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Cultural Industry Author of this article: Liu Qihang 2022-05-04 10:16:51
“The most direct reflection of life” is the biggest attraction of Yuanjiacun。
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In a specific context of the times,The countryside is no longer the target of the modernization revolution,On the contrary, it transformed,As human society develops to a certain stage and then reflects on industrial civilization、Even the darling of the times who seeks the place of salvation,The relationship between cultural industry and rural revitalization has become a branch of current cultural industry research.;Xianxue”。

Recent,Six departments including the Ministry of Culture and Tourism jointly initiated the "Opinions on Promoting Cultural Industries to Empower Rural Revitalization" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"),Clear“By 2025,The effective mechanism for the cultural industry to empower rural revitalization has been basically established...Introducing several internationally influential typical examples of cultural industries empowering rural revitalization。”


This is undoubtedly a top-level design promotion of cross-border integration and high-quality development of the cultural industry,Especially an important measure that is organically connected with rural revitalization,To better build rural culture、The economic community points the way,“Cultural Industry Hot”’s footsteps further spread into the texture of rural construction。

Cultural Industry Commentary,The cultural industry’s empowerment of rural revitalization is not so much a movement of industrial renewal and economic transformation,It is better to say that it is a vigorous &ldquo staged across the country in a specific era.;Humanities Experiment”,It belongs to the major cultural issues of China’s rural construction,The launch of the "Opinions" undoubtedly once again made it clear“Leading rural construction with culture”'s cardinal direction。

"Jointly selected by the Social Development Department of the National Development and Reform Commission and the Resource Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism";Typical cases of rural tourism in China”中,Yuanjia Village, Xianyang City, Shaanxi Province was included in the ";Folk culture-based type”Typical case。From the perspective of passenger flow and tourism income,Yuanjiacun’s passenger flow exceeded 7 million in 2019;Under the impact of the new crown epidemic in early 2020,Yuanjia Village’s tourism revenue also remained at around 500 million yuan (the same as in 2019),The per capita income of villagers exceeds 100,000 yuan——“Visit Yuanjia Village for rural tourism”It has become the consensus in the industry。


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Yuanjiacun from“Guanzhong Folk Customs”Start from this starting point,Going through the folk culture tourism period (2007-2010)——“Catering + Travel”Scale outbreak period (2011-2016)——Brand value demonstration period (2017 to present)“Three major development stages”,More than ten years of precipitation finally created its ";188bet app The first rural tourism village”’s status。According to Yuanjiacun Secretary Guo Zhanwu,The next step is for Yuanjiacun to ";Leisure vacation”Transition to a tourist town。


Project initial stage (2007-2010):“The village committee sets up the stage,Cultural singing”

2007 is Yuanjiacun“The first year of development of rural cultural tourism industry”。

Yuanjiacun did not have any expert guidance at first、Expert Planning,Village Committee、In particular, Guo Zhanwu undoubtedly played a key role in the early stages of Yuanjiacun’s cultural and tourism transformation,Yuanjiacun is to some extent the product of Guo Zhanwu’s personal philosophy。

The original business format of Yuanjia Village was the original Guanzhong Folk Old Street,This is the place where I first experienced the impression of Guanzhong。The difficulty of starting a rural cultural tourism project is inevitable,Facing the uncertainty of various markets,“Leader”is essential,Especially in the early days,Gathering popularity and building momentum is more important than revenue。“The village committee sets up the stage,Cultural singing”Is the inevitable path choice in the early stage of the development of Yuanjiacun’s cultural tourism industry。At this time, Yuanjiacun is in the ";Brand initial stage”,“The first folk custom village in Guanzhong”’s brand positioning is derived from the local traditional Guanzhong folk custom,For example, shadow puppet show、New Year pictures、Paper cutting、Weaving, etc.。

Mechanism innovation period (2011-2016): cooperative mechanism and catering industry update

This stage is the "leap-forward development" of Yuanjiacun's cultural tourism industry.;Critical period”,The main innovation points include the innovation of operating mechanisms and the update of cultural tourism formats。

Since 2011,Yuanjiacun explores and establishes“Cooperative mechanism between villagers and merchants”,Create a unified operation platform for village-enterprise cooperation。Essentially,The cooperative here is a benefit-sharing and risk-sharing mechanism based on rural tourism and operational development in Yuanjiacun。It is fundamentally different from the previous development model where enterprises were the main body,The subject here becomes “Villagers”and“Merchant”,This move can mobilize the power of the villagers to the greatest extent,Let villagers truly enjoy the dividends of the development of the cultural tourism industry。

It’s worth noting,When many people think of Yuanjiacun, they equate it with ";A snack street”,But Yuanjiacun’s“Snack Street”It was only built on a large scale in 2011,The purpose is to solve the problem of insufficient food supply and homogeneity of supply caused by the increase in tourists,“Initial project period”(2007-2010) Yuanjia Village does not have ";Snack Street”of。

Due to“Snack Street”The basis is the flow of people,So Yuanjia Village only had a snack street after it received a large number of tourists,Now I am blindly imitating Yuanjiacun、Imitate“Snack Street”,Trying to build one first“Snack Street”Attract tourists,And ignore Yuanjiacun“Snack Street”The strict quality assurance system behind it、Benefit sharing mechanism and last position adjustment mechanism,Undoubtedly putting the cart before 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino the horse,Retrograde behavior。


Brand leading period (2017 to present): from“Selling products”xiang“Selling brands”'s transition

except“Local”Development of cultural tourism industry,In the process of development, Yuanjiacun seems to have always maintained a sense of ";Crisis awareness”,It is always thinking about what can support the sustainable development of Yuanjiacun——Keep“Phases”Updated Principles,Continuously uphold integrity and innovate,Enrich cultural tourism formats。2017,Yuanjiacun brought it up again“Enter the city、Leaving the province”'s“Go out”Strategy,Thus moving towards output“Yuanjiacun Model”’s translocal production stage,Really realized the transition from selling products to selling brands。Actually as early as August 2015,The first&ldquo in Yuanjiacun;Jincheng Store”Opened in Qujiang Yintai, Xi'an,Currently in Xi’an、Xianyang、Baoji has 17 stores in the city。

“A life”: Retention of original culture,Reappearance of rural life

“Reflect life most directly”Is the biggest attraction of Yuanjiacun。

“Authenticity”is particularly important in the process of developing the cultural tourism industry in rural areas,All renovations and project construction should be based on the premise of not damaging the cultural life of local villagers and the overall atmosphere of the village,Strive to avoid the problem of breaking away from the local cultural context and losing the sense of place——“Cultural industry empowers rural revitalization”It’s culture、It is an industry、It’s ecology,But ultimately it’s life。

The countryside is "comparable" to the city;Reinforced Forest”A completely different world,Exactly“Differentiation”’s life experience has become the basic driving force for the development of rural tourism industry。Yuanjia Village develops rural tourism in the village where the original villagers live,I don’t deliberately set up too many check-in attractions,But for tourists,But it reached“Scenery everywhere”17062_17065。

Nowadays, the rural cultural tourism industry or the construction of characteristic towns in many places is following the "";Rehollowing”17066_17069,ie“Remove the indigenous people first——Land acquisition subsidy——Merge villages——Overall planning——Invite investment”,It is often necessary to build hardware facilities first and then attract merchants to settle in,The removal of the aborigines brought the locals“Place of Memory”17297_17300、The tourism industry brings skyrocketing prices,What outsiders see is a dull aesthetic、Standardized and large-scale snack streets and antique buildings——I wanted to go to the countryside to experience the tranquility of nature、The fullness of culture,But fell into another kind of “For Sale”In the noisy market atmosphere as the core,So and so,How to talk about experience?

The important revelation that Yuanjiacun has given us is to retain ";Original flavor”’s local culture,The whole village is a tourist attraction——This is also to avoid following the countryside“Hollowing”After,Aboriginal people have lost their homeland due to tourism development、Losing culture 188bet app has caused the countryside to suffer“Rehollowing”key。

Yuanjia Village is more than just a snack street,It is even more condensed“Farmer Spirit”

Currently,The &ldquo of the development of rural cultural tourism industry;Difficulties”Maybe not“Lack of willingness from the top”,It’s about“The top and bottom cannot be concentric”。Especially when it comes to“Benefit distribution”’s problem is causing many headaches,How to break the top-down“Imperative”The stereotype of loss of enthusiasm caused by development、Fully coordinate the interests among the people,It was Yuanjiacun who served us ";The most important lesson”。

2007,Yuanjia Village creates a farmer entrepreneurship platform、Open a farmer’s school,The purpose is not to train farmers into employees engaged in simple labor,But to train farmers into bosses。If most places develop cultural tourism industry in rural areas,Out of concern for farmers’ comprehensive cultural quality、Some kind of distrust in business capabilities,“Always push farmers down,Then Yuanjia Village is trying its best to lift the farmers to higher places”,Through education、Training fully enhances farmers’ awareness and abilities。

Yuanjiacun passed“Industrialization + Cooperatives”way,Let the villagers of Yuanjia Village solve their own "ldquo;Three Rural Issues”,Behind its commercial success is the organization and integration of farmers’ power。

In order to unite farmers,In the social and cultural reality of rural China,“Leader”’s role is indispensable。The village secretary of Yuanjiacun has always had good mass prestige and political reputation in the local area,Guo Yulu, who has been the village party secretary since 1970,Guo Zhanwu, who took office as village party secretary in 2007,“Father and Son”’s relay has always inherited the influence of the party secretary in the local area,This kind of social capital accumulated in the process of historical development and“Soft power”Unmatched by other villages。

Yuanjiacun adopts ";All the people are soldiers”style participation mode,Behind the cooperative is “Discuss and win-win”'s“Benefit Philosophy”。“Farmers Cooperative”Is a major feature of Yuanjiacun’s operating model,It follows“First market、Later there will be a cooperative”’s operational logic。“It is difficult to make farmers willingly take out money from their pockets,The premise is to let farmers see ";Real money”’s real income。”Yuanjiacun is discovering、On the basis of cultivating and supporting excellent projects,Establishment of farmers' cooperative,includes yogurt cooperative、Vermicelli Cooperative、Vinegar Cooperative、Oil cooperatives, etc.。

For example, the entire snack street is a cooperative。And on the same street,Mahua、Vermicelli became“Internet celebrity snacks”,But some snacks are in poor business,The reason may not lie in the merchant’s poor operating capabilities,But the product itself is not attractive enough,And its products are an indispensable part of the entire Guanzhong folk custom,At this time, the cooperative society will subsidize this part of the merchants,So that it can obtain relatively ideal income,Let them operate here with peace of mind。At the same time,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Because these merchants also have shares in well-run merchants,You can also enjoy its profit dividends,This will not let the villagers“The competition is red-eyed”,How to coordinate the interests of villagers is a more exciting scene behind the prosperity of Yuanjia Village。

Yuanjia Village is passed“Collective Economy”Benefit“Common prosperity”'s model——Here,The development of rural cultural tourism industry is not for individual farmers、Spontaneous behavior,It is a kind of community participation“Community、Condensed“Farmer Spirit”。

The fundamental reason why the cultural industry empowers rural revitalization lies in“The villagers’ endogenous power”’s cultivation,That is, whether villagers participate in the entire process of cultural industry development and rural revitalization as real practice subjects,This is also the beginning of the formation of the countryside.;Blood transfusion”、“Hematopoiesis”To“Activate blood”key。No farmers“Spiritual Community”This“Jingqishen”Provide support,Relying solely on individuals and enterprises'“Out of order”’s solo fight,Rural industrial development and“Economic Community”I’m afraid construction will be difficult“Go real、Go deeper、Go away。”

“Like Yuanjia Village”Not advisable,“Capital going to the countryside”Need to be alert

In recent years,With the promulgation of national rural revitalization documents and policies,Increased support for rural tourism,The rural cultural tourism industry has become a social theme that is talked about and frequently imitated in various places。Everyone wants a piece of rural tourism,If you see something good, imitate it,In the end, most of them got nothing but nothing,Falled into“Built quickly,die quickly”’s vicious cycle,Most of them are local governments“Head is hot”’s industrial impulsive behavior。

for example,A large number of“similar to Yuanjiacun style”’s Folk Village will open around 2016,To a large extent, it was because after seeing the unusual popularity of Yuanjiacun that ";My eyes are open when I see money”,Liquan County alone is filled with three so-called folk culture villages within the small county area。


Take the Donghuang Town built with a cost of 500 million yuan as an example,It is said that it“Snack Street”'s architectural style、The business content is not only related to “Yuanjiacun”The snack street is very similar,Even the distribution of shops is the same:“Yoghurt next to glutinous rice、The glutinous rice next to the spicy food...”From these“Details”It’s not hard to see,Donghuang Town has indeed conducted a detailed "";Research and Study”,But it’s just superficial and ignores the actual situation。These are labeled ";Folk Culture”There is no folk custom in the village of Banner、No culture,Only homogeneous snacks and antique buildings,Now they are all closed or demolished——What is left is the silence after the noise、The dilapidated archway and indifferent villagers。

At the same time,“Spend xx billion”It seems to have become an implicit standard for the construction of rural cultural tourism projects、Becomes a new round of rural cultural tourism industry development or small town construction&188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino ldquo;Funding Competition”。But it is worth mentioning,Yuanjiacun’s start-up capital is only a few hundred thousand yuan,When rural tourism was most popular, the total investment did not exceed 20 million。“Capital does not want to be successful at every step,It’s about reaching the sky in one step”,Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the alienation of rurality by capital。I am not advocating the rejection of capital,The key is how to guide the reasonable flow of capital,Through effective organization、Planning and implementation behaviors fully guide the reasonable allocation of resources。

As Wang Qiao, leader of the Yuanjiacun research group on China’s rural revitalization, said: “Capital going to the countryside may solve agriculture、Problems in rural areas,But it’s hard to solve‘Farmer’20350_20353。”As capital gains become higher and higher,It is easy for farmers to breed“Unbalanced mind”20197_20202,This has led to more and more interest disputes and contradictions,This is the most difficult and troublesome thing for capital investors。

For the vast majority of rural areas in China,Subject to specific regional scale and economic conditions,“Small but refined”’s development model is the appropriate path choice for cultural industry to empower rural revitalization,But be vigilant“Big and comprehensive”’s construction and renovation model,The latter is usually characterized by large-scale demolition and construction and a large-scale influx of capital,The short-term benefits brought by project construction may not be enough to offset the damage to sustainable rural development,And it is easy to cause“The countryside surrenders to capital”Caused“Rurality”Consequences of loss,The scars caused to the countryside are also difficult to heal。


Rural tourism needs to awaken humanistic care,Instead of indulging in the carnival of capital。“I want a house, land, but no people”’s rural tourism development model not only fails to truly benefit farmers,It will also make tourism taste bad,After all, for city dwellers,The real tourist attraction is the countryside full of cultural authenticity and ecological nature。Whether it is cultural industry、Art intervention、Tourism Development,Or any industry empowering rural revitalization,What should not be forgotten is——“People-oriented”,Who are these industries developed for??For whom it is built?For whose benefit it exists?

It is unfriendly to avoid the real subjects (farmers) in rural areas and engage in rural tourism、Incorrect development ideas。This may be“Yuanjiacun Spirit”The inspiration it can bring to us,Far from a snack street、As simple as a few folk products and a few internet celebrity B&Bs。

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This article comes from Cultural Industry Review, and the copyright belongs to the original author. Original title:The cultural industry empowers rural revitalization. Why is Yuanjiacun a typical example?
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