic Forum。Creating Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao as an international tourist destination,Coordinate and promote the construction of Hengqin International Leisure Tourism Island、Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao regional cruise and yacht tourism cooperation。Support the Fujian Pilot Free Trade Zone’s tourism industry for Taiwan’s first trial、Construction of Pingtan International Tourism Island,Increase cross-strait cooperation in rural tourism industry。Consolidating the fundamental position of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in the inbound tourism market,Implementing Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan youth study tour project for three consecutive years,Organized 1 every year.70,000、Driving more than 50,000 young people from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to study in the Mainland (Mainland)。Tourism has become the new main force in work on Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan,Played a special role in maintaining the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao and safeguarding the peaceful development of cross-strait relations。

(10) Focus on strengthening the basic theory of tourism、Talent team、Data center and platform construction,Provide new support for tourism innovation and development。We strengthen research on basic theories of tourism,Established China Tourism Think Tank、China Tourism Reform and Development Advisory Committee;Compiled "Contemporary Tourism" and "Encyclopedia of Chinese and Foreign Tourism"。Strengthening data support for tourism industry development,Established National Tourism Administration Data Center,Establish tourism and public security、Transportation、Aviation、Statistics and other data sharing mechanism,Tourism data agencies have also been established in various places。Accelerate the adjustment of tourism talent structure,Issued the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan for Tourism Talent Development Plan” and “Guiding Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Modern Tourism Vocational Education”。Continue to carry out guided tours to assist Tibet、Talent aid to Xinjiang。Implementing the “10,000 Tourism Talents” Plan,8657 tourism professionals have been trained。Implementing the “Cloud Classroom” training project for intermediate and advanced tour guides,As ​​of the end of 2017,280,000 registered tour guides (students)。Tourism theory lags、Missing statistics、Insufficient talent reserves and other outstanding “shortcomings”,Began to get effective relief。

(11) Focus on promoting tourism promotion,Creating a new public opinion environment for tourism development。We broaden our publicity platform,Revised and upgraded official website of China National Tourism Administration,Founded "Voice of China Tourism" and "Tourism Diplomacy Reference",Establishing a collection of traditional media、“Trinity” news dissemination platform of online media and new media such as Weibo and WeChat,Support the media to shoot documentaries "Traveling China" and "Traveling World"。Compiled and published "World Famous Travel Notes Series", "Travel in Tang Poetry" and "Travel in Song Poetry"。Launched "Hot Words of "Global Tourism""。Strengthen major theme-oriented publicity,Continue to launch the top ten tourism news in China of the year、The world’s top ten travel news。Proactive tourism promotion,Won objective social evaluation for the development of tourism、Rational development expectations and favorable public opinion environment。

(12) Focus on strengthening party building,Open up a new realm of hard work and pragmatic work。We must resolutely safeguard the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee,Firmly establish the “Four Consciousnesses”,Solidly promote the normalization and institutionalization of "Two Studies and One Action" learning and education,Convened 8 industry-wide special seminars on in-depth study, publicity and implementation of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Organize the national tourism system to in-depth study and implement General Secretary Xi’s important instructions on my country’s “toilet revolution” and “promoting the development of tourism”。According to the unified deployment of the central government,Completed and accepted the central government’s special inspection mission。Comprehensively deepen and strictly govern the party,Unswervingly do a good job in building a clean government and anti-corruption work。Strictly implement the spirit of the eight central regulations,Persistently oppose the "four trends"。Strengthening the construction of tourism culture,Develop an advanced collective of national tourism system、Recognition work for model workers and advanced workers,81 advanced collectives、95 model workers and 45 advanced workers were commended,Promote the spirit of model workers in the entire industry,Establish a new trend in tourism。

The achievement of these achievements,It is completely the result of the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee;It is the Party Central Committee、Correct deployment of the State Council、The collective efforts of various central ministries and commissions、Strong promotion by party committees and governments in various places、The result of joint participation from all parties inside and outside the industry。

While summarizing the results,We also need to compare it with the people’s needs for a better life in tourism in the new era,The tourism industry still has the following 10 outstanding and incompatible problems: 1.The unbalanced development of urban and rural tourism is incompatible with the requirements of global tourism development;2.Unbalanced tourism regional development is incompatible with the overall tourism development requirements;3.Insufficient effective supply of tourism products is incompatible with the people’s growing tourism needs;4.The unreasonable structure of tourism products is incompatible with the increasingly diversified tourism consumption needs of tourists;5.Inadequate tourism public services and transportation infrastructure represented by toilets and the explosion of tourism、The blowout market demand is not suitable;6.The tourism market in some places is out of order、The lagging behind of civilized tourism is incompatible with the people’s requirements for “more satisfaction”;7.The vacation system arrangement is not suitable for the people’s leisure and vacation travel needs;8.The tourism management system is not compatible with the comprehensive industry coordination and comprehensive law enforcement requirements;9.Theoretical research on tourism is not compatible with the practice of the rapidly developing tourism industry;10.The construction of tourism talent team is not compatible with the needs of comprehensive tourism development。solve these problems,We need to follow the fundamental requirements of the General Secretary’s important thoughts on tourism work,Adhere to problem orientation,Carry forward the spirit of nailing and work hard、Pragmatic style that strives to solve practical problems,Developing high-quality tourism to a higher level,Continuously promote the tourism industry to a new level。

二、In-depth understanding of the great practical and historical significance of shifting from the stage of high-speed tourism growth to the stage of high-quality tourism development in the new era

Socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era,my country’s economic development has also entered a new era。General Secretary Xi pointed out,Characteristics of my country’s economic development in the new era,That is, our country’s economy has shifted from a stage of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality development。Tourism as a strategic pillar industry of the national economy,No matter from the national macro development requirements,Still based on one’s own development needs,We have reached a critical node from the stage of high-speed tourism growth to the stage of high-quality tourism development。We must follow high-quality development requirements,A deep understanding and accurate grasp of the necessity of promoting high-quality tourism、Profound connotation and development path。

First,This is an inevitable requirement for the country’s overall economic transformation。Central Economic Work Conference emphasized,“Promoting high-quality development is the development idea for now and in the future、Formulating economic policies、Fundamental requirements for implementing macro-control。”This is the accurate judgment and strategic decision made by the Party Central Committee on my country’s economic development。Tourism as a contribution to the national economy、Strategic pillar industries whose comprehensive contribution to social employment exceeds 10%,In accordance with the requirements of the central government,Promote the shift from high-speed tourism growth to high-quality tourism development,It is the proper meaning、First priority、The inevitable move。This is also the reason why the tourism industry firmly maintains a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee in terms of ideology, politics, and actions、A concrete manifestation of firmly implementing the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee。

Second,This is an inevitable requirement to resolve the main contradictions in my country’s tourism in the new era。The main contradiction in our society in the new era has transformed into the contradiction between the people’s growing needs for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development。specifically in the field of tourism,Reflected in the contradiction between the people’s growing needs for a better life through tourism and unbalanced and inadequate tourism development。We must approach it from the perspective of materialist dialectics,See this contradictory "unchanged" and "changed"。What remains unchanged is that our tourism development must meet the people’s growing tourism needs。What has “changed” is that people’s travel needs have developed into a wider range、More diverse、More multi-layered needs for a better life。So,The key to the problem is the unbalanced and inadequate development of tourism,It has become the main constraint to meet people’s needs for a better life through tourism。Our development philosophy、Development model、Work ideas and work priorities need to undergo major changes,We must develop high-quality tourism to continue to increase the effective supply and high-quality supply of tourism,So as to meet people’s needs for a better life in tourism in the new era with more balanced and adequate development。

Third,This is an inevitable requirement to maintain the healthy development of the tourism industry。Promote high-quality development,The core essence is that economic growth should focus on rapid quantitative expansion、Mainly solve the shortage problem,Shift to quality and efficiency。After nearly 40 years of development, my country’s tourism industry,No matter from the scale of supply、Industrial scale or market scale,All have entered the ranks of the world's major tourism 188bet app countries。But we must also see,my country’s tourism development model is still relatively extensive,Inefficient resource utilization,Insufficient development of market entities,The traditional tourist attraction development model is unsustainable,Originally, it mainly relied on factor input、Investment pull、Speed ​​growth model of scale expansion,Under increasingly obvious restrictions。The tourism industry must adapt to the development requirements of the new era,We must not simply continue to pursue development and growth,Only by turning to a new path of development relying on "quality", "quality" and "service",Promote structural optimization and growth momentum conversion,In order to achieve sustainable and healthy development。

Fourth,This is an inevitable requirement to follow the laws of tourism development。Normally speaking,Travel is of a different place、Happiness、Three basic attributes of comprehensiveness。Remoteness determines tourists’ dependence on remote services,But the supervision of off-site services is weak,Easy to become a difficulty in improving service quality;Happiness determines tourists’ high expectations for travel,At the same time, social attention is high,Easily become a hot topic in public opinion on management quality;Comprehensive determination of tourism development is highly relevant,But overall coordination and control are difficult,Easy to form a development quality depression。Someone said,Since it is a basic attribute,Then we had these problems before!Nothing wrong,It was just our rapid growth before、Scale expansion,These needs and problems have been obscured or ignored to a certain extent。And today’s tourism development,The volume has accumulated to a certain stage,Qualitative issues are even more acute、More prominent,Whether it is tourist consumption needs or industrial development needs,Everything must change to qualitative improvement。From a philosophical perspective,This is a spiral development process。Looking at the United States、France、The development process of Spain and other tourism powers,We can also clearly see this development pattern。

Fifth,This is the tourism industry’s deepening of international cooperation、The inevitable requirement to improve international competitiveness。Tourism competition is a market battle、Struggle for resources,It’s a battle over quality。current,United States、Russia、France、Germany、Japan and other major countries in the world have prioritized the development of tourism as a national strategy,Improve the quality of tourism development,Building an international tourism brand,Emerging economies are also increasing the pace of tourism quality development,The competition in the global tourism industry is becoming increasingly fierce。If you don’t advance, you will retreat in the international tourism competition,We must truly sing the voice of China on the world tourism stage,Effectively strengthen the right to speak and formulate international rules,Highlighting China’s international tourism competitiveness,Not taking the path of high-quality tourism development,Strengthening China’s tourism quality brand,In the end, everything may be a fantasy、Extreme thoughts!At the same time,We are committed to developing high-quality tourism,We will also provide China tourism solutions to countries around the world, especially developing countries、China Tourism Sample、China Travel Experience、China Tourism Wisdom,To better leverage China’s leading role in world tourism。

Sixth,This is an inevitable requirement for building a world tourism power and serving the "Two Centenary Goals"。Implement the central government’s strategic requirements of “powering the country with quality”,Promote my country's leap from a big tourism country to a powerful tourism country,The fundamental direction is to insist on quality first、Benefits first,Transformation from extensive development to intensive development,Transformation from resource-driven and low-level element-driven to innovation-driven and high-quality service-driven。In serving the "Two Centenary Goals",Quality of tourism development,Directly related to its status as a comprehensive industry、Strategic pillar industries、The role of happiness industry in the construction of the country’s modern economic system,Directly related to people’s sense of happiness and gain in a better life。

三、Adhere to the guidance of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,Strive towards a new era of high-quality tourism development in my country

Guiding ideology for my country’s tourism work in the new era: Strengthening the party’s leadership over tourism work,Adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability,Adhere to the new development concept,In accordance with high-quality development requirements,Coordinate and promote the "Five-in-One" overall layout and coordinate the promotion of the "Four Comprehensives" strategic layout,Close to the contradiction between the people’s growing needs for a better life through tourism and unbalanced and inadequate tourism development,In accordance with the requirements for high-quality tourism development,Adhere to the main line of tourism supply-side structural reform,Focus on vigorously developing all-region tourism,Comprehensive implementation of the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” tourism development plan,Change the way of development、Optimize economic structure、Convert growth momentum、Improve the quality of development,Strive towards a new era of high-quality tourism development in my country,Accelerate the construction of a world tourism power,Make the majority of tourists gain a sense of gain、Happiness、A more fulfilling sense of security、More guaranteed、More sustainable。

Medium and long-term development goals: through the implementation of the “three-step” tourism strategy,Achieve the goal of becoming a world tourism power by 2040。First step,Develop from an extensive tourism country to a relatively intensive tourism country by 2020;Step 2,Develop from a relatively intensive tourism country to a relatively intensive tourism country by 2030;Step 3,Develop from a relatively intensive tourism power to a highly intensive world tourism power by 2040;Another 10 years,Continue to comprehensively improve my country’s quality tourism development level by 2050。

Tourism’s "Three Steps" to Build a World Tourism Power,In the field of tourism, it is a response to the Party Central Committee’s instructions on building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way to basically realizing modernization,And then to the specific implementation of the strategic arrangements for the development of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era of building a modern and powerful socialist country in an all-round way。Tourism is the people’s yearning for a better life,As a beautiful economy、Health Industry、Happiness Industry,We should be more proactive and responsible,Speed ​​up the pace。

2020 expected goal: steady growth of tourism economy。The number of urban and rural residents traveling has increased by about 10% every year,Total tourism revenue has an average annual growth rate of more than 11%,Tourism direct investment has an average annual growth rate of more than 14%。By 2020,The total size of the tourism market reaches 6.7 billion people,Total tourism investment 2 trillion yuan,Total tourism revenue reaches 7 trillion yuan。Comprehensive benefits significantly improved。The comprehensive contribution of tourism to the national economy reaches 12%,For accommodation、Catering、Civil Aviation、The comprehensive contribution rate of the railway passenger transport industry reaches more than 85%,The annual average number of new tourism jobs is more than 1 million。The people are more satisfied。The "Toilet Revolution" achieved remarkable results,Travel transportation is more convenient,Tourism public services are more complete,Accelerate the implementation of the paid leave system,Market order has improved significantly,Civilized tourism has become a common practice,Inbound tourism continues to grow。Significant increase in international influence。Inbound tourism continues to grow,Healthy development of outbound tourism,The gap with developed countries in the tourism industry has narrowed significantly,The voice and influence in the formulation of global tourism rules and international tourism affairs have been significantly improved。

Expected goals in 2018: strong promotion of high-quality tourism,Global tourism continues to deepen,Steady implementation of the “three-step” strategy,Supply-side structural reform has made significant progress,Intensified innovation in institutional mechanisms,Integrated development capabilities further improved,The public service system is further improved,Service quality further improved,Tourism versus consumption、Investment、The promotion effect of poverty alleviation and enrichment of the people is more obvious,The tourism industry is improving quality, efficiency and upgrading to a higher level,For stable growth、Promote reform、Adjust structure、Play a greater role in benefiting people’s livelihood,The majority of tourists’ sense of gain from the travel experience、Satisfaction further improved。Strive to achieve total tourism revenue 5 throughout the year.98 trillion yuan,13% year-on-year growth。Among them,5.5 billion domestic tourists,Domestic tourism revenue 5.05 trillion yuan,Increase by 10 respectively.8%、13%;Number of inbound tourists 1.4.2 billion people,International tourism revenue 127.3 billion US dollars,Increase by 1 respectively.4%、2.5%;Number of outbound tourists 1.3.4 billion people,Growth 4.5%;Complete investment 1.8 trillion yuan,Growth 20%。

Comrades: from now to 2020,This is the decisive stage for building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way。We must accelerate the transformation of my country’s tourism from a stage of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality tourism development,Concretely carry out 18 key tasks。

(1) Deepening supply-side structural reform,Vigorously promote all-region tourism

Only reformers advance。Looking at it from a macro perspective,Deepening supply-side structural reform nationwide,Accelerate the promotion of “overcapacity reduction、Destock、deleveraging、Reducing costs、Fix for weaknesses”。Tourism as an emerging industry、New production capacity、New kinetic energy,It must be one of the beneficiaries and development directions of supply-side structural reform。Of course,We must also look at the supply-side structural reform tasks of the tourism industry。We must vigorously develop all-region tourism,Coordinate to solve the structural problem of insufficient effective tourism supply under the traditional scenic spot tourism model。All-region tourism is fully consistent with the new development concept of the new era,It is also a powerful starting point to promote the transition from the high-speed tourism growth stage to the high-quality tourism development stage。We must firmly establish an institutional view of all-region tourism、Resource View、Development concept、Business view、Development concept,Accelerate the establishment and improvement of modern tourism comprehensive management mechanism,Innovative tourism development model,Adhere to characteristic development,Improve the level of creation of global tourism demonstration areas;Adhere to "focus on practical results、Outstanding Demonstration,Wide selection and strict selection、The principle of dynamic management,Promote the pilot acceptance work of the all-region tourism demonstration zone。We must continue to promote the reform of “delegation, regulation and service”,Continue to streamline administration and delegate power,Standardize approval behavior,Strengthen supervision during and after the event,Provide quality services。

We need to strengthen the design of top-level policies and institutional frameworks,Refined standards and measures,Accelerate the issuance of the "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Development of All-Region Tourism" at the national level,Step up to formulate the "Implementation Rules of the Guidelines for the Creation of Global Tourism Demonstration Areas" and corresponding management measures,Create a good macro policy environment for the development of tourism in the whole region,Strengthening global tourism planning and leadership,Provide powerful guidance to promote the development of all-region tourism in various places。A batch of all-region tourism demonstration areas will be piloted and accepted in 2018。Carry out the mid-term evaluation of the “13th Five-Year Plan” tourism development plan in a timely manner。Promote the construction of cross-border tourism cooperation zones and border tourism pilot zones。Promote national tourism reform and innovation pilot areas to take the lead in exploring high-quality tourism development paths。Accelerate research and scientifically formulate an indicator system for high-quality tourism development、Policy system、Standard 188bet app system、Statistical system、Evaluation system。

Carry out a series of activities to review the 40th anniversary of my country’s tourism reform and opening up。

(2) Give full play to independent creativity,Vigorously develop new “sea, land and air” tourism formats and new products

We need to formulate the "National Cruise Tourism Development Plan" and "Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Development of Yacht Tourism"。Develop self-driving RV camp grade standards and launch a number of demonstration camps。Implementing the "Aviation Sports Industry Development Plan"。Estimated to 2020,my country’s domestic cruise tourism will reach 3.5 million passengers,International cruise tourism will reach 300,000 people,25 cruise ships in operation,There are 5 Chinese-owned cruise ships in the fleet,And strongly promote the design and manufacturing of cruise ships、Port operation services、Tourism Business Business、Development of finance, insurance and other related industries;Self-driving travel can reach 4 billion people,The number of RVs exceeds 100,000,More than 2,000 campsites,Promote direct employment of 500,000 people;The number of general aviation airports nationwide will reach 500,300,000 general aviation tourism trips,Industrial economic scale reaches 200 billion yuan。

(3) Implementing brand strategy,Vigorously enhance the charm of the "China Quality Tourism" brand

Era of Economic Globalization,Brand has become an important resource for economic competition and an important symbol of the core competitiveness of the industry。We need to use "hardware standardization、Product diversification、Product diversification、Safety and Robustness”-oriented,Implementing the “China Quality Tourism” brand strategy,Vigorously cultivate in line with market demand、Influential travel brand,Launching several Chinese tourism brands to strengthen the province,Polish 5A、4A-level scenic spot gold-lettered signboard,Promote the brand of national tourist resorts,Shaping China’s Tourism and Leisure Demonstration City Brand,Optimize star-rated hotels、Boutique tourist hotel、Cultural theme tourist hotel、Travel B&B brand,etc.。To promote quality improvement through brand building,Insist on grasping with both hands,Promote with one hand,Catch the elimination with one hand,Establish a dynamic management mechanism for tourism brands with entry and exit,Establish a high-quality image of my country’s tourism brand,Promote high-quality development of tourism。

We are going to carry out a series of activities to create a Chinese tourism brand to strengthen the province。Cultivation of a number of customized tourism brands。Strengthening the 5A level、4A-level scenic spot brand,Continue to increase support for Class 5A、Review, inspection and improvement efforts of 4A-level scenic spots,Strengthen the review and supervision of A-level scenic spots。Making a bigger tourist resort brand,Develop mountain area、Beachside、Hot Springs、Standards for skiing and other vacation products,Actively promote the construction of national resorts,Launch a new batch of national tourist resorts in due course,Revised tourist resort management measures,Release of "Tourism and Vacation Development Report"。Be a good urban leisure brand。Continue to promote the selection of China’s tourism and leisure demonstration cities,Introducing tourism and leisure demonstration block standards in due course,Guide the healthy development of urban tourism and leisure industries。Revised "National Standard for Star Classification and Rating of Tourist Hotels",Holding the National Tourist Hotel Service Skills Competition。

(4) Practice the core socialist values,Vigorously promote civilized tourism、Rational Travel

The core values ​​of socialism are the concentrated expression of the spirit of contemporary China,Condensing the common value pursuit of all people。Promote civilized tourism、Rational tourism is an inherent requirement for practicing the core values ​​of socialism,We must cultivate civilization、The rational new era of high-quality tourists and tourism operators is the focus and foothold,Continue to adhere to both positive publicity and guidance and negative punishment、Both hands must be hard,Strengthen educational guidance、Practical development、Constraint Management,Give full play to the important role of tourism in the construction of spiritual civilization。

We must build a civilized tourism demonstration system,Select a group of civilized tourism demonstration areas、Demonstration unit,Promote a group of "civilized tourists"。Implementing the theme brand activity of “Extra Points for China”,Carry out a series of publicity activities such as "Civilized Tourism Tour to 100 Cities", "Table Civility", "Rational Consumption" and "Green Travel",Hire civilized tourism publicity ambassador,Hold civilized tourism works competition。Strengthen the management of tourism volunteers,Introduced "China Tourism Volunteer Management Measures"。Strengthen hard restrictions on uncivilized tourism behavior,Further improve the "Interim Measures for the Management of Uncivilized Behavior Records in Tourism",Promote civilized tourism in various places、Responsible tourism becomes legal and regulated。

(5) Adhere to sustainable development and vigorously promote green tourism

The tourism industry is a typical resource-saving type、Environmentally friendly industry。Tourism is the best condition for the construction of ecological civilization、One of the most advantageous industries,But this does not mean that in the process of tourism development and tourism consumption,There is no or no damage to the ecological environment。We must firmly integrate the concept of sustainable tourism development of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" into tourism planning、Development、Management、Full service process,Practice the concept of green tourism development,Guide the concept of green tourism consumption,Promote the construction of green tourism product system,Vigorously promote energy conservation and emission reduction in tourism。Only this,In order to form a new pattern of green tourism in which man and nature coexist harmoniously。

We must promote the construction of green tourism product system,Increase the construction of ecological tourism demonstration areas,Carry out the construction of green tourist attractions,Revised tourist attraction service quality grade evaluation standards,Requirements for increasing environmental protection,Publish Green Tourism Consumption Guide,Establish and improve green scenic spots、Green Hotel、Green Building、Green tourism standard system with green transportation as the core。Encourage and guide hotels to gradually reduce the use of disposable items。Develop green consumption incentive measures,Guiding tourists on low-carbon travel,Form green tourism consumption consciousness。

(6) Adhere to coordinated development and vigorously promote regional tourism balance

Adhering to coordinated development is an important focus in implementing the new development concept。From the perspective of my country’s tourism industry,Urban and rural regional development、The development gap between the eastern, central and western regions is still obvious,Not compatible with the overall development requirements of high-quality tourism。We need to strengthen measures,Adhere to planning, overall planning and guidance,Continuously optimize space layout,Building a new tourist functional area,Promote the integration of cross-regional resource elements,Accelerate the cluster development of tourism industry。To establish a more effective new mechanism for coordinated regional development,Promoting the construction of “One Belt, One Road”、Coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei、Three major national strategies for the development of the Yangtze River Economic Belt,Promote coordinated regional development。

We must promote the preparation and implementation of major planning projects,Complete the outline of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei integrated tourism development plan、Wulingshan Area Tourism Development Plan、Planning work such as the Dabie Mountain Area Tourism Development Plan。Implement regional coordinated development strategy,Promote the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei tourism city cluster、Yangtze River Delta Tourism City Cluster、Pearl River Delta Tourism City Cluster、Chengdu-Chongqing Tourism City Cluster、Healthy development of tourist city clusters in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River。Relying on cross-regional natural landscapes and complete regional cultural units,Cultivation of a number of cross-regional characteristic tourism functional areas。

(7) Innovation system and mechanism,Vigorously promote the integrated development of “tourism +”

Tourism is a highly relevant comprehensive industry,It is impossible to follow a closed self-circulating development path,Must transform to open “tourism +” integrated development,Practice also proves that we have vigorously promoted “tourism+”,Continuously derived industrial tourism、Sports Tourism、Study and travel、TCM Health Tourism、Technology tourism and other new business formats, new products and new supplies,It not only expands a new space for the development of the tourism industry,It also provides huge momentum for the development of other industries。The key now is to strengthen our tourism industry thinking,Improve the guidance ability and supply level of “tourism+”,Actively promote the integration of tourism and multiple industries,Introduced a number of policy standards to guide the integrated development of “tourism +”,Launching a batch of diversified integrated development demonstration products,Optimizing the quality and supply structure of tourism supply,Continuously improve the efficiency of tourism supply,To achieve a higher level of integrated development。

We must promote the development of study tourism,Including forestry、Mineral Science、Agriculture、Engineering、Geoscience、Meteorology、Business、Medicine、Military Science、Ethnology、Aesthetics and other content,Cultivation of education practice base for primary and secondary school students;Develop industrial tourism,Develop the "Three-Year Action Plan for Industrial Tourism Development";Organize the creation of modern agricultural estates;Convening the National Sports Tourism Industry Development Conference,Launching a number of sports tourism demonstration bases and boutique routes;Promote the sustainable and healthy development of traditional Chinese medicine health tourism;Promote eco-tourism,Launching a number of national eco-tourism demonstration bases;Promote cultural heritage tourism,Strengthen the protection and utilization of cultural relics and intangible cultural heritage resources。

(8) Implementing the rural revitalization strategy,Vigorously promote rural tourism and tourism poverty alleviation

Developing rural tourism is an important part of implementing the rural revitalization strategy。We must make overall plans and guide the sustainable development of rural tourism,Make full use of rural tourism in targeted poverty alleviation、The advantageous role in targeted poverty alleviation,In-depth promotion of tourism poverty alleviation、Tourism and Enriching People Project,Actively promote the development of rural tourism in idle rural houses,Revitalize dormant rural assets,Expand channels for farmers to increase income。On the one hand, we must actively promote picking gardens、Farmhouse、Improving the quality of traditional rural tourism products such as B&B tours,Through rural smart tourism,A farmhouse that combines "sporadic planting"、Mujiale、Yujiale and others weave a net;On the other hand, we must promote resort villages、Modern agricultural estates and other new business formats and new products。Strive to enhance the attractiveness of rural tourism,Expand the industrial chain,Promote high-quality development of rural tourism,Continuously enhance the sense of gain and happiness of hundreds of millions of farmers。

We need to study and formulate opinions to promote the sustainable and healthy development of rural tourism,Develop standards and specifications related to rural tourism,Establish a list of key rural tourism villages,Coordinate the national rural tourism layout,Guide the differentiated development of rural tourism in the eastern, central and western regions,Promote the sustainable and healthy development of rural tourism。Organize a national tourism poverty alleviation promotion conference,Implementing the tourism poverty alleviation planning project、Infrastructure 188bet online sports betting improvement project、Quality Development Project、Publicity and promotion projects, etc.,Carry out special management of work style issues in the field of tourism poverty alleviation。Focus on the deeply impoverished areas of "three districts and three states",Promote the implementation of the "Action Plan to Support Tourism Poverty Alleviation in Deeply Poverty-stricken Areas",Ensure tourism poverty alleviation is effective,Make the tourism industry’s due contribution to the targeted fight against poverty。

(9) Comprehensively improve comprehensive benefits,Vigorously promote red tourism to a new level

High-level emphasis,Adhere to the theme of red tourism、Carry forward the red tradition、Inherit the red gene。This is the fundamental requirement for us to carry out red tourism。We must deeply explore the connotation of red culture,Adhere to the theme of red tourism,Play red tourism in patriotic education、Active role in inheriting red culture and promoting regional economic development,Continue to promote the high-quality development of red tourism,Better build the Chinese spirit through red tourism、China value、China Power,Provide strong value guidance for my country’s development and progress、Cultural cohesion、Spiritual driving force。

We want to select a group of “National Red Tourism Innovation Development Research Bases”,Improve red tourism statistical indicators。Organize and hold the National Red Tourism Guide Competition,Establish an evaluation system for red tourism gold medal guides,Organize training for red tourism practitioners。Recruiting 10,000 red tourism volunteers。Form a team of basic red tourism experts。Revolving around the theme of the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up,Organize and plan a series of themed activities such as “Don’t forget your original intention and keep your mission in mind”。Red Model Town Creation Activity、Enter the scenic spot、Enter the community、Enter the countryside、Enter the enterprise” activity。Launching hundreds of red tourist routes、The first batch of “Red Tourism Quality Service Demonstration Areas”,Carry out global red tourism demonstration city、Red Model Town Creation Activity。Establish and improve the red tourism supervision mechanism。Implementing the Red Tourism Poverty Alleviation Project。

(10) Strengthening comprehensive rule of law,Vigorously rectify the tourism market order

Governing tourism according to law is the essential requirement and key guarantee for the development of my country’s tourism industry,Is a solid support for strengthening the regulation of the tourism market。We must establish and improve the tourism legal system,Adhere to the simultaneous implementation of legislation, reform, abolition and interpretation,Better use of legal thinking and legal methods to deepen reforms、Promote development、Resolve conflicts、Solve the problem。In law enforcement,We must completely abandon the past "reluctance to care"、Dare not care、I won’t care、The inactive "peace official" thought of "can't control",With greater determination、Greater intensity,Strictly perform legal duties,Innovative tourism market comprehensive supervision mechanism,Accurate implementation of special market rectification actions,Strengthening the construction of tourism integrity system,Reform Travel Agency、Tour guide management system,Promote the continuous improvement of the tourism market order,Create a higher-quality tourism management and consumption environment for tourism companies and tourists。

Coordinate the revision of the "Tourism Law", "Travel Agency Regulations" and other laws and regulations according to legal procedures、Regulations and normative documents。Make good use of the National Tourism Administration’s leverage to participate in the State Council’s quality assessment of provincial governments,Inspire local governments at all levels to pay more attention to market supervision。Announcement of the annual comprehensive situation of the national tourism market order。Implement "Eagle Eye Plan",Accurately identify key issues and goals in the market order。Carry out "Operation Sharp Sword",Focus on “unreasonable low-price travel”、10 special rectification actions including illegal operations of online travel companies。Launching the national tourism supervision service platform nationwide,Implement socialization、Flattening、Real-time、Normalized and intelligent supervision。Implementing the "Joint Punishment Memorandum of Responsible Parties Relevant for Serious Distrust in the Tourism Sector"。Establishing a national tourism quality supervision and law enforcement backbone database。Carry out the selection of typical trees for the “1+3+N” tourism market comprehensive supervision mechanism。Strengthen the supervision and implementation of tourism standards,Play the fundamental role of standards in tourism development。Continue to promote the reform of tour guide practice,Formulate the "Management Measures for Star Rating of Tour Guide Service (Trial)",Strengthen the promotion and application of electronic tour guide certificates。

(11) Strengthening safety protection in accordance with the law,Vigorously promote tourism safety capacity building

Safety is the lifeline of tourism,It is the first request of tourists when traveling,It is also the primary meaning of developing high-quality tourism。We now have nearly 5 billion domestic trips every year,Nearly 300 million inbound and outbound tourism,It can be said,No other country in the world has such a large market size。And,Our travel routes are getting wider and wider,Tourists are getting further and further away,There are more and more tourism consumption links。How to do a good job in tourism safety under the new situation,It has become a new challenge that we cannot avoid and must attach great importance to。We must coordinate the relationship between development and security,Enhance awareness of danger,Improve safety management level,Effectively improve the ability to prevent and resist tourism safety risks,Construct a tourism safety network。Establish and improve the tourism safety responsibility decomposition mechanism in accordance with the law、Supervision and inspection mechanism、Listing supervision mechanism、Discuss the accountability mechanism、Work target assessment mechanism、Accident accountability mechanism。

We need to carry out special rectification actions such as the safety of tourist chartered cars,Improving rescue facilities for high-risk tourism projects,Develop management measures for high-risk tourism projects。Strengthen tourism safety publicity and training,Organize and carry out "Tourism Safety Production Month" activities nationwide,Holding a special training on national tourism safety emergency management,Strengthen safety education for frontline staff such as tour guides。Improve travel insurance protection capabilities,Revised "Travel Agency Liability Insurance Management Measures",Guide and optimize the "Travel Agency Liability Insurance National Unified Insurance Demonstration Project"。Improve tourism safety emergency response capabilities,Improve tourism emergency information reporting and emergency duty system。

(12) Pay attention to the advantages of science and technology,Vigorously promote a new round of "toilet revolution"

General Secretary Xi’s full affirmation of the “toilet revolution”,Greatly stimulated the solid work of the national tourism front、Enthusiasm and drive to pioneer and forge ahead,Gives us strong motivation and confidence to promote the "toilet revolution" and the development of the tourism industry。At the same time,We must see clearly,The results of the "toilet revolution" are preliminary,Toilet work is long-term、Difficulty、Repeatability,We must resolutely follow General Secretary Xi’s instructions,Further consolidate and expand the results of the “Toilet Revolution”,Solidly promote the new three-year action plan of "Toilet Revolution",Focus on relying on technology to solve toilet construction problems、Improve toilet management、Optimize toilet services、Explore toilet creativity,Promote the expansion of "toilet revolution" from scenic spots to the whole area、Expanding from cities to rural areas、Expanding from the East to the Midwest、Expand from quantity increase to quality improvement,In-depth promotion of toilet civilization action,Continue to vigorously advocate civilized toileting in the whole society。We must resolutely correct formalism in some places、The wrong approach of building a so-called "five-star toilet",Toilet planning should always adhere to a scientific layout,Don’t blindly compare,What matters is whether there is a solution or not;Toilet design should always adhere to local conditions,Not weird and kitsch,The emphasis is on reasonableness and practicality;Toilet construction must always adhere to local materials,Not extravagant and extravagant,The emphasis is on convenience and durability;Toilet management must always adhere to the responsibilities in place,Free to use,,Clean and hygienic,No gust of wind,Emphasis on daily maintenance,To effectively make up for this shortcoming that affects the quality of people’s lives。

We must follow the new three-year plan of "Toilet Revolution",New construction, renovation and expansion 6.40,000 toilets,Focus on solving the problem of toilet land、Funds、Technology、Environmental protection、Key issues such as civilized propaganda,Focus on the construction and improvement of the "toilet revolution"、Management service improvement、Technology improvement、Four major actions to improve civilization。Relying on information technology to transform and upgrade the national tourist toilet project management system,Implementing refined management of toilet projects。Relying on information platform to improve China’s global tourism toilet navigation system,Convenient for tourists and people to use the toilet。Increase financial policy support,Promote special tourism funds at all levels to tilt towards toilet projects,Introducing more preferential policies for toilet construction。Implementing the “Toilet Revolution” Demonstration Project,Promote the "Director System" and "Toilet Open Alliance"。Continue to carry out civilized toilet use in scenic spots、Enter the community、Into rural areas and other series of publicity activities,Resolutely resist vulgar and ugly toilet behavior,Promote the whole society to form a positive, healthy and progressive toilet culture。

(13) Firmly pursue tourism for the people and benefit the people,Vigorously improve the technological level of tourism public services

Improving people’s livelihood and well-being is the fundamental purpose of development。We must uphold the people-centered development philosophy,To improve people’s lives、Promoting people’s well-being is the starting point and final destination of tourism work,Continuously meet the people’s growing needs for a better tourism life in the process of developing high-quality tourism。We must insist on tourism for the people、Awareness of the purpose of tourism to benefit the people,Seeking more benefits for people’s livelihood、Relieve tourists’ worries,Continuously strengthen the construction of various software and hardware,Complete the shortcomings of tourism public services;We must rely on information technology,Continuously improve the quality of tourism public services,Effectively implement traffic control in scenic spots,Easing holiday tourist congestion;Adapt to the development of new media,Increase the temperature、Distinctive、Grounding、Multiple forms of tourism news promotion supply。

We need to unite with the National Development and Reform Commission、The Ministry of Transport launches a batch of tourist scenic route demonstration routes,Promote the construction of national tourist scenic routes。Launch a batch of tourism public signage demonstration projects,Promote tourist attractions、Transportation distribution point、Construction of tourism public signage system such as tourist service center。Carry out actions to improve holiday tourism management and unblock holiday tourist attractions,Establish a reservation mechanism for holiday travel tickets in key scenic spots、Intelligent monitoring system for tourist flow in holiday scenic spots,Implement the "Guidelines for the Approval of Maximum Carrying Capacity of Scenic Areas" and "Specifications for Responding to Peak Tourist Hours in Scenic Areas"。Do a good job in tourism news reporting and public opinion response during the holidays。Implementing 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino the “Ten Thousand Miles of Tourism Quality Journey” news focus action and the tourism and cultural quality construction action。Continue to hold the "China Tourism Day" event,Introducing more tourism benefits measures。Joined with the National Development and Reform Commission to launch an action to reduce prices and improve quality of state-owned scenic spots。

(14) Strengthening talents to develop tourism,Vigorously promote the construction of innovative high-quality tourism talent team

Talent is the key to realizing the great rejuvenation of the nation、Strategic resources to proactively win international competition,Is the key to promoting the development of tourism。Talent is the foundation of business。Adapting to the needs of tourism development in the new era,We must speed up the establishment of a new talent development mechanism,Implement talent development plan,Implement key talent projects。Focus on cultivating innovative scientific and technological compound tourism talents,Cultivation and training of a large number of people with international vision、Professional strategic talents、Leading talents、Young talents,We must focus on strengthening basic theoretical research and practical application research,To develop high-quality tourism、Building a world tourism power has established a strong latecomer advantage and theoretical support for a high-quality tourism talent team。

We must continue to organize and implement the “Ten Thousand Tourism Talents Plan”、Tourism Young Expert Training Program,Start the tourism basic theory research and tourism statistics and data analysis talent development support plan,Carry out the construction of industry talent training expert database。To the United Nations World Tourism Organization、Excellent tourism talents recommended by international organizations such as the World Tourism Alliance。Carry out good talent assistance to Tibet、Xinjiang Aid Project。Further improve the tour guide qualification examination management system,Expand the scale of talent training for “gold medal tour guides”。Strengthening the National Tourism Talent Training Base、Tourism Poverty Alleviation Training Base、Construction of Tourism Vocational School-Enterprise Cooperation Demonstration Base。Holding the National Vocational College Skills Competition、China-Russia Tourism Talent Forum。Promote the construction of the National Tourism Documentation Center。Vigorously promote the construction of local and corporate tourism data centers。Convening the China Tourism Science Annual Conference。Promote the work of China Tourism Think Tank and China Tourism Reform and Development Advisory Committee。

(15) Stimulate the vitality and creativity of market entities,Vigorously guide high-quality growth of tourism investment

Tourism investment is the vane of market activities,On the one hand, we must pay full attention to the decisive role of the market in allocating tourism resources,Deepen the reform of market-oriented allocation of factors,Stimulate the vitality and creativity of market entities。On the other hand, macro-control must be implemented,Create a relaxed market operation and investment environment in terms of institutions and policies,Strengthen rational investment guidance,Improve the scientific and artistic nature of guidance,Further optimize the investment structure,Further promote effective investment, especially reasonable growth of private investment,Promote high-quality growth of tourism investment。

We must promote and connect high-quality projects。Work with China Development Bank and other deepening projects and financial institutions、Investor cooperation,Promote high-quality projects with market potential to enter various financial markets。Continue to hold the China Tourism Investment and Financing Promotion Conference,Selecting the winning units of China Tourism Industry Outstanding Contribution Award ("Pegasus Award"),Guide the operation of China Tourism Industry Fund,Promote the construction of a national tourism resource asset trading platform。Improve the national tourism investment project system。Support the World Tourism Alliance in hosting the World Tourism Industry Expo。Accelerate the reform and opening up of travel agencies,Licensing Sino-foreign joint venture travel agencies to operate outbound tourism business within a certain scope,Expand the scope of outbound tourism business of wholly foreign-owned travel agencies。

(16) Improving the overall image of China’s tourism,Vigorously promote multi-polar linkage in tourism market promotion

Marketing is related to the survival, development and growth of the industry。We often talk,Marketing is not a panacea,But it is absolutely impossible to leave marketing promotion。We want to implement China’s tourism international competitiveness improvement plan,Strive to promote reform and innovation in tourism market promotion,Strengthen the central and local governments、Tourism promotion system for linkage between government, enterprises and departments,Work hard to improve the country’s overall tourism image、Expansion of tourism promotion platform、Integration of tourism promotion forces、Innovative means of tourism promotion、Five Major Projects for Tourism Promotion Performance Appraisal,Effectively enhance the intensity and effect of marketing promotion。

We must be guided by the overall tourism image of “Beautiful China”,Promote and promote the 2018 “Global Tourism Year”。Fully mobilize various tourism promotion alliances、Place、Corporate enthusiasm,Pay attention to important overseas tourist source markets to participate in exhibitions、Joint promotion activities,Enhance the influence of major brands such as “The Great Wall”, “World Heritage” and “Silk Road”。Hold joint promotion activities such as "Beautiful China - Charming Yangtze River", "Maritime Silk Road - Thousand Miles of Tea Smell", "Ice and Snow Journey",Joined with Russia and Mongolia to promote the "Ten Thousand Miles of Tea Ceremony" tourism。Implementing tourism marketing promotion performance assessment,Select some large-scale activities to try first。Need to coordinate and optimize inbound tourism policies,Promote inbound tourism facilitation。

(17) Guided by building a community with a shared future for mankind,Vigorously carry out proactive tourism diplomacy

The dreams of the Chinese people are closely connected with the dreams of people all over the world,Realizing the Chinese Dream is inseparable from a peaceful international environment。Opening up brings progress,Closing will inevitably lead to backwardness。China’s open door will not be closed,It will only open wider and wider。We must comprehensively deploy tourism diplomacy,Coordinate the advantages of inbound and outbound tourism market,Deepening the “Belt and Road” international cooperation in tourism,Actively participate in the reform and construction of the global tourism governance system,Continuously contribute Chinese wisdom and solutions,Comprehensively enhance the comprehensive competitiveness and international influence of China’s tourism,Creating a new situation in tourism diplomacy,Promote the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind。

We must run China-EU successfully、China-Canada Tourism Year。Expand international cooperation in “Belt and Road” tourism,Succeed in the SCO Tourism Ministers’ Meeting、China-Central and Eastern Europe High-Level Tourism Conference、China-Russia-Mongolia Tourism Ministers Meeting。Organize activities such as China-U.S. high-level tourism dialogue。Actively participate in Chinese and English、中法、Chinese Indonesia、Middle-earth、China-Argentina (Argentina) and other intergovernmental cooperation mechanisms,Proactively design achievements in the field of tourism。Deepening China and the United States、China and Russia、China-Australia、China-Portuguese、China-New Zealand (New Zealand) and other bilateral tourism pragmatic cooperation mechanisms。Actively seize the new opportunities brought to us by the World Tourism Alliance,Provide more international platforms for local governments and enterprises。

(18) Deepening tourism exchanges and cooperation,Vigorously promote the prosperity and development of the tourism industry in the Mainland (Mainland), Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan

Party report emphasizes,Support Hong Kong、Macao integrates into the overall development of the country,Expand cross-strait economic and cultural exchanges and cooperation。We must further improve the tourism policy system related to Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan、Strengthen policy implementation,Improving the quality and comprehensive benefits of tourism in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan,Focus on promoting tourism facilitation and integrated development in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area,Continuously expand the cooperation space for the tourism industry of Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan,Realize the transformation of the Hong Kong and Macao inbound market from “seeking scale” to “increasing efficiency”,Maintain the steady growth and healthy development of tourism market exchanges across the Taiwan Strait,Give full play to the role of tourism in promoting the development of the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao、The important role in emotional exchanges between the people of mainland China and Taiwan,Enhance the national awareness and patriotic spirit of Hong Kong and Macao compatriots,Promote compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait to jointly promote Chinese culture,Promote spiritual harmony。

We want to establish the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Tourism Integration" brand,Establish a coordination mechanism for integrated tourism development,Preparation of tourism development plan for the Greater Bay Area urban agglomeration,Carry out the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Tourism Season" series of activities,Support Macao in building a tourism education and training base,Establishing a "one-journey multi-stop" tourism boutique route and project library in the Greater Bay Area。Carry out joint action on tourism market supervision in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao。Promote tourism cooperation between the West Coast Economic Zone and Taiwan。Implementing the 2018-2020 "Chinese Civilization·Passing on the Fire" Taiwan youth to study in the mainland "Hundreds and Thousands Plan"。Holding the Second Cross-Strait Travel Agents Conference and Rural Tourism Industry Exchange Promotion Activities, etc.。

*Source of this article: China Tourism News, original title: "2018 National Tourism Work Report

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