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Industrial Investment Author of this article: Zhihui 2019-03-01
Entrepreneurs should pay more attention to humanistic things,See more philosophy、History、Poetry、Literature, etc.,Open your humanistic vision,You must have your own spiritual belonging,You have to think,To think about the ultimate destiny of mankind,You need to understand the definition of physics,When you are happy, you can express it in poetry,Instead of relying on karaoke。
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In the first decade of the 21st century,Ji Qi founded and participated in the creation of three companies (Ctrip、Rujia and Hanting),The market value of three of its companies exceeds US$1 billion。When the last company he founded, Hanting Hotel Chain, went public in 2010,He is only 44 years old。

Ji Qi said there will be no fourth one,The reason lies in the title of his book "A Lifetime's Career",He believes that the hotel business requires more time from him to run,He said his entrepreneurship is not legendary。The secret to success,He thinks the secret does not lie with him,It lies in the rise of China’s huge consumer market。

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From 1999 to 2010,In almost ten years,I founded and participated in the creation of three companies (Ctrip、Home Inn、Hanting),Lastly, these three companies were successfully listed on NASDAQ in the United States,The market value also exceeds 1 billion US dollars。

Taken together, these three companies have many things in common.

The first feature、The actual business model is not exactly the same as the initial financing。Ctrip from online travel agency to booking center,Homeinns from hotel alliance to economical direct operation,Hanting ranges from mid-range limited service to budget hotel。

The key thing in this process is that the entrepreneurial team must have the ability to adapt,Continuous exploration and innovation。If you stick to the unrealistic ideal model,These start-ups may die in the cradle。When the ideal model is tested in practice,We must be able to keenly find a realistic and feasible path,Then keep insisting,Expand the results,Only can you achieve great things。

The second feature、Basically, these three companies have been established in about three years。Ctrip 1999-2002,Home Inns from 2003-2005,Hanting from 2007 to 2010。

Just like growth and development,In three years,The business model of this enterprise、Team、Frame、Character、Trait、The cultural and other foundations have been developed,Further growth follows。Chinese startups,Three years is a hurdle,Able to reach a certain level within three years,There is greater hope for the future。This is because China’s entrepreneurial 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino companies are growing faster,Imitate、Many followers,Failed to stand out in about three years,It’s easy to get mixed up in a group of homogeneous companies,Stay mediocre。

The third feature、Both have experienced a major test。Ctrip has experienced the Internet bubble,Home Inns experienced the SARS period,Hanting encountered a financial crisis,And I also agree that crises are often catalysts for companies:

First, because of the crisis,Internal response to crisis,Companies need to mobilize the best parts of themselves,Push your potential to the maximum。The crisis has become the driving force for our growth。As Gorky said in "Petrel": Let the storm come more violently!

Second, the crisis also eliminated or weakened many peers and competitors,Making it easier for some companies with excellent genes to grow after the crisis。Crisis is a test of speculation,Only a serious and persistent enterprise can survive the storm and become stronger,Instead of being drowned in bubbles,Or destroyed by storm。

The fourth characteristic、Both are the perfect combination of entrepreneurial spirit and professional managers。Ctrip starts with me,Jianzhang (Liang Jianzhang) laid a solid foundation,Fan Min carries forward,Nanpeng (Shen Nanpeng) is financing、Absolutely professional and excellent in law and other aspects;I laid the foundation for Home Inns,Sun Jian took over successfully;I started Hanting too,Zhang Tuo、Zhang Min joined me to lay the foundation。

I am an entrepreneur with a strong entrepreneurial spirit,If you don’t have systematic management experience and knowledge,It is difficult to build a big company,It may even get in the way。Professional managers do not have strong advantages in the start-up period,It may even get in the way。Whether it’s intentional or not,But all three of our companies combine the two very well。

In China,Entrepreneur and Professional are both precious and scarce resources,Mutual respect should be given,Get along as equals。Don’t let “rich people” look down on “educated people”,Don’t look down on the “turtle” as a “turtle”,In fact, neither of these two people can replace the other,Who doesn’t follow this rule,You will pay a heavy price。

In the current business ecological environment,An ideal entrepreneur should be familiar with both China and the West: not only must be familiar with the local business logic and environment,You also need to be well versed in Eastern history, culture and traditions;Not only must you understand the language and rules of Western business,We must also learn to use efficient management methods and tools of modern enterprises。

The fifth characteristic、They are all re-engineering of traditional industries。Ctrip is a traditional travel agency upgraded to a modern travel service company;Home Inns and Hanting Hotels are both traditional hotel industries 188bet online sports betting that have been upgraded into modern hotel chains。These are also representative cases of the "China service" that I often advocate。

While learning from the business models of developed countries in Europe and the United States,Based on China’s specific conditions,Carry out transformational innovation and application,Becoming very productive。Because of human matter、Spiritual needs and enjoyment,Always from low level to high level,From simple to complex。The service industry in Europe and the United States has developed before us,Has been selected according to customer needs。

China’s service industry will generally follow their development trajectory,Therefore,In the service industry,Inheriting mature business models from Europe and the United States is particularly valuable;Study their growth trajectory and reasons for success or failure,It is also very beneficial for us latecomers。

2. Experience of the management team

I have made a discovery over the years,The founding team of the company are all talented people,After a company becomes bigger,Capable people are the first to join the company。This has been verified by the three companies I founded,These cadres of our company all worked hard together from the earliest days。

I believe there are many entrepreneurs,I worried about building a team in the early days,My past experience with this can be summarized into "three Shu",How to understand it?

The first shu: acquaintance,You must find people around you,Acquaintance、Friend、Classmate、Relatives,I think this is a way to find someone,And it is also the most effective method。

The second shu: layman,That is, ordinary people,But you must find ordinary people who are hungry。

The third shu: Shuren,That is, a person with good moral character。If he is not very talented, you can change his position,But if the character is not good, the cost of replacement will be very high。In the initial team,The moral character or character of members is still very important。

Don’t look for these two types of people:

1)、Never go to executives from foreign companies,They are all elegant people。

2)、Don’t look for people who have successfully started a business,Generally, people like this will feel that they are awesome。There are people who have traveled across the sea,Not good for the team,His personal maintenance cost is high,The cost of change is also high。

If you can’t find top talent,Only looking for ordinary people。The only thing you can do is focus,Focus on things to do,Points of concern,Decision-making should also be focused。

In the early days of starting a business,You want centralization,Even dictatorship。Want all rights,All thoughts must be focused on one person,It’s best to be alone,Not two people。Because when I started my business,Resources are very precious,Especially time,If your opponent is faster than 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino you,Received financing first,Then you will be very passive。

I used to have a method called the three-three system,Personally verified by us,It can indeed improve our internal organizational management efficiency,Save a lot of costs。This method was originally a tactic of Lin Biao,Mainly three people,One who is good at attacking,One who is good at defense,A good at covering,Use three people as a group,Because there was no Internet during the war,No walkie-talkie,Can only survive independently。If three people die and one person dies,Form a new group from other broken groups,Lin Biao used this very well。

I was inspired by Lin Biao,The three-three system is also used in enterprises。At the beginning I merged three hotels into one hotel,Do the sales of three hotels together,Later, we gradually formed the idea of ​​using 3 as the basic unit to manage business。

This brings a benefit,First of all, it saves a lot of money in manpower,Then the company can use the money to hire better employees,For example, there were three store managers,After such an adjustment,Shrunk into a store manager。The calculation of our three-three system is incredible,At that time, 2,000 stores saved a lot of labor costs,Such a small organizational change,It has such a big effect。

3. Entrepreneurial thinking

In the process of starting my business,There are two views that have a profound impact on me:

The first point of view: the law of the jungle.

Many people think that the "Law of the Jungle" is just life and death,The weak eats the strong,But they ignored the other side of the "law of the jungle" - the law of symbiosis,This refers to the big tree and moss、Xiaocao、Bush、Flowers grow together。None of these,The nutrients from the big tree cannot be obtained;These things are not protected by big trees,Can’t survive either。

A towering tree,In the process of growing up,Competing with similar people for sunlight、Rain and Dew,Losers can only shrink、Broken、Decay。Last,Form a colorful circle around the big tree、A prosperous and harmonious symbiotic world。You take a broad look at a society,That is a colorful symbiotic jungle。To be a great enterprise,You must be able to coexist with all aspects of society,Selfish、It’s not enough to be the only one on your own。

How to persuade、Impress the resource owner,I think it’s symbiosis and win-win。Every interaction、Transaction、Get along,They are all testing grounds for the principle of symbiosis。Couple、Father and son、Lover、Between companies,It’s all a symbiotic relationship。Learn to coexist,This world will be harmonious。Look at cooperation from this perspective,You will feel much calmer。

The second point of view: go with the flow.

Starting a business should be smooth sailing,The so-called smooth flow,Just follow the trend,Don’t expect a small company to make waves,This is 188bet app unlikely。You can use wood,Follow the flow、Water trend,This is the best way to start a business。

specific to China,The five major industries that Chinese people need to grasp when starting a business are just five words: clothing、Food、Live、row、Entertainment。China’s advantage is its large population,And they are the most middle class。At the same time,The central government implements mercantilist policies,The local government spares no effort in attracting investment,In tax、Land、Provide financial and other support。

Now China Mobile、ICBC、Tencent、Taobao and others are already the largest companies in the world,Such a situation will occur in many service areas: e-commerce、Game、Travel booking、Clothing、Catering...from the basics、Live、Let’s go to further consumption upgrade,If you start a business from this area,Can cover the most basic consumption,Winning market space。

So,I suggest you when choosing a business direction,Be sure to consider two points:

1), choose one that is close to people’s livelihood, food, clothing, housing, transportation and entertainment;

2). Consumption upgrading must be taken into consideration.

I feel the same now as I did five years ago、Same as ten years ago,There are still many great opportunities,If you don’t start a business in this era, you will regret it,If you want to start a business,I suggest you do things that go with the flow,Don’t do things like sailing against the current!

4. The biggest gain from starting a business

Most people think,I founded three billion-dollar listed companies,The most rewarding thing should be money and fame。I won’t say it hypocritically: I regard money and fame as dirt。Money does allow us to achieve financial freedom,No longer have to run around for a living,Let us choose more freely。

But I think of myself again when I was young,What everyone is sitting together discussing is not making money,Discussing Nietzsche,Very humanistic spirit、With feelings。We were short of money at that time,But I don’t want money,Books at that time were very cheap,But this era lacks spirit、Lack of humanities,So everyone has to sell spirit and humanity。

But,True spirit and feelings are more important than ever。Entrepreneurs should pay more attention to humanistic things,See more philosophy、History、Poetry、Literature, etc.,Open your humanistic vision,You must have your own spiritual belonging,You have to think,To think about the ultimate destiny of mankind,You need to understand the definition of physics,When you are happy, you can express it in poetry,Instead of relying on karaoke to express your feelings。

For me,The greatest gain that entrepreneurship has brought me is more than just wealth and freedom。

Do Ctrip,I realized my original dream of wealth,No more pressure in life,The mentality becomes calm and calm。

Do it like home,Experienced too many things,But these have exercised me,Make me more open-minded,Learned tolerance and tolerance。

Being Hanting,Let me see my mission in this life clearly,Know what I want in this life。188bet online sports betting But the first two companies do not have this level。What filled my heart at that time was desire: the desire for money,Desire for fame,Desire for personal achievement。The so-called "removing human desires,Cun Tianli" is very reasonable。Your inner desires calm down,Be able to understand and understand the nature and meaning of life more clearly。

Once I met the founder of AccorHotels (he and his partners founded the hotel group with the highest market value in the world,Also one of the seniors and teachers I admire,Talk about life in front of the "If You Are the One" cafe on the back seaside in Beijing。I asked him: Your life is so brilliant,Any regrets?He replied: First, he felt that he spent too much time in politics (he was once a French senator,Also served as mayor of Fontainebleau),Second, he is very successful in his career,But I have some regrets about my family。

At that time I thought: If I were also an old man in his 70s,Sitting by the North Sea,A young student asked me the same question,If I answer the same way,My life is quite sad。I think I shouldn’t live like this。Since senior can tell me his regrets along the way,Can I do better?

My life goals are very clear now:

First、Together with my friends,Making Hanting the largest and best hotel group in the world。That is, to achieve "a group of like-minded friends,The ideal of achieving great things happily。

Second、I just want to live the life I want,Don’t be happy with things,Not tired of fame。It is more important to truly live your life well,I want to cherish the life God gave me,I want to live this life very interestingly。When I was sitting on the beach in my 70s and young people asked me,I will tell him calmly and calmly that my life is very interesting,Living the life I wanted to live。This is through three entrepreneurial ventures,Especially Hanting,What I learned and realized。

As age increases、Career development,My own mentality、View of life、Values ​​are also changing,And it is developing in a good direction。Become calm、Indifferent、Tolerance and altruism。Maybe compared to when I was young,Less impulsive,But more mature and wise。

This is my business,The most rewarding、The most valuable part—as we grow,We are doing good,And become pure and simple。

*Source of this articlePintu Business Review, original title: "Ji Qi: My entrepreneurship is not a legend

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