The service experience and cost-effectiveness of summer domestic travel have been significantly improved,Family-child tour、Main market segments such as summer vacation travel have continued their popularity in the same period last year。
Zhihui 49 days ago
According to relevant rules,The available travel date for the air ticket card is September 26 at the latest,Covering Mid-Autumn Festival holiday,Close to the 188bet app download。
Zhihui 49 days ago
Mafengwo’s “AI Xiaoma” can not only greatly improve the efficiency of users’ travel decision-making,You can also understand travelers better,Tailor-made recommendations based on the needs of different scenarios。
Zhihui 49 days ago
Second Quarter,Meituan’s hotel and travel business order volume increased by more than 60% year-on-year,The number of annual transaction users increased by nearly 35% year-on-year。
Zhihui 49 days ago
Mangrove has put forward the concept of “1+X modern lifestyle” since its establishment in 2005,Committed to creating a cutting-edge and beautiful lifestyle for consumers。
Zhihui 50 days ago
August 23,Ctrip Gourmet’s 2024 overseas list of restaurants on the list was officially released at Marina Bay Sands in Singapore。
Zhihui 50 days ago
Ctrip data display,As of August 26,Air tickets for travel from September to before the Mid-Autumn Festival、Hotels can save an average of 20% to 30% compared to summer vacation。
Zhihui 50 days ago
Combined with the historical heritage of the thousand-year-old city,Huaibei launches special low-altitude 188bet app download route,In the future, we can try to plan low-altitude tourist routes between scenic spots in the city。
Zhihui 50 days ago
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