It is difficult for 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O homogeneous enterprises to survive in 2015,Where is the blue ocean?

Author 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino: Liu Zhaohui 2015-06-19
188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O is still full of opportunities,Whether it is online efficiency improvement or offline product and service guarantee, The 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry must return to its commercial nature,Return to 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino products、Essence of service,Profound understanding of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O,Find the next blue ocean of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O in different ways。

O2O becomes popular,Popularization of the Internet+ concept,The increase in per capita GDP brings consumption upgrade,Travel has become a necessary lifestyle for people and has become a general trend,All of this is rapidly promoting the development of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O。The market is hot,Travel O2O has become popular,The frequency with which 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino has dominated news headlines has repeatedly caught people’s attention in the first half of this year: Didi Kuaidi’s merger,Private Taxi War,Tour guide swearing incident,17 travel agencies cut off supply of Tuniu、 takes over Tuniu,Ctrip merges with Elong,Ctrip network is down,Caesar joins forces with to create a 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O social marketing ecosystem, etc.。

National 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Director Li Jinzao said that China’s 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry is entering a golden period of development。The performance of capital in the past few years can be called fanatical。As of December 30, 2014,A total of 130 investment incidents occurred in the domestic online travel industry,Financing amount is nearly 30 billion US dollars,The amount of investment this year may double again to reach or even exceed 60 billion US dollars。

With the acquisition of eLong,BAT、、Xiaomi、360 and other Internet giants have fully entered the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O field,Large travel companies are seeking to combine online and offline services: CYTS +,Zhongxin+Youya,,HNA+NetEase,,It can be said that 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O has entered a period of giant integration。I checked the number of travel O2O apps installed on my mobile phone,Up to 350 or more,It can be bluntly said that startups with serious homogeneity in the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O field in 2015 will gradually enter a period of mass death。The general rule of Internet entrepreneurship is to start with finding pain points,The current pain points in the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O field generally include the following aspects。

1. 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino penetration rate develops slowly

188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino is the first field to get involved in O2O,Ctrip Elong has been following the O2O model since its birth in 1999,It’s just that a closed loop was not formed at that time or even for a long time in the future,The beginning of the integration of traditional 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino and the Internet is also the beginning of 020。With the increase in the number of smartphones produced,Mobile Internet becomes popular,The app has naturally become the standard feature of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O,Every hotel and travel agency has also established an official website、Even opened a Taobao Tmall store,But does this mean that the efficiency of the online part of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O is already very high?We answer this question through a set of data。According to iResearch monitoring data,The transaction size of China’s online travel market reached 3077 in 2014.900 million yuan,Online penetration rate reaches 9.2%,But the penetration rate only increased by 1 compared to the previous year.7 percentage points。The online air ticket market accounted for 62% in 2014.7%,The penetration rate increased by 1 percentage point compared with 2013;Online vacations accounted for 14% in 2014.6%,Proportion continues to rise,But the Internet penetration rate is only 2 higher than in 2013.4 percentage points。

2. 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino app trapped in zombie dilemma

Meanwhile,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino apps are seriously homogenized,Currently, there are more than 4 million apps in major Chinese app stores only,However, about 80% of “zombie applications” are facing elimination,The average life cycle of an App is only 10 months,85% of users delete apps they downloaded from their phones within a month,And after 5 months,These apps have only a 5% retention rate。The application analyst Adjust report (TheUndeadAppStoreThecoursefordiscoveryin2015) still exists,However, statistics on applications that consumers can no longer see are actually made,And call them "zombieapps"。Report Display,Zombified apps in the App Store increased from 74% last January to 83%,The zombie rate of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino apps is as high as 80%。

Comparison of zombie rates of different applications

3. Offline 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino products are seriously homogenized and services are backward

The most serious problem offline in China’s 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry is the serious homogeneity of products,Severely out of touch with market demand,Late service。Product providers and service providers are misaligned and not well coordinated。Especially travel route design,Take scenic spots as an example,The general path for the birth of tourist routes is through local governments、Travel planning、Developer、Operator、Travel agency、Finally to the tourist consumption level,China’s 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino planners are generally composed of middle-aged and elderly experts,In both the research and planning processes, more consideration is given to the needs of local governments and developers,The needs of the end tourists will also be taken into consideration when planning,But the methods and insights into consumers are derailed from the real needs of consumers。Plus from planning to scenic spot opening,Even if the planning and design concepts are advanced, it is still difficult to meet the changing needs of young people,Domestic 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino planning agencies are relatively concentrated or even monopolized,Most scenic spot planning comes from several similar systems,Rufengzhiye、Green Vision、earth、Scenery, etc.,The root cause of product homogeneity lies in institutional issues。

4. Fusion closed-loop problem

I was inZhihui 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino NetworkPosted"There are three major pain points in realizing 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O",It is mentioned that 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O must be truly formed,Resource configuration needs to be completed both online and offline、Benefit distribution and smooth flow of all links。The online part has long been dominated by OTAs and e-commerce platforms,Air tickets with a high level of electronics and Internet、Mainly hotel standardized products。The GDS system in the air ticket field ensures the transmission of information and the completion of transactions,Hotel next。But the hotel’s PMS management system also solves the information problem better (Inn、B&B、Except independent hotels)。So whether air ticket or hotel products are sold through OTA channels or direct sales from the official website,All have laid the foundation for the realization of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O。But the long-term resource dispersion in the ticket field、Product with low unit price,The low level of informatization makes it a difficult problem for informatization,It is very difficult to become a competitive product on your own,So inns and tickets in the hotel area,They all need PMS products that are more suitable for them。These critical infrastructure software can connect online and offline lines,The business process must be opened up、Improving the interest coordination mechanism,And form an online and offline O2O closed loop。

Where is the next blue ocean for 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O?

1、There is still room for big data application and intelligent 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino management

The future development direction of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O will develop in two directions,The first one is going up,Platformization、Cloud-based、Big data,One or two large platform companies will be born in this field,Currently, Ctrip Qunar is the first frontline,Mama Donkey、、 is the second front,Meituan may be a dark horse。In this process, large companies will complete the process through mergers, acquisitions and reorganization of small and medium-sized online travel companies,So in the future, small and medium-sized OTAs will face the same solution as eLong。The other direction is the severe sinking of vertical subdivisions (products、Service)、Towards 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O,Consolidate the control of offline resources,Enhance comprehensive service capabilities,This field will give birth to new giants that are different from pure Internet platforms。In an attempt to develop upwards, Ctrip and hotel big data provider Zhonghui are doing similar things,Internationally, booking’s intelligent and personalized recommendations in inventory management are the most worthy of reference。And where to compare prices in the field of air tickets、Cool News、Skyscanner、kayak is more mature,But Qunar’s platform road has brought it to a more embarrassing point。

2、Humanized application of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino tools improves the efficiency of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino decision-making

Pre-tour decision-making management is a very important entry point,But in the past, UGC websites used 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino guide products,It is difficult to solve the problems of user stickiness and monetization with a simple itinerary assistant and there is a large amount of information redundancy,It is no longer convenient to use in the mobile Internet era。In the row, it is more appropriate to use the record sharing tool as the entrance,But it needs to be the ultimate in functionality,You should be warned if your footnotes are too thin,The recording and presentation method of Bread 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino based on LBS is currently the best among similar products,But at the same time, it faces the diversion of large-scale social tools,Challenges remain。Tripadvisor is the most mature post-trip review function abroad,Compared to gogobot, mobility is its shortcoming,The Chinese brand has just been renamed TripAdvisor and the next step in its transformation is worth looking forward to,Localization、Rejuvenation、Mobility is a long-term challenge it faces。It is worth noting that it is no longer appropriate to divide the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino decision-making stages from before, during, and after the trip,Because the mobile Internet has compressed these three stages into one stage,This will increase the functional challenge for 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino tools。It is becoming increasingly difficult to stand out with a simple functional tool。For example, combining air tickets、Hotel、Planning your 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino itinerary becomes extremely complicated after you have the tickets,Such a trip planning tool,The 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino team tries deeper with clever ideas,The itinerary planning and intelligent calculation methods based on big data have great imagination,And Google’s vision positioning in the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry makes it look ambitious。

3、Product improvement and service upgrade are fundamental to ensuring the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino experience

On product improvement,A unique trip in China、Youxiang International、Foreign A&K,Grammy is doing better,Marriott’s smart attempt 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino hotel industry,Home Inn Boutique Hotel、Pudding youthful positioning、Atour’s personalization attempts are a good breakthrough point,Airbnb and Xiaozhu short-term rental of human-friendly accommodation、Tujia Leisure Vacation Rental’s transformation with Chinese characteristics has great room for growth,uber、The improvement of domestic private car services 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino car rental field has brought new market opportunities,The new economic model derived from the sharing economy deserves attention,Once its platform characteristics are formed,Huge space。

4. The value of enterprise-level services is still great

I have communicated with entrepreneurs in the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O field many times,The online backend logic design is perfect,The general assumption is: "If I have 1 million users,My big data,C2B reverse booking,Precise positioning..." In fact, this kind of "chicken first, egg" logic is not valid,A good product plan not only includes the functions to be implemented,In addition to accurately solving users’ pain points,Also consider its promotion cycle、Market Strategy、Management costs, etc.,For example, marketing is a big challenge for most technical teams,To the hotel、Scenic Area、Same destination,So marketing for enterprise-level services and destinations still has great value,But enterprise applications include more than just these。

Recently including IDG、Sequoia、Several 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino institutions including Northern Lights,They all held a public sharing meeting on 2B business,Zhang Peng, 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Director of Northern Light Venture Capital, even believes that the spring of 2B business has arrived。The reasons are as follows:

First, the small and medium-sized enterprise market is in a huge blank state.

Second, changes 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino macro environment.Maturity of software and hardware environment (network environment、Smart devices, etc.);Changes in service scenarios: the popularity of mobile 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino、Instant messaging technology greatly reduces communication costs。Service methods have changed,For example, cloud computing、The rise of SaaS。

Third,Enterprise-level services are 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino process of rapid innovation and rapid penetration in China。188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino aspect is mainly reflected in two points: the acceleration of demand from small and medium-sized enterprises,From unconsciousness to direct need。Diversification of application scenarios

Fourth, communication, collaboration, marketing, management, etc.So enterprise-level services based on the Internet/mobile Internet 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino be NextBigThing。

Also,Zuoyu Capital, which focuses on 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O investment and research, not only covers the 2C field,There is also a layout in the 2B field,According to Hu Weidong, founder of Zuoyu Capital, Zuoyu Capital focuses on the opportunities for information technology to transform the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry chain in the 2B field and the opportunities for integration and upgrading of domestic scenic spots,It can be seen that 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O professional investment institutions attach as much importance to 2B as they do to the new 2C model,Also reflects the breadth and diversity of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino opportunities。

188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O is still an area full of opportunities,Whether it is online efficiency improvement or offline product and service guarantee,It is too early to tell about the Red Sea,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino practitioners are following the hype,Don’t be hot-headed,Blindly following the trend,Don’t just copy the concepts mechanically,Return to the essence of business,Return to 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino products、Essence of service,Profound understanding of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O,Find the next blue ocean of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino O2O in different ways。Only by integrating online and offline 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino to form a closed loop of O2O can we truly achieve the comprehensive improvement of consumer experience and the comprehensive upgrade of the industry,Only then will the entire industry have greater room for development。

(Author of this article: Liu Zhaohui;Founder of Zhihui 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino;WeChat public account "Liu Zhaohui",Personal WeChat ID: liuzhao-hui;Welcome to follow,Please indicate when adding,[name+unit+position],Convenient remarks,Thank you very much for your support!)

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