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Author of this article: Liu Pangpang 2015-06-20
Many people also believe that various combinations of online and offline can be considered O2O,One of the criteria for judging O2O is: whether a company is considered an O2O company,It depends on how to separate the two O,Can it still maintain its original business model?。
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188bet app download But before the internet,Most of the traditional industries have been developed for thousands of years,It is an almost impossible task to reconstruct any point,They have been optimized beyond optimization,Everyone is competing based on the resources they have on hand,Then see who has the highest efficiency at every point。

一、The emergence of the Internet,Making the reconstruction of traditional industries possible。

The first wave of the Internet achieved the most basic surface reconstruction: the reconstruction of the aggregation and distribution of information。The most obvious example is the portal、Baidu and Weibo and WeChat reconstruct the traditional media industry at the information level。People find that the way they obtain information (information aggregation) has changed,In the past, I had to subscribe to newspapers and read them,Including various periodicals, magazines, etc.,Nothing is needed now,PC Or you can do it on your mobile phone;People found that the way they communicated information (information distribution) also changed,Individuals can express their voices through blogs, Weibo and WeChat,No need to submit to newspapers and magazines to be published;Portals and Baidu have taken away a large amount of content resources and advertising resources that originally belonged to traditional media such as print media, television media, etc.,At the same time, the speed of information dissemination between the two parties is also very different。This wave of reconstruction is almost complete,A large number of traditional media practitioners join new media self-media、The closure of a large number of street retail newsagents,And Amazon’s acquisition of the Washington Post, etc. are all evidence。

And the second wave of reconstruction,That’s what’s happening,Procurement for all walks of life、Reconstruction of the supply chain in manufacturing and delivery。You can take a look at all the business activities of a traditional enterprise,Then list them all in order。For example, a restaurant,All its business activities include: store location selection、Store decoration、Menu design、Dish innovation、Ingredients procurement、Accepting and processing orders、Cooking and Processing,And chef waiter recruitment、Service process standardization、Central Kitchen、Branch and franchise、Advertising, marketing, etc.。In these activities,Which parts can be put online?Which parts can only be left offline?Use the Internet,Put the steps that can be put online as much as possible,Omit the steps that can be avoided,Exchange the order of certain steps (chronological order or logical order),In this way, you can start to use the characteristics of the Internet to reconstruct the supply chain of traditional industries。

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Here are three specific examples:

1. Dangdang: Dangdang reconstructs the supply chain of the traditional Xinhua Bookstore model。

For example, a new book, first printing 5000 Volume,After leaving the printing factory,Sold 188bet app download separately to Xinhua Bookstores in various places,Some cities have several Xinhua Bookstores,Some only have one family。How to decide which Xinhua Bookstore will get how many new books?Forecast based on past sales performance。Get a few more copies from stores that did good business in the past,Shops with poor business should take less copies。But even so,There are still two situations that may happen next: 1. A certain Xinhua bookstore has very good sales,Out of stock quickly,Need to transfer goods from another store,It would be easier if there are multiple Xinhua Bookstores in the city,If this is the only one,You have to transfer from other cities。No matter what,Time-consuming and laborious,Increase cost。

Another situation,This new book is unsold in a certain store,Had no choice but to transfer back to the warehouse or transfer to other Xinhua Bookstores。Same,Time-consuming and laborious,Increase cost。It is difficult for ordinary consumers to realize this cost。If only one copy of this book is sold,It lies quietly in a Xinhua Bookstore in Ningbo,What is most likely to happen is: no one in Ningbo wants to buy it,No one outside Ningbo can buy it。Anyway,The supply chain of the traditional Xinhua Bookstore model cannot solve the cost increase problem caused by the above-mentioned low allocation efficiency。But the key is,In the past,Before the Internet,No one thinks that this cost can be saved。

Vice versa,If it is Dangdang,A bookstore without a physical store or management staff,There is no need to send goods in batches and volumes to stores across the country and transfer goods between branches,This saves a lot of cost。At this time,If the same new book is sold on Dangdang.com and only one copy is left,It doesn’t matter,As long as one person across the country still wants to buy,You will definitely still be able to buy this book。Dangdang only increases the cost of distribution,But the total cost is far lower than the total cost of Xinhua Bookstore。This is the key reason why its price is so much cheaper than Xinhua Bookstore。

So everyone can see,In the past, Xinhua Bookstore dominated the bookstores in China,The expansion is very arrogant,The salesperson generally has an arrogant attitude,Anyway, you can only come to my new bookstore to buy books,And you have to buy it at the price on the back cover of the book。Not possible now,Various activities to promote and discount membership cards,The salesperson’s attitude has become amiable,But it still can’t stop the decline,Started to reduce floors and stores,Experiment with diversification, etc.,Relying on government subsidies,Barely making ends meet。

Dangdang is actually an Internet bookstore.

2. Taobao: Taobao reconstructs the traditional retail industry.

Taobao has eliminated the traditional retail aspect of having to have a physical store if you want to sell things to others,Saving store rent and labor costs that have increased in recent years。Even after you have sold your name on Taobao,Let’s go back and open a physical store。This is the reversal of the order of supply chain nodes mentioned earlier,This was difficult to achieve in the past。

Taobao expands the sales scope of traditional retail。A traditional retail store can only sell goods to a limited number of customers within a few kilometers around it,A traditional retail store can only sell goods to a limited number of customers within a few kilometers around it。If you want to sell more products to more people,We need to open more physical stores,Consider the issue of chain stores,For example, self-operated or franchised。This is an additional node in 188bet app the supply chain,But not refactoring。There is no need for these nodes to exist on Taobao,These nodes have been chopped off。Your goods can be sold anywhere in the country where the logistics reaches,People across the country can visit your online store at any time。

Taobao expands traditional retail sales categories。In the past in the era of physical stores,Some unpopular products,No one will open a store specifically to sell it;Or styles that don’t sell well,There is no chance to put it on the shelves。Because if you want to sell these things,Will definitely make ends meet。But on Taobao, the natural sales scope is nationwide,After the number of potential customers increased exponentially,The sales volume achieved is still enough to keep one or even several online stores alive,And they are all living well。For example, after a NetEase editor resigned,Specializes in selling horses with grass and mud prints on Taobao LOGO T-SHIRTS。This product is very niche,But his business is booming far beyond that of clothing stores on some bustling commercial streets。

Taobao is actually an Internet hypermarket.

3. Xiaomi: Xiaomi is restructuring the supply chain of traditional mobile phone manufacturing,And it is the company that has reconstructed the traditional industry the most deeply that I have observed so far。

In the channel link,Xiaomi only uses e-commerce channels,That is, it can only be purchased online,Completely abandoning the traditional mobile phone hypermarket channels in the past,Cut off all these middle layers of agency links,Save a large amount of channel distribution and sales costs。But at the same time,Sales scope has not been reduced,Products can be delivered directly to third, fourth and fifth tier cities。

In marketing,Xiaomi abandons any traditional expensive display advertising,Only do social marketing such as new media and self-media,And focus on cultivating your own forum。The traditional advertising model is extensive,Xiaomi can directly interact with its fans,Marketing is much more precise。Xiaomi’s marketing budget,According to Lei Jun himself,Yes 0。And Huawei,Global smartphone marketing budget in 2012,is 200 million US dollars。

In inventory,Xiaomi is similar to Dell’s “zero inventory” concept in the early years。First order,Production just started。This is essentially reversing the order of supply chain nodes,But in the eyes of the outside world, Xiaomi is always out of stock,Accused of excessive “hungry marketing”。Of course,It is true that part of the reason is that Xiaomi’s order volume exceeded expectations,Insufficient productivity in the factory。But there is one thing we must pay attention to,Hunger marketing (“order first, then produce” or “zero inventory”) is actually a marketing method that can be perfectly mastered in the Internet era。Because only if the manufacturer can directly contact the end user (end user) in the system,Only when the information on both sides is symmetrical enough,Producers can quickly know the demand for a certain product。

If it is the traditional retail era,Playing with hunger marketing,Intentional (unintentional) out of stock,The terminal (convenience store, etc.) will then feed back to the manufacturer (first-level suppliers, second-level suppliers, channel providers, etc.) how many consumers have come to request goods,This chain is too long,If there is a problem with one node, it is easy for the entire network to collapse,Create a bad influence among users,Leave space for competitors to attack。Xiaomi’s so-called open sales (those who grab the invitation code every Friday can place 188bet online sports betting an order on the next Tuesday,But we also need to grab it again on Tuesday),In fact, it allows Xiaomi’s factory to have an accurate estimate of demand,How many orders will there be next Tuesday,And adjust accordingly。Make it so that basically every mobile phone is produced,They all already have owners。This also avoids the traditional mobile phone hypermarket being out of stock or unsalable (remember the supply chain model of Xinhua Bookstore mentioned earlier?) risks and costs。

In the process of product iteration,Xiaomi has also achieved complete Internetization。Updated iteration of Xiaomi hardware and software,No longer just rely on the traditional method of patting the head internally and conducting external questionnaires to survey customers for return visits。Through forums and various social media,Xiaomi can communicate directly with its users、Including between users and users,Open a discussion on Xiaomi’s shortcomings and possible improvements。And for the most senior “rice noodle”,Xiaomi established an “Honorary Engineer Group” for them,New product DEMO,Let these users experience it first,And give feedback,It doesn’t matter that these users may be distributed across the country。Lei Jun’s so-called Xiaomi mobile phone sells a sense of participation,In fact, it is to mobilize the masses to make mobile phones together through the Internet,Let users participate in every aspect of the supply chain (especially product design) as much as possible。This must be left in the past,It’s impossible to achieve。

Xiaomi mobile phone is actually an Internet mobile phone.

2. Reconstruction and Subversion

Through the above three examples, you will find thatAs long as you succeed in restructuring the original industry,You will definitely subvert the previous industry leader,Replace it,This is officially Clayton, a tenured professor at Harvard University Christensen’s Disruptive Innovation。Every wave of reconstruction,These are all subversions of the originally reconstructed industries。

但Yes,Reconstruction itself also has different degrees of reconstruction,A deeper reconstruction will subvert the previous shallow reconstruction。

For example,JD.com starts selling books,It is a subversion of Dangdang to some extent。JD.com’s book supply chain system is roughly the same as that of Dangdang,The only difference is in the last link,That is, the process of finally delivering the book to the consumer,Jingdong uses its own logistics。At this time,Dangdang’s original advantages when facing Xinhua Bookstore are no longer there。Instead,The quality of delivery service is far inferior to JD.com。JD.com 3C Product Startup,The unit price of this type of product is generally more than 1,000 yuan or even 10,000 yuan,It is worthwhile for JD.com to build its own logistics to ensure the safety of the goods during transportation。Sending a few books is a piece of cake with this high-quality delivery system。Looking back at Dangdang,Because the unit price of the book is basically not high,They have always cooperated with third-party logistics for delivery,Resulting in extremely unstable delivery experience。JD.com reconstructs the last link of the book supply chain,Subverted Dangdang again。It shows that Dangdang’s stock price continues to fall,And actually going to open a store on Tmall。

Same,Neither Taobao nor Xiaomi have “completely” reconstructed the supply chains of the traditional retail and mobile phone industries,In the future, there should be companies that achieve deeper restructuring to subvert them,Although it is difficult for us to imagine what such a 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino company would look like。

3. Without reconstruction, there would be no O2O

Said before,Real O2O companies must use the characteristics of the Internet to reconstruct the supply chain of traditional industries。According to this definition,Many so-called down-to-earth O2O Case,Including Huang Taiji Pancakes and Diaoye Beef Brisket,It doesn’t count as O2O 了,Because they only use the Internet for marketing in the entire supply chain,Without “reconstructing” the most basic production and manufacturing processes of pancakes and beef brisket。

Comments、The same applies to coupons and group purchases,Their essence is paid advertising。They are a step further than the simple display ads of previous portals and search engines,Companies that help all walks of life,Especially for companies in the service industry,Combine the characteristics of your own products to do better marketing on the Internet。Merchant’s profit sharing can be regarded as a pay-for-performance advertising method,And the effect can be recorded、Tracked and Predicted。But their essence is still to use the Internet for marketing,It does not reconstruct the basic business activities of these industries to any extent。

This is why,Catering O2O company,For example, online reservation、Order、Checkout、Member Management、Marketing, etc.,Actually, I have always been on the periphery,Never really got into the catering industry。Because they did,Just take out a certain link in the regular business activities of catering companies,I’m just trying to use Internet methods to improve this operational efficiency。But as I said before,An industry like catering that has been developed for thousands of years,In fact, each link itself has been developed sufficiently,If there is no restructuring of the supply chain,Today’s catering industry bosses don’t really take the Internet seriously。Because in the past without the Internet,They can survive well enough。If you can be the icing on the cake,Of course that’s good,But it’s okay without you。This is now dining O2O Dilemma faced: No one can really hit the pain point of providing help in times of need。The giants of the traditional Internet are all watching and gearing up,But there just cannot be a giant company that can match the scale of the trillion-level catering market。

Maybe many people don’t quite agree with my definition of O2O,Think that all kinds of combinations of online and offline can be considered O2O,It doesn’t have to be so “in-depth” to refactor。Here is another criterion for everyone to judge: whether a company is an O2O company,It depends on how to separate the two O,Can it still maintain its original business model?。For example, Meituan,What would it do if there was no Internet?It can inform the whole city of the discount information of a certain movie theater through telemarketing and mail order brochures。This is exactly Dell’s promotion method before the Internet became fully popular。In this case, compared with using the Internet to promote this information,Of course it seems inefficient,The cost will also increase significantly。But Meituan’s main business model is to provide users with large discount information from a large number of merchants,And allow users to use these preferential information to go to the store for consumption,It will not change。

This is similar to KFC I have already used street leaflets and mailing with newspapers and periodicals many years ago,The small coupons that need to be torn off and can only be used in stores are sent to consumers,The marketing principles behind them are so similar。But Dangdang, Taobao, Xiaomi, etc.,No more Internet side,They will not be able to reconstruct the supply chain of traditional industries in the original way,They can only be forced to return to the original 188bet app download Xinhua Bookstore to sell books、The methods of traditional retailers selling goods and traditional mobile phone dealers selling mobile phones have been improved。

Some people may think that O2O It should at least involve an offline consumption process of enjoying services,How come the three examples I mentioned above are all e-commerce cases that focus on the online consumption process?A reality is,It is easier to scale up online sales of standardized physical goods。After you restructure your supply chain,It can also quickly expand the sales scope to the whole country,Because these products can be delivered nationwide。If you need to place an order online,Then go to the industry to enjoy services offline,Basically limited to the local area,One city, one situation,So far, there has been no more eye-catching successful case of restructuring the service industry supply chain,That’s why I can only give the example of Dangdang, Taobao and Xiaomi。But standardized category e-commerce (including Taobao Jingdong No. 1 store, etc.),Have reached their peak。

Many people have also realized it,The next wave of big opportunities will occur in the local service industry。Offline service experience industries,If any supply chain has been successfully reconstructed,This concept also applies to me,Same as O2O 19858_19861。Just like catering,I mentioned it before,Everyone is staring at this area,But no one can do it,Because what they are doing is nothing more than using the Internet to "perfect" the nodes of the existing catering supply chain,Not "refactor"。If you are the first company to truly restructure a service industry,Then you will basically have a very bright future。

Also,Many people mentioned that O2O must have a closed loop,What can you do with a closed loop。My opinion is: close the loop just for the sake of closing the loop,No meaning。Put it under my conceptual framework,If closed loop helps to reconstruct the supply chain,It’s time to close the loop,If it doesn’t help with refactoring,Just throw away this concept。After all,Traditional industries have been in the so-called "closed loop" for thousands of years,Continuously and endlessly,Living well。

Finally,In addition to the two waves of reconstruction mentioned before: reconstruction at the information level and reconstruction at the supply chain level,There should be a third wave of reconstruction in the future,That is, the perfect match achieved by personalized recommendations。In many cases,Offline one-to-one consultation (hospital expert clinic, etc.) accurate and personalized,But unable to measure the scale;At the same time, popular consultation (large class classroom education,Checking medical information on the Internet, etc.) can easily scale up,But it is impossible to achieve precise personalization。There are many areas where this happens,For example, the decision of which high-tech digital product to buy,For example, legal consultation,For example, financial advisor。In the past, only nobles or wealthy people could have private nannies,Health care doctor,Legal Advisor,etc.,Ordinary people may have the opportunity to have these personalized and affordable services。But these all depend on the cloud、The maturity of big data and the Internet of Things,Let’s discuss it in a future article。

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